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Romnick C. Panelo
Meeting the legal requirements of a national, state, or local authority results in citizenship.
Citizens of a country are given specific benefits and rights. Citizens are required to uphold their nation's
laws and protect it from outside threats in return. Citizenship is a relationship between a person and a
state to which that person owes loyalty and is thereby entitled to that state's protection. Citizenship
denotes a position of freedom with related duties. Aliens and other noncitizens living in a country are not
granted or only partially accorded certain rights, obligations, and responsibilities that apply only to
citizens. In general, citizenship is a requirement for having full political rights, including the ability to
vote and hold public office. Allegiance, taxes, and military duty are the typical obligations of citizenship.
Being a citizen has so many roles in their country. One of them is voting. When you reach your
legal age, it is necessary to register in Comelec to vote. But since you don’t have enough knowledge
about voting you need to learn. That’s why we have voter education in this way we can learn to know
about the basic rules of voting. And also, voter education is a term commonly used to describe the
distribution of materials, activities, and information aimed at educating voters about the particulars and
mechanics of a certain election. Voter education involves providing information on who is eligible to
vote; where and how to register; how electors can check the voter lists to ensure they have been duly
included; what type of elections are being held; where, when, and how to vote; who the candidates are;
and how to file complaints.

A fundamental function of a country's political system is voting. It gives the people the option to
select their own government. Additionally, it gives the people an option of choosing their government
representatives. Every government's goal is to create and carry out different policies that will benefit its
people. The individual who has the right can also ask the government questions and request clarifications.
In a democracy, casting a ballot is the only way for a citizen to voice their views. In order to start the
democratic process, voting is essential.

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