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PAIN PATHWAYS Psychological: cognitions, emotions, behaviors,

motivation, attention, memory, learning, trauma
PAIN NEUROTRANSMITTERS  Social: culture, relationships, environmental,
 Glutamate legal/insurance
o NMDA: influx of Ca2+  Pain is a psychophysiological behavior pattern, all
o AMPA: influx of Na+ of the above factors perpetuate pain
 Substance P TEAM MEMBERS
o NK-1: intracellular signaling  activation  Physiotherapist, pharmacist, psychologist, NP,
of arachidonic acid pathways, NO occupational therapist, social worker
synthesis, activation of NMDA receptors NON-MEDICAL THERAPIES
 PKC removes Mg that blocks  Physical rehabilitation: exercise, movement, graded
NMDA receptors  allows activity participation
glutamate to attach  Psychological interventions: individual and group
 CGRP psychotherapy, education sessions, mindfulness-
o CGRP-R: altered neuronal activity  based interventions, support groups
central sensitization (lowered threshold for  Self-management: life skills programs, personal
evoking action potentials) practices such as breathing, pain education
 Types: enkephalins, dynorphins, endorphins  Psychiatric symptoms: clinical depression,
 Receptors: mu, delta, kappa personality disorder
o 7-transmembrane spanning proteins YELLOW FLAGS
coupled to inhibitory G-proteins  Beliefs, appraisals, judgments: unhelpful beliefs
o All in high concentrations in dorsal horn about pain, expectations of poor treatment outcome
o Differ in cellular distribution, relative  Emotional responses: distress, worry, fears not
affinity for ligands, and effects meeting criteria for mental disorder
 Effects  Pain behavior: avoidance of activities due to
o Closing of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on expectations of pain, over-reliance on passive
presynaptic channels  decreased release treatments (e.g. cold packs, analgesics)
of all pain neurotransmitters
o Opening of K+ channels on postsynaptic ACUTE VS. CHRONIC PAIN
channels  hyperpolarization
ASCENDING  Acute treatment:
 For transmitting pain signal to brain o Usually due to trauma, surgery, acute
 Injury  activated immune and skin cells release illness
cytokines, importantly prostaglandins  activate o Short-term, curative treatment
nociceptors of 1st order neuron  substantia  Chronic:
gelatinosa of dorsal horn  2nd-order crosses  o Has persisted for >3 months
spinothalamic tract  thalamus  3rd-order neuron o High mental comorbidity
 somatosensory cortex o Goal-oriented, non-curative treatment
 Aβ fibers: mechanical stimulus  A, B, C’s
o Largest and fastest conduction velocity o Assess pain at regular intervals
 Aδ fibers: mechanical pain and temperature o Believe the patient
 C fibers: mechanical and chemical pain, o Choose the appropriate therapies
temperature o Deliver in a logical, coordinated fashion
o Smallest and slowest conduction velocity o Empower and educate patients to control
 For controlling and inhibiting ascending pathway LADDER
 Periaqueductal gray matter (midbrain)  synapse at  Multimodal approach exploits effectiveness of
nucleus raphe magnus (medulla)  5HT/NA different agents to maximize efficacy and minimize
neuron goes to substantia gelatinosa side effects
o 1) bind to receptors of 1st-order and inhibit 1. Mild postoperative pain
release of substance P a. Nonopioid analgesic + local anesthetic
o 2) stimulate interneuron  release infiltration
enkephalin (endogenous opioid) 2. Moderate postoperative pain
a. Step 1 + intermittent doses of opioid
BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODEL OF PAIN 3. Severe postoperative pain
a. Step 1 and 2 + local anesthetic peripheral
 Biological: genetic predispositions, drug effects, neural blockade + sustained release opioid
physical health, nervous system analgesics

dopaminergic neurons onto nucleus accumbens
 Due to chemical, mechanical, or thermal (noxious) (pleasure and reward)
stimuli  somatic (MSK, localized and sharp) or  Mu receptors on interneurons decreases GABA
visceral (dull and diffuse) release  more dopamine
DRUGS  Chronic use causes desensitization of receptor
 Acetaminophen signaling and down-regulation of receptors
o Mild potency o If stopped, lack of receptor activity
o Inhibits COX not through active site in manifests as withdrawal symptoms,
CNS  inhibit synthesis of prostaglandins opposite to pharmacologic effects
 analgesic and antipyretic effects o Diarrhea, elevated BP
o Not for liver failure or active hepatic o Feelings of dysphoria and anxiety
 NSAIDs  Partial mu receptor agonist
o Mild potency: ibuprofen, naproxen  Antagonist at delta and kappa receptors
o Moderate potency: celecoxib, diclofenac,  Maximal effects much smaller
meloxicam  Lower risk of side effects, abuse, addiction
o Inhibits COX  no conversion of NALOXONE
arachidonic acid to thromboxanes (platelet  Antagonist at opioid receptors in brain (affinity
adhesion), prostaglandins (vasodilation, stronger and prevent from binding again)
temperature set-point, anti-nociception), CANADIAN GUIDELINES
prostacyclins  Opioid agonist therapy: a synthesis of Canadian
 COX-1 for gastric mucosal guidelines for treating opioid use disorder
integrity 
 COX-2 for inflammation (selective canadian-opioid-use-disorder-guideline2021-
= celecoxib) pdf.pdf
o Not for heart disease, renal disease,  Engaging patients and initiating OAT;
anticoagulation therapy, history of ulcers pharmacological options; guidance,
OPIOIDS recommendations, and considerations to optimize
 Majority are agonists of mu-opioid receptors outcomes in special contexts; recommendations if
 Naturally-derived can only reach certain potency co-occurring disorders; guidance on discontinuing
 Synthetic are refined to be more powerful OAT
o Methadone OTHER
o Meperidine  Benzodiazepines: diazepam, midazolam
o Oxycodone, oxymorphone  Nerve blocks: neuraxial (epidural, spinal),
o Hydrocodone, hydromorphone peripheral, truncal
o Fentanyl  Alpha2 agonists: dexmedetomidine, clonidine
 Increasing potency: codeine, morphine, STEPPED APPROACH FOR NOCICEPTIVE OR MIXED
oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl (mainly in  Non-opioid analgesics
chronic pain) o NSAIDS and/or acetaminophen
 Methadone also NMDA antagonist and SNRI  Weak opioids
SIDE EFFECTS o Codeine, tramadol, tapentadol,
 Nausea, from direct stimulation of chemoreceptor buprenorphine
trigger zone in medulla  Strong opioids
 Dose-dependent respiratory depression, from o Morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone,
decreasing brain stem respiratory centre fentanyl, methadone
responsiveness to carbon dioxide, and depressed  Interventions
respiratory centres in pons and medulla o Nerve blocks, epidurals, PCA pump,
 Antitussive effect, repress cough centre in medulla neurolytic block therapy, spinal stimulators
 Suppression of immune system
 Morphine and meperidine may produce histamine NEUROPATHIC PAIN
o If injection, dilation of cutaneous blood
vessels and flushing  Abnormal activity secondary to injury, disease, or
 Meperidine produces tachycardia, from structural dysfunction of nervous system  central (CNS) or
similarity to atropine peripheral (PNS)
 Other opioids produce dose-dependent bradycardia, ETIOLOGY
from increased centrally mediated vagal stimulation  Stroke
 Itching, from pruritoceptive neural circuits  Phantom pain
 Constipation, from decreased gastric motility  Cancer, chemotherapy
 Antidiuretic, from depressed renal function  Infection or inflammation
 Urinary retention, from increased sphincter tone o Shingles, post-herpetic neuralgia
ADDICTION  Peripheral neuropathy
 GABA-inhibitory interneurons of VTA release
GABA  inhibit release of dopamine from
o Diabetes, alcohol, HIV, vitamin B  Activated pain neurons release neurogenic
deficiencies inflammatory chemicals: substance P, CGRP,
 Nerve trapping or trauma cytokines, chemokines  positive feedback
CLINICAL FEATURES  Ceases once heals
 Constant or paroxysmal CENTRAL (CNS) SENSITIZATION
 Burning, stabbing, shooting, lancinating, numbness,  1st-order releases glutamate, substance P, CGRP,
tingling, electrical cytokines/chemokines  depolarization
 Anesthesia dolorosa (skin not sensitive to touch but  Glial cells detect inflammation and release
still have pain) cytokines  positive feedback
 Allodynia (very light touch stimulates pain)
 Treat underlying cause
 4-6 week trials ETIOLOGY
 1st and 2nd line:  Neuropathic (see above)
o Amitriptyline (tricyclic) or duloxetine  Nociceptive due to tissue injuries such as burns,
(SNRI) bruises, sprains
 Increase NE and serotonin in  MSK pain: back, myofascial
synapses preferentially of analgesic  Inflammatory pain: autoimmune, infection
pathway  Psychogenic pain: somatic symptoms caused by
o Gabapentin or pregabalin (anticonvulsants) emotional, psychological, or behavioral factors
 Inhibits voltage-gated calcium  Mechanical pain: expanding malignancy
channels, esp. a2-d1  inhibit EVALUATION
release of excitatory  Verbal numeric rating scale
neurotransmitters  Significance of impact on pain
o Carbamezapine (anticonvulsant)  Screen for psychological conditions
 Block voltage-gated Na and Ca o MDD and GAD are most common
channels comorbid conditions
 3rd line: cannabinoids TOOLS
o THC, CBD  Brief Pain Inventory: assess beliefs on pain and
 Tramadol for rescue short-term (neurotransmitter impact on lives
and opioid)  McGill Pain Questionnaire: drawing for location
NON-PHARMACOLOGIC of pain, questionnaire regarding previous pain
 Physiotherapy medication and past experiences with pain
 Acupuncture  Neuropathic Pain Scale
 Percutaneous (through) or transcutaneous (along)
electrical nerve stimulation
 Counselling, CBT
 Reduce stress, anxiety, depression


Other senses: desensitization from chronic stimulus

Pain: sensitization to make you avoid action
o Increased neuronal sensitivity to noxious
stimuli: hyperalgesia
o Reduced threshold to otherwise normal
stimuli: allodynia
 Major role in generation and persistence of chronic
and neuropathic pain
 Injury of vascularized tissue  inflammation
(redness, heat, pain, swelling)  activate mast
cells, macrophages, neutrophils, T cells
o 1) H+, ATP, serotonin, substance P POLYPHARMACY
 Directly bind receptors on
nociceptors and open Ca, Na  Prescription of multiple medications, threshold
channels ranging from 5-9 simultaneous drugs
o 2) bradykinin, histamine, prostaglandins,  Major challenge in geriatric population
nerve growth factor (NGF) o Rising prevalence of multi-morbidity
 Upregulates ion channels in o Several condition-specific guidelines
nociceptors  lower threshold for o Proliferation of medications
depolarization (sensitization) o Patient demand from available information
 Increases risks associated with  Keep updated medication records
o Age-related changes in pharmacology  Review knowledge of and adherence with drug
o Averse drug events regimens regularly
 Examples of ADEs DESCRIBING
o Most commonly from warfarin and other  Consider the following:
antiplatelet agents, insulin and other 1) Diuretics and hypotensive agents
hypoglycemic agents a. Systolic hypotension or postural
o CVD  electrolyte and volume hypotension that can precipitate near-
disturbances, hypotension, falls, syncope syncope and falls
o CNS  altered mental status and falls 2) Antianxiety and hypnotic, esp. benzodiazepines
o Antimicrobials  allergic reactions, 3) Psychotropic and other drugs with anticholinergic
diarrhea, and other ADEs activity
EVALUATION a. Dry mouth, constipation, and long-term risk
 Careful medication reconciliation at each visit and of cognitive impairment
especially at time of care transitions 4) PPIs with unclear indications
o Unclear diagnosis or indication 5) Cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in patients
with severe cognitive impairment
o Uncertain dose or route of administration 6) Hypoglycemic agents in multi-morbidity who
o Stop date and hold parameters should not have tightly controlled blood sugar
o Lab tests for monitoring 7) Statins in patients with severe chronic illness near
o Duplication end of life
o Drug-drug and drug-disease interactions  General principles:
 Also assess for ADEs, adherence, and effectiveness 1) Ascertain all drugs and reasons
MANAGEMENT 2) Consider overall risk of drug-induced harm to
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GERIATRIC inform deprescribing intervention
PRESCRIBING 3) Assess drug to current or future potential benefit vs.
 Evaluate thoroughly to identify all conditions that harm/burden
could (a) benefit from drug; (b) adversely affected 4) Prioritize drugs for discontinuation with lowest
by drug; (c) influence efficacy of drug benefit-harm ratio and lowest likelihood of adverse
 Consider how clinical status (e.g. renal function) of withdrawal reactions
each patient could influence pharmacology 5) Implement discontinuation regimen based on
 From drugs or active metabolites eliminated pharmacology of drug being discontinued and
predominantly by kidney, use formula to monitor closely for outcomes and adverse effects
approximate age-related changes in renal function DEPRESCRIBING IN CANADA
and adjust dosages accordingly; Cockcroft-Gault 
underestimates deprescribing-guidelines-algorithms/
 For antihyperglycemic:
 PPI, antihyperglycemic, antipsychotic,
 Manage without drugs as often as possible benzodiazepine receptor agonist, and cholinesterase
 Start with smaller doses and increase gradually until inhibitors and mermantine
effective or intolerable side effects
 Avoid adverse drug-drug interactions
 Monitor older patients frequently for adherence,
drug effectiveness, adverse effects, and adjust
o Drug blood concentrations helpful in
potentially toxic drugs
 Make drug regimens and instructions very simple
 Use same dosage schedule whenever feasible
 Time doses in conjunction with daily routine
 Use aids (e.g. pillboxes or drug calendars)
 Careful education
o Account for impaired cognitive function,
hearing, and poor vision when instructing
patients and labelling prescriptions
o Make sure patient can afford prescriptions
and can open container
o Engage relatives and caregivers
 Enlist other health professionals (e.g. pharmacists,
home health aides) to ensure compliance
For high first-pass drugs (e.g. morphine, nifedipine)
oral dose should be reduced
 Decreased tissue perfusion  redistribute cardiac
output to heart and brain >> other tissues 
additionally impaired drug clearance by
liver/kidney and gut absorption  higher plasma
drug concentrations, CNS or cardiac effects
 Aging changes in organs involved in clearance
o Renal 35-50%
o Decrease in size of and blood flow to liver,
decreased activity of metabolizing enzymes
 Not detected readily
 Altered drug sensitivity
o Analgesic effects of opioids, increased
sedation from benzo and other CNS
depressants, increased risk of bleeding from
anticoagulation therapies, increased
response to CVD drugs because impaired
 Altered pharmacokinetics/dynamics +
polypharmacy + concomitant disease = increased
ADEs elderly
 Published recommended adjustments
 Low initial doses and increase slowly, adjust based
on creatinine clearance
 Follow with plasma concentration data and clinical


 Increase drug action or side effects

 Decrease drug action
 Decreased gastrointestinal absorption
 Altered gastric pH  decreased solubility and
 Increased genetic expression of CYPs and/or P-
glycoprotein (metabolic enzymes)
o Stopping inducer can cause major toxicity
as clearance drops to baseline
 Inhibit bioactivation of prodrugs
 Inhibit drug delivery to intracellular sites of action
 Inhibit drug elimination
RENAL DISEASE  Inhibit CYP (since multiple substrates can compete
 Renal excretion of parent drug and metabolites for active site), P-glycoprotein
o Glomerular filtration  Inhibit xanthine oxidase
o Specific drug transporters  Inhibit renal tubular transport
 If primarily excreted through kidneys, dosages must SUMMATIVE EFFECTS
be reduced in patients with renal dysfunction  Separate components of common process  greater
 In non-end-stage, changes in renal drug clearance effect than either alone
generally proportional to creatinine clearance  Antiplatelets (glycoprotein IIb/IIa inhibitors,
LIVER DISEASE aspirin, clopidogrel) and anticoagulants (warfarin,
 Standard tests of liver function not useful in heparins, dabigatran, apixaban, rivaraxaban,
adjusting doses (hepatitis, cirrhosis) unlike kidney edoxaban)  increased risk of bleeding
 Hepatocyte dysfunction, altered liver architecture,  Anticoagulants and NSAIDs  upper GI bleeding
portacaval shunts  first-pass metabolism may due to ulcer risk
decrease  increased oral bioavailability  NSAIDs (indomethacin, piroxicam) antagonize
antihypertensive effects of B-adrenergic receptor
blockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors  elevated  QT prolongation increases risk of torsades de
BP pointes; most likely when two more drugs and
 Sildenafil and nitroglycerin/related nitrates  already high risk
profound hypotension  High risk: age >65, bradycardia, female,
o Sildenafil: inhibition of PDE type 5 isoform hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, underlying heart
that inactivates cyclic GMP disease
o Nitroglycerin: vasodilation by elevating  High-risk drugs: antiarrhythmics (amiodarone,
cyclic GMP dofetilide, quinidine, sotalol), antidepressants
 Diuretics + QT-prolonging antiarrhythmics (citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine), and
(quinidine, sotalol, dofetilide)  torsades de psychotropics (paliperidone, quetiapine,
pointes ventricular tachycardia ziprasidone)
o Hypokalemia prolongs QT and potentiates  Lower-risk drugs: analgesics, antiemetics
drug block of ion channels that result in QT (chlorpromazine), antimicrobials (antimalarials,
prolongation antiretrovirals, fluoroquinolones), serotonin
WARFARIN agonists (sumatriptan, zolmitriptan)
 Inhibits vitamin K-dependent clotting factors and DRUGS THAT DEPRESS CNS
metabolized by CYP450 isoenzymes  Antipsychotics, barbiturates, benzodiazepines,
 Antimicrobials: inhibit CYP450, alter protein hypnotics (eszopiclone, zaleplon), muscle relaxants,
binding, diminish absorption of vitamin K by gut opioid analgesics
flora  increase bleeding and INR
o Most likely: TMP/SMZ, metronidazole, ATRIAL FIBRILLATION
 NSAIDs: affect gastric mucosal integrity   Atrial rate so fast (350-600/min) that distinct P
gastrointestinal ulcers  increase bleeding except waves not discernible on ECG
for celecoxib  Average ventricular rate in untreated is 140-160
 Amiodarone: inhibit CYP2C9, 1A2, 3A4 enzymes RISK FACTORS
 increased warfarin effects  General CVD: age, HTN, DM, obesity, smoking,
 Statins: inhibit CYP2C9  increased warfarin sleep apnea
effects  CVD: CAD, CHF, valvular heart disease (esp.
