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| a ERS ‘PROPHECY (— / i ] [ y CONTENTS Introduction. " 1 Lair of the Beast.. rks. Space Wolves, An Epic Duel. Kunin’ and Brutal. Datasheets. Feral Destinies Space Wolves Datasheets. Ragnar Blackmane. Infiltrators Incursors. Savage Hues ofthe Storm. Orks Datasheets ‘Ghazghkull Thraka. Makati Big Mek in Mega Armour. Meganobz. Nobz Glyphs of Violence Game Rules & Missions.. Echoes of War: Getting the Scent Echoes of War: Opportunity Strikes. Echoes of War: To Catch a Wolf Points Values .. eae PRODUCED BY GAMES WORKSHOP IN NOTTINGHAM With thanks to the Mournival and the Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services. ‘Warae 48.0 Propey Wl © Copyright Games Werks Limited 23, Waharme 4000; Prop the Wal GW, Games Washo pase Muon 4 Warmer Wishart 000 he ls Dea heed Ege ae cores soca areas tr 8 Deptt pba yb pda ered eal eine yaya ct Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2S, ‘ INTROOUCTION In Prophecy of the Wolf, two forces battle through the scrap-covered hive cities of Krongar. As Ghazghkull ‘Thraka and his Orks seek to establish the world asa base for further devastating attacks, the Space Wolves led by Ragnar Blackmane deploy to terminate the mighty greenskin Warlord for good, Krongar isan Imperial world no more. Devastated by a massive Ork invasion, is once majestic hive cities ar now batle-scarred ruins, stil ringing tothe sound of war a the Orks compete over loot or brawl amongst themselves through a constant desite for violence. The planet isan anarchic hell, lying atthe heat ofa region infested with Orks. More pour in each day, marauding and pillaging in an ever-expanding number of systems, the area with the Waaag by Orks hungry for the riot of battle tribes and warbands of (Orksis none other than Ghazghkull Thraka, the huge draven together more hordes of his 1 any before him, From Krongar, Ghazghkll has turned his Orkish ause of destruction on an unprecedented scale his cunning to the armies spreading to topple entite sub-sectors while yet more greenskins flood to his swelling power. As the Orks numbers grow, one ofthe Imperiumis greatest heroes, the Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane, seeks out the Warlord and aims to halt the greenskin advance Thraka hi by executi I Warriors ofa ferocious Chapter of Adeptus Astartes, Ragnar and his Space Wolves are peerless hunters and genetically augmented super-soldiers. They know no fear and have vowed to administer the Emperor’ wrath This boxed set contains two armies that ae potent forces fn the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000. There is alot of fun to be had in assembling and painting your force even before a single dice is rolled. Within this bookl you will ind example colour schemes, but you are free to paint your miniatures however you choose, to make any self-respecting Ork or son cof Russ! After playing through the missions in this book witha friend, you will havea good understanding of how each force works, and pethaps an idea of what you ‘want to add to your collection next. To discover more about the Warhammer 40,000 ‘hobby, visit The we contains a wealth of resources, including the free core painting guides, faction introductions, gaming eo er os ‘"Why're we ere?! Ask ‘me again, Zogger, an’ I'll rip yer uvver arm off! We're ere cos I says so, dat’s wot. Dere’s sumfing big comin, and we're ‘not missin’ out. Dis ‘ere’s where da biggest ‘and baddest Orks in da ‘ooniverse are. Dere’s ‘gonna be fings to krump, fings to shoot, and fings to krump and shoot ~ even by one-armed loonies like you, Zogger!” Kaptin Zagruk Riptoof, discussing the approach to Krongar with his crew space known to the Orks as LAIR oT BEAST Cut off from ‘Terra by the Cicatrix Maledictum - the galaxy-spanning rent in ‘ork’s Grin - the world of Krongar was changing. Amidst the barbarous anarchy of millions of Orks,a filthy accretion of scrap. cities, deafening workshops and gargantuan war engines choked the planet. Located in the Skarskell Sub-sector, Krongar had been a hive world ofthe Imperium, its inhabitants crammed into the towering cities that rose almost a mile above the dry desert plains. Connecting the hve cities and sprawling industrial complexes were mass transit-ways and ‘outlying hab-stations, defended by teeming militias, Yet these troops counted for naught in the face of the Ork invasion that fell upon Krongar in the wake of the Great Rift opening. Wave after wave of ‘Orks perished to the defenders’ guns, but they were merely the spray on a tidal wave of xenos brutality that crushed Krongar’s militias and swept away thos civilians who failed to escape The planets survivors sent desperate pleas for aid through the warp. Even had these messages nat been scattered by the roiling warp storms, no relief would have from neighbouring systems. The entire sub-sector had become a magnet for every Ork war fleet in the region, and Krongar was just one world amongst many to suffer the same fate, Now Krongar seethed with Orks. Is hive cities still bore the scars of battle, from scorched ruins to immense craters, and the shattered remains were befouled with sheets of crude metal daubed with (Ork glyphs and g Dust and sand blew in from the desert, and with the cites filtration units long since destroyed, it silted every courtyard ish tribal markings. seeping into enclosed spaces and slowly reclaiming the hive cities. he wrecked vehicles of both sides were broken up and repurposed to reinforce and crenellate every available structure. Entire hive cities were turned into armoured piles of junk, looming over the plains lke bloated scrapheaps, Palaces and hab-complexes became m. shaks and mek-cities. Across the planet, ‘workshops sprang up in the mangled remains of industrial plazas, their choking depths churning out w and engines of war by the thousand, Mad Dok Grotsniks own warband claimed pons afew cubie miles ofa former industrial spire to be his personal laboratory, its previous greenskin occupiers vanishing without trace. The insane medal ippeared st work surgery and bionics then di inside, raving about his Dozens of Ork warbands came and went on Krongar every day the planet's orbit thick with ugly, blunt-prowed incoming brought the loot and spoils of their conquests and exchanged br and threats with departing Orks. On the surface of Krongar, the riot and carnage cof warring factions had not ceased simply because the Imperius forces were defeated, Every newly arrived warband landed on the planet spoiling fora fight Especially belligerent warbands of Goff and Snakebite Orks were enraged to find Krongars human population already defeated, and vented their anger by fighting any warbands they came across, before being beaten into line. Then