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Digital Products Guide

Creating digital product creator is overwhelming. With so many steps to take and so much to
learn, it can take years to gather everything you need to make one. This guide is designed to
show you the path and provide step-by-step guidance toward creating and selling 10/10 digital

Introduction (1)

What is digital products?

A digital product is any product you sell online that doesn't have a physical form or substance.
People create it to offer some sort of benefit, value. It can be information, entertainment, or a
process that the end-user will apply for his or her own needs.

What are the benefits?

As you already know, digital products are items sold online that don't have a physical form. You
can sell them repeatedly without having to stock up inventory. And there's even more.

1. Low start cost: With a digital product, you only have to pay for your website and any
marketing costs. Or you can spend absolutely zero if you prefer. The main investment is
your time and effort.
2. Your skills = money: You only need a computer, or mobile device, and an internet
connection you can make a digital product worthy of selling. You don’t need physical
materials, factories, or a large staff.
3. Cost-effective: No packaging and storage costs.
4. No shipping: No shipping incidents in the process. When customers buy your digital
goods, delivery is instant.
5. Selling global: If you have a narrow niche, it may be hard to find people in your
hometown. However, when selling digital products online, you have easy access to the
whole world.
6. Great passive income: Digital products make money at any hour of the day and never
need to be re-stocked.
7. Scalability: You are not limited by the location you live in, nor by the time you have in a

What skills do I need?

If you have a skill, you can turn it into a digital product, even if your only skill is cooking
delicious meals. For instance, you could create an online course that teaches people how to make
different kinds of tasty burgers at home.
However, if you don't have a particular skill, you can still identify a popular problem and create a
unique solution.

And these 3 skills can give you an unfair advantage, especially when combined:

1. Technical Skills: Depending on the type of digital product you want to create, you may
need to have technical skills such as video production, graphic design, or programming.
2. Marketing Skills: Once you've created your digital product, you'll need to promote it
effectively to potential customers. This could involve social media marketing, email
marketing, or paid advertising.
3. Time Management: Creating and selling digital products takes time, so it's essential to
manage your time effectively. This could involve setting goals, creating a schedule, or
outsourcing tasks to others.

What products can I sell?

With all this knowledge, let's explore the opportunities. Here is a list of the most popular digital
product types that you can create. Don't try to create them all. Believe me, at the start you don't
want to spread yourself too thin. Start with a single product. One that will resonate with your
target audience and provide them with largest value.

Few types of digital products:

 Courses: Create a video of yourself talking about a specific topic. Provide value. Solve
their problem.
 eBooks: Create a simple ebook, guide to solve their problem.
 Templates: Create Notion template, Canva template etc.
 Photography: Create stock images and videos that businesses can use in their
 Music: Create stock music that others can use for their projects.
 Digital art: Create various digital art products starting from logos, fonts, icons, and so on.
 Software: Create web app, mobile app etc.

P.S. You can also check my digital product ideas list for additional inspiration.

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

Choosing the right niche is crucial to the success of your digital product business.

1. Find a profitable niche. Look for niches that have a high demand and low competition.
Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggesct to
get a better idea of what people are searching for.
2. Choose a niche you're interested in. It's important to choose a niche that you're
passionate about. This will help you stay motivated and engaged as you work on your
digital products.
3. Do market research. Once you've identified a potential niche, do research to define your
target audience, study your competition, analyze market trends.
4. Check if there are existing competitors. If there is, it's actually a good sign as it
indicates that there is a market for your products.

Suggested tools:

 Google Keyword Planner

 Google Trends
 Pinterest Trends
 Ahrefs
 Ubersuggest

Step 2: Build Your Brand

Building a strong brand is essential to creating a successful digital product business.

1. Decide whether you want to go with a personal or business brand. Each brand has its
own advantages and disadvantages, so choose wisely.
2. Choose a brand name. Your brand name should be memorable, easy to pronounce and
spell, and relevant to your niche.
3. Define your brand message. Clarify what your brand stands for, what value it provides,
and what sets it apart from the competition.
4. Choose your branding visuals. Create a logo, choose your brand colors, and develop a
consistent visual style that reflects your brand message.
5. Know your audience. Identify your target audience and understand their problems,
needs, and desires. This will help you create digital products that resonate with them.

Suggested tools:

 Canva
 Figma
Step 3**: Grow your audience**
Growing your audience is crucial to the success of your digital product business.

 Analyze what works best for others in your niche. Use it as inspiration for your own
content. You don't need to reinvent the wheel, but you do need to create content that
resonates with your target audience.
 Always think about the value you provide. You need to create content that solves
problems, answers questions, or entertains your audience. Be honest, transparent, and
authentic in your communication.
 Start communicating and engaging on social media. Choose the platforms where your
target audience is most active, and post consistently. Respond to comments, share other
people's content, and join relevant groups.
 Build connections and make friends. Engage with other people in your niche, and
collaborate when possible. You can do guest posts, interviews, or even create a joint
product. The more you network, the more opportunities you'll have to grow your
 From time to time, share your free product with your audience. You want to remind
them of the value you provide and give them a taste of what they can expect from your
paid products.

