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Working with the Moon

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today I would like to share with you some news regarding The Gnostic Method
app release, but also attempt to "tie" this into some comments I have regarding
the psychological work in gnosis. My hope is that by doing this, you will gain a
much clearer picture of some themes that many students have difficulty
understanding. And it all revolves around "The Moon."

So first of all, we are pleased to announce that the Gnostic Method App is almost
ready. And we will be releasing it to the public on June 14th, 2022, during the Full
Moon, also known as a Super-moon, in the auspicious month of Saga Dawa. In
hope that the energies help and support all students to find inner light easily and
the message of the Master travels further, as the Tibetans believe that actions
performed during this time are "100,000" times stronger than the rest of the year.

"The Moon, like the weight of a great clock, makes the terrestrial machinery
move. The sprouting of vegetables, the animals, ovulation in women, the flux and
reflux of the ocean, high and low tides, etc., all depend on the Moon. Since life is
so mechanical, if triumphing is what is really required, then the Moon must be
taken advantage of. The [waxing] crescent moon as well as the full moon is for
our activities... If we want to triumph in any activity, or in business, inevitably we
will have to take advantage of the [waxing] crescent moon and the full moon." -
Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

But why is this so? Why is taking action at certain times more powerful than at
other times? It is our intention for the teachings of the master to be spread as far
and wide as possible, so we have chosen to use the energies of this moon to
help with that, and it absolutely will do that. Why? Because it is mechanical.

The moon is like a swinging pendulum in nature, and organic life on earth is like
the mechanism of a clock. Everything moves because of the moon, plants grow,
animals mate, and for us, unfortunately, it creates in us a false personality, a lunar
personality, and it is this lunar personality that keeps us hypnotised and asleep to
our true selves.

So you see, sometimes when it is advantageous and we need the support of the
moon's weight, we can use its high and low points to create effects much stronger
than normal with its mechanical help. So today, being a new moon, and June
14th being a full moon, are great times to reap and sow.
But within Gnosis you will hear a topic called "creating a psychological moon",
and I have heard quite a lot recently of people speaking of the idea of overcoming
the moon. Also in gnosis, there is the science of "becoming solar humans" and
leaving the lunar aspect behind us, etc.

So I hope my comments may help you better understand all of this clearly.

So you see, there is a time to use the mechanical machinery for the benefit of
man, such as the app launch date, or as the Tibetans use it to amplify the prayers
to the Buddha, so we harness that mechanical force to "push" the app further so
it reaches more souls searching for the light of truth within themselves.

But we must also clearly comprehend how to do the opposite, how to overcome
the moon, so we may gain psychological freedom and stop being strictly
mechanistic creatures and become solar.

But why are we mechanical to begin with? Well because of the moon.

There are many modern thinkers today that have suspicions about the negative
forces of the moon on mankind. Some even say it is a machine placed there to
control humanity, but our master V.M Samael Aun Weor has said this is not the
case, and in fact, the moon is the earth's "Grandmother", that once it had 7 races
upon it, that in ancient times ascended back into the 4th dimension on to the 5th,
then the 6th, and 7th as the life on earth will also do eventually. And now that
ancient humanity has left it, leaving its dead bare bones behind, The Master says
the moon is nothing but a dead planet, a corpse. He also mentions the absurdity
of the theory that a comet hit Earth and the moon "broke off." He says, "Well,
what about the moons of other planets? What about the ones of Jupiter and
Saturn?" Is it the case that they all got hit by some comet? Of course not. The
moons are dead planets of the past Mahavantara. This topic indeed needs great
study, but let us simply talk about some facts about what we can see right now.

Whatever the moon is, its weight that spins around the earth is a clock, a
mechanical tick that all life on earth abides by.

I wish to keep things as simple as possible today, but try to understand that all life
on earth "captures" particular types of cosmic energies from space and transmits
them to the interior layers of the earth, so the earth gains its sustenance. All life is
a type of transformer of impressions for the earth. Some plants pick up energy
from the planets, some from the milky way, some from the galaxy. The same is for
animals. They pick up certain frequencies and transmit them mechanically into
the earth. But you see, "man" is the most sensitive and most important "machine"
on earth as it has 3 brains - 3 psychological centers.

