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D. F. Graves*

INTRODUCTION Rubber products appear everywhere in mod-

The word “rubber” immediately brings to ern society from tires to biomedical products.
mind materials that are highly flexible and will The development of synthetic rubber began
snap back to their original shape after being out of the need for countries to establish inde-
stretched. In this chapter a variety of materials pendence from natural products that grew only
are discussed that possess this odd characteris- in tropical climates. In times of conflict the
tics. There will also be a discussion on the natural product might not be available, and its
mechanism of this “elastic retractive force.” loss would seriously threaten national security.
Originally, rubber meant the gum collected Synthetic rubber, then, became a strategic
from a tree growing in Brazil. The term concern during World Wars I and 11.’ Beyond
“rubber” was coined for this material by the the security issue, the need for materials with
English chemist Joseph Priestley, who noted better performance also provided a strong
that it was effective for removing pencil impetus for the development of new rubbery
marks from paper. Today, in addition to materials. In particular, improvements in oil
Priestley’s natural product, many synthetic resistance, high-temperature stability, and oxi-
materials are made that possess these charac- dation and ozone resistance were needed.*
teristics and many other properties. The com- Research today is driven to develop materials
mon features of these materials are that they with even better performance in these areas. In
are made up of long-chain molecules that are the 1980s and 1990s tires with lower rolling
amorphous (not crystalline), and the chains resistance were demanded by car manufactur-
are above their glass transition temperature at ers to improve fuel economy. This was accom-
room temperature. plished, in part, by developing functional tread
polymers which chemically bond to fillers
resulting in a dramatic reduction in the hys-
teresis (energy loss) of the tire tread. These
*Firestone Polymers, Division of Bridgestone/Firestone, new functional polymers will be discussed in
Inc., Akron, OH. this chapter.


TABLE 16.1 Synthetic Rubber Production by Type, 2003

?iPe Description (Metric Tons)
SBR-solid Styreneibutadiene rubber 2,635,000
BR Butadiene rubber 2,018,000
IR Isoprene rubber 258,000
CR Chloroprene (or neoprene) 244,000
EPDM Ethyleneipropylene terpolymer 883,000
NBR Nitrile or acrylonitrileibutadiene rubber 303,000
Others 1,025,000
Total 7,366,000

Source: Worldwide Rubber Statistics 2004, International Institute of Synthetic

Rubber Producers, Inc., by permission

TABLE 16.2 Worldwide Rubber The 2003 synthetic rubber capacity by type
Consumption Forecast, 2008 (Metric Tons) is presented in Table 16.1, and Table 16.2 lists
the worldwide rubber consumption forecast
Total new rubber 19,442,000
Natural 9,042,000 by type for 2008.
Total synthetic 10,400,000
SBR 4,114,000
Nitrile 424,000
Polybutadiene 2,572,000 Several key principles (outlined below)
EPDM 1,048,000 greatly help in understanding the perform-
Other Synthetics 2,242,000
'YONatural 46.5 ance of elastomeric materials. This outline
% Synthetic 53.5 should present these concepts well enough for
use in the following discussions of specific
Source: Worldwide Rubber Statistics 2004, International polymer types. However, the reader should
Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers, Inc., by per-
mission. consult the references for a more complete
understanding of these principles. The concepts
are classified as those that relate to polymer
The worldwide demand for rubber was esti-
structure, those that relate directly to physical
mated to be 19.4 million metric tons for
properties, and those that relate to the use of
2008,3 excluding latex materials. Of this
the material, as listed below.
demand 54 percent is synthetic rubber of var-
ious kinds. Rubber has been classified by use 1. Polymer structure:
into general purpose and specialty. (a) Macrostructure
The major general purpose rubbers are 0 Molecular weight
natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, 0 Molecular weight distribution

butadiene rubber, isoprene rubber, and ethyl- 0 Branching

ene-propylene rubber. These rubbers are used (b) Microstructure
in tires, mechanical goods, and similar appli- (c) Network structure
cations. Specialty elastomers provide unique
2. Rubber properties:
properties such as oil resistance or extreme
(a) Elasticity-the retractive force
heat stability. Although this differentiation
(b) Glass transition temperature
is rather arbitrary, it tends also to classify
(c) Crystallinity
the polymers according to volumes used.
Styrene-butadiene rubber, butadiene rubber, 3 . Rubber use:
and ethylene-propylene rubber account for (a) Compounding
78 percent of all synthetic rubber consumed. (b) Processing


