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https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Trang cha Gidi dé chi tiét CAMBRIDGEIENS) hoc the IELTS NIENIBHI Trang cha Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee ‘San van dong: ngay xua, ngay nay va trong tong lai A. Stadiums are among the oldest forms of urban architecture: vast stadiums where the public could watch sporting events were at the centre of westem city life as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires, well before the construction of the great medieval cathedrals and the grand 19th- and 20th-century railway stations which dominated urban skylines in later eras. Today, however, stadiums ore regarded with growing scepticism. Construction costs can soar above £1 bilion, and stadiums finished for major events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup have notably fallen into disuse and disrepair, But this need not be the case. History shows that stadiums can drive urban development and adapt to the culture of every age. Even today, architects and planners are finding nel new ways to adapt the proromml toy mono-functional sports arenas which became emblematic of Modernisation during the 20th century. dang nghi aim isle le KHOA HOC DAM Bho DAU RA O-7.5+ aaa] Trang cha Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee B. The amphitheatre of Arles in southwest France, with a capacity of 25,000 spectators, is perhaps the best example of just how versatile stadiums can be. Built by the Romans in 90 AD, itbecame a fortress with four towers after the fifth century, and was then transformed into a village eon oh containing more than 200 houses. Wie Neto With the growing interest in arena conservation during the 19th century, it was converted back into an arena for the staging of bullfights, thereby returning the structure fo its original use as a venue for public spectacles Cotte cee keke hey ite Iai véi Another example is the imposing n [oierel arena of Verona in northern Italy, with v . ae space for 30,000 spectators, which S TR Weal oa wos built 60 years before the Arles ficalasd onal” amphitheatre and 40 years before g 10 30,000 khan gid, dude Rome’s famous Colosseum. It has endured the centuries andis currently considered one of the world’s prime sites for opera, thanks to its outstanding acoustics Lira or Trang cha C. The area in the centre of the Italian town of Lucca, known as the Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, is yet another impressive example of — an amphitheatre becoming absorbed into the fabric of the city. The site evolved in a similar way to Arles and was progressively filled with buildings from the Middle Ages until the 19th century, variously used as houses, a salt depot and a prison. But rather than reverting to an arena, it became a market square, designed by Romanticist architect Lorenzo Nottolini. Today, the ruins of the amphitheatre remain embedded in the various shops and residences surrounding the public square https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee Contin ppytee CURR iate CT VireKe oer see aa Mae Rom eal po i Neila amir Trang cha Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee D. There are many similarities between modem stadiums and the ancient amphitheatres intended for games. But some of the flexibility was Tomah stone, lost at the beginning of the 20th Praca Riese century, as stadiums were developed using new products such as steel and reinforced concrete, and made use of bright lights for nighttime matches. Many such stadiums are situated in suburban areas, designed for sporting use only and surrounded by parking lots, These factors mean that they may not be as accessible to the general public, require more energy fo run and contribute to urban heat, Neem Cae Feel M oo Uaaouted meno nn Utes Se Lira or “+s KHOA HOC DAM BAO PAU RAO-7.5+ icy © = Trang cha Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee E, But many of today’s most innovative architects see scope for the stadium to help improve the city. Among the current strategies, two seem to be