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Abiodun SundayOgunwale

Student No:B00942643

BMG814 (28373)


11August 2023

Jameel Qadri

Video 1 Summary

The supply chain landscape is rapidly changing due to technology, data, and connectivity. In the
coming five years, a transformative shift is anticipated with interconnected products, workforce,
and assets. Collaborative robots will boost safety and efficiency. To thrive amid this disruption,
businesses must adapt, shifting from support to a customer-focused role. Success requires
mastering digital tech, upskilling staff, and forming partnerships for a proactive supply chain that
delivers exceptional customer experiences.

How will the supply chain of the future be able to deliver exactly what the customer wants,
to a location they choose and at a time that meets their needs?

The way companies control their supply chains is being changed by new technologies.
Business management tools help managers recognize the time and cost-saving opportunities
at each stage and act on them. Technology will it easier to schedule, forecast, and control
inventories Hindsman, A. (2023) .
Here are some technologies will transform the global supply chain and improve customer

i) Internet of Things: Interconnected physical devices with sensors for tracking and exchanging
data, enabling intelligent forecasting and loss reduction in supply chains (Avani Phase, 2018).

ii) Big Data Analytics: Handling and analyzing vast volumes of data, crucial for personalized
goods and services due to globalization and growing data volumes (Jens Leveling, 2014).

iii) Robotics: Programmable computers capable of complex tasks, transforming industries and
increasing in adoption (Jain, 2019).

iv) Simulation Software: Enables supply chain modeling, reducing costs, and enhancing
customer service through insights into vendor networks (Ronan McDonnel, 2006).

v) Augmented Reality: Overlays computer-generated elements on the real world, revolutionizing

manufacturing and inventory management (Isaksen, 2020).

vi) 3D Printing: Additive manufacturing with far-reaching effects on global supply chains,
reducing material wastage (Knowles, 2019).

vii) Blockchain: Suitable for decentralized supply chain features like smart contracts, allowing
traceability and authentication (Pettey, 2018).
viii) Conversational Systems: Virtual personal assistants and chatbots bringing interaction and
transaction capabilities (Pettey, 2018).

ix) Computer-Aided Design (CAD): Plans manufacturing processes, including measurements,

packaging, and dispatch (SCMDOJO, 2020).

x) Bar-coding: Automated identification for physical objects in the supply chain, improving
inventory management and tracing (SCMDOJO, 2020).

In conclusion the supply chain of the future will meet customer expectations through a dynamic
blend of cutting-edge technologies. Interconnected devices, IoT, and big data analytics will
facilitate intelligent forecasting and personalized services (Avani Phase, 2018; Jens Leveling,
2014). Collaborative robots will enhance efficiency and safety, while simulation software
provides insights into vendor networks for cost reduction (Ronan McDonnel, 2006). Augmented
reality and 3D printing will revolutionize manufacturing and inventory management (Isaksen,
2020; Knowles, 2019), while blockchain ensures traceability and authentication (Pettey, 2018).
Conversational systems and computer-aided design contribute to seamless interactions and
efficient processes (Pettey, 2018; SCMDOJO, 2020). Barcoding automates object identification,
improving inventory management (SCMDOJO, 2020). In essence, the future supply chain will
harmonize these innovations to deliver precisely what customers desire, where and when they
prefer it.

Video 2 Summary

In a perceptive conversation with Amy Thorn, CEO of Supply Chain Leaders in Action, the
interview delves into the future of supply chain management. Amy reflects on the past 20 years'
evolution, attributing enhanced efficiency and productivity to technology like AI, machine
learning, and robotics. She addresses persisting issues like global complexity and risk
management. The discourse also examines the evolving role of supply chain experts and the
growing significance of customer-centric strategies in shaping the supply chain's trajectory.

How tools such as ‘predictive analysis’ and ‘artificial intelligence’ help supply chain
professionals better manage risk in the future?

In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Supply Chains (GSC)
have faced unprecedented pressures to maintain continuity and deliver efficiently. Tools like
'predictive analysis' and 'artificial intelligence' (AI) are poised to play a critical role in enhancing
the ability of supply chain professionals to manage risk effectively in the future. This is
particularly relevant considering the dynamic and uncertain nature of supply chain disruptions.

Predictive analysis, a component of data analytics, employs historical and real-time data to
forecast future events and trends. This technology can aid supply chain professionals by
providing insights into potential disruptions and vulnerabilities within the supply chain network
(Brandtner et al., 2021; Malviya et al., 2021). Through the analysis of various factors such as
supplier behavior, demand patterns, and external influences, predictive analysis can anticipate
potential risks and their impact on the supply chain. By doing so, it enables proactive decision-
making, allowing supply chain managers to allocate resources, adjust inventory levels, and
implement mitigation strategies ahead of disruptions (Brandtner et al., 2021; Ongsulee et al.,
2018). The ability to foresee disruptions in advance empowers professionals to make well-
informed decisions that minimize the impact on operations and ensure continuity.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) encompasses machine learning algorithms that can
process and analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. In the
context of supply chain risk management (SCRM), AI can aid in identifying potential disruptions
and suggest suitable response strategies based on historical data and real-time information
(Baryannis et al., 2019; Stefanovic, 2021). AI-driven systems can autonomously monitor the
supply chain, recognize deviations from normal patterns, and trigger alerts to enable timely
intervention (van der Vorst and Beulens, 2002). These systems can continuously learn from new
data inputs, enhancing their ability to predict and manage risks more accurately over time.

