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International Scholarly Research Network

ISRN Otolaryngology
Volume 2012, Article ID 181202, 10 pages

Clinical Study
Results and Complications of 1104 Surgeries for
Velopharyngeal Insufficiency

Jenő Hirschberg
St. John’s Hospital, Division of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 1125 Budapest, Diós árok 1-3, Hungary

Correspondence should be addressed to Jenő Hirschberg,

Received 12 December 2011; Accepted 18 January 2012

Academic Editors: S. L. Halum and M. P. Robb

Copyright © 2012 Jenő Hirschberg. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) means that the velopharyngeal closure is inadequate or disturbed. VPI may be organic or
functional, congenital or acquired and is caused by structural alterations or paresis. The symptoms are primarily to be found in
speech (hypernasality), more rarely in swallowing and hearing. The management types are as follows: speech therapy, surgery,
speech bulb, and others. Surgery is indicated if the symptoms of VPI cannot be improved by speech therapy. Among the operative
methods, velopharyngoplasty constitutes the basis of the surgery. The pharyngeal flap was incorporated and survived in 98.1%
of the cases, hyperrhinophony disappeared or became minimal in 90% after surgery in our material (1104 cases). The speech
results seemed to be the same with superiorly or inferiorly based pharyngeal flap. The Furlow technique, push-back procedure,
the sphincteroplasty, and the augmentation were indicated by us if the VP gap was less than 7 mm; these methods may also be
used as secondary operation. We observed among 1104 various surgeries severe hemorrhage in 5 cases, aspiration in 2 cases,
significant nasal obstruction in 68 patients, OSAS in 5 cases; tracheotomy was necessary in 2 cases. Although the complication rate
is rare, it must always be considered that this is not a life-saving but a speech-correcting operation. A tailor-made superiorly based
pharyngeal flap is suggested today, possibly in the age of 5 years.

1. Introduction The resonance problem, the hypernasality is among these

the leading problem which is an acoustic sign, while the
Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) means that for whatever nasal escape is an aerodynamic symptom. In the diagnosis,
reason the performance of the velopharyngeal (VP) closure is first routine examinations should be carried out: careful
inadequate or disturbed. VPI may be organic or functional, history, intraoral inspection, simple functional tests (Czer-
congenital or acquired and is caused by structural alterations mak’s mirror test, Gutzmann’s A-I probe, phonendoscope
or paresis. The symptoms and signs of palatal dysfunction are test), orientative hearing examination, judging of the child’s
primarily to be found in speech, more rarely in swallowing behaviour and intelligibility, and quick teachability test. The
and hearing. These symptoms depend mainly on the extent instrumental examinations serve for confirming or rejecting
of the defect in the closure mechanism, and on the time and the routine procedures; they may be used to define (1) the
manner of its development. If the VPI is consequence of a VP port, its dynamics, the fact, the degree and the type
connatal anomaly or of a perinatal lesion, the first symp- of VP dysfunction (X-ray methods, CT, MRI, endoscopy,
toms manifest itself immediately after birth: difficulty or ultrasonics), (2) pathological airflow (aerodynamic proce-
unability of sucking, pharyngeal secret stagnation, vomiting dures), (3) speech and voice production (articulation tests,
through the mouth and nose, frequent aspirations, attacks speech intelligibility test, nasometry, acoustic analysis), (4)
of suffocation, repeated pneumonias, and cardiorespiratoire tube and hearing impairment (audiometry, tympanometry,
decompensation. The speech disorders are as follows: delayed stapedius reflex test, OAE, BERA), (5) etiological factors
speech development, hypernasality, nasal escape, articulation (neurological, electrophysiological methods, EMG, biopsy),
disorders (mostly secondary), facial grimaces, and hyper- (6) to judge the personality, intelligence, and stimulability of
functional voice disorders (possibly with vocal nodules). the patient (IQ test, personality tests and other procedures).
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Table 1: Diagnosis in 1104 cases of surgeries for VPI. Table 3: Distribution of 1104 surgeries according to the used
Overt cleft palate 702 63.6%
Submucous cleft palate 136 12.30 Inferiorly based pharyngeal flap 916
Shortening of the palate, VCFS 121 10.96 Superiorly based flap 148
Deep nasopharynx, anatomical disproportion 54 4.90 Sphincteroplasty sec Orticochea 9
Occult submucous cleft 3 0.27 Augmentation (implantation with Teflon,
Velar hypoplasia 6 0.54 later with autologous fat)
Paresis 79 7.16 Furlow plasty 11
Destruction 3 0.27 Altogether 1104

Table 2: Distribution of 1104 surgeries according to age.