a new hierarchy would form, lasting onl until the next arrivals picked a fight Me the losers often crashing in fireballs, destroying the prized wagons of other mobs and sparking retributive violence while, mobs of Evil Sune turned the nsit-ways into death race drag strips, ed More (Orks poured into the sub-sector, their Destruction and anarchy re aggression and manic enthusiasm swelling as their numbers and conquests ‘grew, Like Krongar, mi y ather worlds ly as staging points for more distant raids, the Orks uninterested in maintaining any permanent settlements Yet one thing made Krongar unique. At the centre of the Ork invasions on this world was Ghazghkull Thraka, the mightiest of all Goff Warlords and Prophet of the Waaagh! Some of those Orks drawn to Krongar knew of Ghazghkcll’s reputation as the most dangerous and successful Warlord could give those who followed him the biggest fights against the mightiest foes, Others were called by some primal urge, drawn to Ghazghkull asthe lodestone a the heart ofa raging green vortex of inescapable povier. It was a matter ‘of base instinct - this was where ‘Around the Skarskell Sub-sector, Adeptus Astates strike forces of the Space Wolves Chapter fought to drive back the hordes of Orks, intercepting their raiding fleets and The disordered Ork raids showed no pattern to their attacks. Yet Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackman had followed the strands ofa prophecy revealed to him on the Space ern and fate had led him to Krongar. _astropathic message ta his Great There, he chanced upon the greatest. Company outlining his quest, prey ofall Ragnar sent a final before seemingly vanishing. WARBANDS, TRIBES AND CLANS “The anarchic nature ofthe Orks means that their military groupings ‘often change, but they are always ruled by the application of martial power usually expressed as punch tothe face, A warband is the ‘usial Ork army, but the term covers everything from a handful of mobs to many hundreds of fierce greenskins. Several warbands make up a tribe, which is led by the biggest and most powerful Ork, the Warboss, Each warband is ruled by its own Warboss or any especially violent (Ork, while monstrous Warlords are so powerful their brutal command is heeded by many tribes. All Orks belong to tribe, but most also belong to clan - a permanent social grouping of like-minded fighters ‘often marked out by the colours and crude glyphs they display on their bodies and vehicles. The Evil Sunz Clan, for instance, are speed: ‘obsessed lunatics pushing their roaring trukks and bikes beyond safe limits, Orks of the Snakebites Clan, meanwhile are tough, near-feral traditionalists who excel in the breeding of ferocious beasts of al sies, “The Goff Clan are violent, brutally direct warriors who consider ‘themselves to be the Orkiest of Orks. The glyphs they use are simple images of bull horns and tusks. While many Goff Warbosses entrust ‘an especially tough Ork with their banner of glyphs and trophies, ‘Ghanghlall Thraka was known to use an especially lucky Gretchin named Makari, though more asa favoured pet. The original Makari ‘met a grisly end, but many grots since have carried the huge Warlords banner, all blithely called Makari by Ghazghkull rarbands preyin rears * Befouling every segmentum of the galaxy, Orks are barbaric and aggressive green-skinned aliens who live for nothing but war. They are as crudely powerful as the savage weapons they use to smash aside any who ‘oppose them, and their deafening war cries cause every race to tremble. ‘Orks are the most brutal and dangerous weapons and vehicles, To Orks, might makes right. Lar warlike race in the galaxy. Every «exemplifying the Orks' love of and stronger Orks dominate anyone aspect oftheir primitive society is explosions, breakneck speed and smaller, usually by hitting them. geared towards destruction and the _ear-splitting gunfire; the louder and None are as monstrously powerful, perpetuation of battle, With joyous more excessive the better. brutal and cunning as Ghazghkull abandon, they throw themselves Thraka. The Goff Warlord 1s lito any fight, batting each other Physically brutish and hulking, ‘one Ork who has proved he can ifno other opponents are around, _each Ork isan unsubtle mass of unite the rival tribes and clans, When inspired by especially violent muscle, oversized teeth and violent promising an eternal Waaagh! leaders, warring tribes unite into temperament. They register little that will eclipse all others. Always a Waaagh! ~a bloody crusade of —_ pain, and their physique ca this side, while carefully out o wrath that only ends if they are withstand horrific punishment, harms way, the Gretchin named destroyed or run out of foes to fight. even regenerating overtime Makati waves the Warlord’ totem, These traits mean that injuries are Drawn to Ghazghkulls power are Orks are simple creatures, often temporary problems at most for {groups of Nobe.~ the Orks ruling mistaken for being stupid. In truth, Orks, Severed limbs are hastily caste by virtue of their sheer size they possess a fierce cunning that stitched back on or simply replaced and aggression. These huge Orks istotally focused upon bashing in _by crude bionics bolted straig and most brutal enemy skulls, They are as uncaring into the flesh In contrast, the ‘weapons, bullying runts into for the lives oftheir fellow Orksas subservient Gretchin sub-species carrying their spare ammo, and they are for those oftheir enemies, are small and weedy, but even these many flaunt their status by wearing This recklessness leads them to diminutive rants can be more king suits of thickly plated create all manner of strange and dangerous than they first appear. SPAGE WOLVES Hailing from the frozen death world of Fenris, the Space Wolves hunt the most dangerous threats assailing the Imperium. A fierce Chapter of Space Marines, these genetically-enhanced warriors wear advanced power armour and wield storied weaporis as tales oftheir heroism are woven into epic sagas. The Space Wolves are ferocious confidence and strength from being the fist to reach any war zone ‘warriors who embody the savage _every fibre of his being, Ragnar and the ast to leave it, and excel tribal traditions oftheir home fights in a hurricane of blows, while at surprise attacks that wrong. foot world, Created as super sod tempering his impulsive instincts their foes. Central to many of these ‘of Humanity, they are the genetic _with the wisdom of an experienced assaults are packs of Infiltrator, hits of the Primarch Leman Russ, commander. His warriors are who use their stealth and omni proudly continuing his legacy as snowned for their bravado and scramblers to disrupt and sabotage they battle Mankind’: countless fervour, and are the undisputed key targets