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Interfaith Dialogue & Relations (ISLM305)

Topic: End-term Reflection

Reflection is the best way to analyze and evaluate your learning experience,
measure progress, notice changes, and identify learning challenges. Please recall
into your mind the whole course of Islamic Education and reflect on the following

• The impact of learning on your thinking, attitude, behavior, beliefs, knowledge,

and skills.

• The best part/activity of the course.

• The least effective part/activity of the course

• Other comments if any

Note: This is assignment is not about study and research. Just sit at the computer and

compose your journal about your learning experience, course contents, discussions, activities,

class environment, videos, and assignments to evaluate the impact of the course.

This should be 2-3 pages fair, genuine and in-depth reflection. Must write your name and

Roll No on the title page! Thanks

Deadline: July 4, 2021

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