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Recently, There was research conducted in sau Paulo ,Brazil.

They conducted survey in 4

different and isolateendophytic actinomycetes from the same hybrid. The purpose of research
was to survey on the biodiversity of maize endophytic actinomycete and  assessment of their
potential to control the phytopathogenic fungi.40(34 out 40 were identified dua biodiversity)
strains were isolated from healthy maize plant . Identification of the strains was based on
morphological Properties and with the Fame (Fatty acid methyl Easter ) profile it’s observed that
most of them from genusof streptomyces genus. After this, these strains were screned for
growth inhibition of phyto pathogenic fungi and results showed that these isolates are able to
inhibit the growth of atleast one tested pathogen.Two isolates were selected on the base of their
remarkable performance in controling aphanidermatum in cucumber under green hourse
condition.Isolate named as 16R3B which reduce 71% damping off incidence and other isolate
14F1D/2 reduced 36% of disease incidence.Its concluded and suggested that isolate 16R3B is
effective in green house against damping off disease of cucumber. Further , 16R3B will be tested
.in Field trials

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