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Moneyless World - Free World - Priceless World

Wild Nature, outside commercial civilization, runs on gift economy ("freely give, freely receive"). Thus it is balanced.
Commercial civilization runs on thought of credit and debt ("knowledge of good & evil"). Thus it is imbalanced. What nation
can balance its own budget or environment? Gift Economy is Faith, Grace, Love - the core message of every religion. The
proof is inside you: Wild Nature is your True Nature, crucified by commercial civilization.

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Mardi Gras, Lent, Easter, and Credit & WEBSITE:

Debt Cancelation MONEY

Hercules Chasing Avarice

from the Temple of the I’m going to talk about some of the roots of our Western Culture, namely just a bit of hidden Catholic
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Muses & Protestant tensions. For you who didn't grow up with religion, bear with me, please. And you
nominal Protestants & Catholics probably never realized there were tensions between the two faiths. Search

It’s the Catholic (and Eastern Orthodox) time of Lent, now. Mardis Gras kicked it off. Check out this
painting I did for the Mardis Gras fashion show bash:
Followers (2149)

(1516-17 CE) Design by

Baldassare Tommaso

Jesus driving
moneychangers &
merchants from the

I was going to talk about this painting, Michaelangelo & the Renaissance Ego, the Creation of Adam, Popular Posts

as well as my own peacock-feather ego displayed here, but decided to just talk about Mardi Gras,
My Summary of Why I
Lent, and Credit & Debt instead.
Live Moneyless
Engraving by Gustave Mars Day of Grease, Excess Before Penance, Blooming Before Seeding. Happy April Fool's
Doré Eve! My very first
Yes, Mardis Gras (Fat Tuesday) came and heralded in what is now Lent, these 40 days before Easter.
blog entry ever! I once
Mardis Gras and Lent were things we Evangelicals (like most other Protestants) never celebrated. had a website on
Sadhu of India We thought they were just more senseless trappings of the Catholic Church. We considered Lent, like living moneyless - but
the Catholic confessional & penance, as a token of credit to pay for and excuse sin, the evidence then zapped it, for
Sadhu of India being the debauchery of Mardis Gras. Our reasoning was that we didn't need penances, since this several r...
defeated the purpose of the Cross, the Penance of all penances. Protestantism teaches that the
Fickle Fun
confessional is everywhere we go, done at all times, and is done not to a priest but directly to God; I'm now in Missoula,
and Protestants say Penance is not done by us, but paid for by Christ on the Cross. Montana.  Mark
Sundeen, his fiance,
Cedar, and I have
However, when it boils down to reality, Protestants do exactly the same thing with the idea of the
The greater blessing to been on the road
Penance Cross. So we Protestants didn't believe in the debauchery of sensual naughtiness. But we together, doing this
all those living moneyless
believed in the even more heinous debauchery of greed and war. Though we called ourselves book tour thingy in
in the world without
“Christian”, we excused our rejection of Jesus' teachings by saying that Jesus paid all Penance on the Lo...
Cross. Jesus' Crucifixion was our Free Ticket to Heaven, and therefore we didn't have to do anything,
not even keep Jesus’ teachings! If you've been raised Evangelical, you know exactly what I am talking Femal
Call me Suelo about. You don't realize how twisted it sounds till you step away from it and look at it. e,
My particular brand of Evangelical Christianity, the Plymouth Brethren, even went so far as to have ver
a theology of “Dispensationalism”, which teaches that everything before Jesus’ Crucifixion was “Old and Money Economy
Testament”, including Jesus’ very own ethical teachings, and therefore not to be followed! We were Lots have been going
taught that (though in sweeter euphemistic words) Jesus was blowing hot air, since he was going to on and I haven't had
Suelo time to think about
annul everything he said, on the Cross, anyway! Thus, we Evangelicals could joyfully have our greed,
Fruita, Colorado, United blog posts for a while. 
States our wars, and our judgmentalism. We believed Jesus came to excuse sin, not forgive and release us I've had quite a few
from it. In our eyes, he came to release us of all responsibility, not instill responsibility into us! In the visitors staying with ...
I lived totally without
1800s, this Brethren invention of “Dispensationalism” spread to other denominations and became
cents since Autumn of Ode
2000 (except for a the very banner of Fundamentalist Christianity!
to The
couple months in 2001) Holy
until the Spring of 2016, The Bible also prophesies Armageddon, the war of the end-of-the-world. We Fundamentalists, in our Invisi
when I started caring for burning wish to escape the miserable world, were always more than happy to help bring it about, ble
my aging parents, Hand
even if it meant sacrificing all the ethics of our own faith! If you want to see what I mean, just find a of the Free Market
managing their finances. cable TV and watch any televangelist TV network. If not that, turn on AM radio religious program. Or Ode to The Holy
For 15 years I didn't use
listen to a Bush speech. Of course we tended to ignore that our Bible teaches that Christ and the Invisible Hand  of the
or accept money or Free Market Oh Holy
Cross are not a token separate from us, but part of us, something we share, something we enter into
conscious barter - nor Invisible Hand of the
did I take food stamps or as one with Christ, as Gandhi the Hindu did. We ignored that our Bible teaches that Christ is our Free Market, we adore
other government dole. example, that we are the branches and he the vine, not our unapproachable god in the sky tossing us Thee above all, and
My philosophy has been free tickets to heaven. If you dare speak of following Jesus' example, you will likely hear the we sacrif...
to use only what is freely Fundamentalist mouth say, "But Jesus is GOD!" as if you are blaspheming by thinking you could be
