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Chapter 4 : The guy whom God hates

Thunder rumbling.

Today, although the sun already rose up in the sky, it was still dark. The sky was
currently gray, but far in the distance loomed an ominous black mass and the thunder
rumbled as the rain was going to pour down. The atmosphere was so depressing, the
same as Techno’s feeling.

Techno was about to leave the house when he saw the handsome guy smiling, waiting for

The mood is so gloomy but why his smile is so bright and lovely?

“Good morning, Techno.”

“How come you’re here?”

Techno asked softly because he wasn’t ready to meet Kengkla. Since he didn’t call his
junior, he thought the younger wouldn’t come and pick him up. Techno already planned
to ask his neighbor for a ride to the bus stop but, at the very first step out from his house,
Kengkla was here.

“Nic said that he crashed your bike, so he asked me to pick you up, to make up for it.”

That bastard should ask me first if I need his friend or not.

Techno really wanted to punch his brother. Because of his good intention, Techno
couldn’t run away. However, that broad smile showing the cuspid and those bright eyes
full of hope make Techno, trying to hold his strong will, can’t refuse.

“Whatever. Is my bag with you?”

“Yes, it is. I washed it because it’s dirty.”

“What! What’s about my things?” 

Techno raised his voice because all his work was in there. He could only blame himself
that he shouldn’t be so hurried that he forgot his bag. But who wouldn’t be in a rush?
This kid kissed him and confessed his feeling.

“They’re in my bag. I bring my bag so you can use it… Are you okay with that?” 
His brother’s friend asked hesitatingly with a guilty face, and made it Techno, who was
about to blow up that his junior touched his stuff, stop and shook his head slowly.

“That’s okay.”

I can’t complain. Look at that face like a sad puppy. I can’t say a word!

“Well, that’s a relief.”

If you’re relieved, then stop smiling like that, even a man can fall for that!

Techno turned another side when what happened last night popped up in his mind. His
eyes were unintentionally fixing at those lips which were so fucking good at kissing.


“Hey! Don’t come closer!”

When the kid in front of him came closer, Techno stepped back immediately, and the fear
in those eyes made Kengkla stop.

“I’m sorry, It’s just… your hair is a bit messy.” 

Kengkla looked dismayed but touched his own hair. Techno stroked his hair while
looking at his junior’s hand doubtfully.

I don’t know why I’m afraid but if he touches me…. Something must happen.

“It’s okay now?”

“Not yet, it’s still messy.”

When Techno asked, Kengkla replied nicely without coming closer to. However, no
matter what Techno did, his hair was still untidy. Techno tried to look the windshield, but
he couldn’t see it.

“Can I help you?”


Here we go.

When Kengkla asked, Techno startled but before he could see his junior’s face, his sad
and discourage voice continued,
“I know you don’t want to be near me because of what I did yesterday, but I promise I
won’t do anything.” 
His soft and deep voice with sorrow made the person who tried to hold his ground clench
his jaw.



Arggghhhhhhhhh. I hate myself!

Techno, at this moment, wanted to cry, but he nodded and lowered his head to his junior
who was the same height as him to fix his hair. Techno thought that he just held his
breath and it would be done, but he didn’t know that…

His hand is so big.

Yes, the handsome guy whose hand should be soft, but a big one. When that hand
touched his dark hair, stroking gently and those fingers moved slowly, rubbing his scalp,
Techno felt so good.

“I think you slept on it. That’s why it's so messy.” 

Kengkla guessed humorously, but it made Techno’s heart tremble, as the voice was over
his head and felt so close. All Techno could do was lower his head because he didn’t
want this kid to know that… his face was so hot.

He wasn’t sure if he imagined it but when Kengkla touched him, he felt a spreading
warmth through his body.

“Is… is it okay now?”

Don’t be shaky!

Because of that heart fluttering touch, Techno scolded himself, and couldn’t look up. He
still bent down, allowing Kengkla to run his fingers through his hair, brushing it gently. It
seemed that the way Techno bending his head and his ear became redder made Kengkla
can’t help but caressing that neck softly.

“You look lighter lately.”

“Because I don’t play football in the sun anymore.”

A year after graduated, the former football captain who was usually suntanned like other
athletes playing outdoor sports, became lighter. Although his skin wasn’t as smooth as a
girl or a boy who always took care their skin, it was appealing. Kengkla caressed that
neck affectionately.

