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Write a paragraph about the relative advantage and disadvantage of using website, multimedia
presentations, flyer and brochures to advertise a company's products.

The following is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of several communication

applications in the community. By looking at the whole thing, it will increase our knowledge to be
able to determine which one is the most appropriate for the promotion of our products.Website

1. Website


a. Have a wider market reach. Due to the increasing number of internet users every day, this is
certainly a very potential business opportunity for you to use the Internet as a medium to reach your

b. Accessible to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. By using the internet, then you can access
unlimited world information. Your business or business information can also be seen by anyone,
anywhere, and anytime.

c. Access information is so easy. With just a few clicks, visitors can see information on the business,
products and services you offer.

d. Update Latest Information. By using the website, the company can provide the latest information
on both products, services, and other information very quickly.

e. Publications and advertising.

f. Links and Viral Marketing.

g. Another advantage is that when a company or your business grows well and gains trust, your
company will ...


- Credibility. By not meeting your buyers or clients in person, it takes longer to gain trust than
meeting in person.

- It is difficult to reach the target audience. With so much competition on the Internet, it will be
more difficult to get a good position and ranking on Google, unless you use professional seo services
that can help you.

- SPAM. This is one of your risks to deal with. When you publish your Address, Mobile Number,
Phone and Email on the website, the chances of getting sms or spam emails are higher.

As you can see, the advantages of owning a website far outweigh the disadvantages. The business
potential, advertising and sales of an open website is huge, so it would be a shame if you miss this
momentum. Immediately make a decision to immediately build your business website right now.

2. Multimedia presentation

Multimedia has many advantages, some of which are listed below. One advantage is that it offers a
way to spread your message or record your memories in a more engaging way than ever before.
Another advantage is that it can help engage customers who might not be interested in reading a
traditional brochure or flyer. It also helps make the brand more personal through social media
marketing. Other advantages of multimedia are as follows:

 Very effective for learning – Multimedia is a very effective way to learn. It helps students
retain the information they have learned. Media can also be used to create visuals for
learning tools such as PowerPoint presentations, websites, and blogs.

 More appealing over traditional work – The use of multimedia is so powerful and versatile
that it can be very effective in educating a group, company or individual. While traditional
lectures have a limited time span, multimedia can have an unlimited time frame. This is why
many companies invest in promoting video training to keep the attention of their employees
for long periods of time.

 Improves personal Communication – Multimedia is a powerful tool that enhances personal

communication. It allows for better storytelling and gives people more control over the
story. Creating multimedia content is a great way to engage with your audience and tell your
story in a way they can relate to.

 Saves time and costs – It is important to note that multimedia learning engages more senses
than other forms of training. It is ideal for people with busy lives because they can access the
information on their own time rather than having to take a class. This reduces the costs that
would typically be associated with traditional training methods.

 Multimedia can be a great way to reach out to your audience – They allow you to provide
high quality information while reaching different demographics and making it much easier
for people to share your content online. The Internet is an incredibly important market, and
with the multimedia trend continuing to grow, it is wise to invest or incorporate this into
every business.

 Multimedia compliments user interface – Multimedia includes text, audio, or visual

elements that communicate information to the user. These can include images, videos,
games, and animations. They can be embedded in a website or blog post or provided as
standalone items. It is important for users to have multimedia available to them because
they allow them to engage with their content in a more impactful way by providing a bridge
between their thoughts and the rest of the Internet.

 Multimedia is Multi Sensorial – Multimedia can take advantage of different senses, such as
sight, sound, touch and even smell (4D-cinemas etc). Targeting these senses together can
increase appeal to any audience.

 Integrated and Interactive – Multimedia can be integrated into existing marketing activities
to create a more interactive, engaging process. This helps the customer feel more a part of
the process and builds stronger relationships between company and consumer. For
example, content might be shared on YouTube while promoting a product on Instagram or

 Highly flexible – Multimedia allows for flexibility in business plans. With multimedia, you can
communicate with your audience in a way that is meant to be understood regardless of the
location. It provides a wide range of opportunities for planning and marketing.


Multimedia presents a host of challenges – from limited storage space to the time needed to
produce multimedia content, hence, this technology might not be for everyone. Other disadvantages
of multimedia are as follows:

 Information overload – One of the biggest problems with multimedia is information

overload. The more time a person spends on the internet, the more likely they are to feel
overwhelmed by all the information available. Additionally, research has shown that people
are less productive when using multiple media at a time.

 Misuse of Multimedia – Multimedia can be a useful tool in education, marketing, and many
other aspects of life. However, there are several disadvantages to the use of multimedia. For
example, it is distracting because many people like to watch videos while they are doing
anything else, such as working or driving. This distracts people from what they should be
focusing on. Multimedia also consumes a lot of time and resources that could be used for
other activities.

