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La automedicacion

Have you ever taken an nonprescribed medication?, i think that the mojority of you,
have done it even once.
Esto es tan comun que todavia recuerdo claramente cuando tenia tan solo 5 años y
tenia dolor de estomago, en esa ocasion estaba donde mi tia y recuerdo que le dije a
ella, por lo que fue a traer unas tabletas y comenzo a triturarla y lo mezcló con otras
sustancias y me lo dió a tomarlo, al cabo de unas horas comenzó a aparecer un rash
en mi piel y se puso muy roja, tenia mucha comezon, y adivinen mi dolor de estomago
no habia desaparecido, mi tia se puso muy preocupada porque no habia mejorado y mi
piel estaba de color rojo por lo que rapidamente me llevo al medico. Para mi buena
fortuna el medico dijo que fue solo una reaccion alergica moderada.
La utilización de medicamentos es hoy algo cotidiano en la vida del paciente y en la población en
general, pero su uso inadecuado puede convertirse en un verdadero peligro para la salud de las
personas. Es por ello que el empleo inadecuado de los medicamentos puede producir
complicaciones mas severas como reacciones, intoxicaciones o incluso la muerte.

Según la OMS la automedicación provoca la muerte de 700 000

personas a nivel mundial cada año.

percepción que la enfermedad o síntoma no es suficientemente grave para acudir al médico,

falta de tiempo para ver al médico, así como los elevados costos médicos, 

Nuestro ultimo dia es el 8 de mayo

Leer libro the five languages of love


The universal access to health care and the universal coverage implies that every
person and community have access without any discrimination to integral health care,
suitable, prompt, of quality, according to their needs, as well as quality, safe, and
effective medication.
According to the OMS data more tan half of world wide population doesn’t have Access
to essential health care, in some countries the Access gap is even higher. Some
countries allocate less than the 25% of their national Budget for primary attention,
figures obtain until 2022, that is why it is necessary to have a significant and sustained
increase in the investment in the health care to achieve full popular coverage.

Inequality in health outcomes and Access to health care services has been a central
issue in public health policy and health services over the last 20 years. The recognition
that health status and utilization of health services varied significantly depending upon
ones income, race and geographic location was an important factor to support for
national health policies that expand health care programs for the poor and other
vulnerable population groups world wide.
In Honduras, there are only 0.8 physicians for every 1,000 citizens, creating a nearly
insurmountable barrier on the ability to access health care for the impoverished lower
and middle classes, These classes can only access resources that come purely from an
underfunded and scarce-riddled public sector.
By evaluating the Honduran system, one can see further separations between a public
and private sector, serving different socioeconomic classes unequally. The public sector
consists of the Ministry of Health and Social Security, while the private sector consists
of “for-profit and non-profit institutions,” meaning that the private sector is funded by
financially well-to-do institutions or big businesses, while the public sector, which is what
the majority of the citizens find themselves participating in, uses funds provided from the
government and appropriated to help a large population of people . The private sector
only accounts for the wealthiest 10% of the population in Honduras . Therefore, the
lower and middle classes are already at a disadvantage compared to the extreme upper
class. It is important to note that the majority of the population are the lower and middle
classes, and they receive less resources and less quality care than the wealthy ten
percent. By developing the system into two sectors, the Honduras government
inadvertently automatically puts most of its citizens at a disadvantage because access
is differentiated between those of different class status. In addition most of the medical
facilities are located in the large cities and easily accessed by only the wealthiest in the
nation, leaving the rural population in disadvantage having to walk up to 3 hours to find
health facilities. Those living in the most destitute areas of Honduras struggle to obtain
clean water supplies, sanitation stations, transportation to medical facilities, and
financial stability to pay for any type of procedure.
As one can observe from studying the Honduran health care system, there is a
significant discrepancy between the quality of care given to its citizens based purely
among class status.
At the same time, good health is associated with academic success. Higher levels of
protective health behaviors and lower levels of health risk behaviors are been
associated with higher academic grades among high school students. 8 Health risks
such as teenage pregnancy, poor dietary choices, inadequate physical activity, physical
and emotional abuse, substance abuse, and gang involvement have a significant impact
on how well students perform in school and their health
The lack of education and accessibility is an ethical issue that can be seen even in the
most industrialized countries, such as America and Germany. Only open dialogue
between the government, citizens, and researchers can offer a discourse on ways to
limit healthcare disparities between socioeconomic classes.

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