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SAMPLING is a method that allow us to get the information about the population from a
subset of population, i.e, sample.
- To draw the conclusion
- To do the analysis.
- Process is less problematic.
Two types of Sampling:
1. Probability
2. Non-probability
Probability  every element of the population having the same chance of being selected.
Gives us the best chance to select the sample.
Probability sampling are of 4 types:
1. Simple random sampling  it is a method of obtaining info of each and every number
of the population. Each individual has equal chance of being selected.
2. Systematic sampling  in a very systematic way at regular interval of time/points. It
has a predefined range. Least time for this technique.
3. Stratified sampling  we divide the population to subgroups and those groups are
called strata. And these subgroups – say what kind of population we are having.
4. Clustered sampling  in a clustered sample, we use the subgroups of the population
as the sampling unit rather than individual. The population is divided into subgroups
called clusters. And a whole cluster is randomly selected.

Non-probability  all the elements do not have the equal chance of being selected while
drawing the population.
Can be biased.
Can’t be the truly representative of the population.
4 types:
1. Convenience sampling depends upon based on their willingness to take part.
2. Quota sampling  in this type of sampling, we choose item based on pre-defined
characteristics of the population.
3. Snowball sampling  there is a significant risk of selection in snowball sampling.
And in this technique, we are choosing the sample based on the previous sample.
(Recommendation kind of).
4. Judgmental sampling  it is also known as selective sampling. It depends upon the
Parameter is the characteristic of population and statistic is the characteristic of sample
Mean Standard proportion
µ Σ P Parameter
x S p^ Statistic

When there is only one group or one population under the study, the hypothesis test
employed is called as one sample hypothesis test.
If the standard deviation of the population, σ, then we are going to use one sample z test.
If the sample standard deviation, s, then one sample t-test.
Z= (x-µ) / σ x  z = (x-µ) / (σ/√ n)
z = (x-µ) / (s/√ n)
X  sample mean
µPopulation mean
s  population standard
n  sample size
example: the mean number of units produced is 70 with a population standard deviation of 5.
The manufacturer samples 25 units with the sample mean as 67. He claims that average no. of
units produced is less than 70. Test the claim of manufacturer at 5% level of significance.
A: Frame the hypothesis
B: which tailed test we need to apply
C: decide whether we need to apply z test or t test
D: define the rejection region based on statistic value.
Ans: µ=70; X = 67; σ =5; N=25
The mean is less than 70  alternative  One left tailed test
The mean is greater than = 70  null
C: Z =
As 5% level of significance 95%level of confidence
D: calculation of z statistic
Z= (67-70)/(5/√ 25) = -3
As the z critical value is -1.645 and z statistic value is -3, it lies in the rejection region. And
hence it rejects null and accepts alternate.
Example: z = (x-µ) / (s/√ n)
The mean number of units produced is 70. The manufacturer samples 25 units with the
sample mean 67 and sd as 5. He claims that the average no. of units produced is less than 70.
Test the claim of the manufacturer at 5% level of significance.
A: Frame the hypothesis
B: which tailed test we need to apply
Ans: the static value is -3 and the critical value is 0.05.

Q: The mean of population is 48. The mean and the standard deviation is, obtained by taking
12 people is 55 and 5, the researcher wishes to test the claim mean in less than equals to 48.
Level of significance is 1%.
A: Frame the hypothesis
B: which tailed test we need to apply
C: decide whether we need to apply z test or t test
D: define the rejection region based on statistic value.
When the data does not relate with the mean value but the one sample proportion test.
Formula  Z = (p-P) /sqrt (P* 1−P )/n
p sample proportion
P  population proportion
n  sample size
Q: The defective rate stated by the manufacturer is 20%. The manufacturer samples 25units
and gets the defective rate of 15%. Test the claim of manufacturer that defective rate is not
20% at 5% level of significance.
A: Frame the hypothesis
B: which tailed test we need to apply
C: decide whether we need to apply z test or t test
D: define the rejection region based on statistic value.
The defective rate =20%  null
The defective rate != 20  alternative
n= 25

(0.15-0.20)/sqrt (0.20* 0.8) / 25

when we are doing the comparison of two groups or population, then it is called as two
sample hypothesis test.
There are two scenarios,
1. When two samples are related  two sample paired test.
2. If two samples are independent  z test or t test.
When two populations are either related or same then paired t test is used.
Formula  t=(d−µd )/¿)
d mean of difference of each pair
sd  standard deviation of diff
µd ¿ ¿ ¿  claimed mean difference

n sample size
example: consider the data of weight loss of 5 samples and the claim is weight loss program
is effective.
Before After D= after-before
68 67 -1
70 65 -5
58 59 1
60 57 -3
72 67 -5

From the above question, it implies that the weight after < weight before.
Or we can say that, weight after – weight before < 0
d = weight after – weight before
d is less than 0  alternative
d greater than = 0  null
µd = 0
t=(d−µd )/¿)

t = -2.6-0 / 2.61/√ 5
t-stat = -2.2275
t critical = 2.132
falls in rejection region

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