DIRECT ORAL ANTICOAGULANT MEDICATIONS mitral valve), preexcitation tachycardia,
 Inhibit factor Xa (rivaroxaban, apixaban) or cardiomyopathies, pericarditis
thrombin (dabigatran)  Noncardiac: pulmonary disease (COPD, pulmonary
 Ketoconazole, ritonavir, fluconazole, embolism, pneumonia), hyperthyroidism or other
amiodarone: inhibit CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein sources of increased sympathetic activity (e.g.
 increase DOAC effects stress, cocaine), hypomagnesemia and
STATINS hypokalemia, excessive alcohol consumption
 Amiodarone: inhibits CYP3A4  increase risk of (holiday heart syndrome)
statin-related muscle toxicity PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
o Fluvastatin and pravastatin metabolized  Likely multiple wandering atrial reentrant circuits
through alternative pathways  Paroxysmal (sudden, unpredictable): initiated by
 Azole antifungals: inhibits CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 rapid firing of foci in sleeves of atrial muscle that
 increase risk of statin-related muscle toxicity extend into pulmonary veins or in fibrotic atrial
o Rosuvastatin and pravastatin alternatives tissue
 Calcium channel blockers: may inhibit CYP3A4  Sustained: minimum number of reentrant circuits
PDE-5 needed, facilitated by enlarged atrium or diseased
 Nitrates: both exert effects gy potentiating tissue
vasodilatory effects of cyclic GMP o Diseases that increase atrial pressure
CLONIDINE include heart failure, HTN, CAD,
 Beta-blocker: In presence of beta2-receptor pulmonary disease
blockade, vasoconstrictor properties of o Thyrotoxicosis and alcohol consumption
catecholamines unopposed  exaggerated  Remodeling: electrophysiological changes with few
hypertension after discontinuation of clonidine hours; fibrosis and dilation within few months;
DRUGS WITH CHELATION RISK electrical and structural remodeling increases
 Multivalent cations (aluminum, magnesium, susceptibility to AF
calcium, iron) and tetracycline drugs,  Contract rapidly and ineffectively  blood stasis 
fluoroquinolone antibiotics, or thyroid drugs: increased risk of thrombus formation in left atrial
insoluble complexes formed in gut  reduced appendage  embolize e.g. stroke
absorption of drugs  Atrial impulses encounter refractory tissue at AV
POTASSIUM SUPPLEMENTS node, allowing some depolarizations to be
 ACE inhibitors, A-II receptor blockers, direct conducted to ventricle  irregularly irregular
renin inhibitors, or K-sparing diuretics: rhythm
DRUGS THAT PROLONG QTc INTERVAL  When ventricular <100bmp, may be asymptomatic
 When faster,  If none and little thromboembolic
o Palpitations risk, then proceed directly with
o Decreased CO  hypotension, dizziness, cardioversion followed by
syncope, and dyspnea anticoagulation as it may take time
 Complications to return to normal contraction
o Acute left heart failure: pulmonary edema  If there is, then receive >=3 weeks
(esp. in those with ‘stiff’ LV) of anticoagulation and repeat TEE
o Thromboembolic: stroke/TIA, renal infarct, before procedure
splenic infarct, intestinal ischemia, acute  3) restore sinus rhythm
limb ischemia o Chemical cardioversion by administration
o Life-threatening ventricular tachycardia of class IC, IA, or III antiarrhythmic drugs
DIAGNOSIS  Dofetilide, ibutilide, flecainide,
 ECG propafenone
o P waves indiscernible, narrow QRS o Electric cardioversion: gradually increasing
complexes, tachycardia, irregularly strength of direct current shock until sinus
irregular RR intervals rhythm is restored
 Lab studies o Contraindications: long-standing persistent
o CBC for infection Afib, reversible causes, high-risk of
thromboembolic events
o Serum electrolytes
 If asymptomatic, then appropriate to control
o TSH ventricular rate and continue anticoagulation
o Kidney and liver tests  Long-term anticoagulation if underlying valvular
 Transthoracic echocardiogram disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and/or
o Assess cardiac function and rule out CHA2DS2-VASc score >=2 men and >=3 women
underlying structural disease (e.g. mitral o Valvular Afib or nonvalvular with severe
valve stenosis) hepatic disease/CKD: vitamin K
 CXR antagonists
o Signs of heart failure and pulmonary edema o Nonvalvular Afib: DOACs, alternatively
o PE, pneumonia, COPD heparin
 Ventricular rate control, anticoagulation to prevent  Surgical maze procedure: multiple incisions in left
thromboembolism, and restore sinus rhythm and right atria to prevent formation of reentry
 1) antiarrhythmic drugs circuits
o First-line o Sometimes in cardiac surgery for coronary
 Beta blockers (metoprolol, artery or valve disease with AF
atenolol, propranolol)  Percutaneous catheter ablation: areas of LA
 Avoid in COPD around pulmonary veins cauterized to interrupt
 Nondihydropyridine Ca2+ channel reentry circuits and foci that initiate AF
blockers (diltiazem, verapamil) o Extensive catheter manipulation and
 Avoid in decompensated ablation in LA
HF (low EF) o Risk of stroke and cardiac perforation that
o Second-line can cause pericardial tamponade
 Digoxin o Usually reserved refractory to
o Third-line pharmacologic
 Amiodarone; if all other options  Catheter ablation of AV node: complete heart
have failed block to permanently slow ventricular rate,
o **Except for preexcitation syndromes (e.g. ventricular pacemaker required
WPW, inhibit AV nodal conduction  o For recurrent or refractory Afib, or do not
increased conduction in aberrant pathway tolerate pharmacology
 risk of VTach and VFib)  Left atrial appendage ligation or occlusion:
o Continued after restore sinus rhythm to excludes LAA from circulation, removing it as
prevent recurrence source of thrombi
 2) anticoagulation therapy
o AF < 48 hours, only low risk (CHA2DS2- CEREBRAL PALSY
VASc score 0 men, 1 women) can consider
anticoagulation and long-term not required
 Heterogeneous group of disorders affecting muscle
o AF > 48 hours or unknown duration tone and development of movement/posture
predisposes to thrombus formation 
indicates anticoagulation for at least 3  Non-progressive damage to brain in utero or during
weeks prior to cardioversion infantile development up to age of 3 years
o Alternatively, transesophageal echo to  If damage to cortex/pyramidal tract: spastic
evaluate presence of thrombus; visualizes o Spastic paresis in one or more limbs, 75%
atria and left atrial appendage (hotspots)  If damage to extrapyramidal tracts (e.g. basal
ganglia, cerebellum): non-spastic
o Dyskinetic: abnormal involuntary  Antispasmodics: botulinum toxin, baclofen,
movements benzodiazepines
o Ataxic: intention tremor, lack of balance  Anticholinergics: rigidity and sialorrhea
and coordination  Anticonvulsants
 Most common motor disability in children  Orthopedic to treat scoliosis, relieve contractures
 2/1,000 live births in developed countries  Neurosurgical management of spasms
 Most commonly idiopathic ADVANCE CARE PLANNING
 Risk factors:  Advance care planning and goals of care
o Preterm birth and low birth weight, most discussions
important  Use of ACP information materials
o TORCH infection o Visual aid during conversation
o Perinatal asphyxia o Resource to take home and remind them
o Postnatal infection (e.g. meningitis, o Guide can assist to talk to loved ones
encephalitis)  1. Introduce ACP
o Intracranial hemorrhage o I want to provide you with the best care
o Kernicterus/chronic bilirubin possible and the care you want. We can
encephalopathy – deposit unconjugated plan your care together through something
bilirubin in basal ganglia and/or brain stem called advance care planning. Helps to
nuclei understand what healthcare options are best
CLINICAL FEATURES for you. Together we can decide how you
 All types want to be cared for. I would like to discuss
o Do not reach certain milestones it more; would that be OK?
o Intellectual disability (50%)  2. Explain ACP
o Seizure disorder (35-50%) o Process that helps people think and talk
o Joint contractures about goals for future healthcare should
 Spastic type they be unable to speak for themselves
o Initially hypotonia, then increased muscle o Helps people create plans for what type of
tone after 6-12 months care they want
o Increased deep tendon reflexes and o Gift to loved ones; less stress/anxiety if
persistence of primitive reflexes HCPs know what to do in case something
o Toe walking or equinus deformity happens
o Muscle weakness and/or atrophy o Advanced care planning is voluntary. I am
o Scissor gait due to spastic paraplegia of hip here to give information/answer
adductors questions/help with process
o Hearing or vision impairment o ACP is fluid. Can review on regular basis
 Non-spastic type on change over time
o Involuntary movements that worsen with  3. Explore patient’s current health condition
stress and disappear with sleep: o What concerns do you have about health?
 Chorea, athetosis, dystonia, ataxia o What do you know about your
o Dysarthria and dysphagia (pseudobulbar illness?/Please tell me about your illness
involvement)  Identify knowledge gaps, offer
DIAGNOSIS further information, discuss
 Mainly clinical treatments/expectations/outcomes
 Cranial U/S in early neonatal period: e.g. o Where do you see things going with your
intracereberal hemorrhage and/or hypoxic-ischemic illness?
injury, structural abnormalities  4. Explore patient’s values, goals, and beliefs
 MRI in older infants: detect causative lesion (e.g. o Please tell me what gives your life purpose
periventricular leukomalacia, congenital or meaning?
malformation, intracranial hemorrhage) o What are your biggest fears or worries?
TREATMENT o What beliefs are most important to you?
NONPHARMACOLOGICAL o Who or what helps you get through your
 Physical therapy: prevent muscle contractures difficult times in life?
 Occupational therapy: motor skill development  5. Explore patient’s past health experiences
 Speech therapy: communication skills o Do you know of anyone who has gone
 Orthotic devices (e.g. braces, splints, casts) and through something similar?
assistive devices (walkers, wheelchairs) o Have you ever thought about what kinds of
 Educational, nutritional, social, and psychological treatment you would want or not want if
support you were unable to speak for yourself?
PHARMACOLOGICAL o Are there situations where you would not
want life prolonging treatments?
 6. Clarify goals for life-sustaining preferences
o What do you understand of life support, life  Focus more on what can be done to meet goals for
prolonging treatments, and the ICU? care and to make life worth living rather than on
(replaces or supports critical bodily what you cannot do for them
functions; keep patients alive, not cure)  Praise them for steps they have taken toward
o Discuss benefits and burdens completing components of ACP
o Discuss potential health outcomes (e.g.  Non-verbal
cognitive impairment, coma) and relate ack o Try to look relaxed and unharried with
to values and goals open and relaxed posture
 7. Identify substitute decision-maker o Remove obstacles such as tables
o Most knowledge of patient’s healthcare o When appropriate, gently touch hand, arm,
wishes and who understands values/goals or shoulder to demonstrate you care
o Provincial/territorial legislation
 8. Encourage patient to communicate with SDM ANATOMY
and other loved ones  Two groups of organs:
o Stress that important to inform SDM and  GI or alimentary tract
communicate wishes with them and loved o Oral cavity  pharynx  esophagus 
ones on an ongoing basis stomach  duodenum, jejunum, ileum 
 9. Defining goals of care cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon,
o Medical care: curing or managing illness descending colon, sigmoid colon  rectum
but without use of resuscitative or life  anal canal  anus
support measures. Acute care or non- o State of tonus (sustained contraction)  5-
hospital location 7m in living, 7-9m in cadaver
o Comfort care: optimal symptom control  Accessory digestive organs
and QOL when cure or control is no longer o Teeth in physical breakdown
possible. Includes terminal care. o Tongue in chewing and swallowing
o Resuscitative care: curing or managing the o Salivary glands (parotid, sublingual,
patient’s condition. ICU care, attempted submandibular), liver, gallbladder, and
resuscitation, and intubation pancreas produce or store secretions for
o Goals of care designation form (if SDM not chemical digestion
with you), complements personal directive BASIC PROCESSES
(SDM)  Ingestion: taking foods and liquids into mouth
 10. Give green sleeve  Secretion: release of water, acid, buffers, and
o Document holder for patients enzymes into lumen of GI tract
o GCD order, advance care planning tracking  Motility: alternating contractions and relaxations of
record goals of care discussions, personal smooth muscles of tract mix food and secretions
directive, guardianship order and propel them toward anus
TIPS  Digestion: process of breaking down ingested food
 Focus on open-ended questions into small molecules that can be used by cells
o “What is important to you in your life right o Mechanical: teeth grinds, stomach and
now?” small intestines churn
o “How have you been feeling since the last  Food dissolved, mixed with
time we met?” enzymes
 Explore the meaning of ambiguous words and o Chemical: carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic
phrases acids split into smaller molecules by
o “What does __ look like to you” hydrolysis
o “What do you mean by __”  Absorption: movement of products of digestion
 “Some” is positive polarity item and will usually from lumen of GI tract in blood or lymph
encourage someone to answer ‘yes’ and elaborate o Substances not requiring digestion:
o Negative polarity will answer ‘no’: any, vitamins, ions, cholesterol, water
ever, at all, never  Defecation: wastes, indigestible or unabsorbed
 Friendly and comforting tone, with pauses to allow substances, bacteria, cells sloughed from tract lining
patient to reflect and ask questions leave anus as feces/stool
 Empathetic statements to validate LAYERS OF THE GI TRACT
 Acknowledge and support hopes whenever  GI tract has same 4-layered arrangement starting
possible; promise not outcomes but that HCPs will from lower esophagus
always be there to support and help  Deep to superficial: mucosa, submucosa,
 Minimize use of medical jargon and ask if they muscularis, serosa/adventitia
understand MUCOSA
 If goes off topic, allow to complete thought,  Composed of epithelium, lamina propria, and
acknowledge contribution, then gently redirect muscularis mucosae
conversation  Epithelium: simple columnar for secretion and
 Frequently paraphrase/summarize at end to assess absorption in stomach and intestines,
and reinforce mutual understanding nonkeratinized stratified squamous everywhere else
o Between epithelial are exocrine cells that  Intrinsic muscles (insert to
secrete mucus and fluid, and tongue’s connective tissue) alter
enteroendocrine that secrete hormones shape and size of tongue for speech
 Lamina propria: areolar connective containing and swallowing
blood and lymphatic vessels o Median septum extending entire length
o Contains majority of mucosa-associated o Upper and lateral surfaces covered with
lymphatic tissue (MALT) papillae, projections of lamina propria
 Muscularis mucosae: ensures all absorptive cells covered by stratified squamous
exposed to contents of lumen  Main contain taste buds
SUBMUCOSA  Some lack but have
 Areolar connective containing blood and lymphatic mechanoreceptors
vessels and submucosal plexus SALIVARY GLANDS
MUSCULARIS  Three major pairs: parotid (parotid duct),
 Skeletal muscle in: submandibular (submandibular duct), and
o Mouth, pharynx, superior and middle sublingual (lesser sublingual ducts)
esophagus for voluntary swallowing  Minor: labial (lips), buccal (cheeks), palatal
o External anal sphincter for voluntary (palate), lingual (tongue) glands
defecation  Acinus is ‘grape’ at end of branching duct system
 Smooth muscle everywhere else  Acinar cells produce initial saliva
o Inner sheet circular fibers  Passes through intercalated duct then striated duct
o Outer sheet longitudinal fibers  Ductal cells in striated which alter concentrations
 Between muscle layers is myenteric plexus of various electrolytes into final saliva
SEROSA/VISCERAL PERITONEUM  Myoepithelial cells in acini and intercalated
 Specific to parts in the abdominal cavity contract to eject saliva into mouth
 Simple squamous (mesothelium) and serous PHARYNX
membrane of areolar connective underneath  Skeletal muscle encased by mucosa
 Named adventitia in esophagus  Nasopharynx only in respiration
PLEXI  Both oropharynx and laryngopharynx also have
 Myenteric plexus between serosa and muscularis digestive functions  propel food into esophagus
 Submucosal plexus between muscularis and ESOPHAGUS
submucosa  Inferior end of laryngopharynx  mediastinum
PERITONEUM anterior to vertebrae  pierces diaphragm through
 Parietal peritoneum lines wall, visceral lines organs, esophageal hiatus
peritoneal cavity in between  Superior third skeletal, intermediate skeletal and
 Retroperitoneal organs only has peritoneum on smooth, inferior third smooth
anterior surfaces  Upper esophageal sphincter skeletal and controls
 Unlike pericardium and pleurae, peritoneum has food from pharynx to esophagus, prevents air
large folds weaving between viscera that 1) binds  Lower esophageal sphincter smooth and controls
and 2) blood vessels, lymphatic, nerve supply food from esophagus into stomach, prevents acid
o Greater and lesser omentum, falciform STOMACH
ligament, falciform ligament, mesentery,  Lesser curvature = concave medial border; greater
mesocolon curvature = convex lateral border
MOUTH OR ORAL/BUCCAL CAVITY  Cardia surrounds opening of esophagus into
 Cheeks: stomach
o Mucous membrane consisting of  Fundus superior and to left of body
nonkeratinized stratified squamous  Body inferior of fundus, central portion
o Buccinator muscles and connective tissue  Pyloric antrum connects to body, pyloric canal
between skin and mucous membranes leads to pylorus, which connects to duodenum via
 Lips: the smooth muscle pyloric sphincter
o Similar layers as cheeks but has orbicularis  Differences in motility:
oris muscle o Orad proximal and thin walled
o Muscles together keep food between teeth o Caudad distal and thick walled to generate
while chewing and assist in speech stronger contractions
o Hard palate in anterior, soft palate in  Gastric pit  epithelial cells extend into lamina
posterior roof of mouth propria  gastric glands  muscularis mucosae
o Possible to eat and breathe simultaneously  Three kinds of exocrine gland cells:
 Tongue: o Mucous neck cells secrete mucous, HCO3-
o Skeletal muscle covered by mucosa o Parietal cells produce intrinsic factor (for
 Extrinsic muscles (attach to bones) vit B12 absorption) and HCl
move tongue side to side and in and o Chief cells secrete pepsinogen and gastric
out for chewing, moving food lipase
 Similar configuration but deeper pits, in antrum  Zone 3 farthest (last to show
 Mucous neck cells secrete mucous, HCO3- impaired circulation, first to show
 Enteroendocrine cell G cell secretes gastrin not into fat accumulation)
pyloric ducts but circulation BLOOD SUPPLY
PANCREAS  Receives blood from 1) oxygenated hepatic artery
 Head near curve of duodenum, central body, tail and 2) deoxygenated hepatic portal vein with
 Pancreatic duct combines with common bile duct newly absorbed nutrients, drugs, toxins
 hepatopancreatic ampulla surrounded by o 2) comes from spleen, stomach, pancreas,
sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla  major small intestine, and colon
duodenal papilla  1) and 2) drain into sinusoids  central vein 
 Accessory duct directly into duodenum superior to hepatic vein  IVC
hepatopancreatic ampulla GALLBLADDER
