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C1: Logical Plan for Prototype - Materials, Equipment, Time, Knowledge and Skills List

Time: 3 hours

1. Materials Qty Dimensions (cm) Where can I get it?

Yellow colour paper 2 33 x 5 Available at home

Tape 2 13 x 3 Available at home


2. Equipment / Tools Where can I get it?

Sharp scissors IBC

Glue IBC

Ruler Available at home

Pencil Available at home

Eraser Available at home

3. Knowledge and Skills How am I going to achieve it?

Do I know how to use it?
What do I need to learn?
How do I find that out?

Basic skills: cutting paper 1. I’ve used paper a lot of times in my projects and am experienced
precisely with cutting it. To ensure further that my cutting is precise, I will
outline the measurements accurately using a ruler.

Assembling tape and paper 1. In order for the wrist wrap to have straps, I’m using a combination
(velcro replacement) of clear tape and paper. I will first test this idea with scrap paper, to
check if it is successful.

C1: Logical Plan for Final Product - Materials, Equipment, Knowledge and Skills List

Time: 6-7 hours

1. Materials Qty Dimensions (cm) Where to get it?

Yellow neoprene 2 33 x 5 Warehouse

velcro straps 2 13 x 3 Design lab


White A4 paper 1 21 x 29.7 Design lab / home

2. Equipment / Tool Where to get it?

Chalk Available at home

Razor blade / cutter knife Design lab

All purpose glue IBC

Sharp scissors Design lab

Ruler Available at home

Pencil Available at home

Eraser Available at home

3. Knowledge and Skills How am I going to achieve it?

Do I know how to use it?
What do I need to learn?
How do I find that out?

Cutting neoprene precisely 1. I will follow a website that helps instruct me how to cut neoprene
2. I will experiment cutting it with a prototype base, in order for me to
find out how to cut properly.
3. I will learn the basics of cutting elastic materials and cutting

Attaching velcro 1. I will follow a youtube video that helps instruct me how to attach
velcro to a fabric.
2. I will ask for Mr Jesse’s guidance

Stitching skills (for extra 1. I will follow a youtube video that helps guide me in stitching the
durability) velcro straps and neoprene together
2. I will ask for Mr Jesse’s guidance

Using manufacturing tools 1. I am going to achieve it with Mr Jesse’s guidance.

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