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2B PYR Gutiérrez, Valeria

PRÁCTICA en inglés
RESALTAR todas las palabras transparentes que reconozcas.

During the early morning hours of July 25, 2004, an intruder quietly entered a North Carolina

residence. The owners, asleep in their beds, didn’t notice the armed stranger’s presence. The

intruder violently attacked the man with a knife and a baseball bat, killing him. The killer

quickly left the house to join a companion. They drove a short distance where they burned the

evidence of the crime, all the items.

¿A qué categoría pertenecen las palabras subrayadas? Utilizá el diccionario bilingüe

como ayuda

Offender profiling is a behavioral and investigative tool that helps investigators to profile
unknown criminal subjects or offenders. (Psychological profiling is not the same as offender
profiling and the two should not be confused.) Offender profiling is also known as criminal
profiling, criminal personality profiling, criminological profiling, behavioral profiling or criminal
investigative analysis. Television shows such as Profiler in the 1990s, the 2005 television series
Criminal Minds, and the 1991 film The Silence of the Lambs have lent many names to what the
FBI calls "criminal investigative analysis." In modern criminology, offender profiling is generally
considered the "third wave" of investigative science: the first wave was the study of clues,
pioneered by Scotland Yard in the 19th century; the second wave was the study of crime itself;
this third wave is the study of the abnormal psyche of the criminal
Is: verbo
Behavioral: Adjetivo
And: Conjunción copulativa
Helps: Verbo
Subjects; sustantivo
Or: conjunción disyuntiva
Personality: sustantivo
Analysis: sustantivo
Film: sustantivo
Modern: adjetivo
Generally: adverbio
Was: verbo
Study: sustantivo
Clues: sustantivo
Psyche: sustantivo
Criminal: sustantivo
2B PYR Gutiérrez, Valeria

Buscar la palabra STATE en el diccionario y contestar las preguntas

1. ¿Cuántas funciones gramaticales tiene?

Verbo, adjetivo, sustantivo
2. En la oración A ¿Que función gramatical tiene dicha palabra?

3. En la oración B ¿Qué función gramatical tiene dicha palabra?

a. The investigator, faced with the problem of locating or removing a human burial,
should definitely contact a forensic anthropologist or archaeologist at the state or
Local University.

b. The committee failed to state their reasons for this decision.

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