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In this chapter, the researcher discusses the background of the study, the

problems of the study, the purposes of the study, the hypothesis, the scope and

limitation of the study, the significant of the study, and the definition of key terms.

A. Background of The Study

Nowadays, along with the strengthening position of English as a language

for international communication, the teaching of vocabulary skill has become

increasingly important in the English as a second foreign language. Vocabulary is

the crucial part in English learning that influences the learners to be able to

communicate in English or not. In the English teaching, vocabulary is very important

to help the student to improve their speaking skill. Vocabulary is one of the English

components that is very important in mastering English. The teaching of vocabulary

skill is also important due to the large number of students who want to study English

in order to be able to use English for communicative purpose.

According to Wehmeler, et quoted by Cahyono and Widiati

(2011:107), “Vocabulary is defined as all the words in particular language”. The

mastery of vocabulary is not an easy matter to do, because the students have a little

experience in learning English, even the most of students have a little reading habits.

Learning English particularly vocabulary is very important for supporting the ability

of speaking, listening, writing and reading. Without mastering vocabulary one will

face difficulties in improving the ability of communication with others, like the
expert states that “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed.

However, The mastering of vocabulary determines the success of mastering

English skill but it is not an easy matter to master because the most of students still

get hard to master the English language because the students have a little vocabulary.

To prepare students who are having good ability in communicating, the teacher

should pay attention much in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the students don’t face

difficulties in building sentences, and the difficulties in speaking caused missing

words can be avoided. On the other hand, Vocabulary teaching has not always been

very responsive to such problems, and teachers have not fully recognized the

tremendous communicative advantage in developing an extensive vocabulary. In

other word, most of teachers don’t pay attention much in developing teaching

vocabulary. They teach much for grammar, reading, speaking, listening, writing, etc,

Teaching vocabulary can start at the earlier stage, especially in the junior high

school when the students still in optimum grow up. When they gain vocabulary from

early education, they can’t face problem in higher education. In Indonesia teaching

vocabulary hasn’t done optimal yet, it can be seen that the average students face

difficulties in speaking. When the students in speech competition, they often stop

speaking because they miss words. It caused their vocabulary is still limited. The

students who are having limited vocabulary will face some problems, e.g. speaking,

listening, reading, writing, etc.

Generally for junior high school, the teacher seldom teaches vocabulary, the

students get new vocabulary only by reading. Meanwhile, for junior high the teacher

still faces difficulties how to teach vocabulary to the students. The teacher hasn’t
found a good method how to teach vocabulary to the students. This paradigm needs

to overcome soon, therefore for the future the students will get successful in learning


From the explanation above it can be concluded that vocabulary has an

important role in mastering English. By mastering vocabulary the students will study

English easily. This fact may support the English teacher to improve their role in

teaching English. It is hoped by increasing the teaching and learning process the

problem will overcome soon. The teacher is able to find a good method how to teach

vocabulary to the students. One of the methods is using game. Merriam-Webster

(2015) dictionary defines a “game” as a physical or mental activity or contest that

has rules and that people do for pleasure. In addition, According to Howard

(2006:654) as quoted by Lucas (2007:2), games are helpful in maintaining flexibility

in approaching problems. People who report that they enjoy and play these games

also score higher on problem-solving tests.

Based on the advantages of games, the researcher offers the method in

teaching vocabulary by using Whispering Games. Suseno (2012:83) explains that

Whispering game is an activity all at once to increase ability to listen and to

concentrate. Teaching reading by using Whispering games invites the students’

interest in accompanying the learning process. The students will be easy in getting

new vocabulary by using whispering games. Every word that heard by the students

will be saved on their memory immediately. That’s why the researcher examined a

study about “The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary through Whispering Game

towards the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the 7th Grade of MTs Terpadu

Roudlotul Quran in the Academic Year of 2015/2016”.

B. Problem of the study

Problem of this study is “Do the students taught Whispering Game

have better vocabulary mastery than those by non-Whispering Game at the 7th grade

of MTs Terpadu Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in the academic year of 2015/2016?”.

C. Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is:

To measure the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through Whispering Game at

the 7th grade of MTs Terpadu Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in the academic year of

2015/2016 towards the students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Hypothesis :

This study uses Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (Ho). They are:

1. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is stated as follows:

There is an effectiveness of using Whispering Game in teaching

vocabulary at the 7th grade of MTs Terpadu Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in

the academic year of 2015/2016 towards the students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. Null Hypothesis is stated as follows:

There is not any effectiveness of using Whispering Game in

teaching vocabulary at the 7th grade of MTs Terpadu Roudlotul Quran

Lamongan in the academic year of 2015/2016 towards the students’

vocabulary mastery.
E. Significant of the Study

1. Theoretically

This study is expected to give information and knowledge about the effectiveness

of teaching vocabulary through Whispering Game at the 7th grade of MTs Terpadu

Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in the academic year of 2015/2016 towards the students’

vocabulary mastery.

2. Practically, the result of this study is expected to be useful for;

a. Teachers

The result of this study is expected to give information and knowledge for the

English teacher of MTs Terpadu Roudlotul Quran Lamongan to increase the

students’ vocabulary mastery by using whispering game.

b. Further Researchers

This study can become the first study finding for the next study about strategy

of increasing the student’s vocabulary mastery.

F. The Scope and Limitation of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, The study offers limited scope

of discussion regarding the effectiveness of Whispering Game at the 7th grade of MTs

Terpadu Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in the academic year of 2015/2016 towards the

students’ vocabulary mastery. The study is scoped on the 7th Grade of MTs Terpadu

Roudlotul Quran Lamongan in the academic year of 2015/2016, especially at the VII

A and VII B class. This study is limited on the mastering noun and adjective

G. Definition of the KeyTerms

In this study, the researcher gives definition of key terns. They are:

1. Vocabulary

According to Wehmeler, et quoted by Cahyono and Widiati

(2011:107), “Vocabulary is defined as all the words in particular language”.

In the study, in the researcher’s perspective, Vocabulary is one of the

English components has to master by the students because it determines the

success of English learning.

2. Game

According to Howard (2006:654) as quoted by Lucas (2007:2), games

are helpful in maintaining flexibility in approaching problems. People who

report that they enjoy and play these games also score higher on problem-

solving tests.

In the study, the researcher assumes that game is one of the innovative

and attractive strategies in teaching English to make the students have strong

motivation to accompany the teaching and learning process. On the other hand,

by using game the students enjoy and easily to absorb the vocabulary.

3. Whispering Game

Suseno (2012:83) explains that Whispering game is an activity

all at once to increase ability to listen and to concentrate.

In this game the students are divided into four groups. Each of

group points one student as the leader. Before a group being made.
Teacher explains rule the game, namely every member will be given

whispering by other member in the same group.

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