having particular success: the stadium as an urban hub, and as a power plant. There's a growing trend for stadiums fo be equipped with public spaces and services that serve a function beyond sport, such as hotels, retall outlets conference centres, restaurants and bars, children’s playgrounds and green space. Creating mixed-use developments such as this reinforces compactness and multifunctionality, making more efficient use of land and helping to regenerate urban spaces. This opens the space up to families and a wider cross-section of society, instead of catering only to sportspeople and supporters. There Viée nay gip m ‘ have been many examples of this in lemma Mecietel Rela amyoRa nl thei the UK: the mixed-use facilities at tu sin] eno INON Wembley and Old Trafford have i © Ngudi choi th become a blueprint for many other omits stadiums in the world, = RW aemerst= thao da eae en aM cue Ae le! irelrore MeN RRNA Cotesia meu) KHOA HOC DAM Bho DAU RA O-7.5+ Trang cha F, The phenomenon of stadiums as power stations has arisen from the idea that energy problems can be overcome by integrating interconnected buildings by means of a smart grid, which is an electricity supply network that uses digital communications technology to detect and react to local changes in usage, without significant energy losses. Stadiums are ideal for these purposes, because their canopies have a large surface area for fitting photovoltaic panels and ise high enough (more than 40 metres) to make use of micro wind turbines. Freiburg Mage Solar Stadium in Germany is the first of a new wave of stadiums as power plants, which also includes the Amsterdam Arena and the Kaohsiung Stadium. The latter, inaugurated in 2009, has 8,844 photovoltaic panels producing up to 1.14 GWh of electricity annually. This reduces the annual output of carbon dioxide by 660 tons and supplies up to 80 percent of the surrounding area when the stadium is not in use. This is proof that a stadium can serve its city, and have a decidedly positive impact in terms of reduction of CO2 emissions. https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee dc tm quang dién va dt: en Rook cai CCV ge Ne) tuc eva) CreMenenCueRne lomo Ceol onalenuirel yg TNS cclou) Kaohsiut y khanh thanh Cece eke Mea aie R ola Cone eieMel cat Reh em ome] ine va a Trang cha Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee G. Sporting arenas have always been central to the life and culture of cities. In every era, the stadium has acquired new value and uses: from military fortress to residential village, public space to theatre and most recently a field for experimentation in advanced engineering. The stadium of today now brings together multiple functions, thus helping cities to create a.sustainable future. Lira or Pools] CR unokoon eRe Macher roe N aA Gomecln Mela ae i) in van déng ngdy nay tap hgp inal Wme omatsite Melee! c SoM Sach icMcMum cite N ela i eel https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G. Which section contains the following information? NB You may use any letter more than once. 14_ a mention of negative attitudes towards stadium building projects 18. figures demonstrating the environmental benefits of a certain stadium 16 examples of the wide range of facilities available at some new stadiums 17 teference to the disadvantages of the stadiums built during a certain era chién thuat lam bai véi dang bai ghép théng tin Buéc 1: Doc dé bai va xc dinh c6 thé duge dling cae don van nhiéu lan hay khéng (vdi bai ndy Ia c6 thé - You may use any letter more than once) Budc 2: oc cdc théng tin va gach chan ti khéa. Bude 3: Doc Iudt (skim) cGc dogn van dé fim ¥ chinh ting doan, c6 thé ghi tom tat cae y chinh bang 3-4 tu keywords & dau méi dogn van. Buéc 4: Boc Iai cdc théng tin trong cau héi va déi chiéu voi ce ¥ chinh da rit ra duge sau khi skim, x4 dinh (cdc) doan €6 kh nding chtia théng tin dé nhét. Buéc 5: Boc Iai (cdc) dogn van xde dinh chinh xe cae keywords quan trong trong cau hdi déu dude fim thdy trong doan van dé. Chi y rang cdc keywords nay thudng sé duge paraphrase. TIPS Do dang bai nay diing dén