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The importance of transportation

EX.1 To illustrate the importance of transportation in our national life, identify a

transportation- related article that appears in a local or national newspaper.
Discuss the issue involved and explain why the item was newsworthy.

EX.2 Keep a diary of all trips you make for a period of three to five days.
Record the purpose of the trip, how you traveled, the approximate distance
travelled and the trip time. What conclusions can you draw from the data?
EX.3 Identify one significant transportation event that occurred in your city or
state. Discuss the significance of this event.
EX.4 Describe how transportation influenced the initial settlement and
subsequent development of your home city or state.
EX.5 How would your typical day be changed without availability of your
principal mode of transportation? Consider both personal transportation as
well as goods and services that you rely on.

EX.6 Describe the organization and function of your state

highway/transportation department.

EX.7 Obtain a copy of a Journal of the Transportation Research (published by

the Transportation Research Board, Elsevier, Wiley….).
(a) Select an article published by one of your professors and write a short
summary of its contents.
(b) Describe the technical area of transportation covered by this article.

EX. 8 What are the four principal modes for moving people? Which of these
modes accounts for the largest share of passenger-miles? Which mode accounts
for the lowest?

EX. 9 Estimate the number of personal motor vehicles in your city or state.
What is the total number of miles driven each year? How much revenue is raised
per vehicle per year for each X dh/liter tax? Assume that the average vehicle
achieves 25 miles per gallon in fuel economy.

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