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_ US005291385A

United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,291,385

Vinciarelli [45] Date of Patent: Mar. 1, 1994

[54] ZERO-CURRENT SWITCHING FORWARD unidirectional conducting device and a circuit consist
POWER CONVERTER OPERATING IN ing of a switch in series with a dissipative element are
DAMPED REVERSE BOOST MODE connected across the energy transfer capacitor in the
[75] Inventor: Patrizio vinciarew, Boston, Mass output circuit of the converter. The switch is turned off
_ _ _ at the beginning of an energy transfer cycle and is
[73] Asslgnee: VLT Cowman“, San Amomo’ Tex‘ turned on when the voltage across the energy transfer
[21] Appl, No,: 862,490 capacitor returns to zero. At relatively high values of
load, current ?owing in the converter output inductor
[22] PM’ AP" 2’ 1992 in the direction of the 10m will be bypassed around the
[51] Int. Cl.5 . . . . . . . . . . .. H02M 3/335 energy transfer capacitor by the unidirectional conduct
[52] US. Cl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 363/20; 363/21 ing device and converter operation will be the same as
[58] Field of Search ........................... .. 363/21, 28, 20; a prior art zero-current switching forward converter.
HOZM 3/ 335 At low values of load, however, where current reversal
[56] References Cited may occur in the output inductor, the dissipative ele
ment will serve to damp the time varying response of
Us‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS the capacitor to the reverse flow of current in the out
4,415,959 11/1983 Vinciarelli .......................... .. 363/21 put inductor and the variation of the voltage across the
4,831,507 5/1989 cone)’ 61 a1- - - - ' - - - - - t - ~ -- 363/21 capacitor will be smooth and predictable. The value of
5,235,502 8/1993 Vinciarelli 6! al. ................. .. 363/20 the dissipative element is chosen SO that the circuit
FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS formed by the dissipative element, capacitor and output
inductor is approximately critically damped. In this way
23:85:22 the frequency variation of the converter with variations
2608857 6/1988 France . in load is reduced, the output ripple of the converter is
_ _ _ _ reduced and discontinuous operating modes are
Primary Examiner-William H. Beha, Jr. avoided
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Fish & Richardson
In a zero-current switching forward converter both a 16 Claims, 17 Drawing Sheets

lm 14 I1 16 IOUT L
' ( pi’ - - *mnj -
22° 21° — -- 20° +
12 3*
Rd ‘I- Co ‘I
VIN N1 N2 _ C I 204 | LQAD
252 l Pour Vour
2s ‘*1 I R0 I
Pm i | L. __ _ 202 _.
‘ c . I -

———— cmcuns L — - CONTROLLER

16 1221 L 214

c 270 25°
US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 5 of 17 5,291,385

OPEN “I 1'0 tInTe
FIG. 48

FIG. 40



- FIG. 4E
US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 6 of 17 5,291,385
US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 9 of 17 5,291,385

US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 15 of 17 5,291,385

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FIG. 10A

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FIG. 10B
US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 16 of 17 5,291,385