Molecular Weight. The single most important
property of any polymer is the size or length
of the molecule. The polymerization process q.
where is the number of moles of species i,
consists of combining many of the simple and Miis the molecular weight of species i.
monomer molecules into the polymer chain. Although there are many different statistical
Most of the monomers used to produce rub- ways to describe any population, the above
bers are either gases or low-viscosity liquids parameters have been widely used because
under normal conditions; upon polymerization they are readily understood in physical terms,
they form liquids whose viscosity increases to and they can be measured directly in the lab-
extremely high values as the chain length is oratory.’ A fourth parameter, the dispersion
increased. At very low chain length, this index, frequently is used to characterize the
increase is linear with molecular weight until breadth of the distribution. This parameter is
the chains are long enough to become entan- simply the ratio of the weight to the number
gled. Above the entanglement molecular average molecular weight, with 1 .O being the
weight, the viscosity increases to the 3.4-3.5th lowest possible number (i.e., all chains of
power of molecular weight i n ~ r e a s eIn
. ~addi- exactly the same length). Typical values for
tion to viscosity, a great many other physical commercial polymers are in the 2-5 range,
properties of any polymer depend upon the with those under 2 considered relatively
molecular weight5 narrow and those over 2.5 considered broad
in distribution. The measurement of these
Molecular Weight Distribution. A given molecular weight averages once was a time-
polymer sample is composed of many poly- consuming task, but with the development of
mer chains, which in most cases are not of the gel permeation chromatography (GPC), also
same length. This variability can be a result of referred to as size exclusion chromatography,
the synthesis process or of possible random the measurement of these distributions has
scission and cross-linking that can occur upon become commonplace.* Units are even avail-
processing. For economic reasons, it is not able that automatically sample polymerization
possible to separate the various polymer reactors, process the sample, and perform all
chains by length prior to use; so it is impor- necessary calculations to provide data for
tant to characterize this distribution in order process control. These units can have multiple
to describe the polymer and understand its detectors, thereby providing compositional
performance. As with any distribution, no sin- distribution as a function of molecular weight.
gle number is a totally satisfactory descriptor.
The commonly used molecular weight Branching. The concept of a polymer
parameters are the number, weight, and z chain implies two ends per chain. However,
average molecular weight, which are defined, because of the nature of the process used to
respectively, as+ form the polymer, the chain may contain one
or more branch points, resulting in multiple
ends per chain. These chain ends can have an
adverse effect on polymer performance.
M,, =
Branching, molecular weight, and molecular
CNi weight distribution have been shown to
affect processability as well.9 The optimum
macrostructure often represents a compromise
between processing and ultimate performance.
M, = ~

Branching can also be measured using the

GPC technique with special detectors.

Microstructure chain mobility, polymer composition also

In the formation of elastomers from diolefin defines the solubility parameter of the poly-
monomers such as butadiene or isoprene, there mer, which is a critical property relative to the
are a number of possible structures. Since the type of solvents in which the polymer is solu-
control of these structures is critical in obtain- ble, the ability of the polymer to accept and
ing optimum properties, this area has received hold oil, and the relative compatibility of the
great attention from the synthesis chemist. The polymer with other polymers. * Basically,
possible polyisoprene structures are: these properties all involve polymer-solvent

trans-1.4 polyisoprene cts-l,4 polylsoprene

H 2
HZ \-
’C H

I ,2 p o l y l s o p r e i i e \ti2 3.4 polyisoprene

For butadiene (no methyl group) the 3,4 form interaction, with the difference being the
does not exist. The 1,2 addition is referred to increasing molecular weight of the solvent.
as vinyl addition. In addition to the relative ratio of the
The polymer in natural rubber (from the monomers, the arrangement of the units in
Hevea brasiliensis tree) is pure cis polyiso- the chain is important. This arrangement
prene; gutta percha and balata are composed is referred to as the copolymer sequence
of the trans isomer. distribution. In the previous discussion, the
Many of the commercial synthetic elas- assumption was made that the comonomer
tomers are synthesized from more than one units were well mixed in the polymer chain. If
monomer, such as styrene-butadiene and this is not the case, parts of the chain can
ethylene-propylene rubbers. The properties of reflect properties of the corresponding
the resultant polymer depend on the ratio of the homopolymer. It is thus possible to produce
two monomers in the polymer and upon the polymers that have significantly different
distribution of the monomers within the chain. properties in different parts of the polymer
If the monomers are uniformly distributed chain. A most dramatic example of this can
within the polymer chain, the ratio of be found in styrene-butadiene-styrene
monomers will define the flexibility of the or styrene-isoprene-styrene thermoplastic
polymer chain.I0 Because many properties elastomers. The properties of these unique
depend on this chain mobility, polymer com- materials will be discussed in the section
position is carefully controlled. In addition to “Thermoplastic Elastomers.”