“Kla, are we done?”

The question made Kengkla stop before…



A warm hug surrounded his waist, as Techno yelled loudly and that attractive face was
placing on his shoulder when the deep and soft voice whispered,

“I like you so much that I don’t know what to do now.”

“Er… Kla… I think…”

Techno was stunned and couldn’t say a word. He stood still, forgetting that he should
have kicked his junior out first, so Kengkla looked up and smiled, then…

Kengkla smacked his neck softly.

“I’m sorry I can’t keep my word. But when I’m near you, I just can’t control myself.”

The younger one stepped back but left a warm touch on his neck. And the most important
thing, those words made the person who thought he wasn’t handsome, such as Techno, so

Techno felt that his face was becoming hotter. He didn’t know what to do. And the most
important thing was he just couldn’t meet those eyes.

What happens to me? What happens? What happens?!

The question echoed in Techno’s head, but he couldn’t think of anything at all. Techno
could only hold the branded bag that Kengkla lent him because he was scared.
He was scared of his own heart.

No, no, no. Don’t! You can’t be so emotional. Type, how do you feel when Tharn is
flirting with you? Is that the same feeling I have right now?
Finally, Techno, who kept insisting Kengkla is his brother’s friend, started to change his
mind slowly, without knowing that everything was already planned.
Lub-Dup, Lub-Dup, Lub-Dup.

My fucking heart, can you quiet?

Today, Techno’s colleagues still saw the same picture which wasn’t different from past
two days… the weird actions of their tall junior who was now touching his chest and
banging his head on the table until a person next to him couldn’t stand it anymore.


“Ouch! Pum, it hurts.”

“What’s wrong with you? Why you keep hitting your head on the table? I want to work
peacefully, you understand? What’s about your work? Finished?”

When his senior hit his head with the paper, Techno startled and complaint to her. But
when she asked about his work, he just turned pale, shaking his head slowly and looking
at his task.

What’s wrong with my heart?

While Techno was looking at his work, his mind kept going over what happened in the

That warm hug, the breath on his shoulder, the kiss that still left a warm touch on his
neck and more important, those eyes and voices.

I like you.


“I have to go to the restroom.” 

Techno stood up abruptly, grabbed his cell phone, and walked away so fast while his
colleagues were looking at each other.

“Does he think he’s in high school? Why does he need to ask for permission to go to the
Everyone shrugged because they got used to Techno’s weird actions. They all thought
that he would get better soon.
At the same time, Techno, after going out of his office was standing on the corridor,
calling someone.
The person who could help him.

[Hey, what’s up?]

“Type! You need to help me! Help me!”

The receiver was… Type… his best friend.

Type answered the phone with a sleepy voice, but Techno ignored it while yelling at his

[What’s wrong with you? YAWN. Just tell me.]

“Type, it’s almost noon. You’re still sleeping?”

Techno questioned angrily. He was in distress, but his friend was sleeping happily. It
seemed that the way he ranted made Type awake.

[Tharn did it half the night, and today I have class in the afternoon so I can get up late.
Anyway, what’s happening?]

Type was his best friend since high school. They also went to the same university and
now, Type was studying for a master’s degree. After Type finished his sentence, Techno
began his question immediately.

“Hey! Can I ask you something? What did you feel when Tharn went after you?”

[I just wanted to kick him!]


Techno was surprised when he heard Type answered angrily.

[Don’t act like you don’t know my story though. You know that I hate gays. Do you
think I will just say yes? And between Tharn and I, it started with sex. If you ask what he
did to my heart, I don’t even know… Maybe he took good care of me. Why do you ask
me? Someone goes after you now?]

His sense was so accurate.

Techno replied hesitantly.

[Then I suggest you to… celebrate.]


Techno was stunned while his best friend was laughing.

[Someone is going after you, hit on you, so you have to celebrate. You’re good! After 23
years as a loser. That’s great! What does she look like?]


[Then don´t let go! Maybe, there’s no one to hit on you in this life.]

cursed Techno as his friend laughed.

[Why? You don’t like her?]

Kengkla’s lovely face suddenly popped up in his mind.

“It’s not that I don’t like” 

he confessed softly.

[There’s no problem then. If you like her, just say yes. That’s it. It’s so easy. Why you
have to ask me? Idiot!]

His friend amused, but Techno was still shocked by the suggestion to say yes.

