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Early Modern History Timeline Figures

1509 C.E. 1509 C.E. 1519 C.E.

Henry VIII of the many wives Michelangelo paints the ceiling Cortez conquers Mexico
ascends the throne of England of the Sistine Chapel

Hans Holder the younger Leutze, Emanuel

1519 C.E. 1520 C.E. 1560 C.E.

Magellan starts his voyage to Suleiman I (the Magnificent)
Suleiman I destroys the Spanish
circumnavigate the globe. becomes ruler of Turkey
Paxton, mural. Public domain

Cornelis Verbeeck
Detail from a map of Ortelius

1521 C.E. 1522 C.E. 1532-1533 C.E.

Magellan reaches the Pacific, One of Magellan’s ships finally Pizzaro marches through Peru,
killed by Phillippine natives. reaches Spain kills the Inca chieftain, Atahualpa

John Everett Millais

1543 C.E. 1547 C.E. 1556 C.E.

Copernicus publishes book stating the Ivan the Terrible crowned Czar of Akbar the Great becomes Mogul
earth revolves around the sun
Russia (Viktor Vasnetsov painting) emperor of India
© Hans Hillewaert

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018

Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1517 C.E. 1543 C.E. 1582 C.E.
Martin Luther nails his 95 theses to Copernicus publishes theory that Pope Gregory XIII implements the
the door, start of the Reformation. the earth revolves around the sun. Gregorian Calendar

Ferdinand Pauwels Jan Matejko E. Hulsius, engraver

1610 C.E. 1607 C.E. 1590 C.E.

Galileo sees Jupiter’s moons Jamestown, VA established Jannssen invents the microscope
and the Doge of Venice
Bertini Fresco, Galileo

Bill Barber, Flikr creative commons

Reproduction by John Mayall in 1891
1620 C.E. 1520 C.E. 1607 C.E.
Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock Pocohontas, daughter of Chief
Smallpox introduced to the
Powhatan, saves John Smith
Americas with devastating results

Cornè, Michele Felice, Landing of The wedding of Pocahontas with John Rolfe
the Pilgrims. Florentine Codex Geo Spohni,

1619 C.E. 1643 C.E. 1503 C.E.

Dutch ship brings first African slaves to Taj Mahal completed Leonardo da Vinci paints the
British North America Mona Lisa
Copeland, engraving

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018

Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1564 -1616 C.E. 1587 C.E. 1588 C.E.
Mary Queen of Scots executed English defeat the Spanish Armada
William Shakespeare
for treason

Leutze, Emanuel

1603 C.E. 1583-1663 C.E. 1642-1648 C.E.

Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba English civil war between
Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu rules fought Portugal to free her people from slavery
Japan, moves capitol to Tokyo Cavaliers and Roundheads
Paxton, mural. Public domain

The Battle of Marston Moor, by J. Barker

1775-1783 C.E. 1685 -1750 C.E. 1689 C.E.

American Revolutionary war of Johan Sebastian Bach Peter the Great becomes Czar
independence from England Composer of the Classical Era of Russia

1685-1798 C.E. 1756-1763 C.E. 1757 C.E.

George Frederick Handel, Seven Years War between the Robert Clive defeats Nawab of
Composer of the Late Baroque Era
Americans and the French/Indian Bengal at Plassey, start of Empire
© Hans Hillewaert

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018

Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1765 C.E. 1776 C.E. 1778 C.E.
James Watt invents the steam Signing of the Declaration of Capt. Cook discovers Hawaii
engine. Dawn of the 19th century Independence

James Eckford Lauder Armand-Dumaresq John Cleveley the Younger

1788 -1812 C.E. 1783 C.E. 1787 C.E.

Sacagawea, guide and supermom First manned hot air balloon Constitution of the United States
Paxton, mural. Public domain


1789 C.E. 1793 C.E. 1803 C.E.

Frech Revolution begins, with the Eli Whitney invented the cotton Lousiana Purchase from France
storming of the Bastille gin, revitilizing the slave market for $15 million

French etching Sheppard, Harper’s Weekly original Frank Bond

1799 C.E. 1756-1791 C.E. 1760 C.E.

Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Industrial Revolution begins
Composer of the Classical Era in England
© Hans Hillewaert

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018

Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1789-1797 C.E. 1797-1801 C.E. 1804 C.E.
POTUS George Washington POTUS John Adams Haiti declares independence
from France

John Trumbull
Gilbert Stuart

1800 C.E. 1801-1809 C.E. 1780 - 1862 C.E.

Allessandro Volta produces POTUS Thomas Jefferson Underground Railroad operates,
electricity helping escaped slaves to safety
Rembrandt Peale

Charles T. Webber

1809-1817 C.E. 1815 C.E. 1817-1825 C.E.

POTUS James Madison Battle of Waterloo crushes POTUS James Monroe
John Vanderlyn

John Vanderlyn

Louis Dumoulin

1819 C.E. 1833 C.E. 1825 C.E.

Bolívar defeats Spanish forces Great Britain abolished slavery First passenger-carrying
at Boyacá railroad in England
Samuel Smiles

Official medallion of the British Anti-Slavery Society

Martín Tovar y Tovar
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018
Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1824 C.E. 1826 C.E. 1825-1829 C.E.
Mexico becomes a republic, 3 years Niepce takes the world’s first POTUS John Q. Adams
after independence from Spain phtoograph

Mexican Empire of Iturbide, template

for the modern Mexican flag Joseph-Nivephore Niepce

1834 C.E. 1829-1837 C.E. 1839-1842 C.E.

Refridgerator invented POTUS Andrew Jackson First Opium War between Britain and
China over British drug smugglers
Darrius Eddy,

Thomas Sully

Edward Duncan

1841 C.E. 1837-1841 C.E. 1841-1845 C.E.

POTUS William Henry Harrison POTUS Martin Van Buren POTUS John Tyler
George P. A. Healy

George P. A. Healy

Bass Otis

1842 C.E. 1842 C.E. 1845-1849 C.E.

Long uses first anesthetic (ether) Illustrated London News uses POTUS James Knox Polk
woodcuts/engravings: prompting
a rise in illlustrated journals.
George P. A. Healy

Ernest Board Illustrated London News

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018
Early Modern History Timeline Figures
1812-1815 C.E. 1836 C.E. 1845 C.E.
War with Britain over freedom of The Alamo fell after 13 days Rubber bands invented.
the seas. of fierce fighting

Michel Felice Corne

1846-1848 C.E. 1848 C.E. 1848 C.E.

California ceded to U.S. after Gold found at Sutter’s Mill
Mexican-American war over
Mexican-American War in California
border disputes.

1849 C.E. 1849-1850 C.E. 1849 C.E.

California Gold Rush Harriet Tubman escapes slavery,
POTUS Zachary Taylor
underground railroad leader
Joseph Henry Bush
L. C. McClure

1845-1852 C.E. 1828 C.E. 1838-1839 C.E.

The Great Irish Potato Famine U.S. Monroe doctrine warns Trail of Tears, the Cherokee
Potato blight caused mass starvation European nations to keep out. people are forcibly moved

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Mary Paul, 2018

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CC BY-SA 3.0 Nutux
CC BY-NC 2.0 Bill Barber,_Agra,_UP,_India.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 Yann Forget Wikimedia Commons,_Alma_Mining_District,_
CC BY 2.0 James St. John
CC BY-NC 2.0 J. Stephen Conn
CC BY-SA 4.0 Hans Hillewaert

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