given or discarded and Patria
like God! Yes, we preferred to reject the fundamentals of our own faith and consciences, then rchy,T
what is already present ironically call ourselves “Fundamentalist.” We purposefully ignored the Four Gospels of the errori
and already running
Evangelists, then dared called ourselves “Evangelical”. We purposefully ignored the message in our sm &
(whether or not I Mam
own hearts, then dared think we had the right to tell others how to believe.
existed). I don't see mon
money as evil or good: I'm still in Fruita,
how can illusion be evil This is Why We Americans Think Like We Do Colorado, caring for
or good? But I don't see my aging parents. It is
So you can understand a little better the American mentality, why the majority of us can’t see
heroin or meth as evil or heart-breaking,
anything wrong with killing hundreds of thousands of mid-easterners for oil & corporate interests watching their bodies
good, either. Which is
(trying to pretend we are fighting terrorism), and why we can justify our leaders blatantly lying and and minds fade. It's a
more addictive and
cheating and bullying to do so, just because the president says his god told him to and says he ...
debilitating, money or
meth? Attachment to accepted Jesus in his heart. Yet, we will impeach a president for giving a blow-job in his office. We
illusion makes you are appalled at small-scale naughtiness, but see nothing wrong with big-scale crime & greed, what tionin
illusion, makes you not the Bible calls adultery against God, spiritual fornication, also called idolatry. Yes, we strain at gnats g to a
real. Attachment to and swallow camels. We see nothing wrong with bombing hundreds of thousands, including fetuses New
illusion is called idolatry, Life
in Muslim wombs, but will obsess about keeping a stem-cell alive or a near-brain-dead woman
called addiction. I simply Yes,
artificially alive on a machine. Don’t get me wrong – Clinton’s blow job & lies were wrong & obscene I'm still alive.  Yes, it's
got tired of
& impeachable; and all life, human fetuses as well as ants and elephants, is sacred and must not be been over 4 months
acknowledging as real
wasted. But if you want to save your sacred gnats, don't you think you'd have more credibility if you since I blogged. I've
this most common been clueless what to
world-wide belief called FIRST saved the sacred camels you slaughter? Yes, if what Clinton did was impeachable, and if
say. My life has gon...
money! I simply got tired aborting human life is criminal, then Bush, by the most simple reasoning, must be counted thousands
of being unreal. Money is of times more impeachable and criminal. The
one of those intriguing Mone
things that seems real yless
However, it is unfair to say that Bush is any worse than Clinton. The Clinton administration had been
and functional because 2 Tribe
ordering the bombing of Iraq, and sanctions killing hundreds of thousands of children, for a decade Beco
or more people believe it
before Bush officially declared war. But Clinton's mega-crimes didn't bother most Americans - only mes
is real & functional!
his petty naughtiness did. The Clinton administration kept its wars-for-profit clandestine. Bush was Reality
View my complete It's been weeks since
at least more honest in publicly declaring the already decade-long war. But both the Clinton & Bush
profile I've had net access. 
administrations have always worked for the same goal, World Trade, at the expense of everything Still little time to write
else. here. Darby, MT The
moneyless tribe is
now reality, dre...
Look up Lucifer for yourself in the Bible. He's Master World Trade, is he not? Yes, our presidents
have been in full agreement, playing “good cop” and “bad cop” to keep us, America, confused and The Physics &
divided. It’s no conspiracy theory – the facts are all on the table. Spirituality of Gift
However, we Americans are no victims. We are the life-blood of this corruption and we love it. The Here's my debut
blog/vlog, after over a
Bushes & Clintons & Federal Reserves & Naftas wouldn't be able to manipulate us if we weren't just year sabbatical of not
as corrupt as they. blogging!  And I must
admit I feel excited
about publishing this
No, we are not innocent victims. This is the point of this website, not to get us to see others as evil
video, &...
and we as righteous victims, but to get us to look in the mirror and see that Bush & Clinton & Big
Brother Conspirators are our very selves! Our mirror is clouded. Now we see in it darkly, but then Blog Entry Deleted
face to face. If we dared look in the mirror, we could see God. But it is too frightening, because we For the first time in all
must also see the Devil in the mirror. my blogging, I've
deleted a blog entry -
my last one, "Bearing
Okay, So This Blog Is Religious - I can't seem to help it. Las Cruces". I've been
in medit...
I am aiming this blog at our own Christendom to show that we - Eastern, Catholic, Protestant,
Mormon – are hypocrites to the core. If every Christian (Eastern, Protestant, Catholic, Mormon) The Evolution of the
followed his or her own religion, the Politicians & Bankers & Corporations would have no more Trinity of
power, and would collapse. Wal-Mart and McDonald’s, as just two small examples, would not get Agriculture, Money &
your business. You love to sue them, but yet you feed them with your lives. You have no faith that Usury
  The Evolution of the
you and your children would get everything you need in life without prostituting yourselves to these
Trinity of Agriculture,
places. You think that you must do evil, because "it's only a job and I have a family to feed." You have Money & Usury You'll
no faith that if you do good, you will be taken care of, guaranteed. I don't care whether you're liberal likely not find the
or conservative, if you just trust in what you yourself KNOW to be right in your own heart, you will ideas in this 20-
minute video anyplace
never lack anything. If you & your family can’t survive without compromising what you KNOW to else....
be right, then faith is a sham and God is a lie.

