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A Technical Seminar report submitted to JNTUH in the partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of


G.SAI CHARAN - 19631A0514


(Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, HYD)



This is to certify that the Technical Seminar Report entitled “CLOUD

STORAGE” is the bonafide work done by G.SAI CHARAN (19631A0514), in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY in Computer Science and
Engineering by JNT.University Hyderabad during the academic year 2023.

COORDINATOR Head of the Department


I am G. Sai Charan student of B.Tech with CSE of Sri Venkateswara Engineering

College, Suryapet, being H.T. No 19631A0514 respectively hereby declares that the
Technical Seminar with the title “CLOUD STORAGE ” is the original work done by me.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, I hereby declare that this Technical Seminar
Report bears no resemblance to any other Technical Seminar Report submitted at Sri
Venkateswara Engineering College, Suryapet, or any other college affiliated to
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad for the award of the degree.

Place: Suryapet


Signature of the candidate



I thank the almighty for giving me the courage and perseverance in completing my Technical
Seminar Report. This Technical seminar Report itself is an acknowledgment of all those people who
gave this Technical Seminar a success.

I take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere gratitude to the Co-ordinator
Mrs.E.SRILAXMI , Associate Professor for his valuable advice at every stage of this work.

Without his supervision and valuable guidance I never have come out in this form.

We are also thankful to Mr.B.RAMJI Head of the department of computer science and engineering,
and, Dr M Raju Principal, Dr. D Kiran Kumar Director S.V.E.S for providing excellent facilities,
motivation and encouragement to complete this Technical Seminar Report work on time.

Last but not least we would like to express our deep sense of gratitude and earnest thanksgiving to our
parents for their moral support and heartfelt cooperation in doing the Technical Seminar Report. We
would also like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff and my friends whose direct or
indirect help has enabled us to complete this work successfully.



Computer data storage, often called storage or memory, refers to computer components and
recording media that retain digital data used for computing for some interval of time. Computer
data storage provides one of the core functions of the modern computer, that of information
retention. It is one of the fundamental components of all modern computers, and coupled with a
central processing unit (CPU, a processor), implements the basic computer model used since the
1940s. With the introduction of cloud storage and cloud servers, it has become easier than ever to
backup all our important computer files online. We are now given the flexibility of accessing all
our files from anywhere in the world, with the benefit of knowing that all our important pictures,
videos, music, files, documents, as well as other programs and data are securely stored and
available to us 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Table of Contents
CERTIFICATE ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... - 3 -
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................................ - 4 -
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................- 7 -
Chapter 2: CLOUD STORAGE………........................................................................................ - 8 -
Chapter 2.1:How cloud storage works..................................................................................…. 9 -
Chapter 3:TYPES OF CLOUD STORAGE...............................................................................- 12 -
Chapter 4:RISKS OF CLOUD STORAGE ................................................................................- 18 -
Chapter 4.1: Advantages of cloud storage..........................................................................- 18 -
Chapter 4.2: Disadvantages of cloud storage.....................................................................- 19 -
Chapter 5: ARCHITECTURE OF CLOUD STORAGE...........................................................- 21 -
Chapter 5.1: Data security..................................................................................................- 22 -
Chapter 5.2: Longuity..........................................................................................................- 23 -
Chapter 5.3:Acessibility......................................................................................................- 23 -
Chapter 6: SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO CLOUD PROBLEMS...........................................- 24 -
Chapter 6.1: What is cloud storage.....................................................................................- 24 -

Chapter 7:CONCLUSION................................................................................................................- 26

REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................- 27 -


Cloud Storage is a model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools, the
physical storage spans multiple servers (and often locations), and the physical environment is
typically owned and managed by a hosting company. These cloud storage providers are
responsible for keeping the data available and accessible, and the physical environment protected
and running. People and organizations buy or lease storage capacity from the providers to store
user, organization, or application data.

Cloud storage services may be accessed through a co-located cloud computer service, a web
service application programming interface (API) or by applications that utilize the API, such as
cloud desktop storage, a cloud storage gateway or Web-based content management systems.

Fig : Applications of cloud storage


Cloud Storage is technology that allows you to save files in storage, and then access those files
via the Cloud. Let's break down this definition. First, storage is the computer's ability to save files
and other resources for later use. When you restart a computer, the files that are still available
after the computer turns back on are saved and read from storage. Such storage commonly
consists of a hard drive, a USB Flash drive, or another type of drive .