Network Structure There have been both statistical and ther-

A critical requirement for obtaining engineer- modynamic approaches to solving the problem
ing properties from a rubbery material is its of rubber elasticity leading to a phenomeno-
existence in a network structure. Charles logical treatment; however, these methods are
Goodyear’s discovery of vulcanization changed beyond the scope of this chapter. The important,
natural rubber from a material that became and most interesting, result of these theories is
sticky when hot and brittle when cold into a that rubber elasticity arises from changes in
material that could be used over a wide range entropy of the network. Rubber molecules are
of conditions. Basically, he had found capable of geometric isomerization, examples
a way to chemically connect the individual of which are cis and trans, just like any other
polymer chains into a three-dimensional net- unsaturated organic molecule. Upon stretching
work. Chains that previously could flow past the network of chains, no “configurational”
one another under stress now had only limited changes take place. That is, cis is not changed
extensibility, which allowed for the support to trans and thus there is no configurational
of considerable stress and retraction upon contribution to entropy. Elasticity does not
release of the stress. The terms “vulcaniza- arise from stretching or deforming covalent
tion,” “rubber cure,” and “cross-linking’’ all bonds either. What does take place are rotations
refer to the same general phenomenon. about single bonds in the chain backbone dur-
For most rubber systems the network is ing stretching. It is these “conformational”
formed after the polymer is compounded and changes which give rise to the entropy
molded into the desired final shape. Once decrease upon stretching. The chains do not
cross-linked, the material no longer can be like being in a stretched state because there
processed. If cross-linking occurs prior to are many conformational states not available
compounding or molding, the material is to them until the stress is released. The chain
referred to as gelled, and it cannot be used. ends are held apart at a statistically unfavor-
Most rubber is used in a compounded and able distance, which gives rise to the entropy
cured form. There is an optimum cross-link decrease. The following expression, for exten-
density for many failure properties such as sions >lo%, shows that the elastic force, J; is
tensile strength and tear which will be directly proportional to the absolute tempera-
discussed in the next section. ture, or the elastic response of the rubber is
The one general class of polymers that fall entirely governed by the decrease in entropy
outside this concept is the thermoplastic elas- (S) which it undergoes upon extension. l 2 The
tomers, which will also be discussed later. term aL is the change in length of the sample:

R U BBER PROPERTIES This expression was derived for constant

temperature and volume experiments.
Elasticity-The Retractive Force
The shear modulus of the rubber network is
The fact that cross-linked rubber materials related to the molecular weight between
can be extended to several times their original cross-link points or M,. The lower the molec-
length and return to that original length when ular weight of chains between cross-links
released is certainly their most striking fea- (network chains), the higher the cross-link
ture. This is in contrast to crystalline solids density and the higher the modulus. This is
and glasses, which cannot normally be shown in the following expression:
extended to more than a fraction of their orig-
inal length and also to ductile metals which PRT
can be extended to large deformations but do
Go = M ,
not return to the original length after the stress where Go is the elastic shear modulus, p is
is removed. the density, R is the gas constant, and T is

absolute temperature. There is an optimum looks at the change in heat capacity when
cross-link density for ultimate strength prop- a material goes through its glass transition.
erties, above which the highly cross-linked Another very useful method is to use dynamic
network no longer can dissipate strain energy mechanical properties where the polymer
in the form of heat (hysteresis) so all the is subjected to a temperature sweep in a
energy goes into breaking network chains and dynamic mechanical spectrometer from very
the material becomes brittle. Below this opti- low temperature (- 120°C) to well above
mum cross-link level the material simply has room temperature (+ 100°C). If the modulus
too much viscous flow and pulls apart easily. is plotted vs. temperature, there will be a
Therefore, the rubber chemist must optimize sharp decrease as the polymer warms to above
the state of cure if high strength is desired. its Tg.There will also be a peak in the energy
loss property known as tan delta. The tan delta
YS. temperature plot is very useful for predict-
GIass Tra n sit io n Tern perat u re ing tire properties such as rolling resistance
In order for a polymer to behave as a rubbery and wet traction.
material, it is necessary for the chain to have
great mobility. As the temperature is lowered,
the ability of the chain segments to move
decreases until a temperature is reached Polymer chains can exist in spatial arrange-
where any large-scale motion is prevented. ments that are orderly enough to allow the
This temperature is referred to as the glass chains to form crystalline structures. The
transition temperature ( T J . Below this existence of strong interchain interactions via
temperature the rubber becomes a glassy polar forces, hydrogen bonding, or ionic
material-hard and brittle. Above this groups can facilitate crystallization. The exis-
temperature amorphous plastics, such as tence of crystallization is very important for
polystyrene, can exhibit a rubbery character if many plastics and fibers, but crystallinity
the molecular weight is sufficiently high. All cannot be appreciably present in rubbery
rubbery materials, then, must have glass tran- materials, as the corresponding restriction in
sition temperatures below room temperature. chain mobility could preclude the very chain
For good low-temperature properties, it mobility needed for rubbery properties.
obviously follows that a low glass transition Rubbery materials must have both their melt-
temperature polymer is required. The control ing temperature (if they have a crystalline
of the glass transition temperature of the poly- point) and their glass transition temperature
mer is critical for many properties other than below the use temperature.
low-temperature use. For example, the wet Crystallinity can be reduced by disruption
traction and wear of a passenger tire have of the order in the chain by copolymeri-
been shown to greatly depend directly on the zation. l 4 For example, both polyethylene
polymer glass transition temperature. l 3 and polypropylene are crystalline plastics,
Control of this property is possible by whereas ethylene-propylene rubber produced
controlling the structure of the polymer chain. at about a 50 : 50 ratio is an amorphous elas-
Monomers with bulky side groups restrict tomer. Compositional excursions much out-
chain mobility and thus raise the glass transi- side this range lead to crystalline materials. l 5
tion temperature. The composition of copoly- For some materials, such as natural rubber,
mers and the ratio of polymer blends often are that are close to crystallizing, stretching the
determined by the desired glass transition chains can align them sufficiently for crystal-
temperature of the final product. lization to occur. Such polymers can exhibit
The glass transition temperature is usually excellent gum properties and improved
measured using thermal methods such as dif- strength in the uncured state that greatly
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) which facilitate processing.