By integrating predictive analysis and artificial intelligence, supply chain professionals can gain
a comprehensive and dynamic understanding of potential disruptions. The combination of these
tools allows for the detection of early warning signs, precise risk assessment, and the formulation
of effective risk mitigation strategies (Gonçalves et al., 2021; Brandtner et al., 2021). Ultimately,
this approach can contribute to enhancing the resilience of supply chains in the face of
unexpected challenges, such as those posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, the use of predictive analysis and artificial intelligence can significantly empower
supply chain professionals to manage risks more effectively in the aftermath of the COVID-19
pandemic. These tools enable proactive decision-making, accurate risk assessment, and the
implementation of responsive strategies, ultimately enhancing the resilience and adaptability of
Global Supply Chains.

Video 3 Summary

In 2021, the logistics and supply chain industry underwent a transformative phase due to the
pandemic and the push towards a new normal. This article explores eight dominant trends,
including post-pandemic logistics balancing efficiency and flexibility, demand-driven supply
chains, and omnichannel strategies. It delves into data-driven decisions, lean warehousing,
hybrid logistics, and synchronized supply chain and manufacturing. The rise of circular logistics
and shift towards supply networks driven by technology and regionalization are also discussed.
With greater emphasis being placed on ‘re-use’ and ‘recycle’, how will future supply chains
manage the need to incorporate ‘reverse flows’ and ‘circular logistics’?

With the rapid depletion of primary resources and the escalating demand driven by population
growth and improved lifestyles, the imperative of sustainability has come to the forefront (Akcil,
Agcasulu & Swain 2019; Kinobe et al. 2015). In response to these challenges, initiatives like the
2015 Paris convention have underscored the necessity of enhancing the sustainability of natural
resources (Akcil et al. 2019).

'Reuse' and 'recycle' have emerged as pivotal strategies within this context. 'Reuse' involves
prolonging the lifespan of products through sharing and redistribution, reducing the need for
excessive consumption (Queiruga & Queiruga-Dios 2015; Kinobe et al. 2015). In contrast,
'recycling' involves transforming used materials into reusable resources through processing
(Akcil et al. 2019). This process can play a crucial role in recovering valuable materials, such as
indium, from electronic waste (Akcil et al. 2019).

Within the broader paradigm of sustainability, 'reverse flows' and 'circular logistics' have gained
prominence, contributing to a circular economy framework. The circular economy aims to
minimize waste generation and maximize value extraction throughout product lifecycles
(Lüdeke-Freund et al. 2019). 'Remanufacturing,' an essential component of circular logistics,
involves the combination of rebuilding, reusing, repairing, and integrating new parts into
products (Lüdeke-Freund et al. 2019; Pappas et al. 2018).

In anticipation of future supply chain challenges, the integration of 'reverse flows' and 'circular
logistics' becomes paramount. This entails designing systems that facilitate efficient collection,
disassembly, and reprocessing of end-of-life products and materials (Wang et al. 2017; Lüdeke-
Freund et al. 2019). Collaboration among stakeholders, including governments, manufacturers,
consumers, and regulatory bodies, will be crucial to achieve successful implementation (Lüdeke-
Freund et al. 2019).

Integration of 'reverse flows' and 'circular logistics' into future supply chains requires a
comprehensive approach that encompasses various strategies and changes across the entire
supply chain ecosystem. These strategies, as highlighted by Delai and Alcantara (2022) and
Choudhary and Seth (2011), are pivotal in addressing the imperative of sustainability and
achieving the integration of circular principles within supply chains.

• Integration of Reverse Logistics: Future supply chains need to seamlessly integrate

reverse logistics, enabling efficient management of product returns, refurbishment, and
remanufacturing processes. This integration requires investment in technology and systems for
effective tracking and management of reverse flows (Delai & Alcantara, 2022).

• Design for Disassembly and Recyclability: Manufacturers should prioritize the design of
products that are easy to disassemble and recycle. This involves using standardized parts,
minimizing complex materials, and providing clear disassembly instructions (Delai & Alcantara,

• Local Recycling and Remanufacturing Centers: Establishing local recycling and

remanufacturing centers within supply chains helps in reducing environmental impact and
transportation costs. These centers process returned goods, extracting valuable materials for
reintroduction into the production cycle (Delai & Alcantara, 2022).

• Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborative efforts among businesses play a significant

role in optimizing reverse flows and circular logistics. Sharing resources, facilities, and
information enhances the efficiency of recycling and reuse operations (Delai & Alcantara, 2022).