US. Patent Mar. 1, 1994 Sheet 17 of 17 5,291,385

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m ADm EOhSumZw hmw

1 2
times, in synchronism with the opening and closing of
ZERO-CURRENT SWITCHING FORWARD the ?rst switch, the amount of forward energy trans
POWER CONVERTER OPERATING IN DAMPED ferred during a converter operating cycle may be con
REVERSE BOOST MODE trolled on a cycle-by-cycle basis. In one operating
mode, referred to as reverse boost mode, the energy
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION transferred during each operating cycle is reduced (rel
This invention relates to zero-current switching, for ative to the energy which would be transferred in a
ward power conversion. zero-current switching converter without the bidirec
One such power converter (e.g., the one described in tional switch) as load is reduced. As a result, as load is
Vinciarelli, US. Pat. No. 4,415,959, issued Nov. 15, reduced, a converter operating in the reverse boost
1983, assigned to the same assignee as this application, mode must produce more energy transfer cycles than an
incorporated herein by reference) transfers energy from unboosted converter in order to deliver the same
a voltage source for delivery to a load using a trans amount of power to the load. Thus, the minimum oper
former that has a controlled amount of effective second ating frequency of a converter operating in reverse
ary leakage inductance (e.g., a leakage reactance trans boost mode is higher than the minimum operating fre
former). On the source side of the transformer, a ?rst quency of an unboosted converter, and the variation in
switch is connected in series with the source and the operating frequency with load is reduced.
primary winding of the transformer. The ?rst switch
connects the source to and disconnects it from the pri SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
mary winding in a succession of energy transfer cycles. The invention adds a damping resistor in series with
On the load side of the transformer, a ?rst unidirectional the load-side switch in a zero-current switching for
conducting device and a capacitor are connected in ward converter of the kind which has been con?gured
series with the secondary winding. The capacitor and to operate in a reverse boost mode. By limiting and
the effective leakage inductance de?ne a characteristic reducing the peak value of the reverse current which
time scale for the cycling of the ?rst switch such that can ?ow in the load-side switch during the reverse
the ?rst switch is cycled on and off at times when the boost mode of operation (i.e., as the converter output
current in the effective leakage inductance and the ?rst load is reduced), the damping resistor effects a reduc
unidirectional conducting device are essentially zero. tion in the converter’s peak-to-peak output ripple volt
The ?rst unidirectional conducting device constrains age. This is accomplished without sacri?cing the key
current flow in the effective leakage inductance to be
bene?ts of the reverse boost operating mode: reduction
directed only in the direction of the load, thereby pre
venting bidirectional energy ?ow (resonance) from in the operating frequency range of the converter and
occurring between the effective leakage inductance and effective elimination of “discontinuous” modes of oper
the capacitor. Energy is transferred to the load via a ation at low values of load.
second inductor whose value is large in comparison Thus, in general, in one aspect, the invention features
with the effective leakage inductance. This second in a zero-current switching forward converter circuit for
ductor effectively appears as a current sinking load delivering power to a load. The converter topology
across the capacitor. A second unidirectional conduct includes a power source and a power transformer in
ing device connected in parallel with the capacitor cluding primary and secondary windings and having an
prevents charging of the capacitor when the capacitor effective secondary leakage inductance L2e. A ?rst
voltage returns to zero and current ?owing in the sec switching device is connected to couple the power
ond inductor is in the direction of the load. In the topol source across the primary winding of the transformer.
ogy so described, the parameters of the circuit elements A ?rst unidirectional conducting device is connected in
and the requirement of zero-current switching constrain series with the secondary winding and oriented to con
the converter to unidirectionally transfer an essentially 45 duct during conduction by the ?rst switching device. A
?xed amount of energy during every energy transfer capacitor of capacitance C is connected in series with
cycle. Because the output power is the product of that the secondary winding and the ?rst unidirectional con
?xed amount of energy multiplied by the frequency of ducting device. An inductor of inductance L0 is con
occurrence of the energy transfer cycles, maintaining an nected in series between the capacitor and the load to
essentially ?xed load voltage as the converter load is deliver power to the load. Circuit means are connected
varied requires that the frequency of occurrence of the on the secondary side of the transformer for preventing
energy transfer cycles be varied essentially in propor~ charging of the capacitor when voltage across the ca
tion to the converter load. As a result, the operating pacitor returns essentially to zero and when current in
frequency (i.e., the rate of occurrence of energy transfer the inductor is flowing in the direction of the load. A
cycles) of such a converter will tend to vary widely as second switching device is connected on the secondary
load is varied. side of the transformer, and damping means are pro
One way of reducing the operating frequency range vided for damping a resonant circuit formed by the
of a zero-current switching forward converter is dis inductor and the capacitor at times when the second
closed in Vinciarelli, “Zero-Current Switching For switching device is closed and the current in the induc
ward Power Conversion With Controllable Energy tor is flowing in a direction away from the load. The
Transfer”, US. patent application Ser. No. 07/799,675, damping means includes a dissipative element con
?led Nov. 21, 1991, now abandoned (incorporated nected on the secondary side of the transformer. A
herein by reference). In the converter circuit disclosed controller is provided with means for closing and open
therein, the second unidirectional conducting device is ing the ?rst switching device to transfer power from the
replaced with a bidirectional load-side switch (or a 65 power source via the effective leakage inductance of
second unidirectional switch is placed in parallel with the transformer to charge the capacitance during an
