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A Place to Learn, A Chance to Grow with Divinity

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

Name of Student : _______________________________________________

Enrollment No: __________________________ Academic Year: ________

Program: _______________________________ Semester: _____________

TDE Assignment Book

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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 Tick the right answer of all the questions

1) I aspire for happiness and prosperity in continuity.

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
d) Not sure

2) I am able to ensure happiness and prosperity for myself - all the time.

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes
d) Not sure

3) Who is responsible to ensure Value Education for Human Child and youth?

a) Parents
b) Teachers
c) Role models in society
d) Other:

4) Who can take the lead in ensuring Value Education?

a) Parents
b) Teachers
c) Role models in society
d) Other:

5) Given the state of affairs today, where would it be best to make effort for Value

a) Family
b) School
c) Higher Education
d) None of above

6) Are you able to see that it is you who is making the decisions? Of course, they may be
made under some influence or made on your own right.

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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7) Find out how you feel when your desire is in accordance with your natural acceptance –
happy or unhappy?

a) Happy
b) Unhappy

8) Do you want to continue to be in a state when you are having desires, thoughts, or
expectations that are not naturally acceptable to you?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

9) Are you happy or unhappy to be in such a state? (Do you want to continue to be in a state
when you are having desires, thoughts, or expectations that are not naturally acceptable to
you? )

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

10) Is behavior important for you? (in family, teamwork in the collage, in the interactions in
the society)

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Other:

11) Are you able to see that your behavior depends on your state?
(Recall an incident of your worst behavior of the last few months. Try to remember if you
were comfortable or uncomfortable before the incident. What was the effect of your
behavior on the other person – were they happy or unhappy about it? Did you yourself
become comfortable after the incident?)

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

12) Do I want to make myself happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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13) Do I want to make the other happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

14) Does the other want to make him happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

15) Does the other want to make me happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

16) Am I able to make myself always happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

17) Am I able to make the other always happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

18) Is the other able to make him always happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

19) Is the other able to make me always happy?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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20) Is there a need to develop a holistic perspective?(on all important dimensions of life)

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other:

21) Money is the most important thing in human life

a) Important
b) Most Important
c) Not Important

22) The needs of a human being are unlimited:

a) Yes
b) No, It is fixed
c) Not Sure

23) Prosperity means having and collecting more money, property and luxury goods:

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not Sure

24) Relationships are very complicated and cannot be understood in completeness:

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t Know

25) The dispute, conflicts and differences among family members cannot be fully resolved:

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t Know

26) People living in a society cannot have a common goal, and there will always be conflicts
in society:

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t Know

27) There is struggle for existence in the nature, and only the fittest can survive:

a) Agree
b) Disagree

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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c) Don’t Know

28) Human species is the most developed and it is necessary to exploit natural resources for

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t Know

29) Are you interested in future to attend this kind of sessions or visit the place where this
kind of practices happened

a) Yes
b) Yes but not now
c) No

30) What is the ultimate goal of human being?

a) Physical facility
b) Happiness and Prosperity
c) Money

31) Happiness we aspire?

a) Continuous or Permanent
b) Temporary
c) Time being

32) Living domain of human being

a) Self
b) Family
c) Society and Nature
d) All of above

33) What is the source of our all daily activities?

a) believes/pre conditioning
b) Thought
c) Other person

34) Why we all are making efforts in our life?

a) For Physical Facility

b) For Happiness
c) For Money

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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35) How many types of relationships exist?

a) 5
b) 8
c) 7
d) 6

36) What is the output of relationship if it is based on right understanding?

a) Mutual Happiness
b) Contradiction
c) Conflict

37) In present situation of our society, we all are feel safe or unsafe for us and our family:

a) Safe
b) Unsafe
c) Sometime safe

38) How many Questions/Problems in our life?

a) Infinite
b) Finite
c) Only two

39) Day By day with Increasing technology (Physical Facilities), is happiness also increased?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Other :

40) Intention of every human being is to be happy and make others happy always:

a) True
b) False
c) Can’t Say

41) If other person have more competence than me...

a) I will make distance from other

b) I will ready to learn from other

42) Our thought process is continuous(24 X 7)?

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t know

Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027

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43) My every behaviour and work is responsible of my thoughts only.

a) Agree
b) Disagree
c) Don’t know

44) What we are doing right now is only for

a) Majority for comfortness

b) Majority for Happiness & Prosperity
c) Don’t know

45) By current education we can get only

a) Skill Only
b) Value Only
c) Both Skill and value

46) Attention and Respect are same or different

a) Same
b) Different
c) Don’t know

47) To become rich or prosperous are same or different

a) Same
b) Different
c) Don’t know

48) Happiness & Excitement are?

a) Same
b) Different
c) Don’t know

49) Which one is more important for human being?

a) Life Success
b) Career Success
c) Academic Success
d) None of these

50) Affection and Love are same or different?

a) Same
b) Different
c) Don’t know

Faculty Signature
Vision for Humane Society -21UTDE027
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