EXOCRINE GLANDS (99%)  Pear-shaped sac in depression of posterior liver
 Organized similar to salivary glands  Consists, from inferior to superior: fundus, body,
 Unique that ductal cells extend into acinus as neck
centroacinar cells  Mucosa is simple columnar epithelium arranged in
o Both secrete HCO3- rugae resembling stomach
ENDOCRINE GLANDS (1%)  Contraction of smooth muscle fibers in muscular
 Islets of Langerhans coating ejects contents into cystic duct
LIVER  Innervated by phrenic so get radiation to shoulder
 Divided into right and left lobe by falciform SMALL INTESTINE
ligament, fold of mesentery  Epithelial layer:
 Left and right coronary ligaments are extensions o Absorptive cells contain enzymes that
of parietal peritoneum suspending liver from digest and microvilli that absorb
diaphragm o Goblet cells secrete mucous
 Ligamentum teres (round ligament) remnant of  Intestinal glands: deep crevices of epithelium
umbilical vein in free border of falciform o Paneth cells secrete lysozyme
HISTOLOGY (bactericidal) and can phagocytose
 Hepatocytes: specialized epithelial with 5-12 sides o Enteroendocrine cells (S, I, K)
 Hepatic laminae: plates of hepatocytes one cell  Secrete secretin, cholecystokinin,
thick, highly branched and irregular and GIP respectively
 Hepatic sinusoids: endothelial-lined vascular  Lamina propria:
spaces that border hepatic laminae o MALT
o Contains fixed phagocytes, stellate o Solitary lymphatic nodules, groups called
reticuloendothelial cells, which destroy aggregated lymphatic follicles, abundant in
WBC and RBCs, bacteria, other foreign ileum
 Bile canaliculi: small ducts in the grooves between  Submucosa:
adjacent hepatocytes o Duodenal glands secrete alkaline mucous
o  bile ductule  bile duct  right and left ORGANIZATION
hepatic ducts  common hepatic duct +  Circular folds are folds of mucosa and submucosa
cystic duct  common bile duct that end in midportion ileum
 Portal triad: bile duct, branch of hepatic artery, o Increases SA for absorption
branch of portal vein o Causes chyme to spiral
ORGANIZATION  Villi are fingerlike projections of mucosa
 Hepatic lobule: centre is central vein, sinusoids o Embedded within are arteriole, venule, and
radiate outwards, three corners portal triad blood capillary network, and lacteal
o Difficult to see in human liver  Microvilli on absorptive by 20-30 actin filaments
 Portal lobule: portal triad is centre, triangle o Create fuzzy line brush border on
connecting three central veins microscope
 Hepatic acinus: preferred functional/structural unit LARGE INTESTINE
o Short axis by portal triad of hepatic lobule  Attached to posterior abdominal wall by
o Long axis by curves between central veins mesocolon, double layer of peritoneum
o Divided into zones with no sharp  Joins small intestine at smooth muscle sphincter
boundaries: ileocecal sphincter  cecum (attached is
 Zone 1 closest to portal triad (first appendix)  colon  rectum  anal canal with
to receive nutrients, first to take up internal (involuntary) and external anal sphincter
glucose or break down glycogen, (voluntary)
first to show morphological  Ascending colon  right colic (hepatic) flexure 
changes to obstruction or toxin, last transverse colon  left colic (splenic flexure) 
to die, first to regenerate) descending colon  sigmoid colon
 Zone 2 middle (intermediate) o Ascending/descending are retroperitoneal;
transverse/sigmoid not
 Anal canal mucosa arranged in anal columns
 Epithelium:  Frequency changes based on part, stomach lowest
o Long tubular crypts of Lieberkuhn contain (3/min) and duodenum highest (12/min)
absorptive (water) and goblet cells  Interstitial cells of Cajal are pacemakers
(mucous) CHEWING
o Absorptive cells have microvilli  1) Mixes food with saliva to lubricate
 Lamina propria:  2) Reduces size of food to facilitate swallowing
o Solitary lymphatic nodules  3) Mixes carbohydrates with salivary amylase
 Muscularis  Both voluntary and involuntary components
o Unique to large intestine, portions of SWALLOWING
longitudinal muscles are thickened, forming  Initiated voluntarily but thereafter involuntary
three bands called teniae coli  Somatosensory receptors in pharynx  vagus and
 Separated by less or no longitudinal glossopharyngeal nerves  medullary swallowing
muscle centre  striated muscle in pharynx/upper
o Attached to teniae coli are pouches of esophagus
visceral peritoneum filled with fat, omental  A. Oral phase
(fatty) appendices o Tongue forces bolus of food toward
o Tonic contractions of teniae coli gather pharynx
colon into pouches called haustra  B. Pharyngeal phase
IMMUNITY o Soft palate upward, epiglottis closes, upper
 Lipopolysaccharide from bacteria and Th2 esophageal sphincter relaxes
cytokines are goblet cell stimulants o Peristaltic wave of contraction propels food
 Mucous is physical barrier to motility and feeding into esophagus
of pathogens  C. Esophageal phase
 IgA in mucous can trap invading bacteria o Swallowing reflex closes sphincter and
 Defensins, both a- and B-, kills wide spectrum of sends another peristaltic wave down
pathogens in vitro esophagus
 Tissue-resident macrophages, eosinophils, mast o If primary wave does not clear food,
cells can phagocytose, release toxic + inflammatory secondary peristaltic wave initiated by
mediators such as N radicals and histamine continued distention of esophagus (enteric)
 Pathogen recognition receptors normally ESOPHAGEAL MOTILITY
expressed on basal side of epithelium or  Sequential contractions create area of high pressure
intracellularly to avoid activation by normal flora behind bolus, pushing it continuously
o TLR and NOD families  At lower esophageal sphincter:
o Initiates powerful inflammatory response o Peptidergic fibers in vagus nerve release
MOTILITY VIP which produces relaxation of sphincter
 Contraction and relaxation of walls and sphincters and receptive relaxation of stomach
o Grinds, mixes, and moves food GASTRIC MOTILITY
 All contractile tissue in GI tract except pharynx,  1) relaxation of orad region to receive bolus
upper third of esophagus, and external anal  2) contractions reduce size of bolus and mix with
sphincter, which are striated, is smooth gastric secretions
o Unitary smooth muscle  electrically o Wave of contraction begin in middle of
coupled via gap junctions body and move distally along caudad
 Circular smooth muscle decreases diameter  3) gastric emptying propels chyme into duodenum
 Longitudinal smooth muscle decreases length o Retropulsion: but most propelled
 Plastic contractions: periodic contractions backward because contraction closes the
followed by relaxation (action potentials) pylorus
o Esophagus, gastric antrum, and small  Contracts 3-5 times per minute because 3-5 slow
intestine waves per minute:
 Tonic contractions: constant level of tone without o Parasympathetic by gastrin and motilin
regular periods of relaxation (subthreshold slow increase frequency  stronger contractions
waves produce weak contraction) o Sympathetic by secretin and GIP decrease
o Upper region of stomach, lower frequency  weaker contractions
esophageal, ileocecal, and internal anal  Migrating myoelectric complexes are 90min
sphincters interval gastric contractions mediated by motilin
SLOW WAVES during fasting that clears stomach of residue
 Not action potentials GASTRIC EMPTYING
 Oscillating depolarization and repolarization of  Rate closely regulated for neutralization of gastric
membrane potential of smooth muscle cells H+ in duodenum and digestion and absorption
o Depolarize: Ca channels inward  Inhibited by:
o Repolarize: K channels outward o Fat in duodenum causes secretion of CCK
 If at peak the membrane potential depolarized to o H+ in duodenum via enteric nervous
threshold, group of action potentials generated system
 ~12 slow waves/min in duodenum, ~9 in ileum motility of colon (increased frequency of mass
o Parasympathetic by vagus increases movements)
contraction (ACh, peptidergic: VIP, DEFECATION
enkephalins, motilin)  Rectum fills and distended  sensory nerve
o Sympathetic by fibers from celiac and impulses to sacral spinal cord  motor impulses
superior mesenteric ganglia decreases along parasympathetic to desc/sigmoid colon,
 Migrating myoelectric complex clears residual rectum, anus  contraction of longitudinal rectal
chyme muscles shortens rectum and increases pressure
 Two types of contractions coordinated by enteric inside  pressure, contractions of abdominal
NS muscles, and parasympathetic opens internal anal
 Mix chyme and expose to mucosa for absorption o Rectosphincteric reflex
 Section of small intestine contracts, splitting chyme  If external anal sphincter not relaxed  feces back
 Then relaxes, merging bolus back together up into sigmoid colon until next mass peristalsis
PERISTALTIC CONTRACTIONS  Urge to defecate when rectum 25% filled
 Propel chyme toward large intestine  Intra-abdominal pressure created for defecation can
 Simultaneously contraction at point orad to (behind) be increased by Valsalva maneuver (expiring
chyme and relaxation at point caudad to (in front against a closed glottis)
 Circular and longitudinal reciprocally innervated  Addition of fluids, enzymes, and mucous to lumen
o Orad: circular contracts, longitudinal by salivary glands, gastric mucosa, pancreas, liver
o Caudad: circular relaxes, longitudinal  Composition of saliva:
contracts o Initial approximately same electrolyte
 Peristalsis: bolus sensed by ECL cells of intestinal composition as plasma and isotonic
mucosa  release 5-HT  5-HT binds to receptors o Ductal cells have Na-H, Cl-HCO3, and H-K
in primary afferent neurons  initiate peristaltic transporters on luminal  net absorption
reflex in that segment  orad excitatory of Na, Cl and excretion of K, HCO3- but
transmitters (ACh, substance P, neuropeptide Y) impermeable to water
released in circular muscle, inhibited in longitudinal o Final is hypotonic, composed of -amylase,
muscle, caudad inhibitory pathways (VIP, NO) lingual lipase, kallikrein, mucous, mucin
activated in circular but excitatory in longitudinal glycoproteins, IgA, and electrolytes
VOMITING o At higher flow rates, less time in contact
 Vomiting centre in medulla receives input from with ductal cells, most like plasma
vestibular system, back of throat, GI tract, and  Functions:
chemoreceptor trigger zone in fourth ventricle o 1) Initial digestion of starches and lipids
LARGE INTESTINE o 2) Dilution and buffering of ingested foods
GASTROILEAL REFLEX o 3) Lubrication to aid movement
 Immediately after meal intensifies peristalsis in  Kallikrein cleaves HMW kininogen
ileum and forces chyme into cecum to bradykinin  local vasodilation
 Gastrin also relaxes sphincter  high blood flow
MOVEMENTS  Regulation:
 Segmentation contractions/haustral churning: o Exclusively neural without hormonal
o In cecum and proximal colon control
o Haustra remain relaxed  become o Both sympathetic and parasympathetic
distended  once threshold, contract and stimulates saliva production and secretion
squeeze into next haustrum GASTRIC SECRETION
 Mostly churning, less advancement  Composition of gastric juice:
 Peristalsis: o HCl, pepsinogen, intrinsic factor, mucous
o 3-12 contractions per minute  Functions:
 Mass movements: o 1) initiate process of protein digestion
o Strong peristaltic wave that begins in o 2) absorption of vit B12 in ileum
middle of transverse colon and quickly o 3) protect from corrosive HCl and lubricate
drives contents of colon into rectum, where gastric contents
stored until defecation HCl SECRETION MECHANISM
o 1-3 times/day  Apical: H-K ATPase and Cl- channels
o Water absorption in distal colon makes  Basolateral: Na-K ATPase and Cl-HCO3
fecal contents of large intestine semisolid exchangers
and difficult to move  1. Intracellular CO2 from aerobic metabolism
GASTROCOLIC REFLEX combines with H2O to form H2CO3 which
 Distention of stomach  parasympathetic nervous dissociates into H+ and HCO3-
system  CCK and gastrin release  increased  2. Apical, H+ secreted into lumen against
electrochemical gradient and Cl- diffuses
 3. Basolateral, HCO3- exits into blood and Cl- enters PANCREATIC SECRETION
SUBSTANCES THAT ALTER HCl SECRETION  ~1L into duodenum per day
 Histamine:  Aqueous component high in HCO3- (neutralize) and
o Released from ECL cells in gastric mucosa enzymatic component (digestion of macro)
o Binds to H2 receptors on parietal cells  Gs  Formation of enzymatic:
 AC  cAMP  PKA  secretion of o Acinar cells: synthesized on RER  Golgi
H+ complex  condensing vacuoles 
o Cimetidine blocks H2 receptors zymogen granules until stimulus triggers
 ACh: secretion  apical membrane via
o Released from vagus nerves cytoskeletal network  fusion and release
o Binds to muscarinic (M3) receptors on o Amylases and lipases secreted as active
parietal cells  Gq  phospholipase C  forms, proteases in inactive
diacylglycerol, IP3 from membrane  Formation of aqueous:
phospholipids  diacylglycerol and Ca2+ o Initial secretion by ductal and centroacinar
from intracellular stores activate protein followed by modification in ductal
kinases  secretion of H+  Cl-HCO3- exchanger in apical
 Also stimulates ECL cells (indirect)  Na-H exchanger in basolateral
o Atropine blocks muscarinic receptors  Net: secretion of HCO3, absorption
 Gastrin: of H, so pancreatic venous acidic
o Released by G cells (endocrine mechanism o Isotonic containing Na, Cl, K, HCO3-
instead of paracrine like histamine)  Only Cl and HCO3- vary with flow
o Binds to cholecystokinin B (CCKB) rate due to exchanger
receptors on parietal cells  IP3/Ca2+  Higher = more HCO3-, less Cl-
system  Regulation:
 Also stimulates ECL cells (indirect) o Sympathetic by postganglionic from celiac
o Gastrin release triggered by distention of and superior mesenteric plexuses
stomach, presence of small peptides and o Parasympathetic by vagus which synapse in
amino acids, and stimulation of vagus enteric NS and postanganglionic on
nerves pancreas
 Potentiation because of relationships between o Sympathetic decreases, parasympthateic
substances  consequences for drugs except increases secretion
omeprazole, which counteracts H-K ATPase STIMULATION OF PANCREATIC SECRETION
 Vagal stimulation both ACh on parietal and GRP  Cephalic phase:
on G cells  atropine will block direct effect but o Same stimuli and mediated by vagus nerve
not indirect gastrin-mediated effect o Mainly enzymatic secretion
 Three phases: o Distention of stomach and vagus nerve
 Cephalic phase: ~30% total HCl o Mainly enzymatic secretion
o Stimuli: smelling, tasting, chewing,  Intestinal phase: ~80%
swallowing, and conditioned reflexes in o Both enzymatic and aqueous secretions
anticipation of food stimulated
o Mechanisms: direct (ACh) and indirect o Acinar cells (enzymatic): CCKA and
(GRP) stimulation by vagus nerve muscarinic (ACh) receptors
 Gastric phase: ~60% total HCl  Amino acids, small peptides, FAs
o Stimuli: distention of stomach, presence of  I cells secrete CCK  CCK on
breakdown products of protein (amino acinar via IP3/Ca  enzymes
acids and small peptides)  ACh stimulates potentiates
o Mechanisms: distention  vagus effects | o Ductal (aqueous): CCK, ACh, and secretin
distention of antrum  local reflex  receptors
gastrin release | protein products stimulate  H+  S cells secrete secretin 
G cells secretin on ductal via cAMP 
 Intestinal phase: ~10% aqueous secretion
o Mediated by protein products  ACh, CCK potentiates
 When food moves to small intestine  less  Presence of fat in distal small intestine signals
buffering  lower pH  inhibits gastrin secretion intestinal phase concluding
 Somatostatin is major inhibitory mechanism:  Inhibitors peptide YY secreted by endocrine of
o Released by D cells ileum and somatostatin
o Direct: receptors on parietal cells and Gi LIVER AND GALLBLADDER PHYSIOLOGY
protein to counteract histamine LIVER
o Indirect: inhibit histamine and gastrin  1) processing of absorbed substances
release  2) synthesis and secretion of bile acids
 Prostaglandins inhibit via Gi on parietal cells  3) bilirubin production and excretion
o Hemoglobin degraded by RES  biliverdin o Phase II: conjugate with glucuronide,
byproduct (green)  bilirubin (yellow)  sulfate, amino acids, or glutathione
bound to albumin in circulation  taken up BILIARY SYSTEM
by hepatocytes  conjugated with  1. Hepatocytes continuously synthesize and secrete
glucuronic acid by UDP-glucuronyl constituents of bile
transferase in hepatic microsomes   2. Flows through cystic duct and
now water soluble  excreted in urine and stored/concentrated in gallbladder
secreted into bile  3. Contraction of gallbladder secretes bile through
o Conjugated bilirubin in bile  terminal hepatopancreatic ampulla
ileum and colon  deconjugated by  4. Bile salts emulsify lipids and solubilize products
bacterial enzymes  metabolized to of lipid digestion in micelles
urobilinogen  5. Bile salts recirculated to liver via enterohepatic
 Some absorbed by enterohepatic circulation
circulation and delivered to liver, o Na-bile salt cotransporters
some to systemic and kidney o Mostly at ileum so high bile salt
 Remainder converted to urobilin concentrations throughout small intestine
(urine) and stercobilin (feces)  6. Bile salts extracted from portal vein by
o Jaundice: yellow discoloration of skin or hepatocytes to bile salt/acid pool
sclera due to accumulation of free or o Liver must replace only the small
conjugated bilirubin percentage of bile salt excreted in feces
 Increased destruction of RBCs,  Fecal loss is about 600mg/day out
obstruction of bile ducts, liver of total bile salt pool of 2.5g
disease o Negative feedback mechanism with bile
 Conjugated bilirubin, if cannot go salts inhibiting RLS cholesterol 7a-
into bile (clay stool), goes into hydroxylase
urine (dark) and blood (jaundice)
 7. Choleretic effect: recirculation of bile salts to
 4) metabolism of key nutrients liver stimulates biliary secretion
o Carbohydrates: GNG, converts to BILE SALTS (50%)
glycogen and triglycerides, releases stored  Hepatocytes: cholesterol  7a-hydroxylase 
glucose when needed, convert certain aa, cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid (primary bile
lactic acid, and other monosaccharides to acids)
 Intestinal bacteria: cholic and chenodeoxycholic 
o Proteins: synthesizes nonessential aa, 7a-dehydroxylase  deoxycholic and lithocholic
deaminates aa so can be used for ATP acid (secondary bile acids)
production or converted to carbohydrates or
fats, converts ammonia (byproduct of  Hepatocytes: conjugates bile acids w/ aa glycine or
catabolism) to urea in urine taurine  eight bile salts (e.g. glycocholic acid)
o Lipids: FA oxidation, synthesizes o Primary bile salts have more hydroxyl
lipoproteins (transport FAs, TGs, and groups and better at solubilizing lipids
cholesterol to and from body cells), store  Solubility:
some TGs, synthesize cholesterol, use o Bile acids pKa~7, bile salts pKa~1-4
cholesterol to make bile salts o At duodenal pH 3-5, bile acids HA while
 5) synthesize proteins bile salts ionized A-  more soluble
o Synthesize almost all plasma proteins  Amphipathic:
including albumin, clotting factors o Bile salts have hydrophilic and
 6) storage hydrophobic
o Primary storage site for certain vitamins (A,  Functions:
B12, D, E, K) and minerals (iron and o Emulsify lipids: negatively charged bile
copper) lipids surround lipids but repel each other,
 7) activation of vitamin D causing droplets to disperse rather than
o Involved in synthesis of active vitamin D coalesce
 8) detoxification and excretion of waste products o Micelles: inner products of lipid digestion
o ‘First pass metabolism’ so little substances are dissolved in aqueous intestinal lumen
make into systemic circulation PHOSPHOLIPIDS AND CHOLESTEROL (40% AND
o Eg) bacteria phagocytized by hepatic
Kupffer cells (in addition to aged RBCs and  Phospholipids are amphipathic and line micelles
