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Friedrich Nietzsche’s Moral Theory

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) German Philosopher

 The Birth of Tragedy (1871)

 Human, Too Human (1878)
 Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1882-5)
 Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
 The Genealogy of Morals (1887

The fundamental force that motivates all action is The Will to Power

We all seek to:

 Affirm ourselves
 To get our own way
 To protect / preserve ourselves
 To dominate others
 Since we are unequal in abilities (mental / physical),The most fit will survive and
dominate the weaker (evolution)

“Exploitation does not belong to a depraved, or imperfect and primitive society: it belongs to

the nature of the living being as a primary organic function; it is a consequence of the intrinsic

Will to Power, which is precisely the Will to Life” (p. 132)

There is great beauty in the “Noble Spirit” Coming to power

“Noble Spirit”

 The Strongest

 The Smartest

 The Most Fit

 The Most Powerful

These individuals should rule over those who are weaker This is Natural

Master Morality

 The Morality of the Leaders

 The Morality of those who are better than the normal, average people
Moral Principle of Ruling Class

 They treat each other differently then they treat those under them

 It is Beyond Good and Evil

Master Virtues

 Power
 Strength
 Domination
 Exploitation
 Creativity
 Spontaneity
 Excellence

Master Morality is hampered by Judeo-Christian Morality (Slave Morality)

Slave Morality

The morality of the normal, average people

The morality of utility

The origin of “good and evil”

Slave Virtues

 Human Equality
 Meekness
 Love
 Forgiveness
 False Happiness
 Mediocrity

Slave Morality is the Ethics of Resentment and jealousy of those who are better and more gifted
i.e The Masters

What is Good?

 All that enhances the feeling of power, the Will to Power, and the power itself in
What is Bad?

 All that proceeds from weakness

What is Happiness?

 The feelings that power is increasing – that resistance has been overcome
The Death Of God Philosophy

 God plays no role in our culture Except as protector of the Slave Morality

Since there is no rational basis for belief in God There is no rational basis for the belief in Slave
Morality which it produces

Nietzsche’s Moral Theory is An example of Subjectivism The Individual decides what is

right or correct behavior

Nietzsche Quotes

 Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.

 Great men's errors are to be venerated as more fruitful than little men's truths.

 In heaven all the interesting people are missing.

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