ky néing skim va scan cing Itc, kha mdi thdi gian nén thuéng dé Iam sau cdc dang bai khac. Tuy nhién, néu ban cé téc dé doc skim tét thi van cé thé lam bai nay tude, vi sé 66 Igi cho cdc dang cau héi sau dé. Ps con) ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc quai" of GEGGHVETSHTUGED towards Dich nghia: mét théng tin vé cdc thai dé tigu clic déi véi cae dy an xay dying san van déng. Doc dit ligu tl doan A, chi ¥ cdc ti khéa: Today, however aa are regarded with growing SES, cost con soar above £1 billion, and stadiums finished for major events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup have notably (GliSelinte diauselindlcistepain Tuy nhién, ngdy nay, cdc sn van déng dude dat duéi nhting shoal nghi ngay cdng gia taing. Chi phixay dyng c6 thé ting vot trén 1 ty bang anh, va cdc s4n van dng da hoan thanh cho cde sy kién Idn nhu Thé Van héi Olympic hodic Fifa World Cup dang cht y da kndng cén dude st dung va hu héng. Tom t&t théng tin: Dé bai yéu cau théng tin: cc thai dé tiéu cyo vé sGn van dong oan van nhée dén: negative attitudes = scepticism (construction costs, disuse and disrepatr...) stadium building projects = stadiums (finished for major events) => di théng tin theo dé bai yéu céu => Bdp n cdn chon | doan® rns cr) ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc lemonstrating the - Dich nghia: cdc $6 ligu chting minh cho Idi ich vé mat mdi trudng cua mot sn van déng cy thé - Doc diiligu 6 doan F chi y cdc tu khoa: Freiburg Mage Solar Stadium in Germany is the first of a new. wave of stadiums as power plants, which also includes the Amsterdam Arena and the The latter, inaugurated in 2009, has producing up to(ll14 GWA of electricity annual Thisfeces ne annual output of eatoon clos by SED TSR) and supplies up to 6O)FEENt of the surrounding area when the stadium is not in use. SGn van déng nang ludng mat trdi Freilourg Mage © Buc Ia sn van d6ng dau tién trong mét Idn s6ng sGn van dong mdi véi tu cach I@ nhd_méy dién, bao gém déu tung Amsterdam va san van déng Kaohsiung. Sau nay, dude khanh thanh vao nam 2009, c6 8.844 tam quang dién san xudit t6i 1,14 GWh dién hang nam. Biéu nay Iam gidm san lugng carbon dioxide hang nam téi 660 tn va cung cap tdi 80% dién cho khu vye xung quanh khi sn van dong khéng dude suf dung. - _Tém tat théng tin: Dé bai yéu cu théng tin: s6 liu vé Igi ich méi trudng cua mét sn van déng Bogn van nhac dén: figures = 8,844, 1.14 GWh, 660 tons, 80 percent... environmental benefits = reduces the annual output of carbon dioxide certain stadium = the latter (Kaohsiung stadium) => dU théng tin dé bai yéu céu => Dap an cdn chon la don rns cr) Trang cha Reel Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee ‘examples of the Wide range of facilities available) at some hew) stadiums Dich nghia: céc vi dy vé co sd vat chét da dang 6 sGn & cae san van déng mdi Doc thong tin & dogn E, chi y cac tu khéa: There’s a growing trend for stadiums to be equipped with Publi spaces) and Services that serve a function beyond sport, such as hotels, retail outlets, conference centres, restaurants and bars, children’s playgrounds and green space... Xu huGng ngay cang phé bién hién nay IG cae san van dong dude trang bi véi cae khéng gian chung va cae dich vy.céng céng, phye vy nhiéu muc dich han 1a chi thi déu thé thao, chang han nhu khach san, ctia hang ban Ig, trung tam héi nghi, nha hang va quan bar, san chai té em va khéng gian xanh Tom t&t thong tin: Dé bai yéu cu: cdc vi dy vé co 6 v4t chét 6 sn van déng Dogn van nhéc dén examples of wide range of facilities = hotels, retail outlets, conference centres. new stadiums = growing trends for stadiums (Htc 1a cde xu hudng cla cdc sén van déng mdi, gn day) => dl théng tin dé bai yeu cdu => Dap an cén chon 4 doan@® Lira or eee ees JuL ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc reference 10 the @RGBVERIEGES of the GFSRIUMS|EUD cu Dich nghia: théng tin vé cc batt Igi ctia nhiing sn van dong duge xay trong mét giai doan cy thé Doc dif liu 6 dogn D, chi ¥ cdc tir khoa: ... Butsome of, ‘ro RD or century, as stadiums were developed using new products such as