• Technology and Data-Driven Solutions: Advanced technologies like the Internet of

Things (IoT), blockchain, and artificial intelligence provide real-time tracking and management
of products and resources, enhancing the handling of circular logistics (Delai & Alcantara,

• Consumer Involvement: Encouraging consumer participation through recycling

initiatives and product return campaigns is essential. Incentive systems can motivate customers
to return products, contributing to a closed-loop system (Choudhary & Seth, 2011).

• Waste-to-Energy and Circular Energy Systems: Exploring waste-to-energy technologies

can transform non-recyclable materials into renewable energy sources, contributing to circularity
and reduced waste (Choudhary & Seth, 2011).

• Circular Economy Certifications and Standards: Governments and industry bodies can
establish certifications and standards to ensure adherence to circular principles within supply
chains, promoting sustainable practices (Choudhary & Seth, 2011).

• Education and Awareness: Raising awareness among stakeholders about circular

practices is pivotal. Educating employees, consumers, and supply chain participants about the
significance of circularity can drive its adoption (Choudhary & Seth, 2011).

In conclusion, the integration of 'reverse flows' and 'circular logistics' within future supply chains
necessitates a holistic transformation involving changes in product design, technology adoption,
collaboration, and consumer engagement. These strategies, as outlined by both Delai and
Alcantara (2022) and Choudhary and Seth (2011), contribute not only to environmental
sustainability but also to economic viability and the overall success of supply chain operations.
Video 4 Summary

Welcome to the evolving world of supply chain and logistics, vital for modern shoppers. I'm
Deanna Kaufman, a FedEx Customer Solutions managing consultant, here to highlight supply
chain's pivotal role in successful retail. Post-pandemic, logistics choices have gained utmost
importance, covering shipping speed, pricing, delivery, and returns. Retailers and direct-to-
consumer brands must embrace customer-centric practices, tech utilization, and trend adaptation.
Let's delve into challenges, prospects, and innovations shaping retail's supply chain future.

There are many challenges facing supply chain management. Two of the most difficult to
resolve are ‘last mile delivery’ and ‘product returns’. Describe how new technologies can
help to solve these tricky issues.

The challenges of "last mile delivery" and "product returns" are significant issues in supply chain
management. However, with the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies, there are potential
solutions to address these challenges more effectively. Let's explore how these technologies can
help solve these tricky supply chain problems:

1. Last Mile Delivery:

• Internet of Things (IoT) and Real-Time Tracking: IoT devices, such as GPS trackers and
sensors, can be placed on packages and vehicles to provide real-time visibility into the location
and condition of shipments (Schrauf & Berttram, 2016). This enables better route optimization,
real-time updates for customers, and the ability to proactively address delays or issues.

• Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical and real-time data, predictive analytics can
help anticipate demand spikes, optimize delivery routes, and allocate resources more efficiently
(Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017). This reduces the chances of delays and ensures timely deliveries.

• Drones and Autonomous Vehicles: Industry 4.0 introduces the use of drones and
autonomous vehicles for last mile delivery. These technologies can navigate through traffic more
efficiently, reduce human error, and expedite deliveries, especially in urban areas (Davies, 2015).

2. Product Returns:

• Reverse Logistics Optimization: IoT sensors and data analytics can assist in optimizing
reverse logistics processes. Items being returned can be tracked and monitored, enabling
companies to plan optimal routes for returned goods, reduce handling times, and determine
whether a product can be refurbished, resold, or recycled (Tjahjono et al., 2017).

• Augmented Reality (AR) for Customer Support: AR can be used to guide customers
through troubleshooting or returning processes. By providing interactive instructions and remote
assistance, companies can reduce the likelihood of returns due to simple issues that customers
can resolve themselves (Butner, 2010).
• Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology can enhance transparency in supply
chains, including the returns process. It can provide an immutable record of product provenance,
condition, and return history. This transparency can reduce fraudulent returns and improve the
accuracy of restocking decisions (Ghobakhloo, 2018).

• Big Data for Pattern Recognition: Big data analytics can help identify patterns in return
reasons and customer feedback. By understanding why products are being returned, companies
can take proactive measures to improve product quality, reduce defects, and ultimately decrease
return rates (Fore et al., 2016).

In conclusion, the challenges of "last mile delivery" and "product returns" in supply chain
management are being addressed through the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies. For "last
mile delivery," solutions like IoT-enabled real-time tracking (Schrauf & Berttram, 2016),
predictive analytics (Büyüközkan & Göçer, 2017), and the utilization of drones and autonomous
vehicles (Davies, 2015) are enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction. On the other hand,
"product returns" are being tackled with reverse logistics optimization through IoT and data
analytics (Tjahjono et al., 2017), augmented reality for customer support (Butner, 2010),
blockchain for transparency (Ghobakhloo, 2018), and big data analytics for pattern recognition
(Fore et al., 2016). By embracing these technologies, supply chains are becoming more
responsive, transparent, and effective, ultimately leading to improved customer experiences,
reduced costs, and optimized operations.

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