<4 years 53 The Cleft Palate Committee of IALP (presided over

4–6.11 years 641 at that time by the author) was regarded as the most
7–9.11 years 194
informative instrumental diagnostic procedure in diagnosing
VPI: the cine (video) fluoroscopy, the nasopharyngoscopy,
10–13.11 years 134
and the nasometry, supplemented in some cases with
14–18 years 60
electrophysiological methods [4]. This standpoint is accepted
>18 years 22 since then in our studies.
The Cleft Palate Committee of IALP organized a congress
in Visegrád/Hungary about Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal
In the perceptual evaluation, the use of a four-point rating Insufficiency, where the authors with several specialities
scale is proposed for the description of all attributes assessed. (phoniatrics, speech pathology, otorhinolaryngology, audi-
The treatment of VPI depends on the etiology. Only when ology, maxillofacial, plastic and pediatric surgery, orthodon-
it has been unequivocally determined that no pathological tics, radiology, pediatrics, and genetics) from all over the
process is in the background of VPI, is there justification, world gave a broad survey about many various questions on
scope, and indication for speech (logopedic), phoniatric, the topic [5].
or phonosurgical therapy. The following types of treatment A book about the diagnosis and therapy of hypernasality
may be used: (1) speech therapy, (2) surgery, (3) speech in cases of velopharyngeal insufficiency with and without
bulb, (4) other treatment (medicaments, electrotherapy). In palatal cleft was published by us in 2006 [6].
considering the indication for velopharyngeal surgeries, we In order to define the functional result (speech improve-
must always remember that they are not lifesaving but speech ment) and the factors which influence the surgical effect in
correcting interventions and that surgical complications— an approximately objective way, we performed a statistical
though not too often—may also develop. The purpose, the analysis using X 2 test on a randomly selected group of 261
subject of the present article is to evaluate the operative patients at least 3 years after surgery with respect to nasality,
results, and the complications, the sequelae of various articulation, and speech intelligibility. First, 3 experienced
surgeries for VPI. speech therapists assessed the speech (articulation, nasality)
using a four-point rating scale [7], then we applied our
2. Material and Methods speech intelligibility test [8] considering the following fac-
tors: age of patient at the time of operation, his hearing and
The basis of the recent study is about 6000 various facial his level of intelligence, VPI etiology, type of surgery, status
cleft operations including 1104 velopharyngeal surgeries for of the velopharyngeal area after surgery, and postoperative
VPI performed during 1965–2002 at the pediatric otorhino- speech therapy.
laryngological departments of the Heim Pál and Madarász The surgical complications of our 1104 cases were
Children’s Hospital, Budapest/Hungary. detected by oral inspection and—if necessary—by
63.6% of the surgical interventions for VPI were per- nasopharyngoscopy, radiological methods, or the help
formed as secondary surgery, after staphylorraphy, in cleft with repeated intubation.
palate patients, the rest underwent primary operation indi- In judging the operative results, the possible complica-
cated in other forms of VPI (Table 1). Table 2 demonstrates tions, and in indication of a velopharyngoplasty, nasometry
the distribution of the patients according to age: most of may help us. We have used the nasometry adapted to
them were children aged between 4 and 7 years. The type of Hungarian language [9] in 160 children to corroborate the
the used surgical technique is detailed in Table 3. listener’s detection of hypernasality and in deciding of a
The VP closure mechanism, the anatomy of the VP port, velopharyngeal surgery or reoperation in dubious cases.
the definition, incidence, classification, etiology, genetics, To decide whether pharyngeal flap surgery has an adverse
symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment of VPI, and the surgi- effect on the growth process of the craniofacial complex (or
cal methods were summarized in my main report of the XXth not), lateral X-ray cephalometry was performed in randomly
Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and selected 53 unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) patients
Phoniatrics, and in Hungarian books [1–3]. with pharyngeal flap surgery: six angular and four linear
ISRN Otolaryngology 3