stee! and reinforced concrete, and made use of bright lights for night-time matches. Many such stadiums are situated in suburban areas, designed for sporting use only and surrounded by parking lots. These f6€t6r) mean that they to the general public, to run and .. Nhung véo dau thé ky 20, sy linh hogt trong thiét ké da khéng cén dude git Iai, vi cac sGn van déng dude phat trién bang cach sti dung cae vat ligu méi nhu thép va bé tong, va dén sng cho cdc tran déu ban dém, Cac s6n van dong nhu vay thudng nam & cae khu vic ngogi 6, chi dude thiét ké dé st dung cho thi ddu thé thao va dude bao quanh béi cae bai dau xe. Nhding yéu t6 nay c6 nghia 1a ching sé td nén khé tiép cAn véi quén ching, adi hdi nhiéu nang lugng hon dé hoat dong va gép phan vao sy néng lén cla khu vue thanh thi, Tém t&t théng tin: Dé bai yéu cGu: cdc bat Idi cia sn van déng trong mét giai doan Dogn van nhdc dén disadvantages = factors (not be as accessible, require more energy...) certain era = beginning of the 20th century => dU thdng tin dé bai yéu céu => Dap n can chon la doan@® ras carr) eel https// uyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Complete the summary below. Write ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Roman amphitheatres The Roman stadium of Europe have proved very versatile. The amphitheatre of Arles, for example, was converted first into a 18 ... . then into a residential area and finally info an arena where spectators could watch 19. .. «Meanwhile, the arena in Verona, one of the oldest Roman amphitheatres, is famous today as a venue where 20 .. is performed, The site of Lucca’s amphitheatre has also been used for many purposes over the centuries, including the storage of Itis now a market square with and homes incorporated into the remains of the Roman amphitheatre. Bude 1: Doc dé bai va xdc dinh gidi han tu (ONE WORD) Buéc 2; Doc dogn tém tt, chi y dén tiéu dé néu co Bude 3: Dua vao tiéu dé 06 thé xde dinh diém bat dau cia phn Summary trong bai, hodc 6 thé doc luét qua cau dau dé xde dinh diém bat dau Buéc 4: X6c dinh théng tin cén dién & méi cau, c6 thé dua ra phan doan Budc 5: Sti dung ky néing scanning fim ti khéa da gach chan trong bai, ch ¥ d&n cdc tU khda 6 dinh (it c6 kha nding paraphrase), va doc xung quanh cdc ti khéa do. Bude 6; Chi ¥ dén tu dung tu logi va sét nghia nhét véi thong tin dn dién da xc dinh 6 bude 4, Bude 7: Chon tt dé dién, check lai ¥ nghia ctia cau hgp ly va. dam bdo khéng vugt qué gidi han tu. Ps con) Trang cha Reel Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ee The Gmphitheatre of Ailes) for example, was Converted irshinto of then into a residential are) and finally into an Gren@ where spectators could watch 19___. Dich nghia: Vi dy, sn khéu ngodi tréi Arles, ban déu dude bin thanh mot __, sau d6 14 mot khu cu dan va cudi cing la mot ddu trudng ndi ma cdc cé déng vién cé thé xem ___ Doc dif ligu 6 dogn B, chi ¥ cdc tif khoa The amphitheatre of (Arles) in southwest France, with a capacity of 25,000 spectators, is perhaps the best example of just how versatile stadiums can be. Built by the Romans in 90 AD, it (BeEame Gi fortress)with four towers after the fifth century, and wos then transformed int G village containing more than 200 houses. S€n khGu ngodi trdi Arles & tay Nam Nude Phap, vdi stic chtta 25.000 khan gid, c6 Ié Id vi du din hinh nhét vé viée cdc san van déng linh hoat 6 thé nhu thé nao. Budge xay dung béi Nguéi La ma vao nam 90 sau Céng nguyén, Nd #1 thanh mot phdo dai véi b6n téa thap sau thé ky the;néim, va sau dé dug chuyén thanh mét ngéi lang chtia hon 200 ngéi nha. Tom tat thong tin va dién tut Dé bai hdi: Arles In dGu dude bién thanh gi? (ndi chén) So sGnh cc cym tu trong cau hdi va bai doc. converted into a became a fortress then a residential area = then transformed into a village. => Dap an cdn dign 1a Lira or eee ees JuL ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc ie amphitheatre of Arles, for example, was converted first into __, then into a residential area and finally into an Dich nghia: Vi dy, sn khéu ngodi tréi Arles, ban déu dude bin thanh mot __, sau d6 14 mot