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Grade 10 GP: Migration and Refugees

The teacher should show this video to the class:

ooAi4&t=4s&ab_channel=TheGuardian When it is finished answer the following questions.

What did you find most surprising about Rania’s journey?

Refugees become very vulnerable victims of scammers and smugglers who often take advantage of their

Which part of her journey do you think was the hardest?

Living in tents and bare minimum conditions for prolonged periods of time while the border for crossing
to Macedonia is shut. Besides having to cross rivers, they are being beat by police forces in Macedonia.
In general, the hardest part of the journey was crossing to Macedonia.

Why do you think it was so hard for her to migrate away from Syria?

Read this article:

Denmark opens its arms to Ukrainians, while trying to send Syrian refugees home | CNN

Why do you think countries like Denmark were so open to Ukrainian Refugees and not Syrian Refugees?
Do you think they were right or wrong in doing so? Explain why?

Do you think countries should accept more refugees and migrants? Explain why or why not.

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