before unleashing deadly foes. Each Space Wolves warrior is masters of orbital assaults, The salvoes under the cover of well ‘champion worthy of egend, their Blackmanes pride themselves on __timed smoke gr deeds destined to be passed down through the generations. The tribal societies of native Fentisians are as harsh as Fentis, itself. Those young fighters who are chosen to become Space Marines only do so after proving theit worth through arduous trials which few survive. They ae then implanted with specialised organs that enhance their growth, while the git of the Space Wolves genetic material gives them the keen senses and long canines of apex predators, Though bedecked in feral details com furs and trophy fangs o runic inscriptions, the Sp ‘Wolves also bear some ofthe finest and most advanced weapons and armour in the Imperium. They combine this equipment with their gene-forged strength and ferocity, them truly terrifying foes whose wrathful howls and battle ars precede their attacks. The Space Wolves Chapter is organised into Great Companies, wartior brotherhoods over a hundred strong, each led by a Wolf Lord. Every Great Company is as + individual a its commander, whose character and personal fighting style influences his warriors. The Blackmanes are the Great Company ofthe legendary war leader Ragnar Blackmane, Exuding AN EPIC “The Astropaths of Strike Force Ikefang could make litle sense of Ragnar Blackman’ message. The Wolf Lord spoke of Krongar, of trail he intended to follow, and an encounter fate demanded of him. When sending the message, the Wolf Lords own Astropath hhad somehow managed to convey Ragnar’ feral anticipation. The Blackmanes of the strike force knew that for Ragnar himself to commit touch a hunt, his quarry must be great indeed. Obscuted by its passage through the ‘warp-saturated regions ofthe Great Rift, the rest of the message was ‘unintelligible. None could even be sure of when it had been sent But the warriors of Strike Force Icefang hhad not seen their lord for months, Ragnar having split his Great ‘Company between several war zones, and the message inflamed their desire to fight alongside him again. Icefang’s hunting packs therefore swore oaths that they ‘wouild reach Ragnar in time to join his hunt and share in the acclaim “The strike force spent weeks negotiating the surging warp, their Navigators complaining of an increasingly painful psychic pressure as they neared their destination. Reaching Krongar, the Space Wolves found Ork ships streaming to and from its landing fields The lean craft of Strike Force Icefang silently drifted closer, auspexes alert, Suddenly; the vox. flared with urgent data-spools. It ‘was Thok’ Spear, the frigate on ‘which Ragnar had forged forwards {nto the war zone. The isolated ‘vessel was fighting a pack of heavily armed Ork craft, but its shields DUEL ‘The Blackmanes strike force Icefang weathered the swells and storms of the sea of souls as their ships pressed towards Krongar. The psychic senses ofthe ships’ Astropaths and Navigators strained thr tormented warp as they desperately sought to reach the origin of Ragnar Blackmane’s final transmission. were failing, Between shouted orders, its curt shipmaster informed Ieefang’s packs that contact had been lost with Ragnar. A system- wide interference had grovn, she revealed, and the vessel had been ambushed by Ork pirates. Even as she transmitted to them the Wolf Lords drop coordinates, the cefang Space Wolves witnessed the angular form of an Ork ram-ship collide with Thoké Spear. The frigate’s spine broke in two, and both vessels disappeared ina titanic detonation. Teefang’s packs were now the only means of Ragnar’ extraction. Reaching him was imperative, “Their vessels attacked, swiftly hhunting doven the Ork ships that had hounded Thok’ Spear. Winding through the expanding debris from the batle, they hoped the cloud of ‘wreckage would mask their ships Jong enough to land Vanguard forces to extract the Wolf Lord. But even as their drop-ships launched, (rk scrap barges trawling for loot lumbered nearer. Time was short Descending through polluted cloud, the drop-ships sensors picked out a devastated section of Krongar’s largest ive city; adistrict-sized shelf of ruined Imperial architecture and barbaric fortifications, torn apart and smoking. From this drop point, packs of Infiltrators stole through wrecked avenues towards ‘what proved tobe the site of titanic battle. The Space Wolves ships in orbit reported xenos forces advancing on the area, and urged the Initrators to be swift The bloody corpses of hundreds of Orks littered the district’ courtyards and the steps leading to igh the the ruins ofa great cathedrum. The Space Wolves’ keen senses noted the telltale ravages of Adeptus Astartes weaponry. There they found the first fallen warrior of Ragnar’ Wolf Guard, his armoured form ripped in two and a rictus of age frozen on. his blood flecked face. In the cathedrum, mote of Ragnar’ wartiors were found dead, the energy signatures in their power armour showing thatthe Iniltrators had only just, missed the confrontation. Many Orks had been eviscerated by a razor-sharp chainblade, while the Wolf Guard bodies were rent as if by an industrial guillotine, In the cathedrumis primary shrine, yard thick columns lay recently cleaved before the statuary of local saints. ‘The nave abruptly ended ina gaping chasm where some cataclysm of the original invasion had destroyed several levels ofthe hive city. At its edge was the still body of Ragnar Blackmane, the Young King. ‘The volatile Wolf Lord was ‘mangled, one arm sheared off and his neck clearly broken, Blood from fist-sized rents in his armour had pooled on the shrines mosaic floor, the wounds too large for his enhanced metabolism to seal, Ragnar’ warriors howled in grief and anger, their Pack Leaders barely able to hold back the more hot: headed from charging out into the hive city on retributive rampages. Calling for drop-ship extraction, they vowed not to leave the body of their charismatic lord to be defiled by the encroaching Orks. ‘The first of the drop-ships collected Ragnar’ body and took off. Helix Adepts watched over the Wolf Lord ceamestly, monitoring their gauntlet arrays for any signs of life, Holding fast atthe chasms edge to cover the withdrawal, rearguard packs of Infiltrators spotted an enormous form inthe fitful lumens many levels below. A truly monstrous Ork body lay splayed out hundreds of feet down, It was missing its head. A FERAL PROPHECY Word of the Wolf Lords lightning. fast attack had spread like blazing bburna fuel among the Orks in the hive city. Even Warbosses who had not heard the sounds of fighting had picked up on some vague feeling that somewhere nearby there was conflict, their Orkish instnets