khu cu dan va cudi cing la mot ddu trudng ndi ma cdc cé déng vién cé thé xem ___ Doc di ligu tiép theo 6 doan B, chi y cdc tu kha With the growing interest in conservation during the 19th century I wos €orveited Back into Gn aren for the staging) GrbUIIRgEIS nereby returning the structure fo its original use as a venue for public spectacles. Khi van dé bdo tén kién trac ngay cdng dude quan tam trong thé ky 19, san khdu da dude chuyén didi tré Iai thanh mét ddu trudng cho viée dan dying cdc tran dau bé, do dé dua noi nay tr Iai véi chile nang ban dau cla né 1a dia diém ctia cdc sy kién quan ching. TOém t&t thong tin va dién tu: Bé bai Ndi: Arles khi bién thanh ddu trudng dé moi ngudi cé thé xem gi 6 do: So sGnh cdc cum tu trong cau hdi va bai doc. an arena where spectators could watch ___ = an arena for the staging of bullfights => Dap én cén dién [eC Dung That Khi Chua Tht LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ 100% MIEN PHi ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Meanuhile, the arena in Wefon@) one of the oldest today as a! Dich nghia: Trong khi d6, déu trudng 6 Verona, mét trong nhiing ddu trudng La ma cé dai nhét, néi tiéng ngay nay nhu mét dia diém biéu dién Doc dif ligu 6 dogn B, chi y tu khda Another example is the imposing arena of Verondiin northem, Italy, with space for 30,000 spectators, which was built 60 years before the Arles amphitheatre and 40 years before s famous Colosseum. It has endured the centuries and one of the thanks fo its outstanding acoustics Mét vi dy khac Id dau trudng Idn 6 Verona & mién bac Nuéc V6i khong gian cho 30.000 khan gid, duge xay dung 60 nam trude nha hat Arles va 40 nam tude Bau Trudng La ma néi tiéng. N6 da tréi qua nhiéu thé ky va hién duge coi la mét trong nhing dia dim chinh ctia thé gidi cho opera, nhd vao hé théng am thanh néi bat cia no. Tém t&t thong tin va dién tut Dé bai hdi: Verona ngay nay ndi tiéng Ia nai biéu dién gi? So sGnh cdc cym tu trong cau hdi va bai doc. prime sites = famous venue => Dap dn can dién a: GBD Bung That Khi Chua Tht LOP HOC THU JELTS 0-7.5+ 100% MIEN PHi dang ky ngay eel https// uyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc The site of has also been’ for man, Purposes over the’ including the Dich nghia: Khu wc sn khéu Lucca cling duge str dung cho nhiéu muc dich trong nhiéu thé ky, bao gém viée Iuu to Doc dit igu & doan C, chi y cdc tl khéa: The area in the centre of the Italian town off{UEEG) known as the Piazza dell’Anfiteatro, ... The site evolved in a similar way to Arles and was progressively filled with buildings from the Middle Ages until the 19th century, CEIRMSSo: QUES Khu vye 6 trung tam thi trdn Lucca clia ¥, duge biét véi tn ggi ld Piazza dell ' Anfiteatro, ... Bia diém nay phat trién theo cach tung ty nhu Arles va theo thdi gian chting kién sy ra di cdc téa nha Tu Thai Trung Cd cho dén thé ky 19, dude sit dung da dang nhu nha 6, kho muéi va nha tu Tém tat thong tin va dién tit Dé bai hdi: Lucca 66 chile n&ing st! dung Ié IWu tri gi? So sGnh cdc cum tu trong cau héi va bai doc. storage = depot (kho luu tru) => Dap dn cn dién 1: ip Bting That Khi Chua Ther LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ 100% MIEN PHI dang ky ngay eel https// uyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc It is now a with 22 ___ into the of the, Dich nghia: Bay gid né da tré thanh mét khu chg véi nhting va nha 6 bén trong khu tan tich cia déu truéng La ma. Doc dit! liu 3 doan C, chu y tu knéa: But rather than reverting to an arena, it became a designed by Romanticist architect Lorenzo Nottoli cof the amphitheatre ung thay vi tr Iai mot du trudng, nd da 1S thanh mot khu chg I6n, dude thiét ké bdi kién tric su theo ch nghia lang man Lorenzo Nottolini, Ngdy nay, phong cach kién tric cla sn kndu vn duge thé hién trong cdc ctia hang va nha 6 khdc nhau xung quanh qudng trudng céng céng. TOém t&t thong tin va dién tu: Bé bai hdi: Lucca c6 chile néing st! dung 1G luu tre gi? So sanh cdc cym ti trong cau hdi va bai dec the ruins remain embedded = incorporated into the remains homes = residences => Dap dn cGn dién 16: SBS Bting