Blog Archive
So I'm finally facing my karma, facing the reality that I have to speak first to the Christian, and in
doing so, also to the non-Christian. I can't be content any other way but to follow my own karma. It's ► 2021 (2)
either follow my karma or be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a fish. If every religious person ► 2020 (4)
in the world followed his or her own religion (Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism,
► 2019 (3)
etc) Politicians & Bankers & Corporations would have no more power, and would collapse. And I dare
say poverty would collapse with them. ► 2018 (7)
► 2017 (4)
[[Though I'm first talking to Christians, it bothers some folks of Eastern faiths or New Aginess that I
► 2016 (1)
speak of good and evil. Yes, Christianity, too, like Buddhism, teaches "to the pure all things are pure".
And, like Hindu scriptures, the Bible also says God creates both night and day, good and evil. On the ► 2015 (6)
lower level, my instinct tells me that my own poop is bad and I should bury it out of sight. But my ► 2014 (14)
higher self tells me that poop is good and pure, part of the cycles of life. To a fly, it is nectar. But if
► 2013 (16)
my lower self calls poop good and touches it or eats it, then I get sick. If my lower self calls poop
good, it is denying the Law of Nature, and therefore really calling poop Evil by denying poop its ► 2012 (14)
natural role. So I am a fool, denying the goodness of all things, if I call rape good or if I burn down my ► 2011 (11)
neighbor's house. I must not let my left hand know what my right hand is doing if I am to realize the ► 2010 (18)
pure goodness of both. I must let my left hand believe poop is evil and my right hand to believe it is
► 2009 (17)
Good, if both are to be Good. If the lion weren't bad to the antelope, the lion would be Bad on the
higher level and the evolution of the antelope herd would cease. This is the mystery of the Cross, the ► 2008 (9)
Eternal Sacrifice of the Purusa (Divine Person) of Hinduism.]] ▼ 2007 (13)
► September (1)
So What of Mardis Gras and Lent, Excess and Penance? What of Creditor ► August (1)
and Debtor? ► July (1)
► June (1)
In the Spiritual Path, the Believer fuses with the Believee in Devotion, the Future fuses with the Past
► April (2)
in the Present, the Debtor fuses with the Creditor in Forgiveness, Negative fuses with Positive in the
Neutral, the Four Branches of the World fuse together in the Center of the Cross. The Wave Crests ▼ March (2)
become One with the Wave Troughs, stilling to a Sea of Glass, as our turbulent thoughts calm into ► Mar 27 (1)
the Perfect Peace of Zen. As Mary and the Jewish prophets state in the Bible, the Mountains are ▼ Mar 03 (1)
lowered and the valleys raised. The the Cycles of Time (Karma) cancel each other out at the End of Mardi Gras,
Time, called Eternal Present, called Yahweh (Jehovah). By bowing totally to the Divine Other, the Lent, Easter,
profane self fuses into One with Him. In the Spiritual Path, the Goal becomes the Path. Male and and Credit &
Debt Cancel...
Female fuse into One, perpetually. As a Jewish rabbi said (in my paraphrase), "Of course the Messiah
is coming! Perpetually."
► February (1)
► January (4)
Am I talking (gasp) Universalism?
► 2006 (13)
Universalism is the Big Satan to Evangelicals & Fundamentalists of all shades in all religions. But I say
this to my fellow Evangelicals: Please do not follow any other faith but your own. I wager that if you
TRULY follow your own faith to its deepest core, with all your heart, you will also TRULY be a Jew, My Friends Around the
World in the Moneyless
and you will TRULY be a Muslim, and you will TRULY be a Hindu, and you will TRULY be a Buddhist, Movement!
and you will TRULY be a Taoist. Be TRULY yourself and no one else and you will realize you are
TRULY everybody. You will then understand the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that it is Omnipresent, Heidemarie
not finite, not limited to your petty little cash box possession. Schwermer in
Mark Boyle in Britain
When I say you, I mean me.
elf Pavlik on Euro
"Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No person can come to the Source except by Love."
Raphael, Nieves,
Benjamin, Camille,
This is exactly what your own Bible says, and your own conscience knows it. Nicoli from Europe
Tomi Astikainen from
Love, and no thing or no one else, is God-incarnate. Humans come and go, but Love is Ever Present, Finland
Ever Eternal, Ever come in the Flesh, Ever Dying, Ever Resurrecting, Ever Humiliated, Ever Glorified, Öff Öff in Germany
the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. Love never fails. Become Love. C.J. Colwell- A Twenty
First Century
Don't be fooled by the thrill of thinking you understand these words. Rejoice only when you live American Nomad
these words, perpetually. Soja Kruse in South
When I say you, I mean me. Adin in South Africa
Julez Edward in
Posted by Suelo at 3/03/2007 10:43:00 AM