ever drawing them to war The warbands in the hive cit boasted the biggest and meanest Oks; those who had fought off ir strength before Ghazghkull in the hope of taking part in his conquests, They were filled with hulking Nobz and their rivals to prove their even bigger Warbosses, ll cager to bludgeon their way to greater power. Despite the constant raids, invasions and looting that took warbands away from Krongar, the atmosphere on the planet was fone of building momentum. The ‘Waaagh! had taken hold ofthis world, and every Ork could fee it. From the lower levels, the Orks fought to reach the battle they could bear taking place in the more open district above, the biggest wart smashing aside any smaller ones blocking their way: Slowed by mped human passageways and the ruins left by their own, invasion, the Orks forced their muscled frames through jagged rents, or used rokkits to blast open new paths, Hold-ups caused some warbands to clash in all-out fights to the death, the furious tension building to critical point that ‘made them oblivious to the fact that the battle above was ending ‘When the mobs tore their way into the chasm floor, the fight with the Space Wolves had already reached its bloody conclusion, The noise of receding drop-ship jets was drowned out by the Orks natural ebullience, but that died away when they saw the enormous form before them. Even missing its head, the was no mistaking Ghazghbulls monstrous frame. After awkward ‘moments when none dared approach the infamously violent Warlord, new thoughts began to form in the minds of the smartest Warbosses. Narrowed eyes appraised their nearest rivals asthe prize of glory under kul evaporated in the glare of someth kulls corpse lay an immense granite tablet fallen from the cathedrum above. Carved fn it was a forgotten vision of Krongar’ ancient saint, Wernulf; that ofan executioner king and the feral beast he faced, In the shadows atthe tablets edge, a wary Gretchin jabbed at something large, something that had left a trail of blood and broken Ork teeth KUNNIN’ AND BRUTAL Legends die hard. In the minds of many Orks, the myth of Ghazghkull Thraka loomed almost as large as that of their warring gods, Gork and Mork. For their part, the Space Wolves were torn between grief and, the desperate pursuit of arca Civil wari too cultured a term for what erupted on Krongarin the wake of Ghazghkaills demise. The watbands who had discovered h body savagely attacked each other, their pent-up energy rolling out in waves as green-tinged cloud gathered overhead, flashing with power as th was undiminished, Within minutes the violence had spread, asthe Orks crude communication systems sent the news across Krongat. The natural anarchy ofthe greenskins now exploded int slobal apocalypse switched sides while thir rejected gene-surgery, unsure if Ragnar Blackmane’s saga was yet complete. As the goal of succeeding Ghazghkull consumed the bi greenskins, the dead Warlord’s grand legacy filled the stunted na different fashion. These rks had remained steadiastly Joyal to Ghazghkull over months of tunder his patr to become slab-muscled giants in their own right. They were not about Warlords death to get in their w ighting their way to the chasm where Ghazghkull stil lay, the Warlord’ ultra-loyal Nobz dug his body fre from a ple of dead rks, While doing so they spied a Ic iron and green flesh wedged under a grot pulling ata lump of b ast granite slab; a tablet engraved aquadruped, Kicking aside th Gretchin and hurling the slab ava, the Nobz found the severed head of Ghazghkull Thraka So ingrained was the Warlords dominance ove the Ne 2 took fearful ick when a muscle under the remaining eye twitched. They Tooked at each other with a dawning realisation ~ there was only one Ork with the skill to fx this kind of burt. Mad Dok Grotsnik was withou al prodigy but he was also so psychotically inventive and jlent that most avoided him, The lee when he saw what the loyal Nobz had b aght him, The grot ‘who had found the head had slunk in behind them, hoping tos ‘one of Ghazghkulls huge tusks Grotsnik roared at his runts to open his prized cryo-v Its and power up their contents, He had waited for this moment for so very long. Forthe Nobe who had made the terminal eror of breaking into his domain and demanding his services, Gerotsnik promised a special consultation, free of charge. The wily grot had the sense to sidle out of the doors before they slammed ‘ shut on the sounds of buzz saws and blood flow. Broadcasting through makeshift comms systems, the Mad Dok sent ‘ut a call to Ork specialist of every Stripe. Mekboy engineers, psychic Weirdboys, surgically challenged Painboyz, even the odd Runtherd 1d Brewboy, converged on Grotsnik’ hijacked industrial spire, Looted macro capacitors the size of cathedrum spires were dragged up the mile-high laboratory’ flanks, and weird energies began snapping between them. Coruscating sheets ‘of green powershot skywards and a continental energy drain made Evil ‘Sunz night races even more deadly. From infested orbital platforms, (rks saw a vortex of green power grow to hundreds of miles wide, and knew instinctively that Gorks brutality (or possibly Mork’ cunning) was being harnessed as never before, While Grotsnik’s labours gathered pace, his sumamons were intercepted by possibly the smartest contender for Ghazghkull throne, Deft: Kolonel Zogboss, Determined to ensure his own supremacy by destroying Ghazghkull’s corpse, Zogboss stormed the laboratory spire a the head of his Kommando Kill-Brigade, Hundreds of his Orks were fried by random flashes of energy. More were eviscerated by Grotsnik’s own Corpse Lootas, who wielded excessively lange surgical tols. But Zogboss himself reached the laboratory's summit, and proceeded to smash up the Dok’ equipment and many of his towering constructs. Then he cornered Grotsnik himself, looming ‘ver the Mad Dok to deliver the kulling blow. Grotsniks deranged ‘grin broadened triumphantly as he gazed up ata shadowed alcove behind his attacker Before Zogboss could turn, a claw the size of a Goff Nob enclosed his head and turned. bone, flesh and iron to pulp. A HUNT RESUMED Helix Adepts ofthe Infiltrator squads had determined that Ragnar Blackmane till eung to life. The threads of his wyrd - the concept of destiny in the Space Wolves’ tribal culture ~ seemed held together by their lord’ fierce refusal to submit todeath Torturous days passed as Wolf Priests and medicae-servitors battled in incense-wreathed dimness to find some way to restore Ragnar. At last, no other path could be seen. but to attempt the perilous crossing of the Rubicon Primaris. All knew this could ill Ragnar, and many were the shouted arguments against it. Todie atthe hands of ones own, kind in so ignominious a