“What? You want me to say yes?”

[Sure! Why not?]


Techno couldn’t say anything, rolling his eyes and looking at the sky because of the
answer he didn’t want to hear… He needed to listen to his friend advised how to say no
to that kid, not say yes.

[Hey, anything else? Tharn is calling me right now. I think it’s a wake-up call. Don’t
forget to introduce that girl to me!]
“Hey! Type! Type!”

Type already hung up, but Techno was still shouting because of the word… that girl.

Damn! It’s not a girl. He’s a guy like us!

Techno couldn’t do anything but yelling inside because he didn’t give all the details to
his friend. When he called his friend again. Type didn’t pick up. Maybe, he was still
talking to his boyfriend. Techno reconsidered it, and he was ashamed if he needed to tell
his friend that a guy was hitting on him when he couldn’t win any girl. Even though he
never had any bias against homosexual, he couldn’t smile.
He had lots of friend who are gay, lady boys or lesbians but when a guy was crushing on
him… he didn’t know what to do.

“Type once said that… Tharn taught him that gender never affects love. But when love
comes to me, why it has to be a guy?”

Techno squatted, head in his hands as if he didn’t know what to do. He always believed
that even his friends were gay, he wouldn’t be like them.


“No, I can’t let this kid make a mistake because of me!”

Although he felt so good, he told himself that, for Kengkla’s future, he couldn’t be his
boyfriend. And to do that… he might need to be heartless if necessary.

“Here we go, Techno!”

Rain pouring. Thunder roaring.

Shit! I’m fucked.

Techno ground his teeth, looking at the dark sky. Clouds began to rumble, and lightning
flashed across the sky. The heavy rain poured endlessly.

The storm couldn’t make Techno wait inside the building because he realized that if he
was still there, the person who sent a message that he would pick Techno up could show
up any minute.

So, after Techno clocked out, he grabbed his things, walking through the rain to wait for
the bus, but… there was no bus!
“When will Thailand have a bus that comes on time? Damn it!”

Techno swore angrily because he had been waiting for bus more than 30 minutes. The
sky darkened, the wind and the storm seemed threatening to strike him with a bolt of
lightning if he waited longer. Although there was a lot of traffic, it flowed steadily.
However, the bus Techno was waiting never came.

“When will it come?”

Techno muttered and leaned out of the awning line…

Vroom, Vroom.


Does God hate me this much?

Unexpectedly, a car drove by so fast through puddles in front of the bus stop, splashing
up filthy water all over techno. He closed his eyes tightly as he was angry, wiping his
face furiously.

“Fuck you!”

Even though Techno was more patient than his best friend, but in this situation, he
exploded, yelling, cursing, and giving his middle finger to the driver without caring for
anything. Techno swore furiously because he was soaked with filthy water.

“Damn it!”

Techno raged as he couldn’t do anything about it. He definitely couldn’t take a cab now,
and he wasn’t sure if he would be allowed on the bus.

However, God might not hate him that much, because



Perhaps, God hated me so much.

At that time, the car with four-silver-ring symbol arrived to the bus stop, its window
rolling down as the driver poked his head calling his name loudly. It made Techno who
was wiping his face with his sleeve surprised.


Techno turned back.


As soon as Techno heard his name, he turned back and ran away hurriedly. He still
caught that voice behind him, but because he intended to be insensitive, heartless and
cruel, he must escape from those begging eyes.


“Techno, Techno!”

“Hey, are you crazy? You can’t just leave your car there!”

Techno turned to the voice behind him. And what he saw made him stunned, impressed,
and upset at the same time. Kengkla was following him, leaving his several-millions car

Parking a car at a bus stop was terrible. Not to mention, Kengkla left the engine running
with the key on. It was insane.

While Techno was still stunned, Kengkla caught him grabbing his shoulder.

“Why you run away from me? It’s alright, get in the car, or you’ll get sick” 
Kengkla shouted in the rain, looking at him with care. It made the person who was
soaking in the rain want to punch him and just ran away.

Horn honking.

The noisy sound of horn made Techno turn around and realized that God… hated him so
so so much.

The bus I’m waiting for!

The bus was honking loudly, and when the bus driver didn’t see any passenger at the bus
stop, he signaled and departed while yelling at the owner of the golden-brown car.
However, that car owner was still grabbing his shoulder tightly with those eyes full of

“Kla… your car.”

