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Website ___________________________________________________________
SEO Practice Description Verified
Customer __________________________________________________________ Keyword Stuffing Avoid excessive and unnatural use of keywords within content, as it can hurt readability and user experience.
Hidden Text and Links Don't hide text or links using CSS or other methods to manipulate search engines while keeping them invisible to users.

Phone ____________________________________________________________ Cloaking

Avoid showing different content to search engines than what users see, as it's deceptive and against search engine
Refrain from creating low-quality, keyword-rich pages that redirect users to a different page, which can confuse users
Doorway Pages
Email _____________________________________________________________ and search engines.
Avoid using PBNs, which are networks of sites created solely for the purpose of linking to your main site, as they can be
Private Blog Networks (PBNs)
detected and penalized.
Paid Links and Link Farms Don't buy links from low-quality or unrelated websites, and avoid participating in link farms or schemes.
Avoid copying content from other sites or using automated tools to spin content, as it leads to low-quality and
Content Scraping and Spinning
duplicate content.
Aspect Description Verified Refrain from maliciously attempting to harm competitors' rankings through tactics like creating spammy links to their
Negative SEO
Keyword Research and Optimization Identify relevant keywords and strategically use them in content. sites.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions Craft unique titles & descriptions for higher clicks & rankings. Clickbait Titles and Meta Descriptions Avoid using misleading or exaggerated titles and descriptions that don't accurately reflect the content.

URL Structure Create clean, descriptive URLs reflecting content & hierarchy. Automated Link Building Don't use automated tools to create large numbers of backlinks quickly, as it can lead to unnatural link profiles.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) Use proper headings to structure content & signal importance. Duplicate Content Avoid using the same content across multiple pages or domains, as it can result in duplicate content issues.

Content Quality and Relevance Develop engaging content aligning with keywords & intent. Buying Social Signals Refrain from purchasing fake social media engagement, as it won't provide genuine value to your audience.

Internal Linking Create logical links for navigation & SEO distribution. Invisible or Tiny Text Avoid using tiny text or text of the same color as the background to stuff keywords, as it's considered manipulative.

External Linking Include authoritative external links & earn backlinks. Misleading Redirects Don't use redirects to send users or search engines to pages that are irrelevant or not expected.

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design Ensure mobile compatibility for seamless experience. Negative Reviews Manipulation Avoid creating fake negative reviews for competitors or positive reviews for your own business, as it's dishonest.

Page Speed Optimization Optimize load times through compression & caching. Content Automation Refrain from using tools to automatically generate content without human input, as it leads to low-quality content.

Image Optimization Optimize images, filenames & alt text for SEO. Article Spinning Avoid using automated tools to rewrite articles in a way that produces unnatural and nonsensical content.