manner, rather than in glorious battle, was a fate abhorrent to any true son of Fenris. Ragnar died indeed during this process of resurrection, But the arcane bio-tech behind his newly grafted organs had been sanctified by the Adepts of Mars. Helped, so the Rune Priests claimed, by his spirits unwillingness to sleep away. the acons just yet, the Wolf Lord of the Blackmanes clawed his way back tolife ‘Whole once more, Ragnar ignored the Wolf Priests commands to est, and wasted no time in revealing what he ad learnt. It was Ghazghkall Thraka, he declared, ‘who was atthe heart of the Ork ‘onslaughts, commanding the primal wars that had torn the Skarskell Sub-sector apart. Ragnar jars then. told him what ther Infiltrators had witnessed while recovering him: the Orks had found Ghazghkulls body. Ragnat’s expression set ike black granite, his teth bared. Ina voice as low and cold as a Fenrsian Dlizaard, the Wolf Lord vowed by Russ himself thatthe Blackmanes would return. They would destroy Ghazghikull’ corpse to prevent another Warboss using it asa rallying fetish, or crush the Orks ‘completely if they had somehow restored the Watlord, Ragnar organised those of his Great Company who remained in the Krongar System into a pursuit force under his personal command. The warriors were proud to be chosen, and made hot-blooded vows to run the Orks to ground and slay them, Ragnar would not risk any delay by forging through the tortured warp, to reach the rest of his Blackmaness he had seen the Orks' resilience first-hand many times. Ragnar knew that the longer they gave the rks, the more chance their rough xenos technology had of reviving (Out of detection range ofthe Orks! crude sensors, the Space Wolves > subtract 1 the hit r a {Any model canbe equipped with | Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha or 1 Komi weapon wth skrcha instead of stom shoot TEs “Ere We Go, Mob Role, Dakkal Dakka! Dakkal (pg 13) Keepin’ Order: When a Morale testis taken for a Gor unit within 3° of any friendly Gor units with this abit roll one D6 foreach model that les; on a6 that model does not le Onx, Gorr INFANTRY, MEGA ARMOUR, NOBZ, MEGANOBZ, Nob Boss Nob ‘Ammo Runt This unit contains 1 Boss Nob and 4 Nobz It can additionally contain up to 5 Nobe (Power Rating +7). Every Nob and Boss Nob is equipped with: slugga: choppa;stikkbombs. For every 5 Nobz and/or Boss Nobz this unit contains, it can additionally contain | Ammo Runt. Kombi-weapon with rokkit When you choose this weapon to shoot with, select one or both ofthe profiles below. Ifyou select both subtract | founeha from ht rls fo attacks mae with this weapon, * Rokk auncha 2 Asai 122 9 Shoota 16 Assalt2 ee Kombi-wespon with When you choose thi weapon to shoo wit, select one or both fthe profiles below. Ifyou elect bth, brat 1 ; Sorcha fom ht rol for attacks made with this weapon, h Shoots 18 Assault? Seg ete ‘When resolving an attack made with this weapon, do ‘not make shit ol: it automatically scores ai. = Skorcha Assaults cee Sluggs 1 Pistol 1 mM Big choppa Melee Melee ss ‘When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional atack with this weapoe ‘When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract [from the hit rll. Ifthe bearers equipped ith two ofthis weapon, then when the bearer fights, t Choppa Melee Melee User 0 1 Killsaw Melee Melee rea ‘makes 1 additional stack using this profile, * 2 a. ae 3 pg_ When resolving an atack made with this weapon, ‘ eee cc aad D3 subtract | from the hit roll, Power stabba Melee Melee aS stikkbomb Grenade D6 Beane ‘WARKEAR OPTIONS: ~ Instead of | slugga and I choppa, any model can be equipped with one of the following Two weapons chosen from the flloseng list: I big choppa: 1 choppa; I kills | power law; 1 power stabi 1 slugs, 2 (One weapon chosen from the following lit: | kombi-weapon with rokkitlauncha; | kombi-weapon with orca. + For every 5 Nobz and/or Boss Nobz this unit contains, | Nob or Boss Nob can have a cybork bod} + ‘ABILITIES "Ere We Go, Mob Rule, Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! (pg 13) Keepin? Order: When a Morale testis taken fora Gore tunit within 3° of any friendly Gore units with this Ps Ammo Runt: When shooting with this unit, you ability, rll one D6 foreach model that flees; on 26 that 4 ‘an reo one hit oll for each Ammo Runt this ‘model docs not fee. 5 Cybork Body: When a model with acybork body would When rolling to wound this unit, use the Nobz’or Boss lose a wound, rll one D6; on 6 that wound isnot lost. Nob’ Toughness while they are on the battlefield. The This isnot cumulative with any other rules that allow a death of an Ammo Runt i ignored for the purposes of — model to not lose wounds Morale test FACTION KEYWORDS Onx, Gorr ‘evworas (wna) Inrantay, Nosz ‘KEYWORDS (ANNO RUNTS) INFANTRY, GRETCHIN, AmiMo RUNTS ARs Orks' love for war and violence ofall kinds is at the very heart of their brutal race. Their enormous muscles and oversized jaws are complemented by deafening weapons and thick plates of heavy armour, hung with crude glyphs and sharpened tusks. (Ghazghkull Thraka (Claiming Gork and Mork were not yet ready to face him, Ghazghkull Thraka has returned bigger and even more dangerous than ever. As the latest Makari waves the glyphs ofthe Goff Warlord, the toughest Nobz are drawn to his power, eager to share in the violence of the Waaagh! Meganob with power klaw and -Meganob with power klaw and kombi-weapon with skorcha ‘kustom shoota Ammo Runt Nob with slugga and choppa Nob with Kombi weapon Nob with power klaw Nob with power klaw and slags and slugga 24 This section includes three Warh There are two main ways in which you can use the missions in this booklet the mos straightforward is to simply choose the mission you want to play Alternatively, you can fight a campaign by playing them in order. Ifyou choose the latter, we recommend using the additional campaign rules opposite “Hear me, sons of Fenris! ‘This world is thick with Orks. Many of you have seen them first-hand already. Their kind have befouled the galaxy since the time of the Allfather, and there will be more of them to test your blade against after today, I swear to you. But these hordes are ‘no more than cubs, calves: or krakenlings beside our true quarry. Today we hunt, as we did on the ice before the Great Wolf Tifted us into his hal; as we have on countless bloodfields. Today we stalk, as Russ stalked the stars themselves, and our quarry will not mark our coming until our fangs are upon his throat, our blades in his, flesh and our howls ring to the sky!” Ragnar Blackmane GAME RULES & MISSIONS the story of Ragnar Blackmane’ efforts to track down the Ork Warlord’s attempts to trap and defeat the Space Wolves, story. With alittle imagination and some net 40,000 Echoes of War