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Een huis regelen

Sociale huur – Social rent

Woningbouwvereniging – Housing association where you can register if

you are looking for a rental home

Woningcorporatie – Housing association where you can register if you are

looking for a rental home

Wachtlijst – Waiting list

Urgentieverklaring – Declaration of urgency (in case you are waiting for a

house in social rent)

Vrije sector – Rental houses that are not social rent

Huisbaas - Landlord

Makelaar - Realtor

Huurcontract – Rental contract

Huurder - Tenant


Opzegtermijn – Notice period

Belastingdienst – Tax authority

Huurtoeslag – Rent allowance; money people with low income can get
back from the tax authority

Hypotheek - Mortgage


Belastingaangifte – Tax return

Hypotheekrenteaftrek – Interest deduction; deducting the rent you pay on

your mortgage from your income when doing your tax return

Verzekeringen – Insurances

Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering – Liability insurance

Inboedelverzekering – Home insurance

Energie en communicatie
Energiebedrijf – Energy company

Meterstand – Meter reading (of gas, electricity, water)

Energierekening – Energy bill

Termijnbedrag – Monthly amount that needs to be paid for energy in your


Jaarrekening – Annual bill for energy in your house

Duurzame energie – Sustainable energy

Nederlandse publieke omroep (NPO) – Dutch public broadcaster

Overheid – Government

Abonnement – Subscription

Storing – Technical issue (mostly concerning electricity)

Onderhoud en woonomgeving
Glasbak – Glass container

Papierbak – Paper container

Groene container – Container for vegetables, fruit and garden waste

Groente, fruit, tuin (GFT) container - Container for vegetables, fruit and
garden waste

Plasticbak – Plastic container

Chemisch afval – Chemical waste

Klein chemisch afval – Waste disposal for all types of small chemical waste
(batteries, paint etc.)

Belasting - Tax

Ontheffing – Exemption

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