Schema Markup Use schema for richer search result context. Don't participate in link exchange programs solely for the purpose of gaining backlinks, as it's against search engine
Link Exchange Schemes
SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Secure site, boost trust & potential ranking.
Comment Spamming Avoid leaving irrelevant or low-quality comments with links on blogs and forums, as it's a spammy practice.
XML Sitemap Create & submit sitemap for efficient indexing.
Cookie-Cutter Templates Refrain from using identical or near-identical templates for multiple websites, as it leads to lack of uniqueness.
Robots.txt File Control search engine access with robots.txt.
Canonical Tags Prevent duplicate content with canonical tags.
404 Error Pages Guide users on error pages to main content.
Social Media Integration Integrate sharing buttons & optimize profiles.
Analytics and Webmaster Tools Use tools to monitor, analyze & identify issues.
Local SEO Optimization (if applicable) Optimize for local search & Google My Business.
Mobile Usability Enhance mobile experience with touch-friendly design.
Breadcrumb Navigation Aid user understanding with breadcrumb links. Security Practice Description Verified
Duplicate Content Address duplicate content to avoid penalties. SSL Certificate: Ensure that your website is secured with an SSL certificate (HTTPS) to encrypt data transmission.
User Experience (UX) Prioritize seamless, intuitive experiences. Vulnerability Testing: Conduct vulnerability scanning using tools like Nessus or OpenVAS to identify potential security weaknesses.
Content Updates Regularly refresh content for relevance. Penetration Testing: Perform penetration testing (ethical hacking) to simulate potential attacks and identify vulnerabilities.
Structured URLs Use keywords for clear URL indications. Web Application Firewall (WAF): Implement a WAF to protect against common web application attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
Long-Form Content Create informative, comprehensive content. Secure Coding Practices: Review your codebase for security vulnerabilities, following secure coding practices.
Social Signals Engage in social media for indirect SEO. Input Validation: Validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent injection attacks and other malicious actions.
Alt Text for Images Describe images for accessibility & SEO. Error Handling: Ensure that error messages do not disclose sensitive information and provide minimal details.
Header and Footer Links Guide users with important internal links. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Validate and sanitize user-generated content to prevent XSS attacks.
Content Readability Format for easy reading & user engagement. SQL Injection: Implement prepared statements and parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks.
Content Originality Craft unique content for credibility. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Implement CSRF tokens and validate requests to prevent unauthorized actions.
Mobile Page Speed Optimize mobile load times for SEO. Directory Listing: Disable directory listing to prevent exposure of sensitive files and directories.
Outbound Links Link to reputable sources for value. File Uploads: Validate and restrict file uploads to prevent execution of malicious files.
Content Depth Offer in-depth, educational content. Authentication and Authorization: Implement strong authentication mechanisms and ensure proper authorization levels for users.
Keyword Cannibalization Avoid targeting the same keyword on multiple pages. Password Policies: Enforce strong password policies for user accounts, including complexity and expiration rules.
Keyword Density Maintain natural keyword usage. Session Management: Implement secure session management practices to prevent session hijacking.
Content Formatting Format content for scannability. Content Security Policy (CSP): Set up a CSP to control which resources can be loaded on your website, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.
Geotargeting (if applicable) Optimize for local relevance. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Offer 2FA for user accounts to add an extra layer of security.
Mobile-Friendly Test Test mobile usability with Google tool. Secure APIs: Ensure that APIs are properly secured with authentication and authorization mechanisms.
User Reviews and Ratings Manage reviews for local SEO. Regular Updates: Keep all software, plugins, frameworks, and CMS up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.
Breadcrumb Markup Add schema for breadcrumb navigation. Backup and Recovery: Set up regular backups of your website's data and files to recover in case of a security breach.
Structured Data Testing Validate schema with Google tool. Access Control: Limit access to sensitive areas of your website to authorized personnel only.
Mobile-First Indexing Optimize for mobile indexing. Secure Hosting Environment: Choose a reputable and secure hosting provider with robust security measures.
Server Response Codes Fix errors for better UX & SEO. Monitoring and Logging: Set up monitoring tools and log analysis to detect and respond to security incidents.
URL Canonicalization Set canonical URLs for duplicate content. Incident Response Plan: Develop an incident response plan to handle security breaches effectively.
User Engagement Metrics Analyze metrics for content quality. User Input Filtering: Filter and validate user inputs to prevent malicious code execution.
Influencer and Outreach Strategy Engage with influencers for backlinks. Regular Security Audits: Schedule regular security audits to assess your website's security posture.
Competitor Analysis Study competitors for insights. Third-Party Integrations: Vet third-party scripts and plugins for security vulnerabilities before integrating them.
Mobile User Experience Optimize UX for mobile users. User Data Protection: Implement measures to protect user data, including encryption and secure storage.
Local Business Schema Add schema for local search visibility. Legal and Compliance: Ensure that your website complies with relevant privacy laws and regulations.
Training and Awareness: Train your team members on security best practices and raise awareness about potential risks.