values were measured on the cephalograms [10]. The control (ix) maxillofacial development. In sagittal relation, the
group consisted of 38 UCLP patients without pharyngeal maxilla and mandible became more retrognathic
flap surgery. The significance test of the average values was in each patients after flap surgery (the anterior
done with the two-sample t test. The level of significance was facial height does not show any differences); but the
α = 5%. observed changes were not significant.
We have used polysomnography [11] among 68 patients
still snoring 1 year after surgery for detecting possible 4. Discussion and Conclusions
obstructive sleep apnea.
Ever since Rosenthal [12] and then Sanvanero-Rosselli [13]
3. Results renewed Passavant’s [14] and Schönborn’s [15] old surgical
concept, the question of speech-improving operation has
3.1. Surgical Results. Surgical results may be judged from the become one of the central subjects of the practice and
angle of anatomical healing and functional effect. literature concerned with CP surgery and VPI [16, 17]. Three
The anatomical results are good: the pharyngeal flap important questions should be considered: in which cases is
built in and survived long lasting in 98.1% of the cases. surgery indicated, at what age of the patient should surgical
In 94.1% the adhering was complete, in 4% the healing intervention be performed, and what types of surgery or
was partial with dehiscences, in 1.9% the flap detached. In procedures are available, of which the best result can be
cases of augmentation, the implanted material (Teflon, later expected with the minimum of risk and complications.
autologous fat) had never dropped out or had been absorbed Creating the structural elements necessary for velopha-
and we do not have any observed migration of the implant ryngeal closure is the essential goal of surgical correction
or significant infection. of velopharyngeal insufficiency [18]. We recommend surgery
Regarding the speech improvement, we have obtained the in those cases of organic VPI which imply a persistent
following functional results: hyperrinophony disappeared or condition (i.e., where a progressive neurological process can
became minimal in 90% and moderate in 10%; speech intel- be precluded), where no results can be expected on the
ligibility proved to be excellent or good in 74%, acceptable in basis of teachability tests or other data of examination or
21% and poor in 5%. Articulation was excellent in 42% after have been achieved by means of speech therapy of 4–6
surgery, the rest of the patients (1–6 sounds defective) were months. According to an extensive survey by Schneider and
referred for further speech therapy. Shprintzen [19], 80% of VPI patients receive speech therapy.
The speech improvement depends—at a significance If this conservative treatment is unsuccessful, or it seems to
level of α = 5%—on the age of the patient (in younger be hopeless from the outset, surgery should be indicated.
children the results are better than in older children or As a first step, however, neurological processes should be
adults), his hearing and mental level, the etiology of VPI (in excluded.
cases of structural changes of the soft palate the functional The velopharyngeal surgery is a speech-correcting oper-
effect is more advantageous than in cases of paresis), and the ation, although sometimes it may improve also the faulty
postoperative anatomical status. According to our survey, the swallowing and conductive hearing problem. Its aim is first
type of surgery (inferiorly versus superiorly based method) of all improving the phonation, the timbre of the voice.
and the duration of the postoperative logopedic treatment Thus, this surgical intervention belongs (also) to the field of
did not influence the functional effect. The surgeon’s expe- phonosurgery [20, 21]. Phonosurgery is still an integrative
rience and the competence of the speech therapist are, of part of phoniatrics. The surgeon’s proper place to some
course, important but not measurable factors. discipline is not decisive, it is important, however, that
3.2. Surgical Complications. In our patient material (1104 (i) should well know not only the anatomy but also the
cases) surgical complications were rare. functions of the VP sphincter,
We have observed complications or undesirable sequelae
after surgery as follows: (ii) should perform such kind of operations regularly to
have enough experience, and
(i) death: 0 case, (iii) should ensure the contribution of the representa-
(ii) serious postoperative bleeding: 5 cases, tives of all disciplines (otorhinolaryngology, speech
pathology, audiology, phoniatrics, neurology, oral
(iii) transfusion necessary: 5 cases, surgery, genetics, orthodontics, pediatrics) who may
(iv) aspiration, tracheotomy: 2 cases, take part in the diagnosis and care of patients with
(v) detachment of the flap: 21 cases, VPI.