Because local data drives can be damaged or stolen, an idea was developed to use data drives over
a network as storage. This allows the drives to be secured in a data center and backed up
automatically. Initially, network storage required fast local networks (LAN), but today we have
a ubiquitous network called the Internet.

The second part of Cloud Storage, the Cloud, represents the Internet. Any service, including
storage, available over the Internet, is called Cloud service. If you use GMAIL it is email in the
Cloud, if you use an Amazon MP3 player, that's music in the Cloud.

n contemporary usage, memory usually refers to a form of semiconductor storage known as

random-access memory, typically DRAM (Dynamic-RAM) but memory can refer to other forms
of fast but temporary storage. Similarly, storage today more commonly refers to storage devices
and their media not directly accessible by the CPU (secondary or tertiary storage) — typically
hard disk drives, optical disc drives, and other devices slower than RAM but more permanent.
Historically, memory has been called main memory, real storage or internal memory while
storage devices have been referred to as secondary storage, external memory or
auxiliary/peripheral storage

Chapter 2.1: How Cloud Storage Works
While it’s true that all computer owners store data, some users acquire so much information that
their computer almost qualifies as a mini-library of sorts. For these users, finding enough storage
space to hold all the data they’ve accumulated can seem like Mission Impossible.

Fig: Cloud storage

Cloud Storage

Some people invest in larger hard drives. Others favor external storage devices like thumb drives
or compact discs. Then there are those who are choosing to rely on a growing trend: cloud

What cloud storage really is boils down to this: It’s saving data to an off-site storage system
maintained by a third party. Rather than storing information to your computer’s hard drive or
other local storage device, you save it to a remote database. The Internet provides the connection
between your computer and the database.


A high level architecture of cloud storage.

This section may be too technical for most readers to understand. Please help improve this
section to make it understandable to non-experts, without removing the technical details. The talk
page may contain suggestions.
Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and is like broader cloud computing in
terms of accessible interfaces, near-instant elasticity and scalability, multi-tenancy, and metered
resources. Cloud storage services can be utilized from an off-premises service (Amazon S3) or
deployed on-premises (ViON Capacity Services).

Cloud storage typically refers to a hosted object storage service, but the term has broadened to
include other types of data storage that are now available as a service, like block storage.

Object storage services like Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Storage, object storage software like
Openstack Swift, object storage systems like EMC Atmos, EMC ECS and Hitachi Content
Platform, and distributed storage research projects like OceanStore and VISION Cloud are all
examples of storage that can be hosted and deployed with cloud storage characteristics. There is
also multiple cloud services management web application, like Multcloud designed to tie together
all cloud storage services in one platform and transfer data between cloud drives.

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Cloud storage is:

• Made up of many distributed resources, but still acts as one, either in a federated or a
cooperative storage cloud architecture
• Highly fault tolerant through redundancy and distribution of data
• Highly durable through the creation of versioned copies
• Typically eventually consistent with regard to data replicas

Cloud storage

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Chapter 3: Types of Cloud Storage

There are four main types of cloud storage — personal, public, private and hybrid;
There’s no doubting the fact that today, we live in the digital era. Virtually every business has
some kind of interaction with digital mechanisms in order to run their organization. Consequently,
one of the biggest changes in the business world is the move to cloud-based storage. Nowadays,
everything from storing private data from running huge web-based applications is
done through the cloud.

Thus, if you want to level up your career it’s a good idea to get familiar with cloud storage types
and how they work. In this article, we’ll present to you four of the major differentiators in the
types of cloud storage.

Fig :Types of cloud storage

Public Cloud Storage

Public cloud storage is where the enterprise and storage service provider are separate and there
aren't any cloud resources stored in the enterprise's data center. The cloud storage provider fully
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manages the enterprise's public cloud storage

Public cloud is open to all to store and access information via the Internet using the pay-per-
usage method.In public cloud, computing resources are managed and operated by the Cloud
Service Provider (CSP).

Example: Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2), IBM SmartCloud Enterprise, Microsoft, Google
App Engine, Windows Azure Services Platform.

