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Training and development

Dr. Mahalakshmi Sankar

Know your trainer
• Dr.Mahalakshmi Sankar
• Lecturer and researcher with around 20 years of extensive teaching
experience in marketing and various subsets.
• Distinguished record of publication in academic journals all over the
• Consistently recognized 5 years for innovative teaching.
• Chief conceptualiser and executor of an online platform for NEP 2020
implementation support.
Concept of Training & Development, Importance of Training &
Development in Organizations- Objectives of Training- Linking Training
& Development to company’s strategies, Requisites of effective
training- -Problems of training- Benefits of training to Employees and
Organization- Learning theories and principles-Learning
outcomes-Learning style- VAK Model-Principles of Learning.
• Training and development involves improving the effectiveness of
organizations and the individuals and teams within them.
• Training may be viewed as related to immediate changes in
organizational effectiveness via organized instruction.
• Development is related to the progress of longer-term organizational
and employee goals. While training and development technically have
differing definitions, the two are oftentimes used interchangeably
and/or together.
Traditional definition
Training is defined as the systematic acquisition of skills, rules,
concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance in another

Recent Definition
A learning process that involves acquisition of knowledge, sharpening
of skills, concepts, rules or changing of attitudes and behaviour to
enhance the performance of employees
• ?
Training and development is a part of -

• Applied psychology
• Human resources management
• Talent management
• Human resources development
• Instructional design
• Human factors
• Knowledge management
• Aruljyoti-applied psychology
• Gender sensitization-HRM
• Talent management- all your events
• Instructional Design-employee policies including leave, health
• Human Factors –when people from different parts of country join an
• Knowledgement management-to get the people talent out
The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into
several classes-

• The sponsors of training and development are senior managers.

• The clients of training and development are business planners.
• Line managers are responsible for coaching, resources, and
• The participants are those who actually undergo the processes.
• The facilitators are human resource management staff.
• And the providers are specialists in the field.
• Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which
sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations of the others.
Importance of T& D in organisation

1.New Hire Orientation

2.Tackle shortcomings
3.Improvement in performance
4.Employee satisfaction
5.Increased productivity
6.Self driven
Objectives of training

Training and development encompasses three main activities:

• Training
• Education
• Development
The objective of training and development: Objective of training and development in the public organization
of a country are discussed below –

• Increase in efficiency: Training improves skills and efficiency that can help in
• Knowledge about new methods: If a new method of work/service is introduced
in the organization, the employees are given proper knowledge on new method
through training and development.
• Knowledge of company policy: The new entrants are not supposed to have
sufficient knowledge of company policy. Through training and development,
some knowledge can be furnished.
• Attitude changing: in some cases, change of attitude is very important for
successful formulation and implementation of company plans and decisions. An
objectives-oriented organization can serve the purpose and employees’ attitude
may be changed as per the expectation of management.
• Career planning and development: For personal growth
and career development employee needs career planning. Training and
development program is one of the most effective counseling methods. It creates
motivation among the employees.
• Loyalty: Usually employees want to be loyal to the management, employer. But some of
them do not know the actual way of loyalty. Training and development can help them in
this regard.
• Reduction of labor turnover: Through participation in training and development
programs, employees are convinced about their dunes and responsibilities and ways to
solve the problem. The turnover rate may thus be reduced.
• Productivity: Another objective of training and development is to increase productivity
through the use of skill, efficiency, and more committed employees.
• Quality: Quality of goods and services is the permanent asset of the organization.
Trained employees can increase the quality of goods and services.
• Development of self-confidence: Successful change describes the change of
self-confidence. If employees accept the change easily and try to implement the plan of
action limitedly, it becomes easier for management.
• It is important to note that all employees require different levels and
types of development in order to fulfill their job role in the
organization. All employees need some type(s) of training and
development on an ongoing basis to maintain effective performance,
or to adjust to new ways or work, and to remain motivated and
Integrating training & Development
• Training has been used in organizations for the past several decades.
Although training and development requires investments of many
types, there are cited benefits to integrating training and
development into organizations:

• Increased productivity and job performance

• Skills development
• Team development
• Decreasing safety-related accidents
Linking Training and Development to Company’s Strategies