WBCs)  Cholesterol included in micelles
o Eg) enzymes modify endogenous and BILIRUBIN (2%)
exogenous toxins to render water soluble  Major bile pigment
and capable of being excreted in bile or  Liver conjugates to bilirubin glucuronide, secreted
urine into bile and gives yellow colour
o Phase I reactions: catalyzed by IONS AND WATER
cytochrome P450  Secreted by epithelial cells lining bile ducts
 Secretory mechanisms same as pancreatic ductal, o Trypsinogen activated to trypsin by brush
and also stimulated by secretin border enzyme, enterokinase
GALLBLADDER o Trypsin converts more trypsinogen,
 1) Storing bile chymotrypsinogen, proelastase,
o Smooth muscle relaxes and sphincter of procarboxypeptidase A and B to active
Oddi is closed o Pancreatic proteases degrade each other and
 2) Concentrating bile absorbed with dietary proteins
o Epithelial cells of gallbladder absorb ions ABSORPTION:
and water in isosmotic fashion similar to  Free amino acids:
PCT o Na-dependent luminal cotransport followed
 3) Ejecting bile into small intestine by facilitated diffusion into blood
o Begins within 30 minutes of ingestion (analogous)
o Major stimulus is CCK, 1) contracts o Four separate carriers for neutral, acidic,
gallbladder and 2) relaxes sphincter of Oddi basic, and imino amino acids
o Pulsatile spurts because rhythmic  Dipeptides and tripeptides:
contractions of duodenum (when relaxed, o H-dependent luminal cotransport, faster
duodenal pressure is lower) than amino acids
DIGESTION & ABSORPTION OF MACRONUTRIENTS o Cytoplasmic peptidases hydrolyze to amino
CARBOHYDRATES acids then facilitated diffusion into blood
 Only monosaccharides are absorbed so must digest DIGESTION:
carbs to glucose, galactose, and fructose  Stomach:
 -amylase (salivary and pancreatic) hydrolyze 1,4- o Mixing breaks lipids into droplets to
glycosidic bonds increase SA for pancreatic enzymes
o Starch  maltose, maltotriose, -limit o Lingual lipases digest minority of TG to
dextrins monoglycerides and FAs
 Maltase, -dextrinase, and sucrase (intestinal o CCK slows gastric emptying  adequate
brush border) then hydrolyze oligosaccharides  time for digestion/absorption in intestine
glucose  Small intestine:
 Lactase, trehalase, sucrase hydrolyze o Bile acids emulsify lipids to increase SA
disaccharides  monosaccharides AND solubilize hydrophobic products of
o Lactose  lactase  glucose and galactose digestion into micelles
o Sucrose  sucrase  glucose and fructose o Pancreatic lipases hydrolyze lipids to FAs,
o Trehalose  trehalase  glucose monoglycerides, cholesterol, lysolecithin
ABSORPTION:  Pancreatic lipase, cholesterol ester
 Glucose and galactose hydrolase, phospholipase A2
o Na-dependent cotransport (SGLT1) in ABSORPTION:
intestinal luminal membrane  1. Micelles bring products into contact with
 Sugar uphill, Na downhill intestinal surface
 Na gradient maintained by Na-K  2. FAs, monoglycerides, cholesterol diffuse into
pump in basolateral membrane cell
o Then facilitated diffusion (GLUT2) into o Glycerol is hydrophilic, not in micelles
blood  3. Products of lipid digestion reesterified to TGs,
 Fructose cholesterol ester, and phospholipids
o Transported exclusively by facilitated  4. Form chylomicrons with apoproteins
diffusion, so cannot be absorbed against  5. Chylomicrons transported out of intestinal cells
concentration gradient by exocytosis
PROTEINS  6. Enter lacteal because too big for capillaries 
DIGESTION: lymph vessels  thoracic duct  blood
 Can absorb amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides ENERGY METABOLISM
 Endopeptidases hydrolyze interior peptide bonds  Energy required for maintenance of ionic and
 Exopeptidases hydrolyze one aa at a time from C- osmotic gradients, cell transport, nerve conduction,
terminus of peptides intermediary metabolism, biosynthesis, heat
 Pepsin (endo): generation, and performance of mechanical work
o Secreted as pepsinogen by chief cells of  Supply largely from mitochondrial production of
stomach and activated by H+ from parietal high-energy phosphate bonds generated by
o Optimal pH 1-3, denatured when >5 oxidation of fat, carbohydrate, and protein
o HCO3- in pancreatic fluids of duodenum  1. Hydrolysis of carbohydrates  simple sugars,
inactivates pepsin fats  fatty acids and glycerol, proteins  amino
 Pancreatic proteases: acids
o Secreted in inactive forms and activated in  2. Used immediately or stored endogenously
sequence in small intestine o Largest source of endogenous energy is TG
in adipose tissue  high energy density
o Glycogen, the other largest source, in liver o Antagonized by palmitoyl-CoA, end
and muscle tissue as a gel  less dense product
 3. Most of these small molecules converted to CARBOHYDRATES
acetyl unit of acetyl-CoA  Definition: contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen atoms
o Many amino acids enter citric acid cycle as  Metabolism: undergo hydrolysis to yield glucose,
α-ketoglutarate or oxaloacetate instead other simple sugars, and short-chain FAs
 4. Citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation o Some cells, such as RBCs, WBCs, renal
o As acetyl-CoA oxidized, reduced NADH medulla, eye tissues, peripheral nerve
and FADH2 transfer electrons to respiratory tissue, cannot perform citric acid cycle so
chain in inner mitochondrial membrane requires glucose for anaerobic glycolysis
o Transfer of electrons down electron  Glucose can be stored as glycogen or fat, glycogen
transport chain coupled to generation of in skeletal muscle for itself, in liver for rest of body
ATP  Glycolysis is conversion of glucose to pyruvate that
MEASURING ENERGY generates ATP but does not require oxygen
 Portion of energy produced is dissipated as heat o Only 2 ATPs /glucose vs. 36 ATPs in
 One kcal, or 4.184 kilojoules, is amount of heat Krebs
required to raise temperature of 1kg of water by 1C  Hepatic glycogenolysis most endogenous glucose
 Direct calorimetry: transfer of heat from body to production, hepatic gluconeogenesis from lactate,
water in chambers or suits glycerol, and most amino acids (principally alanine)
 Indirect calorimetry: measure CO2 production and ABSORPTION OF NON-MACRONUTRIENTS
O2 consumption VITAMINS
PROTEINS  Coenzymes or cofactors not synthesized in body
 Definition: amino acids joined by peptide bonds FAT-SOLUBLE (A, D, E, K)
 Essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine,  Processed same as lipids
lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,  Micelles  diffuse across apical membranes 
tryptophan, valine, possibly arginine incorporated into chylomicrons  lymph
 Metabolism: >75% of aa from protein breakdown WATER-SOLUBLE
reused for synthesis of new proteins (also glucose,  In most cases Na-dependent cotransport
ketone bodies, FAs), remaining oxidized  Exception is vitamin B12
 Liver is main site of catabolism for essential amino o Released from foods by pepsin in stomach
acids with exception of branched-chain aa  binds to R proteins from salivary juices
 Branched-chain aa leucine, isoleucine, valine taken  proteases degrade R proteins in
up by skeletal muscle, undergo transamination, duodenum, so B12 transferred to intrinsic
yielding alanine, glutamine, branched-chain keto factor  complex resistant to degradative
acids actions and travels to ileum for absorption
o Keto acids used as fuel CALCIUM
o Alanine and glutamine go to liver and  Dietary vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is inactive
intestine, respectively o Converted to another inactive form in liver,
LIPIDS which is primary circulating form
 Definition: soluble in organic solvents, include TG, o Activated by 1-hydroxylase in kidney
sterols, glycolipids, phospholipids, vitamins PCT
o In diet mostly TGs, saturated and  Induces synthesis of vitamin D-dependent Ca 2+-
unsaturated long-chain FAs binding protein (calbindin D-28K) in intestinal
 Essential fatty acids: those with n-3 double bond epithelial cells  promotes absorption of Ca2+
and n-6 double bond, e.g. linoleic and oleic acid IRON
 Metabolism: hormone-sensitive lipase in adipocytes  Absorbed either as free iron (Fe2+) or heme iron
hydrolyzes adipose tissue TG, lipoprotein lipase at (iron bound to hemoglobin or myoglobin) in
capillary endothelium hydrolyzes plasma TG duodenum
o Former releases free FAs into bloodstream, o Heme iron digested by lysosomal enzymes
latter releases free FAs for local tissue in absorptive cells to release free iron
uptake  Most non-heme iron bound to transferrin in plasma
 In mitochondria, FAs degraded by β-oxidation to o Transferrin transfers iron from enterocytes
acetyl-CoA and storage pools (macrophages of RES
 Ketone bodies produced by partial oxidation of FAs and hepatocytes) to RBC precursors in BM
in liver increases with rate of FA production >>>  Hepcidin is hormone produced by hepatocytes
rate of FA oxidation, e.g. starvation or DM o Binds to iron exporter ferroportin on
o Ketone bodies cross BBB and spares duodenal enterocytes and RES cells 
glucose for other tissues induces degradation  diminished
 FA production by fatty acid synthase absorption of iron and trapping in RES 
o Acetyl-CoA carboxylase regulates rate- less in serum
limiting step, formation of malonyl-CoA o Increased in states of iron overload and
o Stimulated by citrate, abundant when ATP inflammation (anemia of chronic inflamm.)
and acetyl-CoA abundant
o Decreased in states where erythropoiesis K enters via Na-K ATPase and more
increased (e.g. hemolysis) or O2 tension secreted)
low  Basolateral:
 Storage o Na-K ATPase
o Ferritin: ferric iron complexed to  Other ions (e.g. chloride)
apoferritin (liver, spleen, bone marrow SECRETION
main ferritin storage sites)  By cells lining intestinal crypts
 Also an acute phase reactant  Apical:
o Hemosiderin: aggregates or crystals of o Cl- channel
ferritin with apoferritin partially removed  Basolateral:
(macrophage-monocyte system main o Na-K-2Cl- cotransporter bringing all into
storage) the cells
 Anemia would show low serum iron, low serum o Na-K ATPase
ferritin, high total iron binding capacity (indirect  **Na+ follows Cl- passively paracellular, and water
measure of total amount of transferrin in blood) follows NaCl
COLON  Normally Cl- channels closed
 Bacteria: o Open to substances such as ACh and VIP
o Ferment remaining carbohydrates  via cAMP
release H, CO2, methane gases o Normally excreted electrolytes and water
o Convert proteins  aa  indole, skatole, absorbed by intestinal villi, but when
HS, fatty acids maximally stimulated  diarrhea
o Produce some B vitamins and vitamin K
 Some indole and skatole eliminated in feces, some SEIZURE
absorbed and transported to liver where converted
to less toxic and excreted in urine
INTESTINAL FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE  Seizure: abnormal, unregulated electrical activity of
TRANSPORT cortical neurons that results in transient changes in
 Small and large absorb ~9L of fluid daily
o Provoked = non-epileptic
 Composed of ~2L diet and ~7L salivary, gastric,
pancreatic, biliary, and intestinal secretions o Unprovoked = epileptic
 100-200mL not absorbed excreted in feces  Epilepsy: chronic neurologic disorder with
 Permeability of tight junctions determines
whether fluid and electrolytes move para- or o 2 or more unprovoked seizures separated by
transcellularly more than 24 hours
o Tight junctions in small are leaky and o One unprovoked seizure with underlying
permit paracellular, but in large are tight predisposition to seizures (recurrence risk
ABSORPTION over 10 years similar to after 2 unprovoked)
 By cells lining villi
 Provoked seizure
 Absorbate always isosmotic, solute and water
absorption occur in proportion o Metabolic/electrolyte: hypo and
JEJUNUM hyperglycemia, hypo and hypernatremia,
hypocalcemia, uremia, thyroid storm,
 Identical to kidney PCT hyperthermia
 Apical: o Mass: brain tumors and metastases
o Na-monosaccharide and Na-amino acid o Withdrawal: ABBA (alcohol most common
cotransporters adults, barbiturates, antiseizure drugs)
o Na-H exchanger, H comes from carbonic o Intoxication:
anhydrase in cell
 Cocaine, ecstasy, CO poisoning
 Basolateral:  Amitriptyline, penicillin, lithium,
o Na-K ATPase antipsychotics
o HCO3- channel from carbonic anhydrase o Infections: encephalitis, meningitis, abscess
ILEUM o Ischemia: stroke, perinatal injuries, TBI
 Same as jejunum but additional Cl-HCO3- exchange o Increased ICP and cerebral edema:
in apical AND Cl instead of HCO3 transporter in
- -
eclampsia, hypertensive encephalopathy
o Fever in infants and children
 Net absorption of NaCl instead of NaHCO3 -
 Causes of provoked by age group
o TBI in all
 90% of water absorbed in small intestine
 Similar to principal cells of late DCT and collecting o Neonates: congenital, perinatal injury
 Apical: o Infants and children: fever, idiopathic,
infections, metabolic
o Na channel absorption
o Adolescents: illicit substance abuse
o K channel secretion
o Younger adults: alcohol withdrawal, illicit
o Aldosterone increases synthesis of Na substance abuse
channels and secondarily K secretion (more
o Older adults (>35): alcohol withdrawal,  If no discharges, consider
stroke or TIA, metabolic disorders, vascular pseudoseizures
encephalopathies o Interictal (between)
 Epilepsy  Normal findings, possibly show
o General increase in neuronal epileptiform activity
hyperexcitability  2. Exclude underlying condition
o Genetic mutations of ion channels or  ECG in ever patient with LOC to exclude
transmitter receptors cardiogenic causes (e.g. arrhythmia  cerebral
o Cryptogenic (idiopathic) hypoxia)
o Structural/metabolic: preexisting chronic  CT/MRI (with and without contrast) to rule out
cerebral lesion of CNS abnormality structural lesions after first seizure
(hypoxic-ischemic injury, PKU, tuberous o Always for focal, less concerned for
sclerosis) general tonic-clonic
o Triggers: excessive physical exertion, o Don’t have to do for absence
sleep deprivation, strobe light flashing, loud  Lab tests
music o Glucose, electrolytes, toxicology screen,
CLASSIFICATION renal and liver function tests, antiepileptic
 Anatomical origin drug levels
 Focal: one area  Lumbar puncture: if CNS infection suspected
o Aura: neurological symptoms that precede TREATMENT
migraine or seizure  Acute
o Clonic, involuntary, repetitive movements o Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ABC)
of contralateral limbs  Airway management
o Visual (hallucinations), somatic  Prevention of aspiration
(paraesthesia), position (vertigo), hearing o Avoid hazards
(complex sounds), olfactory (unusual or  Remove sharp objects within
intense smells) patient’s reach
o With or without impaired consciousness  First seizure
 Generalized: both hemispheres o Long-term not required unless status
o Classic tonic-clonic/grand-mal: LOC, epilepticus or abnormalities on EEG or
tonic phase (generalized muscle MRI
contractions), clonic phase (rhythmic o Remove cause or provoking factors
muscle twitching)  Recurrent seizures with cause that cannot be
o Clonic seizures: LOC, rhythmic jerking eliminated OR neuroimaging or EEG shows
motor movements findings after first seizure
o Tonic seizures: LOC, muscle contractions o Antiepileptic drugs raising lowered
o Myoclonic: brief LOC, sudden jerky threshold  decreased neuronal excitability
muscle twitching of muscles or group of o Focal first line: lamotrigine, levetiracetam,
muscles phenytoin, phenobarbital (children)
o Atonic seizures: brief LOC, sudden loss of o Tonic/clonic first line: lamotrigine,
muscle tone (~2 seconds) valproate, phenobarbital
o Absence (non-motor seizure): common in o Typical absence: ethosuximide (blocks
childhood. Brief LOC; blank stare, thalamic T-type Ca2+ channels), valproate
unresponsiveness can happen several o Atypical absence, myoclonic, atonic:
hundred times in day but 5-20 seconds valproate, lamotrigine, topiramate
 Status epilepticus: continuous seizure lasting ≥ 5  Combination therapy
min, or ≥ 2 repetitive, separate seizures with o Monotherapy should be maintained and
consciousness not fully regained in the interictal increased dosage before initiating
period combination
CLINICAL FEATURES o Combination should be different classes
 Ictal phase: sudden onset, rapid progression of and/or different modes of action
symptoms, 1-3 minutes  Nonpharmacologic if pharmacoresistance
 Postictal phase: residual neurologic symptoms, o Surgery: resection of pathological lesion,
varying degree of confusion and impaired alertness, disconnection of neuronal circuits
minutes to hours o Stimulation techniques: vagus nerve
DIAGNOSIS stimulation, deep brain stimulation
 1. Confirm seizure ANTICONVULSANT DRUGS
 History identifies aura or provocative factors  First-generation
 EEG o Valproate: inhibits GABA transaminase 
o Ictal (during) increased GABA  decreased neuronal
 Epileptiform discharges (spikes, excitability
sharp waves, spike waves, o Carbamezapine: Inactivates Na channels
o Ethosuximide: inhibits voltage-gated Ca o Hyperpigmented plaques on skin
channels (T-type) in thalamic neurons o Intertriginous sites (folds) classically back
o Phenytoin: inactivates Na channels of neck and axillae
o Phenobarbital: GABA agonist  increased o Associated with insulin resistance
GABA inhibitory action  Often seen in obesity, diabetes
o Benzodiazepine: indirect GABA agonist  o Rarely associated with malignancy: gastric
increased GABA inhibitory action adenocarcinoma most common
 Second-generation DIAGNOSIS
o Lamotrigine: inhibition of voltage-gated Na  1) Asymptomatic
channels  decreased glutamate release o Fasting blood glucose level (no food for 8
o Levetiracetam: blockage of SV2A receptor hours because will elevate after meal)
 GABA and/or glutamate release  <100mg/dL = normal
modulation and inhibition of voltage-gated  100-125 is prediabetes
Ca channels  >=126 is diabetes
o Gabapentin, pregabalin: inhibition of  2) Symptoms plus glucose >200mg/dL = diabetes
presynaptic Ca channels  decreased  3) Glucose tolerance test
intracellular Ca flow o Oral glucose load administered
o Topiramate: blockage of voltage-gated Na o Plasma glucose measured 1-3 hours later
channels, increased GABA o High glucose indicates DM
 Preventing seizures o Often used to screen for gestational DM
o Na channel inactivators  Some insulin resistance normal in
 Phenytoin, carbamazepine, pregnancy, so study response
lamotrigine, valproic acid  4) Hemoglobin A1c
o GABA activators o Small fraction of Hb is glycated
 Phenobarbital, tiagabine,  Glucose combines with a/b chains
vigabatrin, valproic acid o Subfraction HbA1c used in DM
o Other mechanisms  Non-enzymatic glycation of b-
 Gabapentin, topiramate, chains at amino-terminal valines
ethosuximide  Higher glucose = higher glycation
TREATMENT OF STATUS EPILEPTICUS o Reflects average glucose over past 3
 First-line: benzodiazepines (lorazepam) months (RBCs survive around 3 months)
o Bind to GABA-receptor (chloride channel  Normal <5.7%
 hyperpolarization  less firing)  Prediabetes 5.7-6.4%
o Enhances inhibitory effect of GABA by  Diabetes >=6.5%
increasing frequency of opening of channel o Sometimes diagnosis but important for
 Second-line: phenytoin monitoring therapy
o Inactivates Na channels  Higher value = worse control and
o Many side effects: gingival hyperplasia, need to adjust medication
hair growth, rash TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS
 Third-line: phenobarbital (barbituates)  Autoimmune, type IV hypersensitivity disorder
o Binds to GABA-receptor (chloride channel)  Etiology:
o Enhances inhibitory effect of GABA by o Associated with HLA-DR3 and HLA-DR4
increasing duration channel is open o Mostly a childhood disorder
 Then general anesthesia and intubate  Bimodal distribution
 Peaks at 4-6 and 10-14 years
DIABETES MELLITUS  Pathophysiology:
o T-cell mediated destruction of beta cells