(vi) nasal obstruction (snoring 1 year after surgery): 68 Most of these surgical interventions are performed
patients, secondarily, after palatoplasty, in cleft patients. According
to a large survey, secondary VP surgery was performed
(vii) OSAS (verified by polysomnography): 5 patients, in 0–40% after various cleft palate operations in different
(viii) widening of the lateral orificii beside the flap because CP centers [6]. In our own material, speech-correcting
of significant nasal obstruction or OSAS: 11 cases, operation was necessary in 16.8% among 613 CP patients
4 ISRN Otolaryngology

after Langenbeck’s staplylorraphy [20]. Further pathologies for the surgical improvement of hyperrhinophony due to VPI
which may need palatopharyngeal surgery primarily or not (Figures 2–7):
too often secondarily, are submucous cleft palate, occult
submucous cleft palate, congenital or acquired shortening of (i) push-back procedures,
the velum, various syndromes (velocardiofacial syndrome = (ii) pharyngoplasties which do not touch the velum,
VCFS, Robin sequence), and paresis of the palate.
(iii) sphincteroplasty sec Orticochea,
Correct judgement and comparison of the functional
results, the speech improvement is difficult: patients concern- (iv) velopharyngoplasties (flap surgery),
ing age are not unique in the different studies. The indication (v) levator-plasty,
is inhomogene, criteria and methods of evaluation are
different, the data of the subjective and objective evaluation (vi) Z-palatoplasty sec Furlow,
do not correlate. (vii) augmentation techniques,
As the number of the successful surgeries is given in (viii) modifications and combinations of the techniques.
various publications to be between 67% and 97%, in general
the functional results are published to be about 80–90%. In Figures 2–7, various surgical methods for VPI
There are several factors which may influence the (printing with permission of Median Verlag) are shown.
functional results according to many publications: age of the Undoubtedly, the velopharyngoplasties constitute the basis
patient at the time of operation, etiology of the VPI, hearing, of palatopharyngeal operations for VPI: the so-called flap
intelligence of the patient, preoperative correct diagnosis, surgery is the most common among surgeries correcting
type of operation, and mobility of the lateral pharyngeal hypernasality. The insertion of the pharyngeal flap into the
wall. These data are supported and confirmed by our own velum can be done by different techniques; the two basic and
experiences. most frequent methods are the inferiorly and the superiorly
Most authors [22–24] agree that the results are better based version (Figures 2-3). Using the inferiorly based
in younger than in older children or adults. Stoll et al. version, we lengthen the palate with an apron flap suggested
[25] emphasize that the best results may be attained— by Herfert [32]. The question of which techniques is better
independent on the surgical method—if the patient is and more successful cannot be unequivocally decided. It is
operated on or before the age of 6 years. Our opinion is that a fact that more surgeons use the superiorly based method
the ideal age for velopharyngoplasty is around 5 years of age: today [18, 33, 34], although some authors did achieve better
the failure of speech therapy is revealed by this age, the child functional results with the inferiorly based version [35].
is sufficiently co-operative in the days following operation According to our evaluation, the speech results are the same
which is not always easy; moreover, if chosen, postoperative in both forms [6], each type has, however, some advantages
speech therapy can also be commenced before the age of and disadvantages (Table 4).
schooling. This effort and proposal is reflected also by our The so-called sphincteroplasty (Figure 4) is associated
surgical statistics: most of the children operated on by us with the name of Orticochea [48, 49], as he himself said:
because of VPI were in the age group of 4–6.11 years. Also, “the sphincter has been discovered.” Orticochea made use
the number of complications is smaller in young children of the palatopharyngeus muscles and sutured them in an
than in adults [26, 27]. Of course, the choice of the time of inferiorly based pharyngeal flap, thus establishing the basis
surgery may be influenced by several factors: time of correct for sphincter-pharyngoplasty. This method became more
and final diagnosis, general health of the child, attitude and more popular in the last two decades and is particularly
and decision of the parents. Early diagnosis is essential: our indicated when there is good movement of the soft palate,
aim is, therefore, to detect supposed hypernasality due to with poor movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall [50]. We
(occult) submucous cleft palate or latent VPI with the aid of obtained good results applying the Orticochea technique as a
nasometry of the infant cry [28]. Not evident cases can easily secondary operation after unsuccessful velopharyngoplasty:
be overlooked by routine inspection, especially in infancy we attached the posterior tonsillar pillars to the rest of
with severe consequences later on, for example, repeated inferiorly based pharyngeal flap [1, 2].
adenoidectomy erroneously performed. The surgical technique published by Furlow [51] is an
The intelligence level of the child has an unequivocal effect intravelar palatoplasty (Figure 5). The so-called Z-plasty
on the tendency of the result [22, 29]. In our opinion, the means using two flaps of the velum lying opposite each other,
minimum IQ score should be over 50 [30, 31]. one from the oral, the other one from the nasal layer. Thus, a
Hearing impairment before the operation may also affect muscular ring will be formed which lengthens the soft palate
the possible functional result; major perceptive hypacusis without using the tissues of the hard palate. This technique
reduces the chances of improving speech. is suggested if the lateral pharyngeal wall functions well and
To achieve a satisfactory effect with the vertical flaps, the the velopharyngeal gap is not larger than 7 mm.
lateral pharyngeal wall must have a good movement (Figures In case of insufficiency, the VP port can be narrowed
1(a) and 1(b)). by the forward bulging (augmentation) of the posterior
For receiving good surgical and functional results, proper pharyngeal wall, too (Figure 6). Different kinds of material
choice of an adequate operative method is essential. can be implanted at the level of the second cervical vertebra,
Many great different kinds of surgical methods and between the submucosa and the superior constrictor muscle:
techniques were described and used over the past 100 years Silastic, Teflon, Proplast, and biological tissues as fascia, fat,
ISRN Otolaryngology 5