“Please, Techno, come with me? I don’t want to see you getting sick.”

Those keen eyes made Techno clench his jaw because… he couldn’t take it.

“Damn! You should think about yourself first!”

I can’t be heartless anymore!

Techno swore loudly while jerking his brother’s friend back to the car because, at this
moment, both of them were soaking wet. But, Kengkla was worried that the healthy guy
like Techno would get sick.
Techno was confident that he wouldn’t get sick easily, but a classy guy like Kengkla

In the end, Techno followed his junior to the car without doubting why Kengkla knew
where he was.

After the traffic jam, the two them were trembling. The beautiful car parked at the luxury
condominium downtown because the car owner persuaded his senior to take a shower,
changed their clothes and waited until the rain let up at his place, better than stuck in the
traffic to reach his house in the suburb.

So, Techno was now following his soaking wet good-looking junior to a luxury suite…
too luxury for a typical university student could afford.

He’s so perfect. Maybe, he’s richer than Tharn.

Handsome, smart, kind, with a luxury car and so loaded. The thought that made Techno
simper when he looked at the person who was now stroking his damp hair gently, and it
was so… sexy.

Hold on! What did you just think? Sexy? Are you crazy?

Techno shook his head because of his weird thought while looking at Kengkla, putting
the bag (his own bag) down on the floor.

“I’ll put it here and clean it later.”

“Okay. So, you live here alone?”

The question that made Kengkla smile sadly then nodded.

“Yes. I was kicked out of my house since a freshman.”

That answer silenced Techno who could only rub his head because he then realized that
he was in his boyfriend’s room.

Boyfriend? Hey, he’s my bro!

Techno kept shaking his head while the host went to get a towel and some clothes.

“You can take a shower first. Here, I think you can wear my clothes.” 
The person who wanted to escape but ended up getting help from his junior smiled.

“Thanks, Kla. If you didn't come, I don’t know what to do.”

“Your welcome. I can do anything for you.”

The sincere smile made Techno hurt.

Can I really hurt a good kid like him?

Techno wanted to punch himself when Kengkla didn’t mention that Techno ran away and
took excellent care of him instead. The guilt attacked Techno’s heart severely.

“I’ll take a shower then.”

“But the lock is broken. You should close tightly.”

Techno nodded twice before entering the bathroom without suspecting anything. He used
to take a shower with his teammates so he wouldn’t complain about his luxury bathroom.

Of course, the fact that Techno thought he wouldn’t be molested made the watcher
smiled wickedly.


Techno was in the bathroom but Kengkla, with a towel on his neck, didn’t move. He
knelt down, opened his branded bag, and reached to the bottom of it. It didn’t take him
long to pick up a square box, smaller than his hand. It was a… GPS tracker.

Those sharp eyes shone brighter when Kengkla left his branded bag and went to his

HE JUST GOT Techno’s old knapsack cleaned and took it before he went to pick Techno
up. Kengkla opened the bag, put that box in a small rip, covering it properly before
placing the bag back as if he just took it from the laundry.

The reason Kengkla sent that knapsack to the laundry wasn’t well-intentioned, but he
wanted to check inside the bag. Since there were so many things inside including the bills
from last year, it showed that Techno was like an ordinary guy who wouldn’t tidy up a
bag every day. Then, he took it to the laundry and asked the cleaner to cut open the
bottom for him to put the tracker effortlessly.

That was all, and Techno was under his thumb.

Of course, although it wasn’t raining today, Kengkla also planned to take Techno to his

“Thank God it’s raining!”

Kengkla grinned while thinking of that wet shirt clinging on his senior’s chest. The cold
air made those nipples visibly hard against the shirt. Honestly… he wanted to taste them.

“Oh, it’s freezing. I should take a shower with him.”

Kengkla told himself while whistling and grabbing his towel before heading to the
bathroom where the person inside never knew that he was trapped.

Kengkla took off his clothes in front of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his
waist… He did it to prevent Techno from running away.

He wouldn’t waste his time taking off the clothes in the bathroom, so Techno couldn’t
claim he was done and ran away…

“You’ve done an excellent job, Nic.”

And yes, it was Kengkla who asked his friend to lie about the crash but, in fact, Technic
parked that bike at his girlfriend’s place.

“No, not a friend, now he’s my wife’s younger brother.”

Kengkla told himself before opening the bathroom door, to…

get his prey.

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