But, whether we like it or not, humanity is just an organic layer that is entirely
mechanistic, because all of the energies we receive are modulated by the dead
moon that orbits around us.

Please keep in mind that I stated that life is a transformer of impressions for
the earth. This is an important aspect that we must investigate further later on.

So, "lunar nature" is unconcerned about humanity's awakening because it would

mean that man's psychological centre would be solar rather than lunar, and it
would lose its workers if they realised the truth of their mechanical existence.
Many of you will find that when we make efforts to awaken and stay awake, soon
tiredness comes, boredom comes, irritations come, and all these things are the
lunar forces of the moon trying to put you back in your mechanical place, as the
moon does not want to lose its worker bee. The moon has massive forces to
keep us hypnotised and asleep, dreaming and fascinated, so we do not suspect
we are mechanical slaves.

When you sit to meditate and your mind wanders, those are lunar forces. When
you yawn in the face of someone who is telling you vital information, that is the
moon shutting you down so you do not receive that solar light.

Your personality, which you have built within the lunar mechanical cycles, is also
100 percent mechanical; how you react to life, your opinions and beliefs, your so-
called individuality, is entirely mechanical and is, in fact, what prevents you from
awakening your consciousness and freeing yourself from the mechanical
suffering of samsara.

So what can we do? Well, we need to create "OUR OWN PSYCHOLOGICAL


And how do we do this? By the transformation of impressions.

When we receive any impression mechanically, we are in fact "feeding the

moon," but there is no point in feeding the moon, as it is a dead corpse.

But when we remember, when we place our consciousness in between the

impression and our mind, we can be there consciously and not allow that
impression to enter our mind, and by doing so, the mind can not mechanically
react to that impression.
You see, think of it like this: when we eat food, we have a stomach that digests
those impressions and creates nutrients for the body. Food is one type of
nourishment we need, but it is not the most important, as we can go a long time
without food.

The second food we need in our machine is air, in which the lungs transform the
impressions into our blood. This nourishment is more vital than the general food
we eat with our mouths, as without air we can only last a few minutes.

But the third nourishment and the most vital for our consciousness is
"impressions", but the moon/nature has not given us a transforming organ for

So in order to extract energy from them, we must create "our own transformer."

To do this, we must self-remember, we must not forget ourselves before any

impression, and we must transform the impression consciously.

It would be absurd to think we could eat a meal and, without a stomach, extract
the goodness of the meal directly into the blood. The same is true for developing
the higher existential bodies of being. Without self remembering and transforming
the impressions by not simply reacting to impressions with the lunar mind, with
our mechanical personality. We should instead stop and observe the impression
before it enters the mind, let us say the words of an offender. If we are awake,
which is solar, we can stop that impression before it mechanically enters the
mind, heart, or body and we can transform it.

When we do this, the energy moves up an octave and becomes hydrogen 24,
which feeds the authentic astral body.

But if we do not do this, then those impressions enter into us mechanically and
pass into the internal levels of the earth, unrefined by our inner light and creates
in us a Lunar personality 100 percent mechanistic and asleep.

But if we are self-remembering and continuously transforming the impressions

consciously, stopping them from touching our mind mechanically, what happens
is we

"create our own inner moon."

We create in ourselves a centre of gravity that aids us in everything we do. The

lunar personality will begin to die in us. We will not become tired when meditating.
We will not become bored, or hungry. We will not experience any disruptions to
our applied willpower. And our inner being will begin to incarnate more and more.
So indeed, as I have heard spoken often today in many places, "we overcome
the moon", but this is the way to do it. To overcome the dead moon, we must
create in ourselves a new psychological moon. A new centre of gravity.

Self-remembering, Self Observation, Transformation of impressions, and

destruction of the ego with the help of our Divine Mother is how we
"overcome the lunar forces that trap us and keep our consciousness

So you see, sometimes we can use the machinery of nature for our benefit, to
plant seeds and harvest, to launch an app, for good business, safe travels, etc.

But internally, we must never live by the moon. We must rebel against the moon
in a total and absolute way. We must not follow the orbit of a dead planet, but
rather awaken our consciousness here and now, leaving "cyclic time" behind and
entering eternity, here and now awake.