FIG: Public cloud

Advantages of Public Cloud

There are the following advantages of Public Cloud -

o Public cloud is owned at a lower cost than the private and hybrid cloud.
o Public cloud is maintained by the cloud service provider, so do not need to worry about the
o Public cloud is easier to integrate. Hence it offers a better flexibility approach to consumers.
o Public cloud is location independent because its services are delivered through the internet.
o Public cloud is highly scalable as per the requirement of computing resources.
o It is accessible by the general public, so there is no limit to the number of users.
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Disadvantages of Public Cloud
o Public Cloud is less secure because resources are shared publicly.
o Performance depends upon the high-speed internet network link to the cloud provider.
o The Client has no control of data.

Private Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage where the enterprise and cloud storage provider are integrated in the
enterprise's data center. In private cloud storage, the storage provider has infrastructure in the
enterprise's data center that is typically managed by the storage provider. Private cloud storage
helps resolve the potential for security and performance concerns while still offering the
advantages of cloud storage.

Private cloud is also known as an internal cloud or corporate cloud. It is used by organizations
to build and manage their own data centers internally or by the third party. It can be deployed
using Opensource tools such as Openstack and Eucalyptus.

Based on the location and management, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
divide private cloud into the following two parts-

o On-premise private cloud

o Outsourced private cloud

o Outsourced private cloud

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Fig : Private cloud

Advantages of Private Cloud

There are the following advantages of the Private Cloud -

o Private cloud provides a high level of security and privacy to the users.
o Private cloud offers better performance with improved speed and space capacity.
o It allows the IT team to quickly allocate and deliver on-demand IT resources.
o The organization has full control over the cloud because it is managed by the organization itself.
So, there is no need for the organization to depends on anybody.
o It is suitable for organizations that require a separate cloud for their personal use and data security
is the first priority.

Disadvantages of Private Cloud

o Skilled people are required to manage and operate cloud services.
o Private cloud is accessible within the organization, so the area of operations is limited.
o Private cloud is not suitable for organizations that have a high user base, and organizations that do
not have the prebuilt infrastructure, sufficient manpower to maintain and manage the cloud.

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Hybrid Cloud Storage
Hybrid cloud storage is a combination of public and private cloud storage where some critical
data resides in the enterprise's private cloud while other data is stored and accessible from a public
cloud storage provider. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of the public cloud and the private cloud.
we can say:
Hybrid Cloud = Public Cloud + Private Cloud
Hybrid cloud is partially secure because the services which are running on the public cloud can be
accessed by anyone, while the services which are running on a private cloud can be accessed only
by the organization's users.
Example: Google Application Suite (Gmail, Google Apps, and Google Drive), Office 365 (MS
Office on the Web and One Drive), Amazon Web Services.
Advantages of Hybrid Cloud
There are the following advantages of Hybrid Cloud -

o Hybrid cloud is suitable for organizations that require more security than the public cloud.
o Hybrid cloud helps you to deliver new products and services more quickly.
o Hybrid cloud provides an excellent way to reduce the risk.
o Hybrid cloud offers flexible resources because of the public cloud and secure resources because
of the private cloud.

o Disadvantages of Hybrid Cloud

o In Hybrid Cloud, security feature is not as good as the private cloud.

o Managing a hybrid cloud is complex because it is difficult to manage more than one type of
deployment model.
o In the hybrid cloud, the reliability of the services depends on cloud service provider

Community Cloud

Community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of several

organizations to share the information between the organization and a specific community. It is
owned, managed, and operated by one or more organizations in the community, a third party, or a
combination of them.
- 16 -
Example: Health Care community cloud

Fig : Community Cloud

Advantages of Community Cloud

There are the following advantages of Community Cloud -

o Community cloud is cost-effective because the whole cloud is being shared by several
organizations or communities.

o Community cloud is suitable for organizations that want to have a collaborative cloud with more
security features than the public cloud.

o It provides better security than the public cloud.

o It provdes collaborative and distributive environment.
o Community cloud allows us to share cloud resources, infrastructure, and other capabilities among
various organizations.

Disadvantages of Community Cloud

o Community cloud is not a good choice for every organization.
o Security features are not as good as the private cloud.
o It is not suitable if there is no collaboration.
o The fixed amount of data storage and bandwidth is shared among all community members

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Chapter 4: Risks of Cloud Storage

I don’t think cloud storage is an infallible service. Along with the benefits, they come with a few
risks as well. It’s totally upon you to shortlist the service providers that properly serves your
purposes. Otherwise, you may face some risks in the process of backup. Let’s look at the flip side of
a cloud storage system.