 Limited interaction – The disadvantage of multimedia is that it’s hard for users to interact
with their content. People have limited ways in which they can engage with the text, images
and sounds on a website. It doesn’t give them the same experience that they would get from
visiting a physical store.

 Consumes a lot of time – Multimedia is a resource that can be used to create many different
types of content. However, there are some drawbacks to using this technology. One major
downside is that multimedia consumes a lot of time. People may spend hours on their phone
or computer while they could have been doing other things like exercising or spending time
with friends and family.

 Dependent on marketing – Multimedia can be a great tool, but it does come with some
disadvantages. Multimedia is typically expensive because of the resources required for
development. When new multimedia platforms are released, most people buy into them
because of the marketing that’s done. In cases where the marketing fails, multimedia
becomes essentially useless.

 Resource intensive – Multimedia is a resource intensive format. As a medium, it takes up

space on your computer and can consume a lot of power. This adds to the overall cost for
multimedia. It’s also difficult to give multimedia content the proper attention that it
deserves when it’s being consumed across multiple devices and platforms
 Requires huge investments – Multimedia requires a significant investment. You will need to
hire artists, singers, videographers, and other individuals with unique talents

3. Flyers and Brochures


Cost-effective: It is one of the key tools for small and medium scale businesses to promote their
brand without making much expense. The leaflets and brochures are easy to produce and don’t even
cost much to distribute them to the potential customers. They can easily be designed using a free
and trial version of the software and then printing them using digital or offset printing in order to
print the leaflets that can be cost-effective.

Includes a lot of information: Unlike digital marketing, there is lesser word count or character limit
while advertising anywhere. When it comes to printed copies of leaflets or brochures, you can fill
them as much as you can, but make sure that it does look eye-pleasing and is organised. The ideal
leaflet includes appealing images and texts that make the layout easy to read and understand.

Easy to read: During leaflet design, the marketers will add only the key information about their
brand that is important for their potential customers to know. The text also plays a crucial role in
attracting potential customers and therefore it has to be clear and in an easy to read font style. The
leaflets or brochures are designed to be visual and straight to the point so as to make them easy to

Visually pleasing: The printed marketing materials are visually pleasing as they are a combination of
texts and images. The main motive of the digital business leaflets and brochures is to grab the
attention of the potential customers to achieve the business goals. The leaflets come in a range of
styles including half fold, tri fold, gate fold, Z fold and many others.


Easily Discarded: If the leaflets made are of poor quality and didn’t appeal the target audience then
they would easily be discarded by them. Many times the people judge them on the basis of their
visuals and if they like it visually, then only they open it and read it. Otherwise, keep it aside.
Therefore, all businesses are required to design leaflets that are worth a second glance.

No long-term impact: Some people visualise leaflets as a waste of time and they do not spare even a
single second to open and read the text written therein. This only happens to leaflets that are of low
value and poor targeting.

2. Compare technologies such as VoIP and mobile phone as method of comy. Consider other
information found from the book or other resources.

Comparing VoIP vs. Mobile phone systems, it's important to not that the sound can travel in
different ways. Regular phone systems communicate with the help of analog signals. These signals
travel through a twisted pair of cables with continuously changing frequency and altitude which is
decoded at the receiving end. On the other hand, you can make telephone calls over the internet
with VoIP. The data here travels in digital form through wired or wireless networks.

Merits of VoIP Systems

 VoIP has the facility of Caller ID, which is not provided by a regular phone.

 The communications in VoIP are digitally encrypted unlike the complex circuitry of regular

 Telephone numbers can be stored in VoIP phone memory locally which facilitates speed dial

 You can have a conference call or multi party call using the services on VoIP phones.

 VoIP provides call parking and call transfer facilities. You can also put the phone on hold with

Merits of Regular Phone Systems

 Regular phone systems provide better connectivity for long distance calls as VoIP require
internet access for communicating outside your Local Area Network.

 Regular phone systems receive their power from the telephone exchange whereas VoIP
phones require external power supply.

 The voice quality of regular phones is better than VoIP phones due to frequent network
congestion particularly in residential areas.

 VoIP phones often submit to Denial-of-service attack easily especially when the device has a
public IP address which is not the case in regular phones.

The factors listed above can be used to differentiate between VoIP phone systems and regular
phone systems.

3. Write in a paragraph describing each (min 5) advantage and disadvantage for offering customer e-
publications rather than paper-based publications.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of offering customere e-publications than paper-based
publications: Advantages of electronic media: Wide Reach. It can be said that electronic media has a
wide range of coverage because the whole community is already using it. Almost all public places
can now provide it. So that from there electronic media can disseminate information and become a
good communication medium. Maximum Appeal. Electronic media also has advantages that can
reach human interest because of visual forms and audio forms. In terms of visuals there are
electronic media such as television, videotron which can present moving images that are so eye-
catching and from audio there are electronic media such as radio presenting sounds that are able to
liven up the atmosphere. Popular and Familiar. One of the advantages of electronic media so that it
is often said to be appropriate to be used as a medium for disseminating information and media in
communicating is because electronic media can have a popular nature. The point is because
electronic media is very attached and familiar with the lives of the people who are considered as the
audience. Personalization The user or reader can decide which information is needed. Online media
gives each reader the opportunity to simply retrieve information that is relevant to him, and delete
information that he does not need. Load Capacity can be increased Each media information is
supported by data storage on the computer server. Information that has been published, will remain
stored and can be added at any time and can be searched with search engines.