Attempts have been made with some atoms. Stearic acid and zinc oxide usually are
success to produce other polymers that exhibit added to activate these accelerators. Metal
this property of natural rubber. Although the oxides are used to cure halogenated polymers
melting temperature can be matched by such as polychloroprene or chlorosulfonated
appropriately disrupting the crystallizable polyethylene.
structure through controlled introduction of
another monomer, an exact match is not pos- Reinforcing Agents. Carbon black and silica
sible because the extent of crystallinity and are the most common reinforcing agents.
the kinetics of crystallization will differ. These materials improve properties such as ten-
Crystallinity can be measured using the sile strength and tear strength; also, they increase
same thermal and dynamic mechanical meth- hardness, stiffness, and density and reduce cost.
ods described for measuring Tg however, the Almost all rubbers require reinforcement to
melting much sharper than the Tg obtain acceptable use properties. The size of
because it is a first-order transition compared the particles, how they may be interconnected
with second-order for the Tg. (structure), and the chemical activity of the
surface are all critical properties for reinforcing
agents. In tire applications, new polymers are
RUBBER USE currently being developed which contain func-
tional groups that directly interact with carbon
black and silica, improving many properties.
The rubber industry began when Charles
Goodyear developed the first useful rubber Fillers. Fillers are added to reduce cost,
compound: natural rubber plus sulfur. The increase hardness, and color the compound.
concept of mixing materials into rubber to Generally they do not provide the dramatic
improve performance is still of primary improvement in properties seen with reinforc-
importance today. Without compounding, few ing agents, but they may have some reinforc-
rubbers would be of any commercial value. ing capability. Typical fillers are clays,
Any given rubber application will have a calcium carbonate, and titanium dioxide.
long list of necessary criteria in addition to
cost, encompassing appearance, processing, Plasticizers. These materials are added to
mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal reduce the hardness of the compound and can
properties. Developing such compounds reduce the viscosity of the uncured compound
requires a broad knowledge of material sci- to facilitate processes such as mixing and
ence and chemistry combined with experi- extruding. The most common materials are
ence. The use of designed experiments can petroleum-based oils, esters, and fatty acids.
greatly facilitate selecting the optimum com- Critical properties of these materials are their
pound formulation. compatibility with the rubber and their vis-
The major components in a compound are cosity. Failure to obtain sufficient compatibil-
curatives, reinforcing agents, fillers, plasticiz- ity will cause the plasticizer to diffuse out of
ers, and antidegradants. the compound. The oils are classified as aro-
matic, naphthenic, or paraffinic according to
Curatives. The function of curatives is to their components. Aromatic oils will be more
cross-link the polymer chains into a network; compatible with styrene-butadiene rubber
the most common ones are the sulfur type for than paraffinic oils, whereas the inverse will
unsaturated rubber and peroxides for saturated be true for butyl rubber. The aromatic oils are
polymers. Chemicals called accelerators may dark colored and thus cannot be used where
be added to control the cure rate in the sulfur color is critical, as in the white sidewall of a
system; these materials generally are complex tire. The naphthenic and paraffinic oils can be
organic chemicals containing sulfur and nitrogen colorless and are referred to as nonstaining.