(a) (b)

Figure 1: Inferiorly based pharyngeal flap in rest (a) and during sound production (b). The lateral pharyngeal walls narrow and then close
the apertures beside the flap.

Figure 2: Inferiorly based pharyngeal flap. Figure 4: Orticochea method (sphincteroplasty).

Figure 5: Furlow technique.

Figure 3: Superiorly based pharyngeal flap.

cartilage. We first used Teflon, in the last ten years autologous

fat. Augmentation may be indicated:

(i) primarily, into the posterior pharyngeal wall, if the

VP gap is less than 7 mm during phonation and the
soft palate is mobil,
(ii) secondarily, after unsatifactory result of a
velopharyngoplasty. The correct localisation of
implantation should be decided in these cases with Figure 6: Augmentation.
the aid of oral inspection and nasopharyngoscopy.
6 ISRN Otolaryngology

significant pain and restriction of movement of the neck,

and low fever.
Nasal obstruction, snoring, and rhinophonia clausa are
also regular after surgery, but these problems gradually
decrease and mostly stop as a result of the transversal
contraction of the flap in some weeks or 2-3 months.
Bronsted et al. [27] found hyponasality in 39% of 140 cases
postoperatively, but 5 years later persistent hyponasality was
revealed in only 9 patients.
Serious (or late) complications may be the following:
(i) complications in connection with the anesthesia,
Figure 7: Push-back procedure.
(ii) infection,
(iii) hemorrhage,
(iv) aspiration, tracheotomy,
The purpose of the push-back procedures (Figure 7) is to (v) death,
lengthen the secondary palate by means of mobilisation, that
is, the caudal placing of the soft palate. As a result, the VP (vi) detachment of the flap,
gap becomes smaller and improvement in speech is effected. (vii) prolonged nasal obstruction,
Suitable cases might include those with a short palate, with
(viii) obstructive OSAS,
adequate pharyngeal wall movement and a relatively small
defect. Because of the last circumstances and restriction and (ix) disorders in maxillofacial development,
because of the possible risk of maxillary growth impairment (x) others, rare.
due to denudation of large areas of bone, this method is used
today only in a limited number of application. The two most serious complications are hemorrhage and
The pharyngoplasties [52], and the so-called levator significant airway obstruction [6, 36].
plasty [53] may be used in cases of slight VPI. The usual reason for major bleeding is that the arteria
In summarizing the different velopharyngeal operative pharyngea ascendens gets injured when a wide inferiorly
methods, it may be said that a tailored, superiorly based based pharyngeal flap is cut out, but the bleeding can
pharyngeal flap is suggested first of all today. However, it is generally be stopped. The flap surgery requires peculiar
also correct to say that the best method is the one where attention in patients with VCFS, as in these cases the carotid
a skilled surgeon has the best experience and had already arteries may be medialized [56]. More serious problems are
achieved the best results. caused by the mostly diffuse bleeding in the postoperative
The complication rate and the undesirable sequelae are period because it can result in the loss of the flap and
not frequent. It must be always considered, however, that become the source of grave conditions: transfusion, aspi-
it is not about a life saving but about a speech correcting ration, pneumonia, tracheotomy may be the consequences.
operation. The number of serious hemorrhages is fortunately not too
Surgical complications happen mostly at flap surgeries high: we observed postoperative bleeding that necessitated
which need larger incision and mobilisation. Consequences blood transfusion in 5 of our 1104 patients, four patients
of the augmentation technique are minimal [54]: infection, required takedown of the pharyngeal flap and we were
hematoma, throwing out, or migration of the implant may compelled to tracheotomy in 2 cases because of significant
be counted to the latter. We have not experienced any side blood aspiration. According to the literature, postoperative
effects applying augmentation. bleeding which claims reintubation, surgical revision or
Complications of pharyngeal flap surgery are also rare transfusion is about 0.5–2% [27, 33, 57].
[55], other authors [43] stress, nevertheless, that this tech- Detachment of the flap may also occur in patients without
nique is one of the more dangerous pediatric procedures due postoperative bleeding. Insufficiency of the sutures manifests
to the potential for airway obstruction and patient death. itself generally on the 8–10th postoperative days. Its cause
Although airway compromise in patients who undergo cannot be always diagnosed. Undoubtedly, faulty surgical
pharyngeal flap palatoplasty can be a potentially fatal com- result of flap surgery is more frequent in patients with a
plication [37], I agree with Sullivan et al. [46] that this type of very large VP gap, if the velum is cicatrized in operated
operation is highly successful with about 80–90% functional CP patients, and it happens more often in adults than in
result and a low risk of complication. The complications are young children presumably because of worse blood supply.
connected with the chosen anesthesia or with the surgery Reoperation is possible but not with the same method; for
itself and can be classified as mild, transitory, or permanent secondary surgery, we use first of all the Orticochea technic
and serious side effects. or augmentation. We have observed that after a faulty flap
There are some unpleasant but not serious problems surgery the speech does not worsen in every case, sometime
postoperatively which occur in almost every patients; it even improves. Explanation for this may be that the
they are, however, transitory and disappear in a few days: rest of the pharyngeal flap and—in case of inferiorly based
ISRN Otolaryngology 7

