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August 11, 2023


Student Adviser, The Plumage

Editor-in-Chief, The Plumage

Subject: Extension of Term for Head Graphics Editor

Dear Prof. Raniel:

A warm greetings in the spirit of freedom press!

I want to express my gratitude to The Plumage for accepting me as part of your

organization. I’ve significantly grown within a small period of time thanks to the
journalistic environment everyone is promoting. Met with different faces, different
aspirations, different dreams. My heart always beats to serve Inang Bayan and its
people. And I always aspire to do challenging things - maybe that’s why I’m looking to
transfer to Sintang Paaralan, to serve and help people to a larger extent, as I also plan
to join their school publication. I’ve already withdrawn my documents and am only
waiting for the schedule of transferring.

Going back, I’m writing this letter to request an extension of term as Head Graphics
Editor. As far as I know, an outsider can no longer hold a position other than being a
contributor. However, currently, the graphics team is only composed of three graphic
artists including myself. With conflicting schedules and an understaffed team, it really is
hard to produce quality materials in a timely manner. In addition, there is an increase in
the number of publication materials needed due to wider coverage, enrollment,
upcoming school year, and events. I would be glad to extend my help until the end of
the first semester or until there are more than 5 members in the graphics team. They
can then vote who will be their head graphics editor. At this time, I would be an irregular
student but am willing to sacrifice whatever’s good for the team.

Looking forward to your usual support. Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Romar Bolivar
Head Graphics Editor, The Plumage

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