the second unidirectional conducting device). By open energy transfer cycle having a characteristic time scale
ing and closing the bidirectional switch at appropriate of pi*sqrt(L2e"C). The controller causes the ?rst
3 4
switching device to open at times when current in the FIG. 5 shows the effect of different negative values of
secondary winding is substantially zero, and includes output current at the initiation of an energy transfer
second means for opening and closing the second cycle on the waveforms of converter forward current
switching device to selectively govern the amount of during the reverse boost mode of operation in the con
energy transferred during the energy transfer cycle. 5 verter of FIG. 2.
Embodiments of the invention include the following FIG. 6 shows the effect of different negative values of
features. The dissipative element comprises a damping output current at the initiation of an energy transfer
resistor having a value between i‘sqrt (Lo/C) ohms cycle on forward charge transferred by the converter of
and sqrt(Lo/C) ohms (preferably essentially equal to FIG. 2 during the reverse boost mode of operation.
§"sqrt(Lo/C) ohms, which value corresponds to the FIG. 7 is a schematic of an embodiment of a zero-cur
critically damped case). rent switching converter according to the present in
In some in embodiments, the dissipative element is a vention which includes a damping resistor.
?xed value resistor; in other embodiments it is a positive FIGS. 8A-D and 9A-C show current and voltage
temperature coefficient thermistor. waveforms useful in describing the damped reverse
In some embodiments, the second means for opening boost mode of operation of the converter of FIG. 7.
and closing the second switching device comprises FIG. 10A shows an embodiment of the second
means for detecting closure of the ?rst switching de switching device of FIG. 7 using a ?eld effect transis
vice, and means for opening the second switching de tor.
vice at substantially the same time that the ?rst switch FIG. 108 shows another embodiment of the second
ing device is closed. In some embodiments, the second switching device of FIG. 7.
means for opening and closing the second switching FIG. 11 shows one way of turning the second switch
device further comprises means for detecting the volt ing device of FIG. 7 on and off in a damped reverse
age across the capacitor and means for closing the sec boost mode of operation.
ond switching device when the voltage across the ca FIG. 12 shows one way of controlling the ?rst
pacitor is substantially zero. 25 switching device in the converter of FIG. 7.
In some embodiments, the circuit means comprises a The underlying circuit topology of the present inven
second unidirectional conducting device connected tion is discussed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,415,959, and is shown
across the capacitor, and the second switching device in schematic form in FIG. 1A and in equivalent circuit
and dissipative element form a series circuit which is form in FIG. 1B. In converter 110 of FIG. 1B, power is
connected across the capacitor. In some embodiments, transferred from a transformed input source 112 of volt
the second switching device comprises a switch capable age Veq (of approximate value Veq=Vin"‘(N2/N1),
of unidirectional conduction when closed, and the sec where N2 and N1 are the number of turns on the sec
ond switching device and the second unidirectional ondary and primary windings of the leakage reactance
conducting device are oriented to conduct in opposite transformer 14, respectively) to a load whose voltage is
directions. 35 regulated to be at a value Vout. As explained in Appen~
In some embodiments, the second switching device is dices I and II (all Appendices are set forth below and
a ?eld effect transistor; in other embodiments it is a are incorporated by reference) the effects of the second
bipolar transistor. unidirectional conducting device 18 on converter oper
In general, in another aspect, the invention also in~ ation are: (a) to constrain the average value of the cur
cludes a method for controlling the converter circuit in rent I2 to positive values in the direction of the arrow,
a damped reverse boost mode by closing the second thereby limiting the converter to operation only in a
switching device when the voltage across the capacitor “buck” mode; and (b) to make converter operating
is substantially zero to minimize oscillations in the volt frequency essentially proportional to load. As also ex
age across the capacitor in response to reverse current plained in Appendix III, the converter of FIGS. 1A-B
flow in the inductor. 45 incorporates no mechanism for controlling the effects
In preferred embodiments of the method, the second of reverse energy transfer from the load to the capaci~
switching device is opened at substantially the same tor, as will occur at low values of load when current in
time that the ?rst switching device is closed. the second inductor reverses during an operating cycle.
Other advantages and features will become apparent Referring to FIG. 2A, in a modi?ed zero-current
from the following description of the preferred embodi switching power converter 50 (of the kind described in
ments, and from the claims. Vinciarelli, “Zero-Current Switching Forward Power
Conversion With Controllable Energy Transfer”, U.S.
patent application Ser. No. 07/799,675), a second
We ?rst briefly describe the drawings. switch 28, capable of bidirectional conduction, is substi
FIG. 1A is a schematic of a prior art zero-current tuted for the second unidirectional conducting device
switching forward converter. 18 of FIG. 1A. Second switch 28 is cycled on and off by
FIG. 1B is an equivalent circuit of the converter of controller 32 which may, with control circuit 22, be
FIG. 1A. part of a single controller. A ?rst unidirectional con
FIG. 2A is a schematic of an embodiment of a zero ducting device 16 and a capacitor 20 are connected in
current switching forward converter which includes series with the secondary winding of leakage reactance
circuits for operating in a reverse boost mode. transformer 14. The second switch 28 is connected
FIG. 2B is an equivalent circuit of the converter of across the capacitor 20. A second inductor 24 is con
FIG. 2A. nected in series between the capacitor 20 and the load.
FIG. 3 shows a portion of an alternate embodiment of One implementation of a second switch, useful in a
the zero-current switching converter of FIG. 2. 65 converter of the kind shown in FIG. 2, is shown in FIG.
FIGS. 4A-E show current and voltage waveforms 3 and described in Appendix IV. In the equivalent cir
useful in describing the reverse boost mode of operation cuit schematic FIG. 2B, the salient characteristics and
of the converter circuit schematically shown in FIG. 2. effects of the leakage reactance transformer of FIG. 2A

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