Table 4: Advantages and disadvantages of the superiorly and inferiorly based pharyngeal flap.

Advantages Disadvantages
more physiological more nasal obstruction
Superiorly based flap postoperative bleeding may be stopped easier later correction is more difficult
larger VP gap can be bridged
later correction is easier difficult to stop postoperative hemorrhage
Inferiorly based flap less nasal obstruction less physiological
function well visible during speech therapy

Table 5: Complications of surgery for velopharyngeal insufficiency in several publications.

Number of patients Diagnosis Mean age Type of operation Complications
publication time
bleeding: 18, reintub: 3,
Valniček et al. 1994
219 (1985–1992) VPI 9.6 years Sup.based flap airway obstruction: 20,
OSAS: 9, death: 1
airway obstruction: 7,
Pena et al. 2000 [37] 88 (1983–1997) VPI Flap palatoplasty OSAS: 1, apnea: 1, death: 1,
aspiration: 2
Sie et al. 2001 [38] 48 6.5 years Furlow palatal fistula: 2
Sup. and inf. based bleeding: 2, reintub.: 1,
Hofer et al. 2002 [39] 275 (10 years)
flap dehiscence of flap: 9
Nakamura et al. 2003
15 CP, VPI Intravelar veloplasty partial flap necrosis: 2
Morita et al. 2004
18 CP, VPI children Sup.bas.flap OSAS: 2, tracheot.:1
Chegar et al. 2007 bleeding: 3, transf: 1,
54 (1996–2003) VPI children Sup.bas.flap
[42] snoring: 4, OSAS: 0
infection: 1, bleeding: 3,
Cole et al. 2008 [43] 222 VPI 6.4 years Sup.phar. flap
Keuning et al. 2009
130 VPI Sup.bas.flap bleeding: 1, dehiscences: 3
Ysunza et al. 2009
29 (2000–2007) VCFS Flap: 20, Sphincter: 9 no complications
Leuchter et al. 2010 Augmentation, diff. hematoma: 1,
18 (2004–2007) mild VPI
[45] implants cervical pain: 1
Sullivan et al. 2010
104 (1981–2008) CP, VPI 8.6 years Sup.bas.flap OSAS: 2
Kilpatrick et al. 2010 fever: 2, bleeding: 1,
36 (2003–2009) CP,VCFS 8.1 years Sphincteroplasty
[47] allergy: 1, O2 therapy: 4