Performance Practice Description Verified

Testing and Preparation Description Verifed
Page Load Time Aim for page load times under 3 seconds for an optimal user experience.
Proofread all content for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.
First Contentful Paint (FCP) Target FCP within 1 to 2 seconds for quick visual feedback.
Verify that images and media are displayed correctly and load quickly.
Content and Design: Time to Interactive (TTI) Strive for TTI within 5 seconds to ensure fast interactivity.
Ensure consistent design and branding across all pages.
Total Page Size Keep total page size under 1-2 MB for efficient loading.
Check for proper alignment and spacing of elements.
Image Optimization Compress and optimize images to keep their total size below 150 KB.
Test all website links to ensure they lead to the correct pages.
Browser Caching Set browser caching for at least a week to a month for frequently accessed assets.
Verify that all forms, buttons, and interactive elements work as intended.
Functionality: Minification Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to reduce their sizes by 30% to 50%.
Test navigation menus on all devices and screen sizes.
Gzip Compression Enable Gzip compression to reduce text-based asset sizes by around 70%.
Ensure contact information is correct and functional.
Render Blocking Resources Minimize render-blocking resources to no more than 1-2 critical requests.
Check if content resizes and displays properly on different screen sizes.
Critical Rendering Path Ensure above-the-fold content renders within 1-2 seconds.
Responsive Design: Test the website's responsiveness on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
Reduce Server Response Time Aim for server response times below 200 milliseconds.
Test touch interactions, such as buttons and sliders, on mobile devices.
CDN (Content Delivery Network) Use a CDN to deliver static assets with a latency of under 100 milliseconds.
Test the website on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.).
Browser Compatibility: Async and Defer Scripts Use async for third-party scripts and defer for essential inline scripts.
Ensure that the website looks and functions correctly on each browser.
Lazy Loading Implement lazy loading for images below the fold to reduce initial load time.
Test the website's page load times using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.
Page Speed: Minimize Redirects Minimize redirects to 1 per page, if possible.
Optimize images, scripts, and code to improve load times.
Optimize CSS Delivery Prioritize above-the-fold CSS and load remaining CSS asynchronously.
Ensure that all important pages have unique and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions.
Browser Rendering Optimize CSS rules and layout to achieve 60 fps rendering.
SEO and Analytics: Set up Google Analytics or other tracking tools to monitor website performance.
Resource Bundling Bundle CSS and JavaScript files to reduce HTTP requests to under 10.
Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines for indexing.
Prefetching Use prefetching for key assets, limiting it to 1-2 resources.
Test forms and other input fields to check for potential security vulnerabilities.
Responsive Design Ensure a seamless experience across different devices and screen sizes.
Security: Set up an SSL certificate to ensure secure data transmission (HTTPS).
Eliminate Unused Code Remove unused CSS and JavaScript to keep file sizes minimal.
Implement security measures to protect against spam and malicious attacks.
Third-Party Scripts Limit third-party scripts to 2-3 maximum per page.
Add alt text to images for screen reader compatibility.
Reduce Plugins Use a maximum of 5 plugins or third-party tools to minimize overhead.
Accessibility: Test the website for accessibility using tools like WAVE or Lighthouse.
Database Optimization Regularly optimize your database to maintain fast data retrieval.
Ensure that color contrasts meet accessibility standards.
Cache Control Headers Set cache control headers for a minimum of 7 days for static assets.
Test social media sharing buttons and verify that they link to the correct profiles.
Social Media Integration: Minimize DOM Size Aim for a maximum DOM depth of 10-15 elements.
Check if social media feeds or widgets display content accurately.
HTTP/2 Protocol Use HTTP/2 to consolidate assets and reduce latency.
Test content updates, additions, and deletions using the CMS.
Content Management System (CMS): Content Prioritization Load critical resources before non-essential ones to improve perceived performance.
Check that all dynamic content (blogs, news, events) displays correctly.
Resource Caching Cache frequently used resources for at least a week.
Test the entire checkout process, from product selection to payment confirmation.
E-Commerce (if applicable): Error Handling Ensure proper error handling to prevent slow loading due to broken resources.
Verify that product images, prices, and descriptions are accurate.
Ensure that the website includes necessary legal pages (Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, etc.).
Legal and Compliance:
Check for compliance with relevant laws and regulations in your industry or region.
Set up regular website backups and test the restoration process.
Backup and Recovery:
Verify that backup files are stored securely and can be accessed if needed.
DNS and Domain: Double-check domain registration and DNS settings to ensure the correct domain is linked to the website.
Conduct a final thorough review of the entire website on all devices and browsers.
Final Testing:
Test the website's performance during high traffic times, if possible.
Confirm that all necessary content and pages are in place and ready for launch.
Launch Readiness:
Inform stakeholders and team members about the launch date and time.
Have a contingency plan in case any issues arise after the launch.
Backup Plan:
Keep a backup of the previous website version in case a rollback is necessary.

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