That Khi Chua Ther LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ 100% MIEN PHi dang ky ngay eel Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. Cau 23-24 Choose TWO letters, A-E. When comparing twentieth-century stadiums to ancient amphitheatres in Section D, which TWO negative features does the writer mention? A They are less imaginatively designed, B They are less spacious C They are in less convenient locations. D They are less versatile. E They are made of less durable materials Cau 25-26 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO advantages of modern stadium design does the writer mention? A offering improved amenities for the enjoyment of sports events B_ bringing community life back into the city environment C facilitating research into solar and wind energy solutions D_ enabling local residents to reduce their consumption of electricity E providing a suitable site for the installation of renewable power generators chign thuGtt am bai vi dang bai chon dap &n te mot danh séich Buc 1: Doc dé bal va xc dinh s6 dap an dug chon Bude 2: Doc cau hdi va cae Iya chon, gach chan cdc ty khéa Buc 3: X4c dinh vj tri cc tir khéa trong dogn van, chti ¥ téi cc tU kha dac thu nhu tén riéng, c&c tu khé paraphrase... Buéc 4: Boc xung quanh vj tri c&c ti khéa fim duge. Luu ¥ rang dap &n ding thudng dug paraphrase Buc 5: Sau khi chon duge dap an dung, dam béo cae dap 4n cén Iai Ia sai (bay) TIPS Béi khi cdc cau 1rd [8 dng KHONG n&m trong cling mot dogn van, Néu dang bai nay di kém trong mét passage ma yéu céu ban ding ky nang skim trudc dé, hay tan dung cac ¥ chinh i rt ra tung doan khi lam dang bai tude dé xe dinh vi tt cau tra Idi nhanh hen. ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. When comparing’ to! Gaetan) ohich does the writer mention? A They are less imaginatively designed 5 They are less spacious. C They are in less convenient locations. D They are less versatile. E They are made of less durable materials Dich nghia cau héi: Khi so sanh cdc sdn van déng 6 thé ky 20 va cae ddu trudng cd dgi 6 doan D, hal dae diém tiéu oye dude nh&c dén |é gi? Doc di ligu 6 doan D, chii y cae ti khéa There are many similarities between modern stadiums and the ancient amphitheatres intended for games. Bute ‘the flexbty was lost ot the beginning of the 20th century, Many such stadiums are situated in suburban areas, ‘Gesgned for sporting use only and surrounded by parkin Tole, hese factor: mean that hey ¢HEVNBEDSGESSSS SD) require more energy to run and contribute fo urban heat. Cé kha nhiéu diém tung déng gitia cdc s4n van dong hién dai va cac du trudng cé danh cho cdc mén thé thao. Nhung véo dau thé ky 20, sy linh hoat trong thiét ké da khéng cén dude git Idi... Cac sn van dong nhu vay thuéng nam 6 cc khu vuc ngogi 6, chi dude thiét ké dé sit dung cho thi ddu thé thao va dude bao quanh béi cdc bai dau xe, Nhding yéu 6 nay cé nghia la ching sé 1rd nén khé tiép dn véi quan ching, déi héi nhiéu nang lugng hon dé hoat dng va gép phan vdo su néng |én cia khu vuc thanh thi. SSS ras carr) ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. When comparing’ to! Gaetan) ohich does the writer mention? A They are less imaginatively designed 5 They are less spacious. C They are in less convenient locations. D They are less versatile. E They are made of less durable materials Tém t&t thong tin va chon dap an Dé bai yéu cau: 2 dac diém tiéu cue khi so sanh san van dong hién dai va cd xua Phin tich cdc Iya chon: (A) less imaginative design (thiét ké it sang tao han): ¢6 nhac én design (steel and reinforced concrete designed for...) nhung khdng so sanh vé imaginative => loai (B) less spacious (‘t khéng gian hdn): dé bi bay khi doc dén designed for sporting use only and surrounded by parking lots, nhhung khéng nhGn xét vé kh6ng gia logi (C) in less convenient locations (6 nhiing vi tri bat Igi hon) = May not be as accessible to the general public () less versatile (it linh dng hon) = some of the flexibility was lost (E) made of less durable materials (xéy ti nhGng vat liu kém bén hon): c6 nhdc dén materials (steel, concrete...) nhung khéng