 Chronic disorder of elevated blood glucose level  Inflammation of islets
 Due to insufficient insulin, response to insulin, both  Lymphocytes on biopsy
TERMINOLOGY (“insulitis”)
 Mellitus = sweet (urine was sweet)  Clinical presentation:
 Insipidus = lacking flavor (urine lacks flavor) o Often with symptomatic hyperglycemia
o Rare disorder of low ADH activity (polyuria, polydipsia, glucosuria)
 Different mechanisms but both polyuria, polydipsia o Commonly presents as DKA
CLINICAL PRESENTATION o Autoantibodies may be present
 Often asymptomatic, esp. in early stages  Islet-cell and insulin antibodies
o “Silent killer”  basis for screening  Lifelong insulin treatment
o Often no symptoms until complications TYPE 2 DIABETES
 Classic hyperglycemia symptoms  Insulin resistance in muscle, adipose, liver
o Polyuria (osmotic diuresis from glucose)  Pancreas responds with increased insulin but
eventually pancreas can fail
o Polydipsia
o Insulin can be high or low depends on stage
 Acanthosis nigricans
 Epidemiology:
o Much more common than T1DM o Peripheral vascular disease: claudication,
o Common in adults and becoming more arterial ulcers, poor wound healing,
common in children gangrene
o Obesity is major risk factor  Example of diabetic microangiopathy
 Central or abdominal obesity  AGEs damage to glomerulus and arterioles 
carries greater risk ESKD
o Intra-abdominal (visceral fat) greater risk o Afferent arteriole: decreased renal blood
than subcutaneous fat flow and ischemia
 Visceral fat breakdown less o Efferent arteriole: hyperfiltration and
inhibited by insulin  more albuminuria
lipolysis if lots of visceral fat  o BM: glomerulosclerosis
more free FAs to be used as fuel   Decreased RBF, hyperfiltration
decreased glucose transport into contribute to glomerulosclerosis
cells  worse DM o All  renal failure
o “Apple” shape (more visceral fat) worse  Renal arterioles:
than “pear” shape (more subcutaneous fat) o Possible AGEs  crosslink collagen 
o Weight loss improves glucose levels hyaline arteriosclerosis (also seen in HTN)
o Family history  Thickening of arterioles
 Strong genetic component, stronger o Efferent rarely seen except DM
than T1DM  Proteinuria in diabetics:
 Any first degree relative w/T2DM: o Annual screening for albuminuria because
2-3x increased risk early indicator of kidney disease
 Histology: o Proteinuria is indication of ACE-I
o Amylin peptide normally made by beta  Possible dilation of efferent
cells  packaged and secreted with insulin arteriole  reduction in
 accumulates in islets in T2DM hyperfiltration  reduce
o Amyloid in pancreatic islets progression to ESRD
 Pathophysiology:  Glomerular BMs:
o Reason is unknown o Visible on EM
o Data suggest insulin receptor o AGEs  diffuse BM thickening  can
abnormalities mesangial (cells in matrix that surround
o FAs my activate serine-threonine kinases capillaries) proliferation 
 phosphorylate aa on beta chain of fibrosis/scarring
insulin receptors  inhibit tyrosine  Diffuse glomerulosclerosis:
phosphorylation o Deposits of proteins (collagen IV) diffuse
o Increased TNF-a may be synthesized by on BMs of glomerular capillary loops
adipocytes  activate S-T kinases o Also occurs with aging and hypertension
COMMON COMPLICATIONS o Severe  nephrotic syndrome
 Chronic hyperglycemia  cardiac disease, renal  Nodular glomerulosclerosis:
failure, neuropathy, blindness o Nodules form in periphery of glomerulus in
 Two key mechanisms: mesangium
o A) Non-enzymatic glycation: glucose o Rarely occurs outside of DM
added to aa groups on proteins (high o Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules hallmark
glucose drives)  Clinical presentation:
 Crosslinked proteins  ‘advanced o Often asymptomatic, foamy urine
glycosylation end products’
o Initially microalbuminura 
(AGEs) macroproteinuria and nephrotic syndrome
o B) Sorbital accumulation: polyol pathway  Treatment:
is glucose  aldose reductase  sorbitol
 sorbitol dehydrogenase  fructose o Antihypertensive: ACE inhibitors or ARBs
 Little activity at physiologic o Second-line can be added including
glucose diuretics or calcium channel blockers
 Chronic hyperglycemia  B) CATARACTS
increased sorbitol  osmotic  Sorbitol accumulates in lens  increased
damage osmolarity  fluid into lens  opacification
 Example of diabetic macroangiopathy  Sorbitol accumulates in Schwann cells (myelinating
 AGEs trap mLDL in large vessels and also glucose cells of peripheral nerves)  osmotic damage
increases formation of mLDL  atherosclerosis  Metformin also decreases absorption of vitamin
o Strokes/TIA B12 at terminal ileum
o CAD: angina, MI  Clinical presentation:
o Classically ‘stocking-glove’ sensory loss
 Longest axons affected most
 Often feet/legs o Macular edema
 Worse distally; better proximally  Symptoms:
o 1) loss of vibration sense, proprioception o Asymptomatic until very late stages
o 2) impairment of pain, light touch, temp. o Visual impairment and progression to
o Motor symptoms usually less significant blindness
o Autonomic neuropathy:  Treatment:
 Erectile dysfunction, urinary o Nonproliferative: focal photocoagulation
retention or incomplete emptying (corrects ischemic hypoxia), anti-VEGF
 Postural hypotension o Proliferative and severe nonproliferative:
 Delayed gastric emptying panretinal photocoagulation over numerous
(gastroparesis), nausea, abdominal appointments, vitrectomy if traction RD
bloating, loss of appetite and vitreal hemorrhage
 Pupillary dysfunction o Macular edema: same as nonproliferative
o Pain management with anticonvulsants DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS
(pregabalin, gabapentin, valproate) or  Life-threatening more common in T1DM
antidepressants (TCA, SNRI)  Often precipitated by infection/trauma
AB) DIABETIC FOOT DISEASE  Pathophysiology:
 Peripheral vascular disease (ischemia) + neuropathy o Requires low insulin (more common in T1)
can  ulcers, infection, amputation o Low insulin leads to high glucagon
o Cannot feel small cuts and poor blood flow o In trauma and infection, high EN
does not allow wounds to heal o Low insulin + high glucagon + high EN
o Maul perforans: painless ulcers over  increased glucose and lipolysis 
pressure points, heel or head of metatarsals increased ketone bodies  urine ketones
 Secondary infection may lead to and glucose
cellulitis and osteomyelitis  Increased glucose:
o Charcot foot: deformation of joints and o Polyuria  dehydration (low BP) and/or
bones, tarsus and tarsometatarsal common hypophosphatemia
 Acute inflammation
 Chronic painless bone deformities,  Ketone bodies:
midfoot collapse, osteolysis o Acetyl-CoA from FAs can normally
 Ulcer treatment: combine with oxaloacetate to become
o Surgical debridement  1) In low insulin/high EN,
o Wound management with wound dressing oxaloacetate driven toward glucose
o Mechanical offloading  2) FAs  NADH  favors
o Antibiotics if become infected conversion of oxaloacetate to
o Interventional or surgical revascularization malate
in patients with PAD  TCA stalls  increased acetyl-
o Amputation if all else fails or severe life- CoA  ketone production
threatening complications o One is acetone  fruity breath
AB) DIABETIC RETINOPATHY o Some ketone bodies acids  acidosis 
 Can cause blindness hyperkalemia and hypophosphatemia
 Pathophysiology:  Acidosis shifts phosphate to
o Capillary BM thickening (AGEs) extracellular fluid  phosphaturia
o Hyaline arteriosclerosis caused by osmotic diuresis
o Pericyte degeneration from osmotic  High EN and acidosis  slowed GI motility 
damage due to sorbitol accumulation abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
 Cells that wrap capillaries  Clinical presentation:
 Microaneurysms  rupture  o Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
hemorrhage o Dehydration, fruity smell
o Retinal ischemia  neovascularization o Hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia
 Ophthalmological findings: o Elevated plasma/urine ketones, glucosuria
o Microaneurysms, hemorrhages o AG metabolic acidosis  Kussmaul
o Exudates breathing
 Leakage proteins, lipids  Hyperventilating to blow off CO2
o Cotton-wool spots  Complications:
 Nerve infarctions o If phosphate becomes too low  loss of
 Occlusion of precapillary arterioles ATP  muscle weakness (resp. failure)
o Vessel proliferation (proliferative and heart failure (decreased contractility)
retinopathy) o Hyperkalemia  arrhythmias
 Retinal ischemia  new vessel o Cerebral edema (mechanism poorly
growth  damage retina understood but common cause of death)
 “Neovascularization” o Mucormycosis
 Caused by Rhizopus sp., Mucor sp. o Peak: 1 hour
 Starts in sinuses and spreads to o Duration: 2-4 hours
adjacent structures  Often used pre-meal
 Thrives in high glucose, REGULAR INSULIN
ketoacidosis  Synthetic analog of human insulin made by
 Patient with DKA in recovery recombinant DNA techniques
phase develops fever, headache, o Onset: 30 minutes
eye pain o Peak: 2-3 hours
 Treatment: o Duration: 3-6 hours
o Insulin lowers glucose and shifts K into  Only type given IV
cells o Regular and rapid-acting have same onset
o IV fluids treats dehydration when given IV; rapid only faster when SQ
o Careful monitor glucose  Commonly used in hospitalized patients
 Continue insulin until acidosis o Blood sugar elevated commonly with
resolves, so may need to add infection/surgery
o “Regular insulin sliding scale”: sliding
o Careful monitor K scale dose given based on finger stick blood
 Total body K is low despite sugar
hyperkalemia because lost in urine
 IV insulin also used in DKA/HHS and
 Insulin can lead to hypokalemia hyperkalemia (given with glucose)
 Usually need to administer K in IV
 Life-threatening more common in T2DM  Regular insulin combined with neutral protamine
 Pathophysiology:  Slows absorption
o Markedly elevated high glucose (can be o Peak: 4-8 hours
>1000)  diuresis  severe dehydration o Duration: 12-16 hours
o Differences from DKA:  Historical mainstay, been replaced by other types
 Few/no ketone bodies (insulin here) GLARGINE
so no acidosis either  Insulin with modified aa structure
 Very high serum osmolarity  o Soluble in acidic solution for dosing
CNS dysfunction o Precipitates at body pH after SQ
 Clinical presentation: o Insulin molecules slowly dissolve from
o Dehydration crystals
o Mental status changes: confusion, coma  Low, continuous level of insulin
 Treatment: o Onset: 1-1.5 hours
o Similar to DKA (insulin, IVF) o Duration: 11-24 hours
 Injected OD (“basal/background insulin”)
 Insulin with FA side chain
 Treated mainly with insulin o Aggregation in subcutaneous tissue
TYPES o Also binds reversibly to albumin
 All administered SQ at home  Slowed absorption but less continuous
 Vary by time to peak, peak effect, duration of o Onset: 1-2 hours
action o Duration: >12 hours
 Fast peak, short duration  slow peak, long  Injected OD or BID
duration: o May cause less weight gain
o Rapid acting insulin  regular insulin  INTEGRATED REGIMEN
NPH insulin  Detemir  Glargine  Used to be NPH with insulin
INSULIN HEXAMERS  Now OD glargine or detemir with rapid-acting at
 Insulin forms hexamers in body mealtimes
o Six linked together = stable structure SIDE EFFECT
 Activity relates to speed of absorption  Major of all insulin regimens is hypoglycemia:
o Hexamers  slower onset of action o Tremor, palpitations, sweating, anxiety 
o Monomers  faster onset of action pts will eat cookie/cracker/juice
INSULIN ANALOGS o Seizure, coma if severe
 Analogs do not contain human insulin molecules  Adjust dosages, frequency to 1) avoid low glucose
o Modified insulin structure but 2) maintain lowest possible HbA1c value
o Rapid-acting, detemir, glargine  *Always check blood sugar in unconscious
 Regular insulin, NPH contain human insulin patients because easily reversible cause
RAPID ACTING (PRANDIAL) INSULIN  Another major side effect is weight gain:
 AA-modified human insulin  Occurs in most patients because promotes FA and
 Aa mods reduce hexamer/polymer formation protein synthesis
o Onset: 15 minutes
T2DM TREATMENT  Insulin falls slightly in therapy
 Usually 1st line therapy in T2DM
 Initial: oral or SQ drugs that 1) boost amount of o Associated with weight loss
insulin production or 2) increase sensitivity o Rarely causes hypoglycemia unlike insulin
 Advanced: insulin required or sulfonylureas
LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS o Can be given to patients with advanced
 First line in non-severe newly diagnosed T2DM T2DM because not dependent on beta cells
 Blood glucose control  Adverse effects:
 Weight loss, exercise improves glucose levels o Most common GI upset:
o Usually 3-6 month trial if initial A1c not  Nausea, vomiting, sometimes
markedly increased metallic taste in mouth
 Blood pressure control o Rarely lactic acidosis: can be life-
 Improved lipid profile with statin therapy threatening
  exercise, smoking cessation, balanced diet and  Controversial mechanism
nutrition esp. high-fibre, self-management  Possibly because increase
education conversion of glucose to lactate 
ALGORITHM beneficial for lowering glucose 
 HbA1C target <7% (53 mmol/mol) but excess is LA
 If target not reached within 3 months with  Metformin not used in conditions that are always
conservative measures, go to next step associated with LA:
 1. Lifestyle modification o Renal insufficiency, liver disease or alcohol
 2. Monotherapy abuse, acute HF, hypoxia, serious acute
o Drug of choice is metformin illnesses
o If contraindicated, sulfonylurea o Not used in low GFR, held when patients
 3. Dual therapy acutely ill, held during IV contrasts which
o Metformin + can cause renal insufficiency
o Oral antidiabetic: dipeptidyl peptidase-4  Urea attached to sulfonyl moiety
inhibitor; sulfonylurea, thiazolidinedione,
meglitinides, SGLT-2 inhibitors, a-  Oral therapy
glucosidase inhibitors, amylin analogs  Bind to sulfonylurea receptor in beta cells  closes
o GLP1- receptor agonists ATP-dependent K+ channels  raises RMP 
depolarization  Ca2+ influx  release insulin
o Or basal insulin
o More sensitive to glucose/amino acids
 4. Triple therapy
o Increases insulin release “secretagogues”
 5. Combination injectable therapy
 Each generation more potent
o Metformin + basal insulin + mealtime
insulin or GLP-1 receptor agonist o Decreased usage  decreased side effects
SCREENING o 1st gen: tolbutamide, chlorpropamide,
 Regular monitoring of weight, abdominal tolazamide (not used anymore)
circumference, blood pressure, blood lipids, o 2nd gen: glyburide, glipizide
HbA1C, renal function o 3rd gen: glimepiride
 Yearly eye exam more frequently in patients with  Adverse effects:
abnormal findings o Hypoglycemia, so metformin preferred
 Annual urine testing for microalbuminuria  Glucagon falls
 Neuropathy: tuning fork (vibration goes first),  May occur w/ exercise/skip meals
pinprick and temperature assessment o Weight gain
 Foot exam for neuropathy and ulcers  Due to insulin release
ORAL/SQ ANTIDIABETIC AGENTS  Adverse effects of chlorpropamide:
BIGUANIDES (METFORMIN) o Flushing with alcohol consumption due to
 Many nitrogen molecules inhibition of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
 Oral therapy with unknown exact mechanism o Hyponatremia due to increased ADH
 Primarily decreases hepatic glucose production activity
 Lowers serum free FAs  decreases substrates for  No sulfur moiety so used in sulfa allergy
GNG, decreases TG, small decrease in LDL, small  Oral therapy
increase in HDL  Different chemical structure to sulfonylureas but
 Other effects similar mechanism
o Reduced glucose absorption from GI tract  Short acting, given prior to meals
o Direct stimulation of glycolysis in tissues  Adverse effect: hypoglycemia
 increased glucose uptake THIAZOLIDINEDIONES/GLITAZONES
o Reduced glucagon levels  Oral therapy all ending in glitazone
o  leads to increased insulin  Decreases insulin resistance
effect/sensitive.  Bind to peroxisomal proliferator activated receptor
(PPAR-y) in nucleus of adipose (highest), muscle,
liver, other tissues  TZD/PPAR bind retinoid X SGLT2 INHIBITORS
receptor (RXR)  entire complex modifies gene  Oral drugs OD
transcription  SGLT2:
o Fibrates activate PPAR-a which lower TGs o Expressed in PCT reabsorbs ~90% glucose
 Potential mechanisms:  Inhibition of SGLT2  loss of glucose in urine 
o 1) Upregulate GLUT-4 mild osmotic diuresis
o 2) Upregulate adiponectin (adipocyte  Good effects:
secretory protein)  increased insulin o Lead to mild weight loss due to glucosuria
sensitivity via several mechanisms o May improve outcomes in HF due to
o 3) Decrease TNF-a which is associated with diuresis
resistance  Adverse effects:
 Adverse effects: o Vulvovaginal candidiasis and UTIs due to
o Weight gain glucose as food for fungi and bugs
 May cause proliferation of o Not recommended with advanced renal
adipocytes + edema disease
o Edema TIPS
 Due to PPAR-y effects in nephron  Renal failure: avoid metformin (LA)
 increased Na retention  Advanced HF: avoid metformin (LA ) and TZDs
 Risk of pulmonary edema, so not (fluid retention)
used in advanced HF  Insulin generally safe with any comorbidity
o Risk of hepatotoxicity MONITORING WITH HBA1C
 Troglitzone removed  Too high = increased risk of complications  more
 Three classes: acarbose, miglitol, voglibose  Too low = risk of hypoglycemia  less tx
 Taken orally before meals  less spike in glucose  Goal <=7.0% used in most patients
 lowers A1c AND less insulin used (insulin
 Competitive inhibitors of intestinal a-glucosidases
which hydrolyze 1,4 bonds in glucose molecules   Erysipelas: superficial skin infection, upper dermis
slows absorption of glucose  less in upper small  Cellulitis: local infection, deep dermis and
intestine, more in distal small intestine subcutaneous tissue
o Brush border enzymes that hydrolyze ETIOLOGY
starches, oligosaccharides, disaccharides  Beta-hemolytic streptococci: mostly group A
e.g. sucrase, maltase, glucoamylase, streptococcus
dextranase  Less common
 Adverse effects: o S. aureus
o GI upset: flatulence, diarrhea o Pasteurella multocida (gram-, encapsulated
AMYLIN ANALOGS (PRAMLINTIDE) coccbacillus), secondary to dog/cat bites
 Physiological role of amylin not understood PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
 Given SQ with meals AND always together with  Entry most commonly minor skin injury (rhagades,
insulin (type 1 or type 2) athlete’s foot, ulcers, blisters, insect bites)
 Amylin analogs has several effects:  Erysipelas can spread via superficial lymphatic
o Suppresses glucagon release vessels
o Delays gastric emptying, reduces appetite  Can progress to deeper tissues: cellulitis,
o  allows insulin to work more effectively necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis
o Hypoglycemia  need to decrease insulin  Erythema, edema, warmth, tenderness
o Nausea o Common locations: lower limbs and face
GLP-1 ANALOGS o Erysipelas: raised, sharply demarcated
 Exenatide: usually given SQ prior to meals but o Cellulitis: poorly defined with induration
once weekly version available  Additional
 Liraglutide: SQ OD o Cutaneous lymphatic edema
 Similar function to GLP-1 o Lymphangitis: red streaks radiating from
 Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea lesion following direction of lymph vessels
DPP-4 INHIBITORS o Lymphadenitis: swollen, tender, regional
 Oral drugs OD lymph nodes
 DDP-4: dipeptidyl peptidase 4 o Purulent exudate
o Enzyme expressed on many cells DIAGNOSIS
o Inhibits release of GIP and GLP-1   Usually clinical
increased levels of these  Lab
 Adverse effects: infections (e.g. urinary, o CBC for possible leukocytosis
respiratory) hypothesized due to immune
o BMP for signs of underlying risk factors
(e.g. DM, CKD)
o Inflammatory markers may be elevated
 Imaging
o Soft tissue U/S
o CT/MRI considered if concern for
complications (e.g. pyomyositis,
 Empiric antibiotic against streptococci and S.