version—the velum lengthened with the apron flap narrow Several authors give account of postoperative sleep apnea
the VP closure in some degree. (OSAS) which is a major complication of pharyngeal flap
A serious airway obstruction with danger for suffocation surgery [41]. Ysunza et al. [60] found 15 OSAS with
can happen in the early postoperative period by aspiration of polysomnography in 585 cases after (velo-) pharyngoplasty,
blood or—especially in retrognathic children—by retroposi- Valnicek et al. [36] 9 cases among 219 children. In our
tioning of the tongue [37, 58]. According to Willging [18], 1104 patient collective, we found 5 cases with postoperative
the superiorly based pharyngeal flap minimize the potential OSAS verified by polysomnography. If the nasal or airway
for obstructive complications associated with pharyngeal obstruction is permanent and significant and in patients with
flap. OSAS, the widening of the lateral apertures beside the flap
Death is extremely rare but cannot be excluded. The may solve the problem. We performed this type of correction
death, however, may have also general cause, it is not always in altogether 11 cases with success, with improvement of
in direct connection with the surgery itself [37, 59]. We have the breathing. If this intervention is not enough, very rarely,
had no mortality among our 1104 operated patients. cutting through the flap may come up. Preoperative sleep
8 ISRN Otolaryngology

study with complete nasal obstruction with nasal tampons 5. Summary

could be useful for predicting the risk of upper airway
obstruction secondary to pharyngeal flap surgery [41]. We Velopharyngeal insufficiency touches many various func-
suggest polysomnographic investigations before pharyngeal tions, principally: deteriorates the speech. Among the speech
flap surgery and also before palatoplasty in retrognathic disorders, hypernasality is the leading symptom. If this
children to predict the probable postoperative breathing cannot be improved by speech therapy, surgery is indicated.
problems. According to Chegar et al. [42], complications There are several operative methods, the pharyngeal flap
related to obstructive sleep apnea have been significantly surgery is among them the most common procedure, a
reduced while maintaining excellent speech results by a valuable tool. 1104 velopharyngeal surgeries for VPI were
staged approach of removing tonsils and adenoids and by performed by the author during 1965–2002. The anatomical
creating a short, wide, superiorly based pharyngeal flap. In results were good: the flap built in and survived long lasting
our practice, we routinely perform adenoidectomy before in 98.1% of the cases. In 94.1% the adhering was complete, in
velopharyngoplasty and remove also the big tonsils for easy 4% the healing was partial with dehiscences, in 1.9% the flap
cutting out of the inferiorly based pharyngeal flap. In the detached. Regarding the functional results, hyperrinophony
latter case, in selected patients, some part of the tonsillar bed disappeared or became minimal in 90%, moderate in 10%;
may be used for receptive bed of the flap during surgery. speech intelligibility proved to be excellent or good in
The surgical narrowing of the VP port may influence 74%, acceptable in 21%, and poor in 5%. Articulation was
the maxillofacial development, this does not result, however, excellent in 42% after surgery; the rest of the patients (1–6
in a significant deformation. It was demonstrated by us on sounds defective) needed further speech therapy. A tailor-
the basis of cephalometric investigation in 53 patients [10]. made superiorly based pharyngeal flap is suggested first
The maxilla and the mandible become more retrognathic of all today, possibly in the age of 5 years. Although the
in the sagittal relation and the vertical proportion of the complication rate is rare, it must be always considered that
face increases after velopharyngeal surgery. The mandible this is not a life-saving but a speech-correcting operation.
takes up a position more down- and backward. It may The two most frequent complications are postoperative
be said that although pharyngeal flap surgery increases bleeding and airway obstruction. We observed among 1104
the existing sagittal and vertical distortions in UCLP and surgeries serious hemorrhage in 5 cases, aspiration in 2 cases,
VPI patients, these do not reach a degree that would transfusion was necessary in 5 cases, tracheotomy in 2 cases;
justify the abandonment of the good functional effect of detachment of the flap occurred in 21 patients. Long-lasting
veloparyngoplasty. Long and McNamara [61] also demon- nasal obstruction could be observed in 68 patients and OSAS
strate several areas of change in facial growth following flap in 5 cases. We had no mortality. The flap did not exert
surgery, but this should not and does not negate its value significant effect on the maxillofacial growth. In order to
as a desirable rehabilitative procedure. According to our decrease the number of complications, careful preoperative
study, the maxillofacial development is more propitious if examination, proper experience of the surgeon, adequate
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