• Requires high speed internet connection most of the time

• Data is stored on third party servers
• When a provider closes its service for maintenance, you may find it troublesome to access
your data
• If your provider closes its service permanently, you may lose you valuable data
• Premium services cost you a considerable amount for the storage volume

Most of the cloud storage service providers offer a free plan that intends to serve your common
needs. In case of dealing with a huge pile of files or business essentials, cloud storage can be a
reasonable way for securing your data in the cloud.

Chapter 4.1: Advantages of Cloud Storage

1. Usability: All cloud storage services reviewed in this topic have desktop folders
for Mac’s and PC’s. This allows users to drag and drop files between the cloud
storage and their local storage.

2. Bandwidth: You can avoid emailing files to individuals and instead send a web
link to recipients through your email.

3. Accessibility: Stored files can be accessed from anywhere via Internet connection.

4. Disaster Recovery: It is highly recommended that businesses have an emergency

backup plan ready in the case of an emergency. Cloud storage can be used as a back

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up plan by businesses by providing a second copy of important files. These files are
stored at a remote location and can be accessed through an internet connection.

5. Cost Savings: Businesses and organizations can often reduce annual operating
costs by using cloud storage; cloud storage costs about 3 cents per gigabyte to store
data internally. Users can see additional cost savings because it does not require
internal power to store information remotely.

Chapter 4.2:
Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

1. Usability: Be careful when using drag/drop to move a document into the cloud storage
folder. This will permanently move your document from its original folder to the cloud
storage location. Do a copy and paste instead of drag/drop if you want to retain the
document’s original location in addition to moving a copy onto the cloud storage folder.

2. Bandwidth: Several cloud storage services have a specific bandwidth allowance. If an

organization surpasses the given allowance, the additional charges could be significant.
However, some providers allow unlimited bandwidth. This is a factor that companies should
consider when looking at a cloud storage provider.

3. Accessibility: If you have no internet connection, you have no access to your data.

4. Data Security: There are concerns with the safety and privacy of important data
stored remotely. The possibility of private data commingling with other
organizations makes some businesses uneasy. If you want to know more about those
issues that govern data security and privacy, here is an interesting article on the

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5. Software: If you want to be able to manipulate your files locally through multiple devices,
you’ll need to download the service on all devices.

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Chapter 5:
Architecture of Cloud Storage

In terms of interfaces the cloud storage is basically based on highly virtualized technology which
is more like broader cloud computing. It is possible to use cloud storage services from an off-site
provider (Amazon S3) or from an on-site provider (ViON Capacity Services).

Usually, cloud storage refers to a hosted object storage service, although the concept has extended
to include other forms of data storage, such as block storage, that are also available as a service.

Some of the examples of cloud storage which can easily be hosted and deployed with cloud
storage characteristics are as follows -, Oracle Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage and
Amazon S3.

Cloud storage is:

o It consists of several distributed resources, but still functions as one, either in a cloud architecture
of federated or cooperative storage.
o Highly fault-tolerant via redundancy and data distribution.
o Extremely durable through the manufacture of copies of versions.
o Ultimately, it is usually compatible with data replication advantages.
o Companies just need to pay for the storage they actually use, normally an average of a month's
consumption. This does not indicate that cloud storage is less costly, rather that operating costs
are incurred rather than capital expenses.
o Cloud storage companies can cut their energy usage by up to 70 percent, making them a greener
o The provision of storage and data security is inherent in the architecture of object storage, so the
additional infrastructure, effort and expense to incorporate accessibility and security can be
removed depending on the application.
o Tasks for storage management, such as the procurement of additional storage space, are offloaded
to the service provider 's obligation.
o It provides users with immediate access of wide variety of tools and software housed in another
organisation's infrastructure through a web service interface.

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o As there are usually 2 or 3 separate backup servers located in different locations across the globe,
cloud storage may be used as a natural disaster proof backup.

o With the WebDAV protocol, cloud storage can be mapped as a local drive. For organisations with
several office locations, it may act as a central file server.

Chapter 5.1: Data security

Data storage outsourcing increases the surface area of attack.

1. It is processed at more locations after information has been dispersed, raising the likelihood of
unauthorised physical access to the data. For example , in the case of the disposal of old
computers, the reuse of drives, the reallocation of storage space. The way data is replicated
depends on the quality of service a customer prefers and the service delivered. It will maintain
confidentiality when encryption is in effect. When disposing of data (on a disc), crypto-shredding
can be used.