Suggested tools:

 Typefully
 Buffer
 Hypefury
 TweetHunter

Step 4: Create Free Products

Don't ever dive into your paid product first. Trust me, you'll just waste a bunch of time. First,
know that people are interested in what you're planning to create. Best way to do that is by
creating a free products. It’s also a great way to build your email list, establish your expertise.

1. Identify your audience's pain points. Figure out the biggest problems your audience is
facing, and create a free product that addresses one of these problems.
2. Create a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free product that you offer in exchange for
someone's email address. This could be an e-book, a checklist, a video tutorial, or any
other type of valuable content that solves a problem for your audience.
3. Promote your lead magnet. Use different social media channels, like Twitter, Linkedin,
Facebook groups to promote your lead magnet.
4. Use your free product to validate paid product ideas. Platforms like Gumroad have a
"pay as you want" function that can be extremely valuable when trying to determine
whether or not your products are resonating with your audience.
Suggested tools:

 LemonSquezy
 Gumroad

Step 5: Start email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful way to build a relationship with your audience and sell your

 Find the best marketing tool that suits your needs. There are many email marketing
tools available, each with its own features and pricing. Some popular options include
Mailerlite, ConvertKit.
 Provide more in-depth value on your weekly newsletter. Your newsletter should be
more than just a promotional tool. It should provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies
that your audience can use to improve their lives or businesses.
 Build trust, reputation, and authority with your following. Consistency and quality
are key to building a loyal email list. Make sure you send emails on a regular basis, and
always provide value.
 Don't forget to clean inactive subscribers. Remove people emails who don’t engage
with your emails. You want to focus on the subscribers who are most interested in what
you have to offer. Plus this will also help on your email deliverability.

Suggested tools:

 Mailerlite
 Convertkit

Step 6: Create your paid product

Creating your first paid product can seem daunting, but if you've followed the previous steps,
you'll be well on your way. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

 Build on the success of your free product. If your free product was well-received and
generated a good amount of engagement, then you're off to a great start. Use the feedback
you received from your audience to create a paid product that offers even more value.
 Provide significant value. When creating your paid product, you should aim to provide
significant value that justifies the cost. Consider the price point and what your audience is
willing to pay, and then create a product that offers more value than what they are paying
 Choose the right format. Keep it simple when choosing the format for your paid
product. E-book, guide, template, course - these are just a few of examples. Pick a format
that suits your niche and audience, and makes it easy for you to deliver value while
creating a top-notch product. Avoid overwhelming yourself by choosing a format that's
too complex or time-consuming.
 List your product online. Once you've created your paid product, you'll need to list it
online so that your audience can find and purchase it. There are several platforms that
you can use to list your product, such as Gumroad, LemonSquezy, or Kajabi. Each
platform has its own fees and features, so make sure to do your research and choose the
one that's right for you.

Suggested tools:

 LemonSquezy
 Gumroad
 Kajabi
 Podia

Step 7: Build your landing page

Your landing page is the gateway to your paid product, so it's important to get it right.

 Decide on the design. You can either choose to create a custom design for your landing
page or use a pre-made template. Custom designs can be more expensive and time-
consuming, but they offer greater flexibility and control. Templates are a quicker and
more affordable option, but they may be less unique.
 Choose your platform. There are several platforms available for building landing pages,
including WordPress, Webflow, and Framer. Each platform has its own strengths and
weaknesses, so choose one that suits your needs and experience level.
 Focus on your value proposition. ,
 Optimize for conversions. Your landing page should be optimized for conversions,
which means it should be easy to navigate, have a clear call-to-action, and be mobile-
friendly. Use A/B testing to optimize your landing page over time and increase

Suggested tools:

 For custom landing page design: Figma

 For landing page: WordPress, Webflow, Framer

Step 8: Drive traffic to your product page

Once your landing page is ready, the next step is to drive traffic to it.

 Plug your paid product on social media. Use your social media accounts to promote
your paid product by creating engaging posts and including a link to your landing page.
 Start blogging on your niche relating topics. Create blog posts that are relevant to your
niche and include a call-to-action to visit your landing page.
 Send email from your newsletter. Use your email newsletter to promote your paid
product to your subscribers.
 Promote on social media with sales targeted content. Use targeted social media ads to
reach potential customers and drive them to your landing page.
 Leverage the channels you’ve already pre-built. If you have an existing audience, such
as a following on social media, a YouTube channel, or a podcast, use those channels to
promote your paid product.

Guide (1)

Final words:

Embarking on the journey of creating and selling digital products can be an exciting process.
Starting from scratch, you create your first digital assets. Initially, progress may seem slow, but
after dedicating more time, you'll start to see your first sales.

What's even more exciting is that the effort you put in will continue to work for you. While one
product generates income, you can create another. It's a fantastic opportunity to solve problems
on a massive scale without having to trade your time for money.

Once you try creating and selling digital products, you may never want to go back to selling your
time. Because the value you can deliver - is not equal time you can spend.

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