missions telling yzghkull Thraka, and changes to certain mission rules, you can easily ight simila ‘combination of miniatures and terrain THE ARMIES Each mission informs you which datasheets should be used if you want to fight the batle according tothe story. If players are using different armies, then it CAMPAIGN GAMES If you are playing a campaign, the players should play each mission in order and use the same Faction for each mission. At the end of the eampa 3 To Catch a Wolf - claims player who won m The winner of each of the frst two missions will gain an advantage in the next mission, as detailed b case ofa draw, neither player gains Mission 1 - Getting the Scent forward te cation, allowing them to prep Know Your Enemy: In Bet ac wth a range eee eremater Space WoLvEs unit against an ORK unit, you can re Oks W off warbands ‘On the Back Foot: In the next mission, the Ork player is treated as having rolled a 6 when rolling to see ifthey Barista: bolas ic ita Mission 2 - Opportunity Strikes Space Wolves Win edn the n attack made ag Jokull Thraka, re-roll an unmodified saving thro e Wolves pattern of attack, ns his ambush ig the Hunters: In the next mission, atthe start ofthe first batle round, but before the fist turn begins, 3" as fit were the Ork each ORK unit can move up player's Movement phase. E ‘more than 9" away from any enemy models f bath players have units that can do this, e player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. d that move ECHOES OF WAR 1 - GETTING THE SGENT Splitting his warriors into independent hunting packs capable of ranging widely and stealthily, Ragnar and the Infiltrators at his side pick up the trail of Ghazghkull Thraka. But Krongar is in uproar, and the Space Wolves find themselves to be just another warring faction amongst those of the Orks. SPACE WOLVES Ragnar led the way o the shattered cathedrum where he and Ghazghkall had fought. One pack of Infiltrators stalked with him, while others tracked forward silently on the edge of his vision, visible only as blurs between the ruins. Reaching the chasm edge over which he hhad knocked Ghazghkull, Ragnar leapt. He turned in mid-air, digging the fingers of his gauntlet into the crumbling structure to slow his descent. The chasm floor was the last place the Warlord’ body had | been sighted Following Ragnar at speed, the Infiltrators wove their way down through the ruins. The noise from thousands of Orks in the hive city was thunderous; shock waves rumbled and rocket contrails crossed the sky. Advancing from their drop zone, Ragnar’ hunting packs had evaded the Orks raging through the city, but Strike Force [cefang’s orbiting ships reported ‘swirling melees of greenskins upon the desert plains numbering in the tens of thousands “The Space Wolves reached the spot where Ghazghkulls body had fallen It was no longer there. Some Infiltrators removed their helmets, Tetting the hive city’s stimuli wash against their keen perceptions Others tapped into their helmets auto-senses filtering out the anarchic din of the Orks. Together they traced an oily spoor marking the direction in which the huge corpse had been dragged away, ‘Suddenly, the ruins rang with barbarous shouts and the wild ~ firing of weapons. Ragnar signalled for the packs spread throughout the area to stay low. Mobs of hulking Orks crashed into the cavernous clearing, intent on each other's destruction - but the fight ‘was spilling the Space Wolves! way. Ragnar could not allow his warriors presence to be known, for the planets warring tribes would surely unite to swamp them. Their best chance was to strike suddenly, ‘making sure that each Ork was put down with a pinpoint headshot or executed in close quarters, so that none escaped to spread the news ‘Around him the pack tensed, their desire to pounce and slay tangible. Ragnar let loose a gutural roar and leapt at the closest Ork. His warriors charged afte him. ORKS Megatoof da Skulllrumpa slammed his empty kombi-shoota into his adversary in the confined tunnel The guris dense form struck with a force that would have pulped a human head, helmet and al, But the target was an Ork, who instead flew bback, smashing straight through a thick wall and down a scree of tumbled rubble, The Boss Nob jumped down after him, gaining the space to swing his big choppa two-handed, Megetoot’s Gof brutes followed behind, yelling loudly Negotiations between his Warboss and the rival warband’s Snakebite chiefhad commenced violently and cexcalated into carnage. Whoever prevailed would knock the losers {nto line and then have the strength to threaten far bigger warbands ‘With Ghazghkull dead, missing or winning a headbutting contest with ‘Mork somewhere - Megatoof had heard all these rumours and more = every Warboss and ambitious Nob was seizing the chance to grab more power “The Orks batled through the warren of ruptured passageways until they reached the chasm floor. There the biggest warriors of both warbands tore into each other, the simple brutality ofthe Gots pitted against the savagery of the Snakebites. Then Warboss Bozgob and his Meganobe caught up with “Megatoof and joined the fight. Shots pinged from their heavy armour as their claws crushed and ripped the Snakebites apart, The survivors turned and fled “Megatoof glanced at his Warboss asthe huge Ork pounded a final victims head into a foundation slab again and again, until only a ragged lump of meat remained, At that ‘moment an animal roar sounded from a heap of broken masonry, and the Orks there suddenly fell back asa grey warrior tore into them. Greenskin heads and limbs went fying as he swung his chainblade. ‘The mysterious warrior was joined by others, appearing asf from nowhere, and Megatoof realised that they were Space Marines. ‘The human withthe topknot and long blade fought savagely, a bestial hurricane killing every Ork he reached. Where he had come from “Megatoof had no idea, but taking his head asa trophy would give the Nob enough clout to demand Bozgob’s prized armour. Megatoot grinned, yelled at his Ammo Runt to reload hiskombi-shoota and. charged, knocking Gotfs out of the sway to each the grey warrior. ‘The Space Wolves army consists of Ragnar Blackmane Pens ence ny ‘The Ork army consists of 1 unt of Meganobz (3 models) and 1 unit of Nobz (6 models, one of which is an Cos ate st) Use the deployment map shown below to create the battlefield. The battlefield should have plenty of terrain tee eect es ea Te “The Ork player sets up their army, wholly within the Crees The Space Wolves player then sets up their army, wholly within the Space Wolves deployment zone, FIRST TURN “The Space Wolves seize the optimum moment to pounce ‘upon their prey. The Ork player rolls one D6.On a6, they can choose to take the first tuen; otherwise the Pees