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Ő (lány) Olaszországból jön/származik. She comes from Italy.

She is from Italy.

Honnan jössz/származol? Where do you come from?
Where are you from?
A legjobb borok egy része Franciaországból Some of the best wines come from France.
származik. Some of the best wines are from France.
Az az idézet Shakespeare-től származik? Does that quote come from Shakespeare?
Is that quote from Shakespeare?
Ő (lány) dörömbölést hallott az emeleti She could hear banging coming from the room
szobából. upstairs.
Honnan lesz pénz a projektre? Where will the money for the project come
egy fiú, akit Adam-nek hívnak a boy (who/that is) called Adam
A legújabb albumuk az „In Rainbows” címet Their latest album is called "In Rainbows".
Hol laksz? Where do you live?
Mi Londonban élünk. We live in London.
Néhány diák az egyetemi campuson lakik. Some students live on the University campus.
Ő (fiú) négy másik emberrel él egy közös házban. He lives with four other people in a shared
„Szia! Hogy hívnak?” „A nevem Diane.” „Hi, what’s your name?” „My name is Diane.”
Kérem, írja a teljes nevét és a lakcímét az Please write your full name and address on the
űrlapra! form.
Mi a neve annak a hegynek a távolban? What's the name of that mountain in the
Az jó név lenne egy kutyának. That would be a good name for a dog.
A tanulók név és származási ország szerint The students were listed by name and by
vannak felsorolva. country of origin.
Ő (lány) brit állampolgárságú. She has British nationality.
Ő (fiú) neki kettős állampolgársága van. He has dual nationality.
Milyen nemzetiségű vagy? What nationality are you?
A Nemzetközi Iskolában 46 különböző At the International School they have pupils of
nemzetiségű diákjuk van. 46 different nationalities.

úr (megszólítás) - Mr

Mr Jones/Mr David Jones

Good afternoon, Mr Dawson.

This package is addressed to Mr Gordon Harper.

We're looking for a Mr George Smith.

kisasszony (megszólítás) - Miss

Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter.

Miss Helena Lewis

... út (címzésben) - Road

142 Park Road

cím (lakcím, postacím, stb.) - address

her business/home address

a change of address

-né, asszony (megszólítás) - Mrs

Mrs Wood/Mrs Jean Wood

Hello, Mrs Grant, how are you today?

Please send your application to the finance director, Mrs Laura Fox.

gyerek - child

gyerekek - children

an eight-year-old child

As a child I didn't eat vegetables.

A small group of children waited outside the door.

Both her children are now married with children of their own.

Jan is married with three young children.

kor, életkor - age

I'd guess she's about my age.

We're the same age.

She was 74 years of age when she wrote her first novel.

He left home at the age of 16.

The show appeals to people of all ages.

fiú - boy

a teenage boy

You've been a very naughty boy!

All right, boys and girls, quiet now!

kicsi, kis, fiatal - little

When you were little your hair was really curly.

She was my little sister and I looked after her.

Her little boy isn't well.

vmennyi idős, vhány éves - old

How old is your father?

Rosie's six years old now.

He's a couple of years older than me.

-ból, -ből - from

"Where are you from?" "I'm from Italy."

I come from Spain.

I wonder who this card is from.

utca - street

142 Ross Street

Diane's house is in Cherrywood Street.

csecsemő, kisbaba - baby

a baby boy/girl

baby clothes

Sandra had a baby on May 29th.

... éves - be ... years old

Her son is six years old.

lány, lánya vkinek, fiatal nő - girl

Two girls showed us round the classrooms.

We have three children - a boy and two girls.

személy - person

He's a very dangerous person.

You're the only person I know at this party.

Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?

A meal at the restaurant costs about £35 per person.

emberek - people

Many people never take any exercise.

We've invited thirty people to our party.

jó vmiben, ért vmihez - good

Kate's a good cook.

She's very good at geography.

He's very good with children.

felnőtt - adult
Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free.

okos, értelmes - clever

Both children were clever.

She was very clever at maths.

öreg, koros, idős - old

an old man

an old house

We're all getting older.

I was shocked by how old he looked.

I'm too old to be out clubbing every night.

That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand times.

fiatal - young

young adults/children

His girlfriend is very young.

Philippa is the youngest person in the family.

Angela is two years younger than Clare.

kis, kicsi, nagyon fiatal - small

Looking after small children can be very tiring.

asszony, nő - woman

a 30-year-old woman

She's a really nice woman.

A woman and two men were arrested on the day after the explosion.
Women first got the vote in Britain in 1918.

férfi - man

a young/tall man

men and women

the man in the green jacket

the men's 400 metres champion

I love you.

Did I tell you about my holiday?

I'm not late, am I?

I'd like a coffee.

If you see Kevin give him my love.

What's Terry up to - I haven't seen him for ages.

We've just got a new cat, but we haven't named him yet.

Where's Kath - have you seen her?

an easy question

an interesting story

an orange

an honour

I bought a shirt and some shoes. The shirt was expensive, but the shoes weren't.

Could you pass the salt, please?

I'll pick you up at the station.

I really enjoyed the book I just read.

Have you seen the Eiffel Tower?

What will happen in the future?

She's travelling round the world.

They live in the north of Spain.

We spent all day at the beach.

Shall we go to the movies this evening?

I must go to the bank.

Don't ask Andrew, he won't know.

There's no need to be frightened - he's a very friendly dog.

She's got a boyfriend.

Someone left an umbrella here yesterday.

Is he a friend of yours?

"Where's my pen?" "You left it by the phone."

The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.

Children who stay away from school do it for different reasons.

I asked my mother if she'd lend me some money, but she said no.

What's that in the corner?

I'd like some of those.

That looks heavy.

If you do that, you'll be sorry.

I don't think you should put up with that.

You can't wear those to a wedding.

You look nice.

I love you.

You're coming tonight, aren't you?

Are you two ready?

You painted that yourself? You clever girl!

Is there one for me?

She gave me some money.

Could you pass me that book?

It wasn't me who offered to go, it was Charlotte.

Lydia is three years younger than me.

Can we all go to the swimming pool this afternoon?

If you don't hurry up we'll be late.

I've known the Browns for years. They're very nice people.

Where are my glasses? They were on the table just now.

She gave us all a present.

Thank you for driving us to the station.

Would you like to have dinner with us next Saturday?

I've lost my keys. I can't find them anywhere.

I liked it in Scotland.

It's unlikely that she'll arrive on time.

It costs less if you travel at the weekend.

Did you know that woman in the post office?

How much are those shoes?

Where's that pen gone?

She lives in that house by the bus station.

Most people don't agree with this decision.

How did you hear about this course?

How much is this sofa?

David gave me these earrings for my birthday.

What did you wear?

What happened after I left?

What caused the accident?

These boxes are heavy.

Which apples would you like, the red ones or these?

Who told you?

Who's that?

Who are all those people?

Who's playing in the match this afternoon?

What time is it?

What books did you buy?

What size shoes do you take?

A child needs love.

Can you ride a bike?

Those peaches look good.

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