Disadvantages of electronic media Cost Expensive For people who work or often intersect with
television, radio, mobile phone, videotron companies, this may not be strange anymore. Because
large costs are often incurred by companies engaged in electronic media when carrying out the
production process. As ordinary people, perhaps what we often see is that what is presented by
them is interesting information, whether in terms of visuals, audio, or a combination of the two. But
to cook the show is what will later make the owner of the company spend a large amount. Long
Time Balanced with large costs, the time required for the production process by media companies is
quite long. The more information you want to convey, the longer it will take. This is because the
production process usually has to go through the stages of shooting, sound recording, editing, until it
is finally feasible to broadcast to the public. Fleeting Information In addition to being expensive and
time-consuming, one of the shortcomings of this print media is that the display of information that is
only fleeting, cannot be repeated. So if you want to watch or listen, you have to follow the
predetermined time without being late.

Advantages of Print Media 1. Affordable price For the public, the price of this print media is quite
affordable, because publishers have received funding from advertisers. Thus, all people can
subscribe to this media and permanently be able to follow information on developments in the
surrounding environment. similar to the example, the price of a cheap flyer print which is only a few
hundred Rupiah per lbr is certainly an advantage of this print media. two. Compound topics in one
medium at a time, the advantages of print media are being able to discuss various topics at once.
e.g. sports, economic, social, entertainment, and poly topics again. As a result all circles are able to
get the topic of interest to them. Unlike the electro media of TV and radio for example, they can only
focus on one topic when broadcasting is ongoing. 2. Reaching out to all generations The advantage
of print media is that it is always famous in any circle and can be enjoyed by any generation. Unlike
online media, where not everyone understands the use of the internet. it seems that most
millennials and gen Z have a greater interest in online platforms than offline platforms. From
Wikipedia, online media is media in the network, online itself stands for origin in the network. In this
context, the network is an online network, an online network is something that collaborates with
technology and the internet. While offline is the opposite, which means offline. 3. can be directed at
certain target demographics Printing media can be disseminated and aimed at the target area of the
news. Thus, it can direct an advertisement that is targeted at a specific demographic. For example, if
you know that the target consumer is the West Jakarta environment, then relatively place an
advertisement in a newspaper specifically for West Jakarta. five. can be saved into reference Print
media can be saved and read many times if needed. For example, in magazines that are usually
published every month. Of course, it does not mean that after that the month has passed, the
magazine must be thrown away, but it can be stored and used as reference material if you need it at
any time. 4. simple to read and understand Print media is generally simpler to mention things that
are complex and more comfortable to read. By being more comfortable when read, it can make us
more able to think more specifically about the content of pen strokes. 5. Presenting a job vacancy
issue column Printing media can be an area for spreading and looking for job vacancy info. for
example in newspapers, there are generally specific columns available to produce job vacancy
columns, as a result of which readers can simply choose the most appropriate one using what they
are looking for.

Disadvantages of Print Media 1. Print media is less effective at targeting global audiences. on the
contrary, online media actually has a wider target range. model, If print newspapers using the
amount of 100 thousand copies. Then only more or less is the number of readers. Even then When
everything is sold and read by residents . Meanwhile, not infrequently newspapers are only used for
fried BKS. two. Not suitable for long-term advertising The lifetime of a newspaper can be short, so it
is less profitable for long-term advertisers. For example, a daily or weekly newspaper, the
completion of your ad will disappear because readers tend to throw it away after reading it after
reading it is finished. three. info is just a stroke of a pen and a picture. Print media can only take the
form of pen strokes and images to represent gossip. While electronic media has now become
popular in the form of audio and video. as broadcast via radio, television, and online media or the
internet. 4. Slow news dissemination The spread of info on print media is slower than the internet.
The people are also obliged to wait for the mold to reach his hands. Another is with online media
that can be accessed 24 hours as long as we are connected to the internet. 5. Production costs and
distribution are expensive Porto production tends to be expensive and involves paper materials to
be enjoyed. Because it turns out that paper material is also one contributor to waste. Although it is
actually also possible to recycle. But the information that, there is still a lot of paper that is wasteful
and destructive. In addition to production costs, print media can cost relatively expensive
distribution. The selling price of the residents tends to be cheap, because they get funding from the
advertiser. But even news distribution is not as efficient as on electro media.

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