aureus mainstay of treatment for nonpurulent
o Mild oral: penicillin VK, clindamycin
o Moderate IV: penicillin, ceftriaxone,
cefazolin, clindamycin
o Severe IV: vancomycin + pip/tazo
o Elevation of affected limbs
o Acute pain management  Life-threatening infection involving necrosis of
 Infection of orbital contents, such as fat and  Superficial and/or deep tissues (necrotizing
extraocular muscles cellulitis, fasciitis, or myositis)
 The eye globe is not affected o Fasciitis: superficial and deep fascia and
ETIOLOGY overlying subcutaneous fat
 Most commonly upper resp. infection, specifically  Fournier gangrene: fasciitis of external genitalia
bacterial rhinosinusitis that can spread rapidly to anterior abdominal wall
 The ethmoid sinuses and orbits are separated by a and gluteal muscles
thin bony plate lamina papyracea, route of infection ETIOLOGY
 Other causes:  Polymicrobial: wide variety of aerobic and
o Acute dacryocystitis anaerobic pathogens, often of intra-abdominal or
o Infection of teeth, middle ear, face genitourinary infection (E. coli, bacteroides spp.)
o Infected mucocele  Monomicrobial: commonly group A streptococcus,
CLINICAL FEATURES peptostreptococcus spp., S. aureus
 Proptosis and ophthalmoplegia  Fournier gangrene: usually mixed with facultative
 Fever and malaise pathogens (E. coli, klebsiella, enterococcus) and
 Reduced vision: diplopia, RAPD, dyschromatopsia anaerobic bacteria
 Inflammation  Clostridial myonecrosis: produces toxins and gas
gangrene (crepitus)
o Eyelid swelling and erythema  Fasciitis: rapidly transits muscle fascia  vascular
o Chemosis (conjunctiva edema) occlusion, tissue necrosis, ischemia
DIAGNOSIS  Skin appears unaffected initially  erythematous,
 Primarily clinical reddish-purple to bluish-gray, indurated, swollen,
 Lab shiny, warm  skin breakdown in 3-5 days
o CBC for leukocytosis accompanied by bullae and cutaneous gangrene
o Blood and tissue fluid cultures  Pain secondary to thrombosed small vessels and
 Imaging destruction of superficial nerves in subcutaneous
o CT to confirm diagnosis and complications; CLINICAL FEATURES
orbital abscess or intracranial extension  Fever, chills, altered mental status
TREATMENT  Cutaneous findings
 Empiric IV antibiotic treatment o Diffuse erythema mimicking cellulitis but
 If intracranial extension suspected, metronidazole to does not respond to initial antibiotic
cover anaerobes o Spread along fascia before superficial
 Surgical drainage if abscess cutaneous 
COMPLICATIONS  Extreme tenderness and pain
 Blindness due to involvement of ON disproportionate to area of
 Brain abscess erythema
 Cavernous sinus thrombosis rare  Significant induration
o Crepitus: production of methane and CO2
by bacteria
o Bullae
o Purple skin discoloration (necrosis)
 Loss of sensation
 Usually by visualization of tissue during surgery,  Secondary to infected foot ulcer
and causative pathogen is by deep tissue culture  Iatrogenic (e.g. postoperative
 **following should not delay surgery infection of joint implant)
o CBC for leukocytosis  Suspect in patients with focal symptoms (point
o Inflammatory markers elevated tenderness) and nonspecific signs of inflammation
o CK elevated  Acute: days or weeks
 Microbiology o Pain at site of infection possibly related to
o Blood cultures (two sets) movement
o Gram stain and cultures from deep tissue o Point tenderness, swelling, redness, warmth
 Superficial not accurate o Malaise, fever, chills
 Imaging o Common locations
o CT/MRI for gas in soft tissue, fascial  Infants: long bone metaphysis,
thickening and edema joints
o X-ray may detect gas  Children: long bone metaphysis
TREATMENT  Adults: vertebral involvement
 Immediate surgical exploration with debridement  Chronic: months or years
and obtaining deep tissue samples o Recurrent pain with asymptomatic periods
 Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy o Swelling, redness
o Vancomycin + pip/tazo o Associated with avascular bone necrosis
o If evidence of toxic shock syndrome and sequestrum formation (necrotic
include antitoxin active antiobiotics (e.g. fragment detached from original bone)
clindamycin)  Brodie abscess: intraosseous abscess
COMPLICATIONS o Fibrous and granulation tissue formation
 Severe necrosis requiring amputation around pyogenic (pus-forming) focus
 Sepsis o Commonly distal femur and proximal tibia
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation o Frequently asymptomatic or only mild
 Organ dysfunction symptoms
o X-ray, MRI – well-circumscribed, thick-
OSTEOMYELITIS walled cystic lesion in metaphysis and
epiphysis of long bones
 Infection of bone and bone marrow, though osteitis  Lab
is technically of bone o CRP and ESR, possible leukocytosis
o Blood cultures before first antibiotic
 Hematogenous osteomyelitis
 Imaging
o More common in children and adolescents
o X-ray <2 weeks of symptom onset no
o Vertebral osteomyelitis occurs mainly in pathological findings, later bone
adults aged >50 years destruction, sequestrum formation,
 Exogenous osteomyelitis periosteal reactions
o More common in adults o MRI signs of inflammation <=5 days after
ETIOLOGY onset, showing cortical destruction, bone
 Local risk factors marrow inflammation
o Poor tissue perfusion, open fractures,  Biopsy only one that is confirmatory
severe soft tissue injury o MRI/CT-guided needle or open biopsy,
 Systemic risk factors followed by gram staining, culture,
o Impaired immunocompetence histology
o Systemic diseases (DM, atherosclerosis) o Should be performed whenever feasible
o IV drug use before performing antibiotics
 S. aureus most common  Septic arthritis
 S. epidermis (patients with prosthetics),  Bone tumors (Ewing sarcoma, osteoid osteoma)
pseudomonas aeruginosa, mycobacterium  Avascular bone necrosis
tuberculosis, Pasteurella multocida (cat and dog TREATMENT
bites)  Should not be delayed especially in children
 Fungi e.g. candida because bone development
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Antibiotics: vancomycin plus antipseudomonal
 Hematogenous cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones
o Usually single pathogen  Surgical: debridement of necrotic bone and tissue
 Exogenous refractory to antibiotics, drainage of abscess,
o Usually multiple pathogens infected prosthetic removal, revascularization in
o Posttraumatic: following deep injury case of poor wound healing
o Contiguous: from adjacent tissue

 Protracted valvular incompetence of superficial,

deep, or perforating veins that connect them 
reflux or obstruction of venous flow  venous
hypertension of lower extremities (pain, edema,
venous microangiopathy)
o Some patients hyperpigmentation because
RBCs extravaste into tissue
o Some lipodermatosclerosis, thickening
from fibrosis of subcutanoues fat
 Superficial incompetence
o Weakened or abnormally shaped valves or
widened venous diameter
o Leaky valve most cases near termination of
greater saphenous into common femoral
o Congenital, trauma, prolonged standing,
hormonal changes, thrombosis
 Deep vein dysfunction
o Previous DVT resulting in inflammation,
valve scarring and adhesion, luminal
o Perforating vein valvular failure  higher
pressure enters superficial system 
dilation prevents proper closure of valve
 Risk factors: age, DVT, sedentary, OCPs, leg
injury, hypertension


 Debridement/minor amputation
o Good blood supply but infected
o Small vessel disease and gangrenous toes
o Neuropathic foot with little arterial disease
o Osteomyelitis with little arterial disease
 Primary amputation
o Wet gangrene
o Life-threatening sepsis
o Extensive muscle necrosis
o Revascularization technically impossible
o Bed-ridden patients/functionally useless
RIFLE criteria: proposed by Acute Dialysis Quality
Initiative (ADQI) group
o Risk, injury, failure, loss of function, end-
stage renal disease
o Problems: baseline creatinine not always
available, early damage not reflected by
creatinine rise, no easy way of measuring
GFR clinically, urine output data not
always available, imbalance between
SCr/GFR and urine output criteria, GFR-
estimating equations should only be used
in steady state  not applicable to AKI
 Cr takes time to reach steady state
 AKIN staging in 2007: removed L and E of rifle
o From stages 1-3
o Creatinine: increased Cr.*1.5 or >=0.3
mg/dL | Cr*2 | Cr*3 or Cr >= 4mg/dL
o Urine output: UO<0.5 mL/kg/hr*6h |
<0.5mL/kg/hr*12hr | <0.3mL/kg/hr *24h
OR anuria * 12hr
 KDIGO guideline 2012
o From stages 1-3
o Creatinine: 1.5-1.9*baseline OR >=0.3
Review congestive heart failure and other arrhythmias mg/dL increase | 2-2.9*baseline |
Metabolic stuff from Ali Khan 3*baseline OR increase >= 4.0 mg/dL OR
initiation of RRT OR in patients <18 years,
decrease eGFR <35/mL/min/1.73m2
APPROACH TO ACID-BASE DISORDERS o Urine output: UO<0.5 mL/kg/hr*6-12hr |
<0.5mL/kg/hr*12-24hr |
 1. See pH relative 7.4, PaCO2 relative 40, <0.3mL/kg/hr*>24h OR anuria*>12hr
bicarbonate relative 24, AG relative 12 meq/L ETIOLOGY
 2. If pH and PaCO2 in opposite direction, then  Pre-renal: not enough circulation reaching kidneys
primary respiratory o Hypovolemia: bleeding, GI fluid loss,
o If in same direction, then primary metabolic burns, diuretics
 3. Calculate compensation to check for concurrent o Distributive: nephrotic syndrome,
primary disorder in other system cirrhosis, ileus, vasodilation (sepsis,
o Metabolic acidosis: decrease in HCO3- 1, anaphylaxis, etc.)
decrease pCO2 1.2 o Decreased cardiac output
o Metabolic alkalosis: increase in HCO3- 1, o Constriction of renal arteries:
increase pCO2 0.8 vasopressors, cocaine
o Respiratory acidosis: increase in pCO2 10  Renal (intrinsic): inside kidneys
 Acute: increase HCO3- 1 o Anatomic components: tubular,
 Chronic: HCO3- 3 glomerular, interstitial, vascular
o Respiratory alkalosis: decrease in pCO2 o Tubular:
10  Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
 Acute: decrease HCO3- 2  Ischemic: prolonged hypoperfusion
 Chronic: decrease HCO3- 4 of kidneys
 4. Calculate anion gap if metabolic acidosis  Nephrotoxic:
o AG = NA - Cl - HCO3-  Exogenous: myoglobin,
proteins, etc.
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY  Exogenous: antibiotics,
contrast, metals, etc.
 Azotemia: an excess of urea and other nitrogenous  Pathology: dilation of tubules,
wastes in the blood due to kidney insufficiency flattening of epithelium,
DEFINITION interstitium relatively unaffected,
 Abrupt loss of kidney function which results in: contrast AIN
o Retention of urea and other nitrogenous  Epithelium good at regeneration 
waste products (most important is recovery of function in patients
creatinine), and whose underlying problem solved
o Dysregulation of volume and electrolytes o Glomerular:
 Quantitatively,  Acute glomerulo-nephritis: lupus
o Cr rising and/or UO dropping off nephritis, post-strep GN, etc.