1.Making Training Specific

• Companies that know they should be training their employees don’t necessarily know how to
train them or what to train them on.
• While generalized training might have some benefits for certain basic skills like how to use
spreadsheets or the basics of customer service, these are arguably skills employees should have
when they begin employment, and these aren’t skills that boost a competitive advantage.
• Additionally, benchmarking what others are doing isn’t necessarily a great strategy for building a
training program. Even businesses in the same industry and direct competitors will have different
training needs.
2.Building a Focus on Business Needs
• In order to get that payoff, it’s crucial that training be aligned with the
organization’s overall business goals. For example, if a business goal is to increase
product quality, training should focus on things like quality control.
• If the goal is to boost production efficiency, training should focus on things like
process improvement and the identification of sources of inefficiency and waste.
• Aligning employee training with business objectives and corporate strategy is a
great goal, but achieving it requires some thought and effort.
Requisites of Effective training
• Be Clear on the Goals
• The first step is to simply understand what the company’s strategic goals are. It’s surprising how many
employees—even those in leadership roles—are not clear on this basic information. Training departments should
work with company leaders to ensure clarity on those goals.
• Identify Gaps
• Identifying the gaps in achieving company goals is similar to a project road map. You know where you are now,
and you know where you want to be. The difference is in the gaps. It could be a lack of name recognition in the
market, production inefficiencies, poor customer service, etc.
• Define Skills Needed to Close Those Gaps
• Once a company knows what its gaps are, it can more clearly define the skills needed to close those gaps. For
example, a company that has a problem with the quality of its end products might need to develop greater skills in
process improvement and quality control.
• Develop a Training Program
• Once the needed skills are identified, it should be fairly straightforward to develop a training program to help
employees learn required skills. Chances are other organizations have already conducted such training; there’s
likely to be plenty of existing material to review and draw from.
• Deliver Training
This isn’t necessarily as straightforward as it sounds. Effective delivery includes identifying those who will get the
training and making sure those staff attend and are engaged in the training initiative. Today, it also involves
offering training in various formats to meet individual learner needs and preferences.
• Measure
After sufficient time has passed, measure to see how employees have improved in the skills being trained.
Quantifying and communicating training results are good ways to justify the costs—in terms of both time and
money—for creating and conducting training efforts.
• Iterate and Repeat
Finally, understand that companies will rarely get things 100% right on the first try. Based on measured results,
make any necessary modifications to the training material and process and repeat. Iterate and repeat.
• Training for training’s sake is almost always a waste of time and resources. Instead, companies need to focus
their training efforts on skills and knowledge that will help them achieve their objectives in the future. The steps
above can provide a road map for how to make that alignment happen.
Steps of implementing effective training
1.Make a business case.
2. Develop Objective and learning Outcome.
3.Develop content and instructional design.
4.Access internal and external source.
5.Develop educational and training material.
6.Transfer knowledge, skill and ability
7. Evaluate effectiveness
8.Undertake continuous improvement.
Linking Training and development to Company’s strategies

1. Assess training needs:

2. Set organizational training objectives.
3. Create training action plan.
4.Implement training initiatives:
5.Evaluate & revise training:
Problems of training
• Information overload
• Workforce resistance
• Ineffective training methods
• Lack of employee engagement.
• Poor feedback and support system
The top ten benefits of employee training and
development programs include:
• Increased productivity: When employees stay current with new procedures and technologies, they can increase their overall output.
• Reduced micromanagement: If workers feel empowered to perform a task, they typically require less oversight and work more
independently. 1
• Train future leaders: Organizations must have a solid pipeline of well-trained and innovative potential leaders to grow and adapt over time.
• Increased job satisfaction and retention: Well-trained employees gain confidence in their abilities, leading to greater job satisfaction, a
reduction in absenteeism and overall employee retention.
• Attract highly skilled employees: Top recruits are attracted to firms with an identifiable career path based on consistent training and
• Increased consistency: Well-organized training ensures tasks are performed uniformly, resulting in tight quality control that end users can
• Increased camaraderie: Training and development helps create a sense of teamwork and collaboration.
• Bolstered safety: Continuous training and development helps ensure employees have the knowledge and skills to perform a task safely.
• Ability to cross-train: Providing consistent training creates a knowledgeable team overall where employees can help train or assist each
other as needed.
• Added innovation: Consistently trained employees can help develop new strategies and products, contributing to the company’s bottom
line and continued success.
Learning theories and principles
• Learning theories are organized on set of principles explaining how
individuals acquire, retain and recall knowledge.
• New behaviors or changes in behaviors are acquired
Behaviorism through associations between stimuli and response.