eae eatat tat “The game ends ifall of a player’ units are destroyed. Otherwise, the game automatically ends at the end of Pree TES tthe end of the game, the player who has scored the ‘most victory points isthe winner. both players have ere enon ee ener Victory points are achieved forthe following: Set haere) eee a mcr nag points instead ifthat Ork unit was destroyed in the ceed "The Ork player scores 1 victory point foreach Space Wolves unit that has been destroyed. They also score 1 victory point for each Ork unit that ison the battlefield Peeters 27 ECHOES OF WAR 2 — OPPORTUNITY STRIKES Havildar Longeye and his Infiltrators follow Ghazghkull’s trail to the: Grotsnik, intent on destroying whatever remains of the Goff Warlord. But Grotsnik and his orderlies are toiling flat out to resurrect the terrifying Warlord, and their work is gathering pace. SPACE WOLVES Leaving the rubble-steewn ste blow the cathedrum, the tal of Ghazghkulls remains muddied, and the Space Wolves scattered in pursuit of many scents, Havildar Longeye’ experienced warriors found themselves ranging furthest. ‘The risk of discovery by rampaging (Ork warbands had risen, but the Pack Leader had an uncanny sense for danger. With the other Infiltrators diverted or delayed, it ‘was Havildar’s pack alone which beheld the bizarre agglomeration their tral led to. What had been an industrial spire for millions ‘of Imperial workers was now a towering monument to crazed obsession and megalomania, Identifying unguarded servo ducts with their augur-scopes, the Space Wolves used these to penetrate the lair and close in on whatever ‘occupied the spire’ crown, At the summit of the structure the Infiltrators found a vast chamber crammed with megalithic engines, piles of grenskin body parts and dozens of noisy Orks. The vault shummed with energy and reeked ‘offblood and oil. The Infitrators secreted themselves among piles ‘of rusted detritus, their view ‘occasionally blocked by strange ‘machinery swinging from the ‘gantries. But beyond these, ona slab propped up by a groaning pile of Dakkajet wings, lay a gigantic form, roaring in anger as runts bolted panels in place and connected power lines. By the overpowering ‘odour alone, Havildar knew that ‘they had found Ghazghkull Thraka Informing Ragnar of the discovery ~ over adistorted vox signal, Havildar announced his intention to hold, for Ragnar should surely have the honour ofthe kill But the Wolf Lord ordered Havildar to strike now, before the Ork was {ally roused, Ghazghkall was too dangerous to take risks with, and the Pack Leader respected the rueful experience in Ragnar’s voice. ‘The vox crackled and cut out, and Havildars eyes narrowed as he felt static crawl over his mane The suspended machinery swung aside once more, revealing that the makeshift slab was now empty. Reacting instantly, Havildar’s ‘warriors leapt back just as a wall of ferrocrete and iron junk exploded on their flank. Bllowing and clanking, Ghazghkull advanced through the carnage he had caused, his monstrous armoured form spitting fat sparks and trailing lengths of cable. Havildar Longeye bared his teth ashe realised this could be the closing of his pack’ saga. With a defiant roar he led the Space Wolves into the attack, determined to cause as much damage as possible, ORKS Ghazghkall Thraka roared in rage and frustration. He did not ‘understand what had happened tohim, but he wasted no time thinking about it. There were bits fim he could not move, which did not bode well for whoever was nearby once he could again, Dozens of Orks and Gretchin worked on his armour with a feverish mania, their enthusiasm for their creation clashing with the rising instinct tobe nowhere close by when it was completed, surbing laboratory of Mad Dok Stuck in the laboratory away from a {good fight, Ghazghkull knew what ‘would be happening in his absence. ‘The Warlords he had threatened ‘or coerced with promises of loot would be at each other’ throats, He needed to be out there, cracking heads and reminding them who was boss. The pounding in his head was ceaseless, two roaring voices threatening to tear his skull apart with their Fury unless he could vent his rage on something ‘As Ghazghkall trembled with wrath, the laboratory shook to something greater stil. The power ofthe Waaagh! gathered around him. Green mist coiled above, and generators overcooked, frying th attendants, Two Weirdboyz cowered as far away as possible, straining the chains with which Grotsnik had secured them. Suddenly their skulls exploded impressively, leaving a Stompa-sized hole in the laboratory’ structure, Green power crackled over Ghazghkulls hulking armour, and his great strength warped the iron restraints. Grotsnik was baffled; things were not going to plan, Shoving a Big Mek aside, he took a deep breath and threw a large switch Immense chains winched Ghazghkull upright, and he snapped his restraints witha single step, Somehow, the Warlord sensed enemies ahead, and thundered forwards furiously. Terrified runts were crushed beneath his tread as others ran to keep up, trying to plug things in and tighten bolts. Demented as he was, Grotsnik looked on with pride Bee pee eens eed! Creer) Se ea cc ee eee Eee ECan) a eT st Use the deployment map shown below to create the battlefield, Place a terrain feature such asa ruined building atthe centee ofthe battlefield, to represent the workshop in which Ghazghkull Thraka was revived. ee Te The Ork player sets up Ghazghkull Thraka as close yen ead sets up the rest oftheir army wholly within the Ork eres fe eg et ee ey in any ofthe Space Wolves deployment zones. Each unit See er oat ees other. Infiltrators cannot use their Concealed Positions Sets FIRST TURN The Space Wolves are attacking unexpectedly. The Ork player rolls one D6. On a6, they can choose to take the Se ee en ed cats CUES Os en en nen See ee eee ete activate more sections of his armoured body. Depending. ‘on the battle round, the following effects apply Tu ta FT Ts Subtract 1 from Gharghkull Thrak and Attacks characteristics unt tle round. In addition, Gh annot make any attacks with Mork’ o BATTLE LENGTH cer ete ea cn Thraka has been destroyed oral ofthe Space Wolves units have been destroyed, Otherwise, the game Pree eon tres UE eee ee ent eet atthe end of the game, the Space Wolves player wins Creer cas 29 ECHOES OF WAR a — TO GATCH A WOLF ‘The moment for the quick kill has passed. Ragnar knows his options are few, but is determined to strike a telling blow before making an audacious exit. Ghazghkull is now fully restored, however. More dangerous than he has ever been, the Warlord is not willing to let the Space Wolves escape. SPACE WOLVES Ragnar received the report in silence; Ghazghkull appeared fully restored and was reunifying Krongar’s myriad