nhée dén durable => logi => Dap an can chon 6 ID Peace) eA RItI4 4 eo TRINH DO JuL ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. Uhich THO eve < @IERABISEHUATIESED does tho writer mention? A_ offering improved amenities for the enjoyment of sports events B- bringing community life back into the city environment C facilitating research into solar and wind energy solutions D_ enabling local residents to reduce their consumption of electricity E providing a suitable site for the installation of renewable power generators Dich nghia cau héi: Hai Igi ich cba sn van déng hién dai duge nhde dén la gi? Doc dit igu 6 dogn E va F ch ¥ cde tit khéa: Among the current strategies, two seem to be having porte success: the stadium @s/Gn/Ur6an/ AUB) anc Gs/a) Trong s6 cdc ké hoach hién tai, hai chién ludc dude danh gid Id thanh céng dac biét Id: san van dong duge sti dung Nhu mét trung tam dé thi, va st dung nhu mét nha may dién. There's a growing trend for stadiums to be 6@UI5BEd With) (G@EBERSEESD ana services that serve a function beyond sport, ... Creating mixed-use developments such as this reinforces compactness and multifunctionality, makin more efficient use of land and helping We sciciauies) ee dng ngdy cdng phd bién hién nay Ia cdc san van dong dude trang bj vai cae khéng gian chung va eae dich vu_céng céng, phye vy nhiéu myc dich hdn 1a chi thi déu thé thao... Viéc tao ra sy phat trién st dung h6n hgp nhu vay giip thtic déy yu t6 nhé gon va da chtic nang, sf dung dat higu qué hon va gitip tai tao knéng gian dé thi. ras carr) Cy) https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. Uhich THO eve < @IERABISEHUATIESED does tho writer mention? A_ offering improved amenities for the enjoyment of sports events B- bringing community life back into the city environment C facilitating research into solar and wind energy solutions D_ enabling local residents to reduce their consumption of electricity E providing a suitable site for the installation of renewable power generators The phenomenon of has arisen from the idea that by integrating interconnected buildings by means of a smart grid, ... Stadiums are ideal for these purposes, because their canopies have a large surface area panee and rise me enough (more than 40 metres) fo Hién tugng sul dung san v@n dong nhu cdc nha may dién ndy sinh ti ¥ tudng rang cdc van dé vé nang lugng C6 thé Gude kh&c phuc bang cach tich hgp cac téa nha dude két N6i Véi nhau bang ludi dién théng minh, . San van déng Ia nai ly tung cho nhting mye dich nay, bai vi chting 6 dién tich bé mat Idn dé lp cdc tdm quang dién va du chiéu cao (hon 40 mét) dé st dyng tuabin gié siéu nhd. Bung That Khi Chua Tht LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ 100% MIEN PHI g ky ngay ere https// - Luyén Thi IELTS Cép Téc Choose TWO letters, A-E. Uhich THO eve < @IERABISEHUATIESED does tho writer mention? A_ offering improved amenities for the enjoyment of sports events B_ bringing community life back into the city environment C facilitating research Into solar and wind energy solutions D_ enabling local residents to reduce their consumption of electricity E providing a suitable site for the installation of renewable power generators Tém t&t thong fin va. chon dap an Dé ball yéu cau: 2 Idi thé cla san van dong hién dai Phan tich cdc Iya chon: (A) improved amenities for sports events (cdi thién co s6 vat chat cho cae sf kién thé thao): c6 nhc dén sports nhung mang ¥ nghia khdc Id serve a function beyond sport (phuc vy cho ede muc dich ngodi thé thao) => logi (8) bringing community life back into the city environment = helping to regenerate urban spaces (© facilitating research into solar and wind energy solutions: dé bj bay khi doc dén dogn F vi cé nhéc dén energy, nhung khdng hé nhac dén research => logi (D) enabling residents to reduce their consumption of electricity: cé nh&c dén electricity nhung knéng nhac dén gidm tigu thy => logi @® the installation of renewable power generators = fitting photovoltaic panels => Bap an cdn chon lo@ IB) Uni Peed TRINH DO MIEN PHI JuL

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