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Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In this modern era, many people consider that technological advancement provides us with
an overwhelming number of choices in various fields in daily life, such as education,
food,...etc. I completely agree with this view, and I think that the two majors which have the
most significant contribution in the choice expansion are the development of the Internet and

First of all, the Internet presents us with an exponentially increased number of available
options. Numerous online media choices are now offered free, such as news, entertainment,
or music streaming. For instance, in the past, especially when the Internet was not popular,
there was a limited way to entertain, in fact, many people had a choice of just 2 radio
channels or the 7 pm news, whereas we now have access to thousands of films or songs
through services like Netflix or Apple Music. Furthermore, in the pandemic period, while
people lessen the number of times going out for grocery shopping and due to school
closure, the online shopping and education platforms endow citizens more utilities, so that
reduce infection risk in the community.

Alongside the influence of the Internet, globalisation is making the world smaller and closer.
Cheap international flights have made overseas travel possible for millions of people, but this
also means that we are facing a world of options when deciding where to go on holiday or
even where to live. We no longer have the limited but simple travel choices as those of our
grandparents’ generation. It is the same if we look at the trend of an increasing number of
students who decide to study abroad. While the opportunity for overseas study seems
appealing, many students are confused about where to go and which path to take.
In conclusion, we are blessed with so many options to pick from in this modern era and the
innovation of technology is increasing the list day by day. We should just be careful and
prudent enough to choose the best for us in personal life and for the entire human race for
our overall progress.
Example 1: Band 9.0 (Simon)
It is often said that modern life presents (đưa ra) us with an overwhelming (tràn ngập) number of choices. I completely agree with this, and I believe that the Internet and globalisation are the two major factors involved.

It is undeniable that the Internet has led to a dramatic expansion in the number of choices that are available to us. The number of online media options, for instance, is now almost endless. There are countless websites offering entertainment, news, videos, on-demand TV and music streaming, many of which are free. I would argue that this
abundance (sự dạt dào) of media leads to confusion on the part of the average user, as we have to make so many decisions about the content that we consume. A personal example of this trend would be the fact that I had a choice of just four TV channels when I was a child, whereas I now have access to thousands of films and series
through services like Netflix.

Alongside (bên cạnh) the influence of the Internet, globalisation is making the world smaller and compounding (pha/trộn) this problem of too much choice. Cheap international flights have made overseas travel possible for millions of people, but this also means that we are faced with a world of options when deciding where to go on
holiday or even where to live. We no longer have the limited but simple travel choices of our grandparents’ generation. The same is true if we look at the increasing tendency for young people to study abroad. While the opportunity for overseas study seems appealing (lôi cuốn), many students are confused about where to go and which
path to take.

In conclusion, we are faced with a huge number of options in most areas of life nowadays, and this is often more bewildering (gây bối rối) than beneficial.

Example 2:
The revolutionary (cách mạng) advancement (sự tiến bộ) in modern technology has endowed (cấp cho) people with substantial (đáng kể/bền bỉ) resources for their survival in the best possible way. The availability of a variety of facilities has enabled the people to choose inalienable (không thể chuyển nhượng) beneficial
opportunities to adopt (làm theo) in their lives. However, there are sections of society that cannot afford even basic necessities. For them these choices are out of reach, hence (do đó) I partially agree with the view.

In the present era, human beings have exponentially (tăng theo cấp số nhân) increased the number of options to avail (có ích) in different fields like food, transport and business due to many reasons. Firstly, the creative methods to produce a variety of food and its preservation have benefitted human population with provision of
significant types of edibles during the entire year. For instance, non-seasonals can be bought from the food market irrespective of the weather conditions due to modernized preservation methods. Secondly, while traveling, we can opt for many choices, according to affordability and convenience, due to inventions of faster ways of
transportation leading to revolution in transport hubs. Furthermore, the advancement in education and development has endowed people with the availability of an enormous number of professional fields to succeed in their lives.

There are, however, unequal distribution of positive aspects of technology. Many underdeveloped countries are lacking the basic necessities to survive like food, health and financial resources. Instead of having choices, they do not have an option to avail the fundamental (cơ bản/chủ yếu) human rights. To illustrate, the research data by
WHO shows that 45% of the population does not have access to clean water supply; 35% people are living a substandard life. Moreover, certain job and study courses are limited to developed countries only, leaving others devoid of these advantages.

In the light of the arguments I have hitherto (cho đến nay) considered, this conclusion is evident that, undoubtedly (rõ ràng), people have access to many choices to enjoy in their lives but there is an unequal distribution of beneficial resources. Everyone should have an equal approach to all types of advantageous impacts of modern
technology , and foremost, there should be provision of at least fundamental human rights.

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