o Can use RIFLE, AKIN, or KDIGO
 Rapidly progressive glomerulo-  Cytokines facilitate immune
nephritis (RPGN) response including recruiting
o Interstitial: infiltrating inflammatory cells such
 Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN): as neutrophils
 ‘kidney allergy’  If not halted early, damage by
 Commonly drugs (antibiotics, immune cells and fibrosis (matrix
NSAIDs) and diseases (legionella, synthesis) by fibroblasts
sarcoidosis)  Ischemia/reperfusion: tubular injury from decreased
o Vascular: blood flow  activate tubuloglomerular feedback
 Thromboemboli (blood clot)  afferent arteriolar constriction (decreased P GC)
 Atheroemboli (cholesterol)  Toxin-mediated: oxidative stress and ATP depletion
 Microangiopathies: scleroderma,  release of vasoactive substances and mesangial
DIC, HUS-TTP, pre-eclampsia, contraction (decreased KF)
malignant HTN, vasculitis  Cellular injury: denudement of basement membrane
 Post-renal: blockage of urine flow that obstructs all  back leak of solutes (increased ΠGC)
functioning kidneys  Tubular obstruction: secondary to cell injury 
o Renal pelvis: stone (staghorn), papilla sloughing of cellular matter and Tamm-Horsfall
(necrosis) protein casts (increased PT)
o Ureter: stone, blood lots, retroperitoneal INVESTIGATIONS
fibrosis  History:
o Bladder: prostate, stone, spasm o Prior renal function (history of AKI/CKD)
 Most common etiologies: ATN, pre-renal, acute-on- o Decreased perfusion: hypotension, bleed,
chronic, obstructive sepsis, ileus, ascites, heart failure
EPIDEMIOLOGY o Exposure to toxins: drugs (antibiotics,
 Seen in 1.9% of all hospitalizations NSAIDs), IV contrast
 Affect 40-70% of ICU o Other stressors: ACE inhibitor/ARB make
 If require dialysis, associated with 45-65% things worse but do not cause AKI
mortality  Physical exam:
 It is not AKI that causes mortality o Volume status (BP incl. postural), JVP
o People who develop AKI in ICU have more  Edema is misleading; someone can
severe illness (e.g. sepsis) than those with be edematous but hypovolemic
same illness but did not develop AKI o Pericardial rub / CNS: severe
o If patients don’t die from illness, good o Livedo reticularis  vasculitis
chance kidney function will return o Rash/fever  AIN
 If have AKI in the past, more likely to develop o Enlarged bladder  post-renal
CKD o Urine: amount, colour
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Investigation:
 GFR = KF [(PGC - PT)] - [(ΠGC - ΠT)] o Most important: full CBC with differential,
o KF is capillary SA and permeability urine dipstick, urine microscopy/sediment,
 K = filtration coefficient, P = hydrostatic pressure, renal ultrasound, serum calcium
Π = oncotic pressure, GC = glom. capillary, T =  Creatinine time course
tubule  Urea (relative to creatinine)
o Decreased PGC in prerenal o Electrolytes, Ca, pH
o Increased PT in postrenal but both kidneys o Urinalysis
must be affected  Blood, protein, SpGr
o For intrinsic:  UNa, FENa, UOsm
 Acute interstitial nephritis: o Special tests: RBx, ANCA, antiGBM
o Cause of hypersensitivity: drug alters host  Biopsy: confirmatory
tissue to become immunogenic | drug or
metabolite immunogenic | drug or
metabolite bound to self-protein (hapten)
immunogenic | antibody bound to drug or
metabolite immunogenic
o Host response either type I (IgE-mediated,
early) or type IV (T cell-mediated, late)
o Process endocytosed by tubular epithelial APPROACH
cells  1) activate macrophages and
fibroblasts in kidney interstitium   Context:
contribute to inflammatory response | 2) o ICU vs. office, old vs. young, M vs. F
present to dendritic cells  activated DCs  Rule out post-renal and pre-renal:
migrate to lymph node and present antigen o Insert urinary (Foley) catheter, may get
via MHC II to naïve T cell renal US  cannot be faulted unless rare
o Give trial of IV fluids (fluid challenge) o
Markers of kidney damage, including
 Prevent worsening of ARF: abnormalities in composition of blood or
o Stop medications that lower GFR urine, or abnormalities in imaging tests
(NSAIDS, ACE-I, ARB)  2. GFR <60mL/min/1.73m2 for >=3 months, with or
o Avoid giving diuretics just to make urinary without kidney damage
output >=30 mL/hour CLASSIFICATION
 Consider other causes (ATN by exclusion)  GFR categories from G1-G5
CLINICAL PRESENTATION o G5 = kidney failure = <15 mL/min
 Depends on etiology of AKI  Albuminuria categories from A1-A3
 Because nephrons not working, hyperkalemia and o A3 = severely increased = >30 mg/mmol
metabolic acidosis (not excreting either)  Highest risk: A1 G4 (<3, 15-29), A2 G3b (3-30, 30-
 Pre-renal due to hypovolemia 44), A3 G3a (>30, 45-59)
o History of volume loss, low BP (or postural EPIDEMIOLOGY
drop) and flat JVP  CKD is silent disease affecting ~10% adults
 Post-renal due to enlarged prostate  Approximately 2/3 of people with CKD will have
o History of decreasing urinary flow, then major risk conditions
sudden anuria, large bladder, large prostate o Diabetes, HTN, or both
 Renal AKI due to AIN  CKD prevalence is growing because # of people
o History of new drug, now rash and joint diagnosed with type 2 DM, aging population
 Renal AKI due to RPGN such as GPA-W  Multi-hit hypothesis: multiple factors that induce
o History of sinus problems with nephron loss
cough/hemoptysis o Decreased nephron endowment: risk is
TREATMENT lower birth weight
 Address reversible causes o Acquired nephron loss: primary renal
o If obstructed: relieve obstruction disease, hereditary nephropathies, aging,
o If hypovolemic/mal-distributive: give IV nephrotoxins
fluids  1. Early on, remaining nephrons  compensatory
 Fluids can be colloidal hypertrophy and hyperfiltration + activation of
o If medications/toxin: remove RAAS via vasoactive hormones, cytokines, growth
o If immune: consider steroids factors
 Deal with complications o Increased PGC and single nephron GFR
o If volume overloaded: avoid giving fluids o Risk factors that promote hyperfiltration
o If hyperkalemic or academic: treat those state: DM, obesity, high-protein diet,
o May start dialysis/CRRT while waiting anemia
 Many kinds: dialysis vs.  2. AGII + hyperfiltration state  proteinuria,
hemofiltration, continuous vs. dyslipidemia, nephrotoxic inflammation and
intermittent, no clear winner remodelling
 Educate patient to prevent AKI from recurring  3. Later on, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
 Overall: no specific treatment except wait for (FSGS) and tubular interstitial fibrosis (TIF)
recovery o Decreased GFR, decreased urine output,
INDICATIONS FOR ACUTE DIALYSIS and systemic complications
 AEIOU: acidosis, electrolytes, intoxications,  In AD-PCKD: cysts compress blood vessels  low
overload, uremia perfusion  local ischemia  RAAS activation
 Fluid/electrolyte problems refractory to therapy (doesn’t help) and eventual nephron loss
o Volume overload, hyperkalemia (will stop ETIOLOGY
heart), severe metabolic acidosis  Diabetic CKD:
 Severe uremic symptoms  Non-diabetic CKD:
o Encephalopathy, pericarditis o Vascular (w or w/o hematuria or
 Certain intoxications
 Large-vessel disease: renal artery
o Aspirin, lithium stenosis
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE  Small-vessel disease: HTN,
vasculitis, microangiopathy
DEFINITION o Glomerular (hematuria or albuminuria)
 General term for heterogeneous disorders that affect  Primary nephritis, autoimmune
the structure and function of the kidney, with disease, systemic infection,
progressive decline in GFR malignancy, drugs, hyperfiltration
 1. Kidney damage (either structural or functional) (reduced renal mass, obesity)
for >=3 months, with or without decreased GFR, o Tubulointerstitial (w or w/o proteinuria or
manifest as either: pyuria)
o Pathological abnormalities, or
 Autoimmune disease, drugs, SLOW LOSS OF GFR
obstruction, post-acute kidney  Control BP (<130/80 in DM, <140/90 all others)
injury  Block RAAS with ACE-I or ARB, especially
o Cystic (evident on imaging) diabetic nephropathy or other proteinuric CKD
 Autosomal dominant PCKD o Acute decline in GFR, hoping for
 Leading categories: diabetic nephropathy, HTN- subsequent slow chronic decline
related (renovascular), glomerulonephritis, o Check K, eGFR 7-10 days after starting,
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, can tolerate up to 30% in GFR decline
other cystic and tubulointerstitial nephropathy  Dietary protein restriction
 Risk factors: small gestation birth weight, obesity, o Recommended 0.8-1g/kg/day
HTN, DM, autoimmune (lupus, rheumatoid  Smoking cessation
arthritis), advanced age, African ancestry, family TREAT UNDERLYING CONDITIONS
history of kidney disease, previous AKI, structural  CVD assessment and treatment
abnormalities of urinary tract o CVD is leading cause of death in CKD
 History: HTN, diabetes, NSAIDs, family history of o Target HbA1C 7%
kidney failure  Systemic diseases with renal involvement
 Physical examination: BP, abdominal bruits (renal  Primary glomerulonephritis, renal vasculitis
artery stenosis), palpable kidneys in AD-PCKD
o Immunosuppression with corticosteroids,
 Assess kidney function (as below) cyclophosphamide
 Consider kidney biopsy if etiology not clear MANAGEMENT OF COMPLICATIONS
ASSESS KIDNEY FUNCTION  Stages 1-3 CKD generally asymptomatic
 GFR: CKD-EPI equation (eGFR>30mL/min)
 Loss of kidney mass or nephron mass not always  Stages 4-5 CKD have clinical manifestations
associated with reduction in nephron function (<30mL/min/1.73m2)
o Adaptive hyperfiltration  1. Impaired Na balance  Na retention and volume
 How to measure eGFR: overload: Na restriction, diuretics, anti-HTN
o Serum creatinine, Cockcroft-Gault formula,  2. Impaired K excretion  hyperkalemia: K
modification of diet in renal diseases restriction, avoid NSAIDs, K binders
(MDRD), CKD-EPI equations most  3. Impaired H secretion  metabolic acidosis 
popular sodium bicarbonate (typically <22 mmol/L)
o Inulin more for research  4. Impaired calcium/phosphate balance  increased
 Proteinuria: albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) phosphate and PTH, decreased Ca and calcitriol
o Normal (associated with A1) (active Vit D)  renal osteodystrophy and vascular
 <2.0 mg/mmol in M calcification if untreated
 <2.8 mg/mmol in F o Because no activation of vitamin D (so
o Microalbuminuria (A2) parathyroid), and absorb calcium
 2-20 mg/mmol in M o Increased PO4: phosphate binders (e.g.
 2.8-28 mg/mmol in F calcium carbonate)
o Macroalbuminuria (A3) o Secondary hyperparathyroidism: active vit
 >20 mg/mmol in M D (in CKD), calcimimetics (in dialysis)
 >28 mg/mmol in F  5. Impaired erythropoiesis  anemia:
 Urinalysis: blood supports glomerular cause erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, iron replacement
 Imaging: renal ultrasound END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE
o Size  Accumulation of toxins, fluid, electrolytes normally
 <8-9cm length is abnormal excreted leads to uremic syndrome
 >2cm between kidneys abnormal o Urea and creatinine serve as surrogate
 Small kidney could be congenital, markers for all toxic compounds
vesico-ureteric reflux, prolonged  Syndrome leads to death unless treated:
obstruction, renovascular disease
o Dialysis: hemodialysis or peritoneal
o Cortical thickness thins with CKD
o Transplantation: living or deceased donor
o Echogenicity approaches ‘’ liver with CKD
o Conservative management: palliation
o Rule out obstruction
 Indications for RRT (dialysis, transplant)
o Stone, tumor, cysts: incidental
o eGFR < 10mL/min/1.73m2 (<15 if diabetes)
o Doppler assesses blood flow mainly in
transplantation o Refractory hyperkalemia, metabolic
acidosis, or fluid overload
 Four (mostly used) and eight variable variants o Uremic pericarditis and encephalopathy
 Gender, age, eGFR, ACR o Other non-specific uremic symptoms:
MANAGING CKD anorexia and nausea, impaired nutritional
status, increased sleepiness, decreased
 Slow loss of GFR, treat underlying condition, energy level, attentiveness, cognitive tasks
specific treatment, treat complications, prepare for
ESRD  Dialysis survival lower with advanced age
 Transplantation is most cost-effective modality
o Longer and better QOL compared to REPORT BY PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF
dialysis CANADA
o Early transplantation (pre-emptive or within  Indigenous people view health in balanced and
1 year of dialysis initiation) best results holistic way, with connections between spiritual,
emotional, mental, and physical dimensions
HEMODIALYSIS  Proximal determinants
o Health behaviors
INDICATIONS  Intermediate determinants
 AKI o Community infrastructure, kinship
 Toxic ingestion networks, relationship to land, language,
CONTRAINDICATIONS ceremonies, and knowledge sharing
 Inability to secure vascular access (absolute)  Structural determinants
 Difficult vascular access, needle phobia, cardiac o Historical, political, ideological, economic,
failure, coagulopathy (relative) social foundations
INDICATIONS  Colonial structure sought to assimilate Indigenous
 Inadequate vascular access peoples into dominant Euro-Canadian culture 
 Prefer self-therapy responsible for destabilizing determinants of
 Absolute: loss of peritoneal function, adhesions  Forced displacement of First Nations into remote
that limit dialysate flow, recent abdominal wounds, communities and reserves that with poor living
abdominal fistulas, abdominal wall defects conditions and lack of resources
 Relative: abdominal wall infection, frequent  Claimed traditional areas rich in resources
diverticulitis, IBD, ischemic colitis, morbid obesity,  Oppression created by Indian Act
peritoneal leaks, severe undernutrition  Damaging legacy of Residential Schools
 Systemic discrimination against Indigenous across
GENERAL ANESTHESIA social, criminal justice, health care, and
employment environments
INDICATIONS  Lack of public or private economic development
 Surgery requiring deep relaxation for long periods investments
of time DATA
 Operations likely to result in significant blood loss  Some populations consistently less favorable results
or in which breathing affected o Low SES, First Nations, Inuit, Metis
 Uncooperative patients peoples
CONTRAINDICATIONS  Some populations mixed
 No absolute contraindications o Recent immigrants, racial minorities
 Patients with medical conditions not optimized  Findings
o Should be maximized preoperatively; for o Life expectancy and health-adjusted life
example treat unstable angina with cardiac expectancy lower
catheterization or bypass o Infant mortality and unintentional injury
 Difficult airway mortality higher
 Significant comorbidities (e.g. aortic stenosis, o Suicide mortality higher
significant pulmonary disease, CHF) o Mental illness hospitalization rates higher
 History of malignant hyperthermia and o Arthritis, asthma, diabetes, obesity, active
pseudocholinesterase deficiency tuberculosis prevalence higher
SPINAL ANESTHESIA o Living conditions
INDICATIONS  High alcohol consumption and
 Commonly surgery involving lower abdomen, smoking
pelvis, perineal and lower extremities  Food insecurity
 Short procedures; general usually for longer or  Working poverty
would compromise respiration BARRIERS TO CARE IN REMOTE REGIONS
CONTRAINDICATIONS  Great distances  travel, compounded by harsh
 Absolute: elevated ICP primarily due to intracranial weather conditions, expensive, social
mass and infection at site of procedure responsibilities
 Relative: preexisting neurological diseases  Not only distance but limited number of
(particularly those that wax and wane, e.g. MS), practitioners
severe dehydration (hypotension),  Higher turnover of staff
thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy (epidural  Health care reform: shift to community-based care
hematoma), mitral and aortic stenosis and LV over hospital-based without compensatory increase
outflow obstruction in community-based services
 Cultural and language barriers
INDIGENOUS HEALTHCARE CANADA  Lack of familiarity with health system
 Poverty, unemployment, socioeconomic disparities o Pulmonary obstruction and airway
hyperreactivity  expiratory wheezing
CYSTIC FIBROSIS and/or dyspnea
 Autosomal recessive caused by defective cystic o Sweat losses of NaCl and H2O can lead to
fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator RAAS activation  excretion of H+ and
(CFTR) due to mutation in CFTR gene K+  alkalosis and hypokalemia
o Most common mutation is delta F508,  Sweat glands
codon deletion of F in position 508 o Particularly salty; possible electrolyte
 Second most common genetic metabolic disorder  Urogenital
after hemochromatosis in individuals of Northern o Males usually infertile
European descent  Obstructive azoospermia common
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  Vas deferens may be absent
 CFTR protein component of ATP-gated chloride o Women reduced fertility
channel in cell membranes  Viscous cervical can obstruct
 Misfolded  stays in rER  absence of chloride fertilization
channel on cell surface of epithelial cells NEWBORN SCREENING
throughout  Newborn blood spot test, via heel prick in first 24-
 In sweat glands 48h
o Transport Cl- from lumen into cell  1) Immunoreactive trypsinogen
o Inability to reabsorb Cl-  reduced o Elevated = CF possible
absorption of Na+ and H2O  excessive  2) CFTR mutation testing
loss of salt and elevated NaCl in sweat o Most common CF-causing CFTR mutations
 Exocrine glands (GI tract or lungs) DIAGNOSIS
o Transport Cl- from cell into lumen  Suggestive:
o Reduced secretion of Cl-  decreased o Positive NBS
inhibition of Na reabsorption  both lead o First-degree family member with CF
to increased intracellular H2O  o Typical clinical features of CF
hyperviscous mucous  blockage of small  Confirmatory testing:
passages  chronic inflammation and o Sweat chloride test with chloride value
remodeling  organ damage >=60 mmol/L
o Increased Na reabsorption also causes o Evidence of two CF-causing CFTR gene
negative potential difference to increase mutations and sweat chloride test result
 Gastrointestinal common in children o Positive physiologic CFTR testing with
o Meconium ileus abnormal nasal potential difference or
o Failure to thrive due to malabsorption intestinal current measurement
o Pancreatic disease  Imaging:
 Pancreatitis o CXR (air trapping, hyperinflation, reticular
 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency nodular pattern, bronchiectasis)
 foul-smelling steatorrhea, o CT opacification of nasal sinuses
malabsorption, diarrhea, MANAGEMENT
hypoproteinemia  Non-pharmacologic
o Liver and bile duct o Airway clearance techniques:
 Cholecystolithiasis, cholestasis, conventional chest physiotherapy (drainage
increase chance of cholangitis with percussion and/or clapping), high-
 Biliary cirrhosis with portal frequency chest compression, positive
hypertension, jaundice, varices expiratory pressure devices
o Intestinal obstruction: abdominal distention, o Exercise improve airway clearance and
pain, palpable mass functional lung capacity
 Respiratory common in adulthood o Nutrition: high-energy diet, pancreatic
o COPD (pulmonary emphysema) with enzyme supplements, additional NaCl
bronchiectasis intake, supplementation of fat-soluble
o Chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps may develop vitamins
o Recurrent or chronic productive cough and  Pharmacologic
pulmonary infections o High-dose ibuprofen (advil)
 S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, o Bronchodilators: SABA, LABA
Burkholderia cepacian, S. o Mucolytics: hypertonic saline nebulization
pnuemoniae, H. influenzae, with mucociliary and osmotic effect;
Aspergillus dornase alfa is recombinant DNase that
breaks down extracellular DNA in sputum
 Prevention of infection
o Treatment after early detection during o MHC matching at HLA-DR, HLA-A, and
routine surveillance sputum cultures HLA-B loci; HLA-C, HLA-DP, HLA-DQ
 CFTR modulators preferred but not always required
o Targets specific defects in CFTR protein o 0 = no mismatch
o Potentiators: increase CFTR Cl- channel o 1 = mismatch on either paternal or maternal
gate opening and conductance chromosome
o Correctors: improve protein folding, o 2 = mismatch on both chromosomes
stability, and transport of function to cell o 000 = complete match
surface o 222 = complete mismatch
 Other o Odds: probability patient has HLA
o Oxygen therapy compatible sibling is 1 – (0.75)n, where n is
o Double-lung transplant for patients with number of siblings
 Contraindications
 Non-curable or metastatic
DEFINITIONS  High risk of transmission
 Autograft: recipient themselves o Donor sepsis
 Isograft: genetically identical person o Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
 Allograft: genetically different person o Cardiac arrest occurring before brain death
 Xenograft: different species (low blood flow high risk of thrombosis
MHC AND HLA and ischemia of organs)
 HLC: gene cluster on chromosome 6 coding for  NOT contraindications
MHC o Hepatitis B or C
 MHC: proteins on surface of cells displaying o HIV infection
antigenic peptides so can be recognized by T cells o Low-grade, localized tumors
as self or non-self o History of malignancy with disease-free
 HLA I cluster, three loci HLA-A, B, C, codes for duration >5 years
 HLA 2 cluster, three loci HLA-DR, HLA-DP,  Intense in early postoperative 3-6 months
HLA-DQ, codes for class II MHC (likelihood of rejection decreases over time)
ALLORECOGNITION  Low doses of multiple drugs
 Recognition of foreign antigen as non-self by host  Excessive = risk of infections and malignancy
 Indirect: HLA molecules of allograft treated as 1. INDUCTION THERAPY
foreign by APCs, broken down, and presented  Anti-T-cell antibodies
 Direct: HLA molecules of allograft presenting own  Nondepleting antibodies (monoclonal): basiliximab
antigens directly stimulate T cells without being  Lymphocyte-depleting antibodies (polyclonal):
broken down (more severe) thymoglobulin
 Pathway: activation of T cell  clonal 2. MAINTENANCE THERAPY
proliferation mediated by IL-2  acute rejection  Commonly triple-drug regimen
o CD8 recognize other HLA class 1  Corticosteroids
molecules on all cells in graft and cell death  Calcineurin inhibitor (inhibit IL-2 production in T
o CD4 recognize HLA class II molecules on cells): cyclosporine and tacrolimus
dendritic cells; recruit macrophages and  Antiproliferative agents: azathioprine,
help plasma cells produce alloantibodies mycophenolate mofetil, sirolimus
 Neutralization (not), complement COMMON TYPES
cytotoxicity, opsonization  Heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas
PREREQUISITES FOR ORGAN MATCHING  Liver and kidney only organs can be performed
 Cross-matching using living donors
o Recipient serum searched for preformed o Warm ischemia (from taking organ to cold
antibodies against donor T (only I) and B organ preservation)
cells (both I and II) o Cold ischemia (from cold preservation to
o Negative = lower risk of rejection reactions restoration of blood perfusion)
o Negative T but positive B = higher risk of  Lung
acute rejection, performed with caution o Indications: advanced lung disease
o Positive both = high risk of hyperacute, not refractory to maximal medical or surgical
performed therapy, disabling symptoms during daily
 ABO compatibility living, and risk of death >50% over next 2
o Hematopoietic: preferred but years
incompatibility can be tolerated  COPD, idiopathic pulmonary
o Solid organ transplantation: ABO fibrosis, genetic such as CF and a1-
compatibility required, not Rh antitrypsin, idiopathic pulmonary
 Histocompatibility arterial hypertension
o Relative contraindications  Decreased breathing = build-up of CO2 =
 Age >75, BMI 30-35, progressive conversion to acid (acidosis) = compensation with
or severe malnutrition, severe, bicarbonate by renal
symptomatic osteoporosis, prior
chest surgery with lung resection BRAIN DEATH DETERMINATION
o Contraindications  Established cause
 Malignancy in past 2 years; chronic  Comatose state with absence of motor responses
advanced illnesses; untreatable excluding spinal reflex
infection; poor cardiac function;  Absent brainstem reflexes gag, cough
acute medical conditions; HIV  Bilateral absent corneal, pupillary reflex, VOR
infection, chest wall or spinal response
deformity; BMI >= 35; active  Absent respiratory effort (apnea testing)
substance use disorder  Absence of confounding variables that can mimic
o Post-transplant care neurologic death
 Serial monitoring of lung function
(PFT, CT chest, broncoscopy)
o Prognosis 1. Establish clinical prerequisites
 Median survival for all adult: 5.7 1. Cause of brain death is known (history,
years examination, neuroimaging, and
 1-year survival: 78% laboratory tests)
 5-year survival: 51% 2. Core temperature >36C (97F); warming
ETHICAL ISSUES blanket may be required
 Should those with better chance for survival be 3. Systolic BP >100 mmHg; vasopressors
given priority?
