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Assalamualaikum pak berikut ini UAS praktek conversation dari kelompok 1

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1 Hadayah Kafie Nandana
2 Izzat Radhi
3 Airlangga Kristiadi
4 Adzra Khalila
5 Luvita Fayyadh

Materinya no 10
Tentang Meletusnya gunung Sinabung

Reporter:It has been announced the explosion of the Sinabung volcano which is located in
Karo plateau Karo District, North Sumatra, this incident occurred on the seventh of
September two thousand and ten Initially this mountain became active on the twenty-ninth of
September two thousand and ten and then the volcano erupted on the seventh Twenty-eight
people got from the fierce eruption of Mount Sinabung.

Reporter: Hey little brother, how are you doing after the Mount Sinabung incident?

Abandoned child1: that's so terrible, I think I'll be traumatized until I grow up

Reporter:Okay, it turns out that's the situation, so I'll ask the next child

abandoned children2:My house was destroyed by an explosion. I'm very confused, where do I
live now????

Reporter: don't worry kid The government will definitely help, that's all from TV One, thank

Izzat:Oh, I'm so sorry for them, I pray for the best for the survivors who have passed away

Izzat: hey Rangga do you already know about the incident of Mount Sinabung

Rangga:Mount Sinabung, I don't know when it happened?

Izzat:Just this morning at 7 You don't watch tv do you?

Rangga:I didn't watch TV this morning because I wanted to come early in the morning

Izzat: how do you think their situation will be??

Rangga:I don't know what I can only pray for the survivors
Izzat:Yes, so do I, Eh, come on, let's go in, we're going to start learning

Rangga: okay

Rangga:Hey Kalilah, do you know about the eruption of Mount Sinabung this morning?

Kalilah:Yes, it's terrible, it's a pity that they must have no home anymore

Rangga:Yes, I'm also sad, I hope the government can help them

Kalilah:Yes, Eh Rangga, are you ready to do yesterday's homework that was given by Mr.

Rangga:Oh no I forgot to do my homework??

Kalilah: How can you forget it during homework?

Rangga:I was too early to sleep I was too excited for school

Kalilah:Ooooh okay I want to sit okay


Luvita: Hey Kalilah, did you know about the Mount Sinabung incident this morning??

Kalilah: Yes, I was just about to ask you, I'm so sorry, there are those whose parents died,
their house was destroyed, all their wealth must be gone

Luvita:Yes, it's a pity that they must be traumatized until they grow up

Kalilah:Yes, we can only pray and hope for the best for them, eh, have you done Mr. Zein's
homework yeMr

Luvita: yes, of course I'm a diligent kid hehe

Kalilah: yes, you are the smartest, uh, Mr. Zein has come, come on, sit down

Luvita: okay

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