• Learning occurs through internal processing of information


• We construct our own knowledge of the world based on

Constructivism individual experience.
• B.F.Skinner
• Operant conditioning
• They belief knowledge exists independently and outside of people.
• They view the learner as a blank slate who must be provided
• Behaviorists believe that learning actually occurs when new behaviors
or changes in behaviors are acquired through associations between
stimuli and response.
• Example-Drill, rote work, repetitive practice,participation points
• The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information
they receive rather than merely responding to stimuli.
• Learner plays an active role.
• Ex- real world example, problem solving, Analogies
• It is based on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of the
world, based on individual experiences and internal knowledge.
• Constructivist theorists believe that learning is a process where individuals
construct new ideas or concepts based on prior knowledge and /or
• Ex- case studies ,Research projects, problem based learning,Brainstorming.

Learning outcomes
• Learning outcomes are user-friendly statements that tell students
what they will be able to do at the end of a period of time. They are
measurable and quite often observable. ... focus on student products,
artifacts, or performances, rather than on instructional techniques or
course content.
Learning style
• Learning styles refer to a range of competing and
debunked theories that aim to account for differences in
individuals' learning.[1]
• Neil Fleming's VARK model and inventory[24] expanded upon earlier notions of sensory modalities
such as the VAK model of Barbe and colleagues[18] and the representational systems (VAKOG)
in neuro-linguistic programming.[25] The four sensory modalities in Fleming's model are:[26]

• Visual learning
• Auditory learning
• Physical learning
• Social learning
VAK Model
• Visual learning is a learning style in the Fleming VAK/VARK model where a learner needs
to see information in order to process it. Visual learners can utilize graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and other
forms of visual stimulation to effectively interpret information.
• Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends
on listening and speaking as a main way of learning.[1] Auditory learners must be able to hear what is being
said in order to understand and may have difficulty with instructions that are drawn but if the writing is in a
logical order it can be easier to understand. They also use their listening and repeating skills to sort through
the information that is sent to them. They are good listeners when people speak.[2]
• Kinesthetic learning (American English), kinaesthetic learning (British English), or tactile learning is
a learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than
listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.
• Observational learning is learning that occurs through observing the behavior of others. It is a form of social
learning which takes various forms, based on various processes. In humans, this form of learning seems to not
need reinforcement to occur, but instead, requires a social model such as a parent, sibling, friend,
or teacher with surroundings. Particularly in childhood, a model is someone of authority or higher status in an
• The fight against covid -19 is still on,
• Keep your face covered,sanitize your hands …..
Principles of Learning
The following Principles of learning should be satisfied by a good training program:

1. Practice – Employees learn more fast when theory and practice go hand in hand. Employees under training should be given an opportunity
to participate in actual work performance.
2. Active Process – The individual learn better when more of his senses are utilized in the efforts and he become more involved in the
process of learning.
3. Guidance – Learning is more efficient if it is not by trail and error but by guidance from expert. Guidance can speed the learning process
and provide feedback as well.
4. Trainee Readiness – People who are not ready to learn will not learn. Consequently an effective training program must comprise
individuals who are ready to learn the skill at hand. Determining trainee readiness involves examining certain important issues.
5. Motivation – Trainee must be motivated to improve his skills or knowledge by increased compensation, promotion, recognition etc.
6. Relevance – Most trainees quickly develop perception about whether training is relevant. If trainee perceives that the instruction will
actually help them on the job, they are much more likely to be receptive to the training. If they do not perceive they are more likely to
demonstrate active or passive resistance in the training.
7. Reinforcement – Reinforcement is another critical principles of learning. It involves the process of providing financial rewards or
non-financial incentives such as praise or recognition. Reinforcement can often encourage trainees to become more interested and
involved in the training.
8. Standard of performance – Standard of performance must be set for the learner. The standard provide goals and give a feeling of
accomplishment when the employees achieve them.
9. Feedback – In order to understand the potentialities and limits of improvement of an employees the progress of his training must be
received from time to time. Such feedback will be a valuable aid in adjusting training to the needs of the individual workers.

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