Antidegrudents. This group of chemicals the components must be assembled with high
is added to prevent undesirable chemical reac- precision so that the final cured product can
tions with the polymer network. The most operate smoothly at high speeds and last over
important are the antioxidants, which trap free 50,000 miles.
radicals and prevent chain scission and cross-
linking. Antiozonants are added to prevent
ozone attack on the rubber, which can lead
to the formation and growth of cracks. More than 500 years ago, the people of
Antiozonants function by diffusion of the Central and South America were using a prod-
material to the surface of the rubber, thereby uct that they collected from certain trees to
providing a protective film. Certain anti- make balls and to coat fabric to make it water-
oxidants have this characteristic, and waxes proof. This material they called cauchuc,
also are used for this purpose. which means “weeping wood.” Today we know
the tree as the Heveu brusiliensis and the mate-
rial as natural rubber. Although a number of
plants produce rubber, the only significant
A wide range of processes are used to convert commercial source is the Heveu tree. Natural
a bale of rubber into a rubber product such as rubber initially had only limited applications
a tire. The first process generally will be com- because it flowed when hot and had poor
pounding. Typical compounding ingredients strength. In 1839 Charles Goodyear found that
were discussed previously. In many com- when combined with sulfur and heated, the
pounds more than one rubber may be needed material changed into cured rubber with prop-
to obtain the performance required. Uncured erties much as we know them today. The
rubber can be considered as a very high- development of the pneumatic tire in 1845
viscosity liquid; it really is a viscoelustic combined with the dramatic growth of the
material possessing both liquid and elastic automotive industry led to a rapid increase in
properties. Mixing materials into rubber the demand for natural rubber.
requires high shear, and the simplest method Although the tree was indigenous to Brazil,
is a double roll mill in which the rubber is seeds were taken to England where they were
shear-mixed along with the other compound- germinated, and the plants were sent to the Far
ing ingredients in the bite of the mill. Large- East. Rubber plantations were in existence by
scale mixing is most commonly done with the late 18OOs, and in the 1920s plantations
a high-shear internal mixer called a Banbury. were begun in West Ahca. Because of a leaf
This mixing is a batch process, although blight disease, essentially all natural rubber now
continuous internal mixers also are used. comes from plantations in Africa and the Far
The compounded rubber stock will be fur- East rather than Central and South America.l 6
ther processed for use. The process could be The production process starts with the trees.
injection or transfer molding into a hot mold Over the years considerable biological
where it is cured. Tire curing bladders are research has been done to produce trees that
made in this fashion. Extrusion of the rubber grow faster, produce more latex, and are
stock is used to make hose or tire treads and resistant to wind and disease damage. Once
sidewalls. Another common process is calen- such an improved tree has been identified,
daring, in which a fabric is passed through buds are grafted from the tree onto root stock.
rolls where rubber is squeezed into the fabric All such trees are referred to as clones and
to make fabric-reinforced rubber sheets for will have the same characteristics. It typically
roofing membranes or body plies for tires. takes 6-7 years of growth before a tree is ready
The actual construction of the final product for rubber recovery. Peak rubber production is
can be quite complex. For example, a tire con- reached at 12-15 years of age. Another major
tains many different rubber components some development in improving tree performance
of which are cord or fabric reinforced. All of has been the use of tree stimulants. which

has resulted in an overall yield increase of Dry rubber is produced from the latex first
30 percent without adverse effects on the trees. by dilution, then by coagulation with organic
The production process of natural rubber in acids, and finally by formation into sheets or
the tree is not yet fully understood. However, crepe. Rubber smoked sheets are made by
it involves a long series of complex biochem- working the coagulated sheets between rolls
ical reactions that do not involve isoprene as a to remove as much of the nonrubbery compo-
monomer, even though the resulting polymer nents as possible, followed by drying for up to
is 100 percent cis 1,4 polyisoprene. Because a week in a smokehouse. The smoke serves as
the tree makes the product, the rubber pro- a fungicide that prevents biological attack of
duction process is really one of recovery. the rubber. To provide a more well-defined
The recovery process starts with tapping of uniform product, Technically Specified
the tree, which involves manually removing thin Rubber (TSR) processes have been devel-
sections of bark at an angle so that as the latex oped. These processes involve converting the
is exuded from the damaged living latex cells, coagulated rubber into rubber crumb, which
it will flow down to be collected in a cup. The is further washed, dried, and baled. Constant-
depth of the cut is critical, as a tool shallow cut viscosity grades of natural rubber have been
will not allow optimum latex yield, and too developed by chemically reacting the alde-
deep a cut will damage the tree. The damaged hyde groups, which otherwise would lead to
latex vessels will seal off after several hours. cross-linking upon storage. In the pale crepe
A preservative is added to the collection cup to process the latex is carefully selected for col-
prevent coagulation of the latex. The tapper ored bodies (from carotene) and treated with
then collects the latex and takes it to a collec- sodium bisulfite to stop enzyme activity. The
tion station, from which it is shipped to the rub- rubber is extensively washed through rollers
ber factory. Additional preservative is added at to remove serum, as this can lead to yellow-
the collection station to assure stable latex. The ing. The wet crepe is dried under carefully
latex contains around 30-45 percent rubber. controlled temperatures and in the absence of
Approximately 3 percent of the solid material light to assure optimum properties. The previ-
is nonrubber materials, consisting primarily of ously described processes involve consider-
proteins, resins, and sugars. able investment and are practical only for
The latex is processed in one of several plantation operations. Small shareholders
ways, depending on the desired final product. may allow their latex to coagulate naturally
If it is going to be used in the final product and sell it to processors. Such a product will
application in the latex form (such as for vary greatly, depending on the specific
dipped goods and adhesives), it will be con- history of each rubber slab.''
centrated to 60 percent or higher solids. The
most common process is centrifugation. The
latex separates into the high-solids product
and a low-solids skim material that contains a The largest use of natural rubber is in the
much higher percentage of the nonrubbery manufacture of tires. Over 70 percent of its
components; rubber produced from skim is consumption is in this area. The next largest
generally of a lower quality because of these use is as latex in dipped goods, adhesives,
impurities. A variety of chemicals can be rubber thread, and foam. These uses account
added to the latex to provide the necessary for approximately another 10 percent. The
preservation and mechanical stability. As the remainder is used in a variety of applications
final use of the latex will involve destabilizing such as conveyor belts, hoses, gaskets,
the rubber particles, care must be taken not footwear, and antivibration devices such as
to overstabilize the latex concentrate. Being engine mounts.
a natural product, the latex tends to change Because of the high stereoregularity of
upon aging, a factor that also must be natural rubber, the units in the polymer chain
compensated for in the process. can form very orderly arrangements, which

