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“My Body”

1st grade

● Learning Outcomes

LO1. Understand texts read by an adult or in a short and simple audiovisual format, such
as rhymes and chants; songs; stories; dialogues.
LO4. Listen to oral texts and apply strategies to support comprehension; for example:
make predictions, make connections with prior knowledge, match text with images, and
focus attention on keywords.
LO5. React to what has been heard, establishing relationships with personal experiences
and/or expressing preferences, feelings, or opinions, through drawings and
representations (figures); mimes and actions; dramatizations; written words or phrases.
LO7. Read and demonstrate comprehension of texts related to familiar topics or other
subjects -school, wild animals, parts of the house and furniture, geometric figures,
occupations, places in the city, food, celebrations (Easter)-, and with the following
functions: follow and give instructions; introduce yourself and others; express ability,
feelings, possession, and quantities up to twenty; describe animals and objects in a
place; describe actions that happen at the moment of speaking; request and give
information about occupations, food, and location of people and objects.
LO10. Play very short and simple chants, rhymes, and dialogues to become familiar with
the sounds of English: identify the sounds /w/, /th/ in particular, and /s/-/z/ in particular.
LO12. Express yourself orally with the support of the teacher to share personal
information; express ability and quantities up to twenty; identify and describe animals,
food, occupations, and places (at school); express prohibition; request and give
information about food and location of objects; describe actions that occur while
LO13. Write (for example copy or complete) words and simple sentences according to a
pattern, about familiar topics or other subjects.

Unit 4: Body Parts

4th class

The class begins with the observation of images through a Powerpoint presentation which is
used to remember the vocabulary learned in previous classes. During the class students must
pronounce the words out loud and associate the image with their name. The teacher performs
a game called "Simon Says" in which the children touch and move the parts of the body,
"Simon says, touch your nose, Simon says, move your arms..." during the game the children
the words out loud. body parts. Then, the teacher asks his students if they brought the
materials requested from the previous class, which are "Kraft paper and
pencil" the students must leave the classroom to the playground and put the kraft paper on the
floor, and the children should lie on top of the kraft paper. Then, they must ask a classmate to
draw their silhouette, and when they draw their silhouette they must color, paint and draw their
body. When everyone is ready, they will return to the classroom, and to finish the activity,
some children will present the parts of their body, and the other classmates who cannot exhibit
it will be able to do so in the next class.
Evaluation Guideline

Name: ___________________________________________.

Class: _____________________________________________.

Evaluation criteria

Consolidated: the criterion is developed very well. No errors or omissions are evident.
Great: the criterion is developed adequately but with some shortcomings.
In progress: the criterion is not presented or is insufficiently developed.

Category Consolidated Great In progress


Following directions and instructions

Following the instructions of the class// Sigue las
instrucciones de la clase
Remembering the content // Recuerda el contenido de
Oral performance
Student’s pronunciation is accurate, producing
phonemes according to the L2 (vowels and consonants)
considering the sounds seen during the class /
La pronunciación del estudiante es adecuada al
pronunciar el vocabulario en un L2.
Motivation and Participation
Demostrate many participatory and motivating
elements/ Muestra muchos elementos participativos y


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