 Should parents of young children be given priority? may be required
 Should those whose lifestyle choices damaged 4. No severe electrolyte, acid-base,
existing organs be given chance at organ transplant? endocrine, or circulatory disturbance
 Should everyone be required to indicate wishes 5. No drug intoxication or poisoning,
regarding transplantation on tax forms or driver’s including CNS depressants and
license? neuromuscular blocking agents
 Who should pay for transplants? 2. Perform neurologic examination. Must
demonstrate absent cerebral and brainstem
CPAP VS. BiPAP function with all of following findings:
 Continuous or bi-level positive airway pressure 1. Coma
therapy: using compressed air to open and support
airway during sleep 1. Lack all evidence of
 CPAP responsiveness: eye opening or
 Direct pressurized air between 4-20 cm H2O eye movement to noxious
 One setting rather than varying in pressure, which stimuli absent
can cause people to feel like choking b. Absent brain-originating motor
 BiPAP response, including response to pain
 Direct 4-25 cm H2O stimulus above neck (e.g. pressure
 Two settings: one for inhalation and one for over supraorbital nerve, angle of lower
exhalation, to allow user to breathe more naturally jaw normally produces facial muscle
o Spontaneous switching: senses user’s movement)
breathing pattern (standard)
o Timed switching: user control to ensure c. Absent pupillary light reflex in both eyes
correct # of breaths using bright light
o Spontaneous/timed switching: timed 1. Normally fixd in midsize or
switching on when user dropped below # of dilated position (4-9 mm)
breaths per minute 2. Constricted pupils suggest
 Choice possibility of drug intoxication
 CPAP may be used for OSA, preterm infants d. Absent corneal reflex (cornea touched
 BiPAP for OSA who respond poorly to CPAP, with cotton swab or squirts of
central sleep apnea, COPD, congestive heart failure, water/saline, normal if eyelid moves)
Parkinson’s disease, ALS
e. Absent oculoencephalic (move head
EFFECTS OF CHRONIC HYPOXIA ON LUNG and neck; normal if eyes do not turn
 Low oxygen saturation = constriction of small with head) and oculovestibular reflexes
pulmonary arteries = pulmonary hypertension = (irrigate ear canal, normal if eyes
right-sided hypertrophy conjugately move toward irrigated side)
f. Absent jaw jerk
g. Absent gag reflex (posterior pharyngeal
wall touched with tongue depressor and ADVANCED TRAUMA LIFE SUPPORT (ATLS)
palate observed for elevation)
h. Absent cough with tracheal suctioning  Prevention
i. Absent sucking or rooting reflexes o Addressing harmful behaviors, planned or
j. Apnea as demonstrated by apnea test unplanned
 Goals
Perform apnea test (CO challenge)
o Identify and treat threats to life, then limb,
a. Core temperature >36C (97F), systolic then eyesight
BP >100 mmHg, euvolemia, eucapnia o Prevent exacerbation of existing injuries or
(35-45 PaCO ), absence of hypoxia, no
2 occurrence of additional
prior evidence of CO retention (e.g.
2 o Return to level of function as close to pre-
COPD, severe obesity) injury as possible
b. Positive if no respiratory response to  Principles
PaCO >60 mmHg or 20 mmHg greater
o Treat greatest threat to life first
than baseline values and final arterial o Definitive diagnosis not immediately
pH of <7.28 important
o Time matters (golden hour)
Perform ancillary tests if clinical criteria cannot be
o Do no further harm
confidently applied (e.g. cranial nerves o Assess, intervene, reassess physiology
cannot be adequately examined,  Field triage
neuromuscular paralysis present, heavy o Assess basic physiology
sedation, apnea test not valid or cannot be  Systolic BP < 90
completed, confounders such as multi-organ  Respiratory rate <10 or >29
failure render clinical examination unreliable,  Glasgow Coma Scale <14
shorten duration of observation period) o Assess anatomy of injury
a. Cerebral angiography approximates  Penetrating injury
 Open or depressed skull fracture
gold standard but invasive, risky  Flail chest
1. Cerebral angiography  Crushed, degloved, or mangled
2. Transcranial Doppler extremity
3. MR angiography  Paralysis
4. CT angiography o Assess mechanism of injury
5. Nuclear medicine  Falls >6m adults, >3m or 2-3 times
b. Profound hypotension and when cranial the height in children
 High-risk auto crash
vault breached by trauma, surgery,
o Assess special patient or system
ventricular drain, or cranial sutures → considerations
electroencephalography or  Age
somatosensory evoked potentials may  Anticoagulation and bleeding
be superior disorders
 Burns
FRACTURES  Time-sensitive extremity injury
 Open/compound: break of skin near broken bone (open fractures, vascular
 Closed/simple: no break through skin compromise)
 Partial: incomplete break of bone  ESRD
 Complete: separated into pieces  Pregnancy >20 weeks
 Stable: broken ends of bone line up and have not  Initial assessment
moved out of place o Primary survey  resuscitation  adjuncts
 Displaced: gap between broken ends of bone to primary  secondary survey  adjunct
PATTERN to secondary  ongoing post-resuscitation
monitoring and reevaluation  definitive
 Transverse: straight line care  tertiary survey
 Spiral: in long bones, from twisting injuries PRIMARY SURVEY AND RESUSCITATION
 Stress: crack-like  Brief history: age, gender, mechanism of injury
 Compression: wider and flatter than before  Airway with cervical spine control
 Oblique: diagonal  Breathing with oxygenation and ventilation;
 Impacted: broken ends jammed together respiratory exam
 Segmental: same bone fractures in two places,  Circulation
leaving ‘floating’ segment of bone o Stop external hemorrhage
 Comminuted: bone broken into 3 or more pieces o Tissue perfusion: BP, pulse, oximetry, skin
 Avulsion: fragment pulled off bone by tendon or color, temperature, capillary refill, mental
ligament status, urine output
o Gain vascular access, administer initial o Subcutaneous emphysema, cervical spine
volume (2L lactated Ringer’s) tenderness, paravertebral swelling
o Responder: bleeding <20%; transient :20-  Chest
40%, needs blood; >40%, needs blood and o Breath sounds, hyperresonance or dullness
intervention to stop internal bleeding to percussion, subcutaneous emphysema
o Intervene to stop hidden sources of  Abdomen
bleeding o Distention, tenderness
o Consider non-hemorrhagic sources of  Pelvis
shock: tension pneumothorax, cardiac o Bony tenderness, urethral injury
tamponade, neurogenic shock (hematoma, lacerations, blood at meatus),
 Disability anal tone, voluntary contraction
o Brief neurologic exam: LOC, pupil  Extremities: use symmetry
symmetry and reaction to light, lateralizing o Deformity and limb length: fracture,
signs dislocation
o Temporize for evidence of increased ICP; o Swelling: fracture, soft tissue and joint
elevated head of bed, mild hyperventilation injury
to paCO2=35, mannitol 1 gm/kg o Neuromuscular function
 Exposure/environmental o Circulation: brachial, radial, femoral,
o Assess temperature posterial tibial, dorsalis pedis
o Maintain normothermia/prevent  Back
hypothermia: warm room, fluids, blankets o Tenderness, deformity
ADJUNCTS TO PRIMARY o C5: shoulder abduction
 Hemodynamic monitoring for BP, HR, rhythm o C6: elbow flexion
 Respiratory monitoring with pulse oximetry, o C7: elbow extension
capnography, rate o C8: grip
 Arterial blood gas and lactate monitoring o T1: finger spread
 CBC, electrolytes, glucose, creatinine, INR o T4: nipple level sensation
 Foley placement to monitor urinary output but o T10: umbilical level sensation
withhold if urethral injury o L2: hip flexion
 Gastric tube placement to prevent gastric dilatation o L3,4: knee extension
 Assessment of intraperitoneal injury o L5: big toe dorsiflexion
o Focused assessment by sonography in o S1: ankle plantarflexion
o Diagnostic peritoneal lavage  Red flags
 Radiographs o Hypotension
o AP chest, tube and line placements, and o Truncal gunshot wounds
subclinical hemopneumothoraces
o Pelvic fractures
o Pelvis, pelvic fracture as source of hidden
bleeding o Acidemia and hypothermia, on the way to
coagulopathy (triad of death)
o Cervical spine, to assess source of
neurogenic shock  Transfer to higher level/facility of care if injuries
 CT better if available exceed treatment capabilities
SECONDARY SURVEY  Clinical clearance of cervical spine
 Complete, head-to-toe physical examination to o Awake and alert, neurologically normal, no
identify all anatomic injuries intoxication, no distracting injuries, no neck
 Complete history pain, no midline neck tenderness, full
voluntary range of neck motion without
o Cardiac, anticoagulation, diabetic pain
o When in doubt, leave collar and proceed
o Last meal eaten with radiological examination
o More detailed mechanism of injury: blunt  Equivocal abdomen
(fall, crush, motor vehicle), penetrating
(gunshot, stab), environmental (burn, cold, o Altered sensorium, distracting injuries
chemical/radiological/biological), primary (pelvic, lower rib, lumbar spine)  requires
pressure wave further evaluation (FAST exam, DPL, CT
 Explosions combine all four and scan)
produce multi-dimensional injuries  CT scans in stable patients, consider CT angiogram
 Head o Head: bleeding, edema, ventricular
o GCS, open skull fractures, eyes (VA< pupil effacement
size and reactivity, globe integrity and o Neck: C-spine, CTA carotid and vertebral
foreign body, extraocular muscle arteries
movement), ears, nose (epistaxis), mouth o CAP: blunt aortic injury, solid organ injury
 Neck  Interventional radiology to control arterial
o Liver & some spleen, pelvic glutea o Severe fractures
EXTREMITY TRAUMA o Knee dislocation (popliteal artery)
 Reduction and splinting for bleeding and pain ONGOING ASSESSMENT
 If pulse is lost after doing so, release and reapply  Post-resuscitation monitoring
traction/splint o Vital signs and organ perfusion, urinary
 Open fractures output, ABG, pulse oximetry, end-tidal
o Rapid washout with Betadine solution carbon dioxide, mentation, skin color,
o Reduce and splint temperature, capillary refill
o As contaminated or dirty wound, needs  Assess for analgesia and comfort
treatment with IV antibiotics o Short-acting narcotics administered IV
o Operative intervention within 6 hours o Benzodiazepines for non-hypoxic anxiety
improves outcome  Repeat primary and secondary exams within 24
 Crush syndrome hours as tertiary survey to prevent missed injuries
o Direct muscle injury + muscle ischemia  o Wrist and ankle films for falls
rhabdomyolysis o Skeletal survey in obese for subclinical
 Hypovolemia, acidemia, fractures
hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia o Complete spin films in patients with one
and hypocalcemia, DIC spinal fracture or calcaneal fractures
o Manage with intravascular saline volume
expansion to promote diuresis, goal 100
 Compartment syndrome
o Elevated pressure within osteofascial
compartment that compromises perfusion
o Risks
 Tibial and forearm fractures
 Crush injury
 Ischemia/reperfusion injury
 Tight dressings or casts
 Circumferential burns
o Diagnosis
 Pain out of proportion to injury;
tense compartment swelling
 Neurological and vascular DVT PROPHYLAXIS
compromise are late findings
o Management  Consider DVT prophylaxis in every hospitalized
 Preemptive fasciotomy for risks 1-3 patient
 Remove/bivalve casts  Risk factors: elderly, immobile, history of
 Escharotomy for circumferential DVT/PE, critically ill, stroke with lower extremity
full-thickness burns paralysis, advanced CHF, active cancer, acute
SPECIFIC TREATMENTS respiratory failure, thrombophilia, recent surgery or
 Cardiac tamponade: trauma, obesity, ongoing hormonal therapy
o Diagnose with FAST exam with pericardial  Low-risk: young patients no risk factors
fluid; pericardiocentesis, subxiphoid o No need
pericardial window
 Moderate-risk: at least 1 risk factor
o Relatively stable: median sternotomy
o Pharmacological preferred with or without
o Unstable: resuscitative thoracotomy mechanical prophylaxis
 Indications for laparotomy  High-risk: multiple risk factors
o Blunt or penetrating abdominal trauma with o Both pharmacological and mechanical
suspected causing hypotension
 LMWH preferred due to effectiveness and ease of
o Peritonitis administration; unfractionated in low GFR
o Evisceration o Contraindications: active bleeding, recent
o Free intraperitoneal air bleeding, high risk for bleeding,
o Evidence of ruptured diaphragm, GI tract, coagulopathy, planned surgery in next 6-12
intraperitoneal bladder, and hours, thrombocytopenia
pancreaticoduodenal complex  Mechanical: intermittent pneumatic compressions,
 Contrast urography for lower urinary tract graduated compression stockings, venous foot
o Retrograde urethrogram for urethral pump
o Cystogram to define bladder injury o Contraindications: limb ischemia due to
 CT or interventional diagnostic angiography PVD, skin breakdown
o Penetrating zone I or III neck injuries ORTHOPEDIC SURGERIES
o Concern for blunt carotid or vertebral artery  VTE risk high when undergoing major orthopedic
injury surgeries such as hip and knee
 LMWH, apixaban, and rivaroxaban preferred  CXR to exclude pulmonary edema or aspiration
 Fondaparinux, UFH, warfarin if can’t use pneumonia
 Preferably 35 days from day of surgery  Complete metabolic panel, CBC, arterial blood gas
 No DVT prophylaxis if very low-risk, mechanical if  ABCDE approach; place two large (14 or 16 gauge)
low risk, pharmacological with/without mechanical peripheral IVs
if moderate to high-risk  Prevent further heat loss and begin rewarming
o Mild: passive external rewarming (remove
HYPOTHERMIA wet clothes, cover blankets, warm room)
o Moderate, refractory mild: active external
 Core body temperature <35C/95F rewarming (warm blankets, radiant head,
ETIOLOGY forced warm air)
 Primary (environmental exposure to cold) or o Severe, refractory moderate: active
secondary (inadequate temperature regulation) internal/core rewarming (IV warmed
 Increased heat loss: vasodilation drugs, crystalloid, warmed irrigation of
erythroderma (burns, psoriasis), surgery, sepsis, peritoneum, thorax, extracorporeal blood
multiple trauma rewarming)
o Evaporation from the wound,  Cold-induced injuries with supportive care or
peripheral vasodilation surgery as needed
impaired sympathetic due to anesthetics, CAUTIONS
and cold or room-temperature infusions  Avoid rough handling and always warm trunk
 Decreased heat production: endocrine before extremities; else recirculation of cold,
(hypopituitarism, hypoadrenalism, academic blood
hypothyroidism), severe malnutrition,  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation not be performed
hypoglycemia, damage to posterior hypothalamic until core body temperature 30-32 as may not be
nucleus responsive
 Impaired thermoregulation: damage to preoptic
nucleus of hypothalamus due to CNS trauma, ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL
strokes, toxicologic and metabolic derangements,
intracranial bleeding, PD, tumors, Wernicke, or MS  CIWA-Ar protocol: grades severity
 Other: malignancy, uremia, shock, cardiac arrest, o Nausea/vomiting, tremor, paroxysmal
vascular insufficiency sweats, anxiety, agitation, tactile
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY disturbances, auditory disturbances, visual
 Body loses heat through radiation (most disturbances, headache/fullness in head,
significant), conduction, convection orientation/clouding of sensorium
 Hypothalamus maintains 36.5-37.5 by:  Adjust pharmacotherapy according to severity
o Conserving heat (peripheral o First-line: benzodiazepines
vasoconstriction by direct and sympathetic)  Short or intermediate (oxazepam,
o Increasing heat production (shivering lorazepam) in patients with slow
increases metabolic activity and heat metabolism (elderly, liver failure)
production)  Longer acting (diazepam) in all
 Organ effects other patients
o General tissue oxygen demand decreases by o Second-line: anticonvulsants as adjunct or
6% per degree below 35 if contraindications for benzodiazepines
o Decreased depolarization of cardiac   Supportive care
decreased CO  decreased mean arterial P o IV fluid therapy and fluid monitoring
CLINICAL FEATURES o Multivitamins, folate, electrolyte repletion,
 Determine core temperature with low-reading oral glucose, thiamine supplementation
temperature probe in bladder, rectum, or esophageal (therapeutic dose if Wernicke, prophylactic
 Mild, 32-35C: confusion, amnesia, ataxia, apathy, dose otherwise)
tachycardia, tachypnea, cold diuresis (fluid shifts to  Manage complications
core from peripheral vasoconstriction, central o Seizures: IV benzodiazepines
volume receptors) o Psychotic disorder: low-dose
 Moderate, 28-32: worsened CNS depression, antipsychotics (haloperidol, risperidone) in
stupor, may mimic brain death, hypoventilation, combination with benzodiazepines
hyporeflexia, oliguria, bradycardia, cardiac o Delirium: critical care unit for high-dose
arrhythmias IV benzodiazepines
 Severe, <28: Vfib or pulselessness, fixed pupils,  Offer treatment of alcohol use disorder
pulmonary edema, apnea, hypotension, coma
 Mainly to assess comorbidities
 ECG: prolongation of all intervals, elevated J point PRINCIPLES
(J or Osborn wave)  1. Safety
 2. Trustworthiness and transparency
 3. Peer support  Coagulopathy if sepsis suspected – always order
 4. Collaboration and mutuality  Blood cultures to confirm what will kill you
 5. Empowerment, voice, and choice  Problems with general
 6. Cultural, historical, and gender issues o Autonomic blocks – BP
RE-TRAUMATIZATION o Mechanical ventilation needed
 Touch, smell, noises o Aspiration risk
 Power dynamics o Could die more – that’s why prefer regional
 Gender of provider anesthetic
 Loss of and lack of privacy
 Look of environment
 Specific wording or words
 Culturally safe and welcoming waiting area and
meeting room (e.g. resources, Indigenous art)
 Allow multiple no shows but explore barriers
 Continuous assessment of body language for stress:
crying, sweating, fidgeting, shaking, gripping table
 Awareness of own prejudices
 Given individuals lots of options and avoid jargon
 Respond appropriately and apologize when needed
 Other from top to bottom:
o Screening for trauma, collaboration and
understanding other professionals’ roles,
understanding health effects of trauma,
patient-centered communication skills


 Type I: open fracture with wound less than 1 cm
long and clean
 Type II: open fracture with laceration greater than
1 cm long without extensive soft tissue damage,
flaps, avulsions
 Type III: open segmental fracture, open fracture
with extensive soft tissue damage, or traumatic
o A: open fractures with adequate soft tissue
coverage of a fractured bone despite
extensive soft tissue laceration or flaps, or
high-energy trauma regardless of wound
o B: open fractures with extensive soft tissue
injury loss with periosteal stripping and
bone exposure
o C: open fractures associated with arterial
injury requiring repair


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