result in crystallization upon storage at low a mature product, research continues on

temperatures or upon stretching. Stored crys- improving its uniformity, stability, and
tallized rubber may be converted to its origi- performance.20
nal amorphous state by heating. Several
crystalline forms are reported, with melting
points varying from 14°C to 36"C.lgAlthough PO LY ISO PR E NE
crystallization upon storage can be a Faraday discovered in 1826 that natural rub-
problem to users, the ability to crystallize ber was composed of a hydrocarbon with a
reversibly upon stretching accounts for many ratio of five carbons to eight hydrogen atoms;
of the unique properties of natural rubber. and in 1860, G. Williams isolated isoprene by
Specifically, the ability of natural rubber to be collecting the distillate from the heating of
used as a gum polymer (unfilled vulcanizate) natural rubber. By 1887, scientists in France,
depends on this property. The crystallites that England, and Germany had converted iso-
form act both as filler and as temporary cross- prene back into a rubbery material. Because
links, providing high tensile properties. l 9 In this offered a potential for manufactured
tire fabrication this property is reflected in "natural" rubber, research was undertaken to
natural rubber stocks possessing high green find ways to obtain isoprene from sources
(uncured) strength and excellent building other than rubber itself.21
tack. In the final product, strain-induced
crystallization provides tear and cracking (cut
growth) resistance. Monomer Production
Although many other polymers can crystal- The primary source of isoprene today is as
lize, only natural rubber has been found to a by-product in the production of ethylene
have the necessary combination of rate of via naphtha cracking. A solvent extraction
crystallization, degree of crystallization, and process is employed. Much less isoprene is
melting point to provide all the properties produced in the crackers than butadiene, so
discussed above. Natural rubber has good the availability of isoprene is much more lim-
flexibility and resilience. In truck and bus ited. Isoprene also may be produced by the
tires, it is used extensively with blends of catalytic dehydrogenation of amylenes, which
polybutadiene to give the low heat buildup are available in C-5 refinery streams. It also
needed as well as wear and cut growth resist- can be produced from propylene by a dimer-
ance. In passenger tires, natural rubber is used ization process, followed by isomerization
in the sidewalls and carcass areas. These areas and steam cracking. A third route involves the
require the building tack, ply adhesion, and use of acetone and acetylene, produced from
hot strength properties that it imparts. coal via calcium carbide. The resulting
Synthetic rubber is used almost exclusively in 3-methyl-butyne-3-01 is hydrogenated to
passenger tire treads. methyl butanol and subsequently dehydro-
The largest use of natural rubber latex is in genated to give isoprene. The plants that were
the dipped goods area. Products include bal- built on these last two processes have been
loons, surgical and examination gloves, and shut down, evidently because of the relatively
prophylactics. The rapid spread of AIDS has low cost of the extraction route.
led to a dramatic increase in the surgical and
examination glove market. Latex also is used
Polymer Production Process
to make adhesives, rubber thread, and foams.
However, natural rubber is being replaced in The free-radical catalysts were found to
these two latex areas by urethanes and syn- produce a product that did not have the tack,
thetic rubber latex. Some of the replacement green strength, or gum tensile of natural
has been driven by skin allergy problems rubber. Whereas natural rubber is an essen-
which are caused by the natural proteins in tially pure cis- 1,4 structure, the emulsion
the latex. Although natural rubber latex is product was of mixed microstructure. This

precluded the ability of the latter to undergo the Former Soviet Union (FSU) continues to
strain-induced crystallization, which is rely heavily on polyisoprene.
required to obtain many of the desired natural
rubber properties.
In 1955 investigators from the Firestone STY R E NE-B UTA D I E NE R UBBE R
Tire and Rubber Company and the The largest-volume synthetic rubber
B. F. Goodrich Company announced the syn- consumed is styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR).
thesis of polyisoprene with over 90 percent In 2003, SBR solid rubber accounted for
cis- 1,4 structure. The work at Firestone was 41 percent of all synthetic rubber. If SBR
based on lithium metal catalysts, whereas the latex and carboxylated SBR latex are
work at Goodrich was the result of using included, its share increases to 55 percent.
Ziegler-Natta type coordination catalyst^.^^,^^ The major application of solid SBR is in the
automotive and tire industry, accounting for
Use approximately 70 percent of the use.
Therefore, SBR has been tightly tied to the
Although considerable interest was generated tire business.25
by these discoveries, their commercial suc- Initially, SBR was developed as a general
cess has been rather limited. The lithium- purpose alternate material to natural rubber.
based polymers were found to produce up to In the United States the thrust came early in
94 percent cis, which still was not high World War I1 when the U S . supply of natural
enough to provide the properties of natural rubber was cut off. The basic technology was
rubber. Polymers made with the coordination developed in Germany in the late 1920s, and
catalysts have cis contents of up to 98 percent, by 1939 Germany had 175,000 metric tons of
providing products that can more closely capacity in place. The first U.S. production
serve as replacements for natural rubber than was 230 metric tons in 1941, but by 1945
the lithium-based polymers. In comparison there were more than 850,000 metric tons of
with natural rubber, they offer the advantage capacity. Basically, in a period of five years
of a more highly pure rubber (no nonrubber the emulsion SBR business as we know it
material) and excellent uniformity. For eco- today was put in place. By 1973 US. capacity
nomic reasons, polyisoprene has seen only had increased to almost 1,400,000 metric
limited success. Several of the plants built to tons, but in 1989 it had contracted to 88 1,000
produce polyisoprene have been either shut tons close to the 1945 capacity.26
down or converted for use to produce other
polymers. In terms of synthetic rubber pro-
duction in 2003, only 258,000 metric tons Monomer Production
were produced (excluding centrally planned The production of butadiene monomer is
economy countries, CPEC), which repre- discussed below in polybutadiene section
sented only 3 percent of total synthetic rubber “Polybutadiene.”The largest volume of styrene
production. In comparison, in 2003 natural is produced by the alkylation of benzene with
rubber usage was 7,554,000 metric tons.24 ethylene to give ethyl benzene, which is then
Evidently because of its strategic importance, dehydrogenated to give styrene.27

