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Section A: Questions 1 to 10 (5 marks each)

1) Find the solution(s) to the linear equation 20  2 x  3  18  3  2 x   646 in 1 unknown.

2) It is known that the distance between A and B is 37 km. Leo is traveling from A to B. He
first walks to the bus stop from A, then catches a bus without waiting, then walks to B after
getting off the bus. Given the speed of the bus is 48km/hr and the walking speed of Leo is
4km/hr, how many minutes did he walk if the total traveling time is 1 hour?

3) It is known that a, b and c are non-zero real numbers, find the value of
20 18 106
a b c
        .
a b c

4) There are 45 multiple choice questions in a Mathematics test. 3 marks will be awarded for
each correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer, and no marks will
be deducted for unanswered questions. If a student did not answer 7 questions, what is the
minimum number of questions he needs to answer correctly for him to have a total score 75
or above?

 3
 x y2 8

5) Find the value of y in the system of equations  .
2 x  9
 15
 y2

6) With reference to the attached figure, if A  B  C  D  E  F  x , find the

value of x.


Question 6
7) With reference to the attached figure, the figure is formed by 1 bigger semi-circle and three
smaller identical semi-circles, where the dotted line is the diameter of the semi-circles. If
the perimeter of the attached figure is 18.84cm, what is the area of the figure in square
centimetres? (Take  = 3.14)

Question 7

8) Connie has 1000 $5 coins, 800 $2 coins, 600 $1 coins and 400 $10 coins. Connie arranged
the coins in the order of ‘$5, $2, $1, $10, $5, $2 …’, and if a type of coin runs out Connie
skips putting that kind of coin instead. Which type of coin is the 2018th coin?

9) If x and y are positive integers and 22 x  5 y  138 , find the value of y.

10) Sandy has some pairwise different gaming cards. If there are more than 2018 ways to stack
the cards, what is the minimum number of cards Sandy has?
Section B: Questions 11 to 20 (7 marks each)

11) C, D are points on line segment AB such that AC : BD  5 : 7 . If CD = 10, find the
minimum value of AB.

12) The figure below shows a map. How many ways are there, to move from the bottom-left
corner to the top-right corner via the intersection marked with O, where only going right or
upwards is allowed?

Question 12

13) Find the value of 2 2

 42  62  ..  20182   12  32  52  ...  20172  .

14) 18 cubes with edge length 3cm is merged into one cuboid. What is the minimum surface
area of the cuboid(in cm2)?

15) It is known that x 2  x  1  0 , find the value of 20 x 3  18 x 2  22 x  16 .

16) It is known that the remainder is the same when 2018, 106 and 614 is divided by n, find the
largest possible value of n.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17) Find the value of        .
1 3 3  2 2  5 5  3 3  7 7  4 4  9 9  5

18) With reference to the attached figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, and E, F are points on AB
and AD respectively. It is known that the area of BCE is twice that of CDF and a
quarter of ABCD. If the area of BCE is 1, find the area of CEF .


Question 18
19) There are 8568 ways to choose 5 students out of a group for a marathon competition, how
many ways are there to choose 5 students out of the same group for a basketball competition?
(In marathon everyone is identical whereas in basketball competition the 5 members have
different roles)

20) Find the number of positive factor(s) of 4500.

~ End of Paper ~

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