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Growing lettuce on NFT

A beginners guide...

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."

Lettuce growing on NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) is increasingly popular.

Plants are grown on PVC gullies without much growing media. The main reasons are:
• The installation is relatively cheap, compared to Moving Gutter and Floating systems.
• Labour friendly because it is an easy working height.
• Good ventilation all around the plant, so much less problems with leaf diseases.
• Soil born diseases like Rhizoctonia, Nematodes, and Sclerotina are no longer a
• It is easy to plan and fast: no time wasted for pre-planting preparations.
• High yield: 50 to 70 kg per m2 per year is very well possible.
• Food-safety: no risk for worms, sand and manure in the product.
When starting with NFT there are a few attention points to take care of; and there are a few
choices to make. Hopefully this guide can be of assistance.

Location and Rain-shelter:

Ideally the NFT is installed at a cool location. However, there are also a lot of farms at low
land locations. A greenhouse or rain shelter helps to keep the crop dry in the rainy season.
Make sure that the construction is strong enough but also let’s in enough light.
On low-land locations in the dry season temperature can be reduced by using chalk / lime
sprayed on the plastic. This keeps the temperature in the greenhouse much better
compared to a screen inside.
It is recommended not to use a UV blocker in the greenhouse plastic since this can result in
a less good colour of the lettuce.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
NFT uses gullies (flat PVC pipes) that are installed at a slope. Water is supplied at one side
and collected again at the other side. The water then returns to the tank from which it is
reused again. There are different types of gullies. It is best to have a flat bottom so the
water is evenly spread for the best contact with oxygen.
The water temperature is very important for a good result. It should not reach 28C because
warm water can not contain enough oxygen.
To make sure the water is as cool as possible we should take care that:
• All pipes are digged into the soil.
• The water tank is digged into the soil.
• The gullies are not too long: best to keep them at 12 meter maximum. With longer
gullies there is a bigger risk that at the end of the gully the water will be too warm;
and not contain enough oxygen for optimal growth.
• The slope is 2 – 4 % and the water volume is 1 – 2 litre / minute.

On some locations the measures taken above will still not be sufficient to keep the water
temperature of the water at an acceptable level. In that case cooling of the water is an
option. Different systems are used:
• Cool tower: the return water is put on a kind of pat that spreads the water. A big fan
makes some of the water evaporate; and so the temperature goes down.
• Cool pad & Fan: same principle but now a “normal” cool pad is used.
• A normal cooling machine...

Cool tower Local made cool tower Cool pad & fan

Some farmers chose to not fix the gullies, so they can be pushed together. They can have
more gullies on a bed and still are able to harvest
Recommended plant-to-plant distances for iceberg & large Romaine is 30 – 35cm, gem
romaine at 20 – 25 cm and all others at 25 – 30cm.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Pot and growing media:
Two types of pots are often used: small cups for single use and net pots for re-use. Other
options can be a paper-plug or peat without a pot.

Single use cup Cup sold as well Multiple use net pot Pot is taken off

There are a lot of choices of growing media; I mention a few.

• Coco-peat: cheap but can look dirty. Fine if the lettuce is harvested without roots, or
if the root development is that good so the media does not show (see picture above).
• Mix of perlite and vermiculite: both are volcanic porous stones that are clean and so
can be sold together with the lettuce (so with the roots and cup on the plant).
• Rockwool: kind of foam made out of rock. Usually cut into small plugs. These plugs
are put into net-pots that keep the plants up.
• Phyto-foam: specially developed organic foam that can be used without a pot.
• Peat-moss: it is won in many countries. A good mixture of different types of peat-
moss can give a nice media. It can be pressed into a square shape or used loose in
trays or pots.
Important is that the cups are well filled, and not too short. This helps a lot to prevent from
diseases and some disorders.

Rockwool Peat moss Perlite & vermiculite Phyto Foam

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Normal lettuce seeds do not germinate when the temperature is above 23C. The optimum
temperature for germination is between 16C and 20C. So for normal lettuce seeds it is best
to put the sowing tray in a cool place for 1,5 – 3 days. Take care not to keep them too long
in a dark place since this will result in tall and weak plants.
Thermo-cured pills have been treated and can be sown directly in the nursery. However,
when it is hot it is still recommended to do the sowing in the late afternoon so germination
will start in the cool night.
The media should be moist but not too wet. So usually it is watered a few times a day
(frequency depending on the media & the climate). Watering can be done overhead or from
below, so only the media becomes wet. A simple way is to use a “flooding table”.
Water can be put on the table with a bucket and left there for some time. When the pots
are wet enough the table is unplugged (see picture below).
An option is to use a “second” nursery, where the young plants are kept at a medium high
density. Planting rather big plants will reduce the time on the end spacing. This results in
more cycles per year so giving a higher production per m2 per year. However, under hot
conditions we cannot plant too young since there is too much risk for stress.
The young plants in the nursery need the full set of fertilizers, including the trace elements.
But don’t use a too high EC. Usually 0,8 – 1 EC is sufficient.

Flooding table Un-plug and the water goes back in the tank “second nursery”

A good quality young plant is of major importance.

