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Dosen Pengampu Khairil Ramadhani,S.Hum., M.A

Nama : Dwi Yuniarti (200201004)

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas : menuliskan tentang kampung halaman

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional

Fakultas Sosial dan Politik
My Hometown

The best place when you comeback when you feel tired and need some rest
in home, No matter what happened home is always become the place which
welcoming you any kind situation, no matter what happened they always
welcoming you with warm heart.

My hometown is Bantuas, East Borneo. Its a sub-district of Samarinda. It

takes about one hour to trip from Samarinda to Bantuas. It is different with
Samarinda as a central city of East Borneo, but it is beautiful I think. Bantuas is
very green and fresh too. You could find many trees around your home if you live
there. You can hear many sounds of birds every morning, the citizens here mostly
work as farmers, gardening and raising livestock. This sub-district is still in
development process.

There are not too many people like in Samarinda. But many transmigrants
are come to Bantuas every year from Jawa, Sumatra or Sulawesi. So, with that
continous process, it is not impossible that one day someday Bantuas can become
an area that can develop into an area of influence for East Kalimantan.

If you have a chance to visiting my hometown,you will not find Mall or

even theather , because we haven’t one. But it’s not a big deal i think, since we
have a beautiful river and bridge as a means of connecting between Bantuas and a
Sanga-sanga. The boats here are still used by citizens as a means of transportation,
because they are assisted near to the beach, and a boat race is held every year.

Not just that, we also have a multipurpose building. Mostly used by our
society to spend their time with family. There is kid playing arena where usually
loaded with chilldern in the weekend. And then, arena for adolescent mostly used
by teenager playing basket, volly ball, badminton, jogging, and many positive
things that can grow their strenght and skill.

Most visited places of interest in Bantuas is mine coal. In place of the

excavating coal, a lot of people want to work in coal mining because the salary
that you will get is a lot, but not everyone can work as a mining worker because
they have to qualified skills, behind that coal companies located in Kalimantan
mostly prioritize the indigenous people of Kalimantan, but if you have experience
in coal work or good education you can also work in here.

I don’t know very much about traditional food. But something I know like
Soto Banjar and Nasi kuning as traditional food. Then, about the weather in
Bantuas, because its location near equator and a lot of forest there, the weather is
not really affected by moonson wind. Maybe you will find that the day is rainy
although in dry season, or the opposite of it.

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