2. The number of persons who may be compromised (e.g., bribed, or coerced) with access to the
data increases significantly. As for the sharing of multiple cloud data with multiple users, a large
number of keys must be distributed to users for decryption through secure channels, and users
must also store and manage it securely on their devices. It takes very costly safe storage to store
these keys.
3. It increases the number of networks the data travels over.
4. It is possible for other customers to access the data by sharing storage and networks with many
other users or customers. Sometimes due to wrongdoing, defective equipment, a malfunction, and
sometimes due to criminal purpose. With encryption technology, the possibility of making data
read during transmission can be mitigated. It is the role of the transit encryption in order to
safeguard the data as it is transferred to and from the cloud service. In-rest encryption protects the
data stored by the service provider. Both forms of encryption security can be offered by
encrypting data in an on-site cloud service on-ramp scheme.

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Chapter 5.2: Longevity

Companies are not permanent and they may modify the services and goods they offer. Data
storage outsourcing to another business requires careful investigation and nothing is ever assured.
When a business ceases to exist or its circumstances change, contracts set in stone can be
worthless. Companies are willing to:

1. Just go bankrupt.
2. Expand their concentration and modify it.
3. Be absorbed by other bigger firms.
4. To be bought by a company based in or moved to a country that refuses compliance with export
restrictions and thus needs a transfer.
5. Suffering from an unrecoverable tragedy.

Chapter 5.3: Accessibility

o Depending on how much a client is willing to invest on WAN bandwidth, outsourced storage

efficiency is likely to be lower than local storage.

o Reliability and accessibility depend on the availability of the wide-area network and the extent

of precautions taken by the service provider. Hardware as well as different algorithms used
should be focused on reliability.
o A multiplicity of data storage is a given.

o Users with unique record-keeping requirements, such as public entities that must maintain

electronic records in compliance with the law, can face cloud computing and storage

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Chapter 6:
Suggested Solution to Cloud Problems

To prevent such problems, there are many choices available. One choice is to use a private cloud
(there are also services that provide private cloud storage) instead of a public cloud. Another
choice is to ingest data inside our on-site infrastructure in an encrypted format where the key is

Access is also achieved using on-premise cloud storage gateways. These gateways not only have
options for encrypting and compressing data prior to transfer, but also for mirroring storage
through various cloud storage providers and removing the possibility of shutdown by a single
provider. Gateways also provide the option of caching data on a recently used on-premise
algorithm. Data is cached and fetched in the most useful form along with data analytics instead of
just recently used form

Chapter 6.1:What is Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage is a technology that allows you to save files in storage, and then access
those files via the Cloud. Let's break down this definition. First, storage is the computer's ability
to save files and other resources for later use. When you restart a computer, the files that are still
available after the computer turns back on are saved and read from storage. Such storage commonly
consists of a hard drive, a USB Flash drive, or another type of drive. Because local data drives can be
damaged or stolen, an idea was developed to use data drives over a network as storage. This allows the
drives to be secured in a data center and backed up automatically. Initially, network storage required fast
local networks (LAN), but today we have a ubiquitous network called the Internet. The second part
of Cloud Storage, the Cloud ,represents the Internet. Any service, including storage,
available over the Internet, is called Cloud service. If you use GMAIL it is email in
the Cloud, if you use an Amazon MP3 player, that's music in the Cloud.
There are three types of cloud data storage: object storage, file storage, and block storage. Each offers
its own advantages and has their own use cases:
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Object Storage
Applicat ions developed in the cloud often take advantage of object storage's vast
scalabilit y and metadata characteristics. Object storage solutions like Amazon Simple Storage
Service (S3) are ideal for building modern applicat ions from scratch that require
scale and flexibilit y, and can also be used to import exist ing data stores for analytics,
backup, or archive.

2. File St orage
Some applicat ions need to access shared files and require a file system. This t ype
of storage is often supported with a Network Attached Storage (NAS) server. F i l e storage
solut ions like Amazon Elast ic File System (EFS) are ideal for use cases like large
content repositories, development environments, media stores, or user home

Block St orage
Other enterprise applicat ions like databases or ERP systems often require dedicated,
low-latency storage for each host. This is analogous to direct-attached storage (DAS)Page | 2

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• Many of the activities loosely grouped together under cloud computing have already been
happening and centralised computing activity is not a new phenomena

• Grid Computing was the last research-led centralised approach

• However there are concerns that the mainstream adoption of cloud computing could cause
many problems for users

• Many new open source systems appearing that you can install and run on your local cluster

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