benzene ethylene
ethyl benzene styrene

Polymer Production Process Termination also can occur by the reaction of

SBR is produced by two different processes: two free radicals, through either combination
emulsion and solution. The emulsion process or disproportionation reactions.
involves a free-radical mechanism, whereas P + P + P-P combination (bimolecular
solution SBR is based on alkyllithium catalysis. coupling)
P* +P*+P-CH=CH,
r 1 +
PH disproportionation
(hydrogen-free radical transfer)
The mercaptyl radical also can react with
growing chains, to lead to t e r m i n a t i ~ n . ~ ~
Polymerization is initially carried out at
S O T until conversion of 70-75 percent is
reached, at which time the polymerization
copolymer of butadiene and styrene
is terminated by the addition of a free-
radical scavenger such as hydroquinone.
Emulsion Process Polymerization beyond this point results in
The formula developed to provide SBR dur- excessive free-radical attack on the polymer
ing World War I1 was standardized, with all chains. Products made under such conditions
rubber plants owned by the U S . government. have poor properties due to excessive branch-
The standard recipe is listed below:2s ing and gelation. Unreacted butadiene and
styrene are removed by flashing and steam
Component Parts by Weight stripping. Antioxidant is added to the latex,
followed by coagulation with the addition of
Butadiene 15
Styrene 25 polyelectrolytes and salt-acid. The coagulated
n-Dodecyl mercaptan 0.5 crumb then is washed, dried, baled, wrapped,
Potassium peroxydisulfate 0.3 and packaged for shipment. Because of
Soap flakes 5.0 the soap and other chemicals in the formula-
Water 180 tion, most emulsion polymers will contain
about 7 percent of nonrubber residues.
Initiation occurs through reaction of the The emulsion process flow sheet is shown in
persulfate with the mercaptan, as shown Fig. 16.1.
below: It was soon discovered that polymers made
at lower temperatures had significantly better
K,S,O, + 2RSH + 2RS* + KHSO, properties, especially in tire treads. This was
mainly because they contained fewer low
RS* + M + RSM* molecular weight species. A lower tempera-
ture process, using “redox” chemistry, was
Chain propagation occurs by the growing chain eventually developed. It used peroxides or
free radical attacking either the butadiene or hydroperoxides with a reducing agent such as
styrene monomer. The active radical chain can a water-soluble transition metal salt which
react with mercaptan to form a new mercaptyl were active even at 0°C.
radical and a terminated chain. The mercaptyl Mercaptans are also used as chain transfer
radical then can initiate an additional chain. agents to provide a mechanism for molecular
The molecular weight of the chain P can be weight control. Commercially these types of
controlled by the concentration of mercaptan polymerization are carried out at 5°C and are
via this chain transfer mechanism. referred to as “cold” polymerizations to dif-
ferentiate them from the previously discussed
P * + RSH + PH + RS* “hot” systems. A typical formula is listed
RS* + M+RSM* below.30





: II









FILTER a-I '----,'

I mh

Fig. 16.1. The production of styrene-butadiene rubber. (Modified by D.F: Graves from a drawing in the
Vanderbilt Rubber Handbook, 7990 Edition, Copyright the R. 7: Vanderbilt Company, Inc., by permission.)