warring factions ata ferocious pace. Now that the Space Wolves faced millions of (Orks united in purpose, a massed confrontation would be suicide. Ragnar would not make the same mistake again, The Space Wolves ‘would depart Krongar and warn the Imperium ofthe true extent of the threat Ghazghkall posed. But the Wolf Lord was a warrior of Fenris, and would not leave quietly. ‘Working with the strike forces Iron Priests, Ragnar conceived arisky plan orbital platforms still hung above the ‘world, infested with Orks. If their gravitc suspensors could bbe destabilsed with pinpoint fire from Icefang’ ships, nothing would stop them smashing with tectonic force into the planet's surface, causing apocalyptic destruction, and covering the Space Wolves! ddrop-ship extraction. With luck, the damage caused would set the ‘Orks of Krongar back so far that a full-scale Imperial retribution force could utterly cleanse the world before the greenskins could recover. ‘The plan began on the planet's surface, Packs of Iniltrators stalked through the city escorting ion Priests tothe site ofan abandoned signal array. There the Ion Priests ‘began techno-arcane supplications to adjust the array so thatthe orbital platforms would descend upon thie location increasing the Ork ath ol tenfold The infltrator packs peeled off cach guarding one ~ approach tothe site, Ragnar himself led the pack making forthe aray's northern edge, while his chief Iron Priest oversaw the delicate work Far above them, the ships of Strike Force Icefang attacked the platforms’ gravtie suspensors The countdown to obliteration had begun, and the Space Wolves would need to act with spit second timing. Then Ragnar’s keen senses picked up the stench of oil and filth, andthe approach of violent shouting. The Orks were already here. Ragnar saw a gigantic figure ahead and slowly drew Frostfang. The (Ork’ outline had grown, but the savage intelligence in its remaining eye was unmistakable - it was Ghazghkall Thraka, Ragnar ordered his warriors to avoid Ghazghkull, shouting down their dissent, for the Ork’ gigantic strength was far beyond them, Nothing mattered now except buying the Iron Priests time. Grinning in anticipation, Ragnar howled his challenge. ORKS “The attempt on his life in Grotsniks laboratory had revealed to (Ghazghkall that the Space Wolves were still on Krongat. He had recognised the beast’ head glyph on their armour; the same one worn by the grey warrior he remembered crushing amongst the statues. Ghazghkaulls recovery had sent out blast wave of Waaagh! energy so huge it had circled the planet. Every Ork had fits power and aggression. Several suffered terminal explosions of brain ‘matter asa result, ut the countless hordes that remained became battle-frenzied and ready to follow Ghazghkalls every command Strange manifestations surrounded the immense Warlord; coruscating. green light crawled at his feet and roaring, fanged maws coalesced out ofthe thick smog above his head These left no Orkin doubt that their warring gods worked their violent ways through Ghazghkull, Even the Orks in orbit voiced their loyalty, illing the Imperial vox systems and their own crude transmitters with bestial screams, Amidst this lamour, it was some time before the Mekboyz on Krongar heard the alarmed shouts of the Ork hijackers aboard the orbital platforms. Upon hearing of the attacking Space Wolves ships, any other Ork Warlord might have boarded the frst bulk ander he could find to meet the Imperial vessels head on. But Ghazghkull “Thraka was no ordinary Warlord Instead he ordered his Orks to find out how the platforms were controlled from the ground. Before long, a terrified Mekboy had shared what he knew ofthe signal arrays Ghazghkull planned as he moved, ‘Though most of the Orks infighting had ceased, they needed a visual sign. They needed to see him fight again, He knew where the Space Wolves would go, guessed at their intentions. They would not escape He would stick their leader's head con his bosspole fr all to see. At the thought, he looked around at the grot carrying his bosspole - the latest of his kind to be called ‘Makar’ - and bellowed at him to Keep up. Makati sprinted, voiding the kicks of Ghazghkal’s Nobz. ay ‘he Space Wolves army consists of Ragnar Blackmane and 2 units of Infiltrators (5 models per unit). Se een ec 1 unit of Meganobz (3 models) and 1 unit of Nobz (6 eee eae) atte) Use the deployment map shown below to create the ee ee ee Rey Petr een ee eet et eee en eee ete tea Ghazghkulls deployment zone and the Space Wolves eee Tee “The Ork player sets up Ghazghkull Thraka wholly within Cente eee “The Space Wolves player then sets up their army, wholly within the Space Wolves deployment zone. Initrators ‘cannot use their Concealed Positions ability inthis battle. “The Ork player then sets up their remaining units, divided as evenly as possible between Ork deploym zone A and Ork deployment zone B, a) ‘The Space Wolves ae rushing headlong to attack their oa aoe eee nen ‘choose to take the frst turn; otherwise the Space Wolves. ees . nena Pe ey bby Ragnar Blackmane against Ghazghkull Thraka, you Se ce coe ey eee eerie tT See ce ene td corns aaa eee ‘Thraka as the target ofan attack made by a model in an eset tats aU) Cee ee eam cy ‘Thraka or Ragnar Blackmane have been destroyed, Otherwise, the game automatically ends atthe end of formers SRE TL cea eae cogs Ghazghkull Thraka has been destroyed. The Ork player wins if, tthe end of any turn, Ragnar Blackmane has fee eer tend Ragnar Blackmane have been destroyed at the end ofthe battle, or if both were destroyed in the same turn, the ets eT POINTS VALUES a Ifyou are playing a matched play game, or a game that uses a points limit, you can use the following lists to determine the total points cost of your army. ‘equipped with to determine your army's total points value. SPACE WOLVES Ta Mey es s19 2 lnftrator Fix Adept | Frag grees 0 | Krak grenades o | Marksman bolt caine 0 | Paired combat ads 0 (OTHER WARGEAR Tnflrator comms aeray 0 imply add together the points costs ofall your models and the wargear they are ORKS Cet Ghazghkall Thraka 1 24 Makati 1 6 Big Mekin Mea " - Grot Oiler Oo 4 Meganobz Nobe 540 “4 Ammo Runts 02 4 Ba |chopps ° Tibaw/eobloas 15s ee F eee Rast envi eee 1 | aa ° Tee 2 | power law 8 | | Power sabba 3 | sivas ° | Sukbonbs 0 Tellyport 4 Da Cybork bod Kustom force eld i THE GREATEST OF PREY US Te The world of Krongar lies broken beyond the Great R Sn ee eee once soaring hive cities ruined by hordes of brutal Ors. pee ecee eee IE) the Space Wolves of Strike Force Icefang are drawn to the Cen eer crn anarchic planet by an ambiguous message from their Wolf i } Lord, Ragnar Blackmane. Determined to stand alongside

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