Moneyless World - an
information site about
4 comments: people around the
world living
moneyless, and
resources for people
Anonymous Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 10:35:00 PM MST who want to live
Hey, everything we say or do has to do with religion, whether we realize it or not, or admit to it! moneyless
"Moneyless In Moab"
You sure make me think, as usual. indy film by my friend
Gordon, Spring 2006
BBC Radio Interview,
Fall Equinox, 2009 (6
Anonymous Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 2:26:00 PM MDT Denver Post
Something else. Judgmentalism. What in the world with us. We reject Christ's teachings, we reject
the Old Testament. What do we have left to base our judgmentalism on? Our own made up laws?
Our "new" "law of love". That's what we use to hate and judge with? Or are we simply proving we Subscribe To
are a law unto ourselves? Spec so.
Sure wish we would listen to you. But love is impossible, so it stops our ears and makes us run off
at the mouth. Mine is especially well oiled! Comments

Anonymous Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 8:17:00 AM MDT

I liked your line of if all religions followed their own teachings the banksters wouldn't survive. so
true my friend.

however, we put our lives in these peoples hands, let them take all our decisions and believe
everything they say. greed is a part of us, and we let them act upon their greed.

i would like to get your opinion of Jesus being crucified on the cross for man's sin. you mentioned
that it gives people a free ticket to do as they please as Jesus excuses/forgives your sins. Don't you
find this notion, i dont know how to put it, weird?
As a muslim, i know I am accountable for what i do, all my actions will have a reaction in this world
and the hereafter. The only way i can save myself is either by not sinning or if i do sin, then doing
pure repentance. where you are truly sorry for what you do and also you never do it again.


peace be on to you


Suelo Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 7:21:00 PM MDT

Ahmed, there is much to learn about Christianity from the Quran. The Quran says we all resurrect
as One Soul. This is the very fundamental of Christianity that "Christians" totally ignore. We all are
crucified as One and we all resurrect as One ("I am crucified with Christ," "raised with Christ"). The
New Testament scripture states this over & over. Since history began, the Good have suffered
unjustly for the sins of the unjust. All Good are One Soul. Yes, there is only One Good, Allah. This is
obvious, all around us, every day. In Christian lingo, all Good is Christ, the Soul of all Humanity,
suffering for the sins of the unjust. Christ is "crucified from the foundation of the world." The
Angels must bow to Adam, the Quran says - bow to the Good Soul of Humanity, incarnate in the
Flesh! Only Satan refuses to bow, because he only sees Flesh. But "Christians" have taken this ever
present Universal Soul, the I Am, and reduced it to a single man in time, rather than the Ever
Present Man (Adam) beyond Time, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. We must bow to no one
but Allah. We must bow to Adam, Adam who suffers wrongly for the unjust. This might be heresy in
both "Islam" and "Christianity," but it is Truth Eternal, & it is Pure Quran, Pure Bible, Pure
Upanishads, as sure as the sun rises and sets.

Peace rebounded upon you


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