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Day 4

Exercise 1

1. Alex goes to the Azores, a group off the coast of Portugal.

2. He never heard anything about that place and he really didn’t want to go. He changes
his mind reading his parents’ guide.
3. He felt open to a part of the world with new experiences, realizing that he spent a lot
of time indoors.
4. In the case of Alex, he opened his mind to new experiences that he had not tried, thus
finding new hobbies.

Exercise 2

1. In my case, I would like to have a trip like this, because they are new experiences and I
would like to try them at least once.
2. I traveled to some cultural places in Bolivia such as the island of the sun and the moon
in Copacabana, however none of them changed the way I see the world

Exercise 3
Exercise 4

Exercise 5
Exercise 6

1. Maybe the most difficult course you study is Computer Architecture.

2. Sometimes, but it's only times when I'm too stressed.
3. Work in a company in charge of providing system security.
4. Currently I am studying gastronomy too, I would like to try to work on that.
5. I liked subjects that used numbers like math or physics.

Exercise 7

Exercise 8
Exercise 9

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