Component Parts by Weight The improved tire wear of cold polymeriza-

Butadiene 71 tion SBR led to the very rapid replacement of
Styrene 29 hot SBR for most applications. This change
tert-Dodecyl mercaptan 0.18 was relatively easy to make, as all the equip-
p-Methane hydroperoxide 0.08
Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate 0.03 ment could be used with the only modifica-
Trisodium phosphate decahydrate 0.50 tion required being the addition of reactor
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate 0.035 cooling, which is achieved with either the
Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate 0.08 reactor jacket, internal coils, or both.
Rosin acid soap 4.5 It later was found that even more improve-
Water 200
ments could be realized by polymerizing to

very high molecular weights and then adding fiber tire cords to rubber stock. The vinyl
petroleum-based oils to the latex prior pyridine SBR latex is combined with resins
to coagulation. The oil is absorbed by the and coated on the fiber by a dipping process.
rubber which, upon coagulation, produces The adhesive is set by a controlled tempera-
oil-extended polymers. For tread applica- ture and tension process to control the shrink-
tions, oils of higher aromatic content were age properties of the cord.
preferred because of their excellent com-
patibility with the rubber. Typically 37.5 parts
of oil are added, although grades containing Solution Process
up to 50 parts have been produced. Very
high molecular weight polymers thus can be The discovery of the ability of lithium-based
processed without requiring excessive energy catalysts to polymerize isoprene to give a high
to mix them. The oil also allows these tough cis 1,4 polyisoprene was rapidly followed by
polymers to be processed without excessive the development of alkyllithium-based poly-
degradation. Carbon black masterbatches also butadiene. The first commercial plant was built
are produced. In this process carbon black is by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company in
added to the latex prior to coagulation, and 1960. Within a few years the technology was
the black, along with oil, is incorporated into expanded to butadiene-styrene copolymers,
the latex in the coagulation step. These prod- with commercial production under way toward
ucts offer the user the advantage of not having the end of the 1960s.
to handle free black in their mixing operation, The copolymerization with alkyllithium to
and can provide additional compounding produce uniformly random copolymers is
volume for manufacturers with limited more complex for the solution process than
mixing capacity. for emulsion because of the tendency for the
Not all emulsion SBR is converted to dry styrene to form blocks. Because of the
rubber for use. There is a variety of applica- extremely high rate of reaction of the styryl-
tions where the latex can be used directly in lithium anion with butadiene, the polymer-
the final fabrication process. This technology ization very heavily favors the incorporation
logically grew out of the latex technology of butadiene units as long as reasonable con-
developed for natural rubber. For latex appli- centrations of butadiene are present. This
cations the particle size distribution can be observation initially was somewhat confus-
critical because of its effect on viscosity and ing because the homopolymerization rate of
performance variables, as when used to styrene is seven times that for butadiene.
provide impact strength in plastics such as However, the cross-propagation rate is
ABS31 Careful control of the mechanical orders of magnitude faster than either, and it
stability of the latex also is critical, as these therefore dominates the system. For a 30
systems must destabilize under relatively mole percent styrene charge the initial poly-
mild conditions such as those in a coating mer will be almost pure butadiene until most
operation. A number of processes have been of the butadiene is polymerized. Typically
developed to control particle size via partial two-thirds of the styrene charged will be
destabilization of the latex. Among the found as a block of polystyrene at the tail
commercial methods are: careful control of a end of the polymer chain:
freeze-thaw cycle, controlled shear agitators,
high-pressure colloid mills, and the addition
of chemicals such as hydrocarbons or
A special variation of SBR latex containing
terpolymerized vinyl pyridine is used in the
tire industry to provide adhesion of organic anionic initiation of butadiene by butyllithium
Next Page

Several methods have been proposed growing chain, resulting in undesired termi-
to overcome this problem. In one, the nation.
styrene and part of the butadiene are charged In spite of these complications, all
initially with butadiene metered at a rate recent U.S. expansions or announced plants
equivalent to its incorporation into the chain. for SBR have been for solution polymers.
A second approach involves adding both The ability to better design the polymer
monomers at a relatively slow rate so that the structure and produce special functional
equilibrium monomer concentration reaches a polymers (described below) accounts for most
pseudosteady state that will produce polymer of this shift.
at the desired c o m p ~ s i t i o nThis
. ~ ~ process can
be done in either a batch or a continuous
Functional Solution SBR
In addition to these reaction engineering
approaches to produce uniformly random The driving force toward functional solu-
copolymer, the chemistry may be changed tion SBR is its improved hysteresis
by the addition of polar agents such as properties for passenger tire treads. The fact
amines and ethers. This action results in that anionic SBR has a much more narrow
bringing the reactivity rates much closer molecular weight distribution compared
together. The change in chemistry also is with emulsion gives it lower hysteresis.
reflected in the microstructure of the buta- However, the big advantage is the relatively
diene portion of the polymer. Whereas in the stable growing chain ends which can be
nonpolar system the vinyl content of the chemically modified to improve interaction
butadiene portion is around 10 percent, in with carbon black and silica in tire
polar systems vinyl contents of 3 0 4 0 per- compounds.34This modification can lead to
cent typically are obtained when a 20 per- a dramatic reduction in rolling resistance,
cent styrene polymer is randomized. Higher which is critical for automotive manufac-
styrene contents require higher modifier turers who must meet government-mandated
levels, resulting in even higher vinyl con- fuel economy targets. The most active
tents. An added complication with polar functional end-groups contain either organ-
modifiers is their ability to react with the otin or certain amines. Termination with tin

carbon black

quinone functionality 011

CB surface

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