It may help some of you understand that for me, I have imagined a red fire
triangle on the forehead of my body, and it has become a "new digestive organ"
and that all impressions, external or internal, must go through it and be
transformed consciously. It is like a stomach or lungs but on a higher octave of

This is how, in one small red triangle, imagined on the forehead and root of the
nose, it is possible to remember the Father, or our inner being, to self-remember,
self-observe, and transform all impressions all in one spot, and by doing so,
create our own psychological moon. Easy, right!

Well, I tell you, it is easy, when we know how, but what is not easy is the old
moon letting go. Nature does not like it when initiates wake up to their slavery and
begin to fight to awaken.

The Moon does not mind if you join any spiritual group or religion or believe
anything you like, as long as you follow her clock and do not transform your
impressions consciously. She will be happy with your mechanical life, even
though you may feel very awake, spiritual and happy. You will be dreaming all of
it. You will be in a prison, sleeping in your cell, dreaming of flying in the spiritual
planes and being an awakened kundalini master, etc., and you will not realise you
are in a prison of cyclic time of samsara. The only way to see it is to awaken the
consciousness here and now by self-remembering and consciously transforming
the impressions into higher octaves, so you may build the existential bodies of the
being that are no longer governed by "the moon", and then you will see for
yourself the illusion all the masters are trying to help us escape from.
But I can tell you when you really want to work for psychological freedom, she
resists you a lot, She has many ways to do it, but remember this is not
consciously done by the moon, it is a mechanical reaction, so do not hate the

We cannot hate gravity if we drop a stone on our foot. It is mechanical. And

gravity is useful in other places.

But note this: It is because the moon is mechanical that light / consciousness
always triumphs over it, because light, or the consciousness of Christ, is not
mechanical. So when light enters you, you can be sure that, eventually, the Christ
light will fight in us and liberate us from the lunar coldness.

Recently, in the astral, while attempting to cut all ties to the moon, she brings to
me memories of three past lives, and in each case, I had to walk away from the
relationship, not because I did not love them, but because they did not want to go
further on the path.

Now I am not saying that if you are in a relationship and one of the partners does
not want to walk the path of Gnosis, then one should leave. Of course not. We
should always try our best to make a relationship work and kill the egos before
such an action is considered or we have a direct command from our inner being
to leave.

But in these cases, it was about me leaving "the lunar life," a comfortable home
and a loving wife, that did not want to go further on the path. Three times in three
different lives, the same thing happened: I wanted to overcome the moon and,
regardless, had to leave in order to follow my being's wish to self-realize. In this
life, I was also "nicknamed" Moon at work: God's little joke for me. I lived under
that name for many years. It was my "identity", but again I had to get up and walk
completely away from that level of being in order to continue further so that I
would be in a better position to help others find the path. But I tell you it was good
that I re-lived these old scenes again, for I discovered a hidden ego in all 3 lives,
an ego of spiritual pride that still lives in my inner depths that I will now remove
with the aid of my divine mother. I could sense that I was "proud" to be walking
on. I was proud and arrogant, thinking I was somehow better, which is absurd.
And that is why certain karmas have been applied to me in this life that have
caused much pain. But now I have seen the cause of that pain. So you see, the
moon is useful as she holds memories of past lives. For an initiate, that is very
useful as we can explore egos in past lives that are still living deep in our psyche
and causing karma.
So we must give thanks to the Selene Mother aspect of the moon, but totally
annihilate our mechanical life and impressions. I hope I have made this easy
enough to comprehend. There are many topics in all these comments that I hope
to help unify for you in your understanding.

So you see, we must understand the moon, not hate it. It is dead and it is the
grandmother of the earth, but we must know when to use the machinery and
when to overcome it with our inner being.

So please put in your calendars June 14th 2022 for the release of the App. I will
also be posting an "invitation with QR code" that if any of you feel to share,
maybe on some of your local notice boards or post online, we would be humbled
by your help and support to get the path of gnosis to more souls.

The telegram group will still be continuing for some time, but I recommend that all
of you engage in the app in the outlined way stated in the app, from the beginning
to get the most out of the teachings. We also hope you enjoy the many different
resources we have made available for you to study in your own time.

May we all use this auspicious time of Saga Dawa to amplify our spiritual
longings and deepen our connection to our inner being. I hope all of you now
understand how to transform impressions and create inside you your own moon
and centre of gravity.

My deepest love and gratitude to you all. Thank you for your time, dear brothers
and sisters.

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