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a vii) od a : FIG OISPEY ar Kadel Predeahita ,(40184543 ws Metro west Detertion center ee t3850 me HR street .* Doral, FL. 33878° December 06 22022 YB Honora ble Tuage Alberto Middion : z Tsel NW, 12” Sbyect veom 9000 26:9 309 Hiomi, FL. 33128 2 8° Sir, Lam siting this Letter, in good faith ond certify, thal Tam in sorpd mind, to attest my pars at yecieving a fair trial, Unde letide. statutes 2021, title Chapter 33: ( Tudges General Provisions 38.10, Deaoalipication | Fudge). " On the grounds of impartiatily; due ty Florida awh of imine Procedere» Andi in goods fos pg application, affidavits, conft ich gfinberst, ete. Ay argiments ave as Joos: “That! my Jeors are clearly documented jn transcrip’ rom an “Arthoy Hearing’, on September 3S 2021, on my beha Chle of Judicial Conduct Jor the Sfate of Florida *Canon 4 Grounds: The intensity /integn'ty and Independence was clearly compromised ‘khén the Judge went against the Substantial evidence that was brought I jore hin. (Page 4 of 3) * Canon 2 Grounds: The Sudge’s remarks te prosecition to ehhance my charge toa first degree, when the over ichelming video, photographic image and the eyewitness” accounts, point to o Geay case of *Se0f defense? * Conon 3 Grounds: The Tudge obviously, showing biased, when malting, the enhancement remark and other remarks ff the tikes, due to evidence presented to him by the Prosecution and dlisyegarding the Ce choos god actaal proof Ghowlny a clear * Stand your Grovad” case Also, my diendilligence has, been violtel due to my being 1, custody” Since, Angus! 16% 2019 op té the “date showin onthe opening, eta ding a total of forty Months. * Conon 4 Grounds: This Tudge has desired a denial of tie imprvement of he Lowe duc to 4evidence being ignbred and thig Tudge’> ressuring on Several occasions fora ral, that will paste State pe ls, 2nd exhausting the vesources that can %e allocated to other matters. Florida Roles of Criminal ocedvre (Poge 2 of 3) Rule 3.240 Change of Venve yvounds ? lears axe documented ang Z humbly request fay desire far a change of Verve, ‘te be granted, de fe the “Arthur Hesring dranscripts, ere The Judge's bias, is ev) These, same tronseripts haye been Yegues! el b sy my defense voy chuses Yo no aveib te the day “op Tis as ide 2022 chosing, I do feor that my 6* Amendment BOA® veilbe Violated if my Trial was to be présided by this Judge ave’ to a. inmense amount of prejudice being exhibited on his Gebuéf. Zo corti, thet the abo mentioned Ww s Ui LEP Cp sound minke? @ BPW), Sincerely pe Kadel Piedyahita HOI5Y 54S (Page 3 of 3)

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