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Position Paper

Name: Benjamin Espinosa L.

Press Agency: BuzzFeed
Slogan: “Reporting to You”
Delegation: Liceo Naval Almirante Guise
“The world needs sustainable, profitable, vibrant content companies staffed by dedicated professionals;
especially content for people that grew up on the web, whose entertainment and news interests are largely
neglected by television and newspapers”. This words, said by our Founder and C.E.O. Jonah Peretti, depict
what our agency’s all about. We look to blow our reader’s minds with amazing content that offers a fresh
understanding of what’s happening around the world and entertains our audience. The leading independent
media company functions from its HQs in New York City and studios in LA, but we count with offices all
around the globe. BuzzFeed’s content is divided into five main sectors. The first one is BuzzFeed Originals,
in which we seek to publish amazing stories and fun quizzes. The second one is BuzzFeed Media Brands,
which comprises a portfolio of identity-driven lifestyle brands such as Tasty (cooking), Nifty (home) or
As/Is (personal care). The third one is BuzzFeed Studios, which focuses on creating material that are
transmitted worldwide on cable, SVOD and other digital platforms. The fourth one is BuzzFeed News,
which is more news-driven, with highly recognized reporting and investigative journalism. And lastly,
BuzzFeed Commerce, the section that oversees product-developing and marketing. We are aware of the
existence of people that categorize us as unreliable, but that’s only the product of attacks against us, such
as Donald Trump calling us a “failing piece of garbage”.
Regarding the committees we look to cover on SSMUN 2021, our focus will be mainly around three
committees. First, we will be reporting live from the International Criminal Police Organization committee
because of its investigative nature, which goes along with the journalism style of BuzzFeed News. We have
covered uncountable criminal cases involving multiple countries in the world, such as the FinCEN Files
case, where we exposed the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the US Department of Treasury as
accomplices in multiple money laundering webs, investigation that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Price.
Second, we will cover the Social, Cultural and Humanitarian committee, since in the past we have shown
a particular interest in cases related to religion and human rights, which is depicted in our Pulitzer Price
winning investigation into the Chinese Government for its massive detention of Muslims in the Xinjiang
region. Finally, we will cover the Economic and Social Council committee, since renewable energy
constitutes three of the main topics we look to cover here at BuzzFeed: science, technology and
environment. Moreover, we published an exposé on an international group of private attorneys that function
as a court to help companies win ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) cases and hence override
environmental law.
Although we are mainly focusing on the INTERPOL, SOCHUM and ECOSOC committees, we look
forward to being present at all SSMUN 2021 committees by taking a little bit of our fun style into the
debate. Our production will be going from regular articles and updates to a more interactive experience.
We will broaden our audience by creating an Instagram account, so that chairs, delegates, Faculty Advisors,
members of the Secretariat and everyone else can enjoy our production. Since we are always hungry of
fresh information, there is no better way of obtaining it rather than from the people who are directly involved
in the action via one-to-one or group interviews, podcasts or press conferences, so the information can be
shared with fellow reporters, and we can get multiple viewpoints on one single event. But we all know and
love BuzzFeed for one reason, its quizzes. We plan to bring our innovative and fun quizzes to the
conference, so delegates can have some fun and release some of the tension they will probably have from
the hard work in committees. This is BuzzFeed News, Reporting to you… now in SSMUN 2021.
About BuzzFeed. (2015). About BuzzFeed.

Jonah Peretti Quote. (2021). A-Z Quotes.

Task Virtual. (2019, September 26). BuzzFeed News Bias and Reliability - Ad Fontes Media. Ad Fontes

Mack, D. (2021, June 11). Pulitzer Prize: BuzzFeed News Wins For China Detention Investigation.
BuzzFeed News; BuzzFeed News.

Buzzfeed. (2021, April 13). Media Bias/Fact Check.

Hamby, C. (2016, August 28). Inside The Global “Club” That Helps Executives Escape Their Crimes.
BuzzFeed News; BuzzFeed News.

Where News Audiences Fit on the Political Spectrum. (2014, October 21). Pew Research Center’s
Journalism Project; Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project.

30 BuzzFeed Headline Tips (You Need to See to Believe). (2020, March 13). Codeless.

Mack, D. (2021, September 3). FinCEN Files Whistleblower Now In Prison. BuzzFeed News; BuzzFeed

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