A bad start like: too dry, too wet, uneven plants always will result in a bad harvest!

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
EC, PH and Fertilizers
EC is the concentration of fertilizers. It is often used in horticulture to know how much
fertilizers we should add. The optimal EC depends on the location and the season. Generally
warm and dry conditions ask for a lower EC (1,0 – 1,4) ; cooler and higher climates ask for a
higher EC (1,4 – 2,0). To control the Ec there are 2 ways:
• During the day the plants use water and fertilizers. So at the end of the day measure
the EC. Water and fertilizers should be added, till the required level is reached.
• A second way is that clean water is added during the day, using a floater to keep the
water level the same. In that system the EC will go down during the day (because
water is added). On a hot day the EC will drop much lower compared to a rainy day.
This is exactly what we wish: easy uptake on a hot day and a higher EC on a cooler
day. At the end of the day only fertilizers are added till the required level. An
advantage of this system is that we can add cold water during the day. This helps to
keep the water temperature at acceptable level.
Another thing of importance is the PH. This is the measurement for the acidity of the water.
The higher the PH the less acid is in the water. The PH should be between 4,8 and 6,5.
Water from some sources can have a high PH that is “buffered”. If we add acid (HNO3 or
H2PO4) the PH is still high after some time. In that case more acid should be added until the
“buffer” has been “filled” and the PH can come down.
It is strongly recommended to have the source water tested before starting the farm.
There are big differences between locations; If we know what is in the water we can adjust
the fertilizer mix accordingly.

Below are the recommended levels for NFT lettuce:

Macro Trace
elements mmol ppm elements µmol ppm
•NO3- 7 250 - 450 •Fe 25 - 50 1.4 – 2.8
•SO4-- 1,3 120 •Mn 3,5 - 5 0.18 – 0.27
•Cl- 1,3 50 •B 35 0.38
•PO4-- 1 - 1,3 80 - 120 •Zn 3,5 0.23
•SiO3-- 0,35 25 •Cu 0,7 0.035
•Ca++ 2,5 - 4 100 - 200 •Mo 0.35 0.04
•K+ 8 - 12 350 - 500
•Mg++ 1 24
•NH4+ 0,35 6
•Na <1 < 25

Recommended levels can differ per location!

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Plants need a full set of fertilizers. Often an A and B stock solution is used: CaNo3, Kno3
(Optional) and Fe Chelate are in the A tank and all others go into the B tank. From these
stock solutions an equal amount is mixed in the mixing tank.
Below you can find some examples for A – B mix solutions:
A tank “normal” Iceberg Salanova
Ca(NO3)2 19 kg 19 kg 16,5 kg
KNO3 14 kg 11 kg 15 kg
Fe 6% 700 g 700 g 700 g
B tank “normal” Iceberg Salanova
KH2PO4 9 kg 10 kg 9 kg
MgSO4 7 kg 7 kg 9 kg
KNO3 12 kg 6 kg 14 kg For Salanova:
KSO4 3 kg Starting 5 days
KCl 3 kg after “new water”:
MnSO4 20 g 20 g 20 g Add 50 g KNO3
ZnSO4 35 g 35 g 35 g directly in 1000 l
Borax 70 g 70 g 70 g Mixing tank.
CuSO4 10 g 10 g 10 g
NaMo 3g 3g 3g

A thing to check is the PH in the A tank. It is recommended to keep this at 5 – 5,5.

A too high PH can make the Fe Chelate inactive resulting in Fe deficiency in the crop.

After having used the same tank for 3 weeks it is best to take out all the water and replace it
with new water, with the optimal fertilizer mix. The “old” water can be used for fertigation
of soil grown crop, so it is not wasted.
If the recycle water can be tested this is of a great help: then you can keep on using the
same water for longer by ajusting the fertilizer formula.

In tropical countries irrigation is done 24 per day.

This differs a lot from Europe where they water on-off. In Europe they use much bigger pots
that contain more water.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Pests & Diseases
Growing on NFT solves the soil-born diseases. Another advantage is that there are fewer
diseases because of the speed and the air movement all around the plants.
But there are still a few pests and diseases that can attack the crop:

The tip of the roots turns brown. Plants often wilt during the hottest hours. Growth is slow.
Pythium often starts when the water temperature is too high and the oxygen level in the
water is too low. Pythium can usually be avoided as long as the water temperature is below
28C. Extra aeration of the water helps too. Pythium can be treated chemically by adding
fungicides like Previcure N to the irrigation water (1 ml / litre).

Downey Mildew (Bremia lactucae):

Bremia can be a big problem in lettuce. The older leaves show yellow spots that are
bordered by the leaf veins. In a later stadium white “powder” can be seen. Worldwide there
are many strains of Bremia recognized; 31 up to date. Rijk Zwaan has varieties that are
resistant to most to all of these strains.
Downey mildew can be treated chemically but it is not easy since the fungus grows on the
underside of the leaves, which are not easily covered. Chemicals used include: Agrobat,
Ridomil Gold, etc.

Leaf spots (Cercospora):

Leaf spots are a common problem in lettuce: brown spots starting on the older leaves. It
usually does not kill the plants but it reduces production a lot because too many leaves have
to be trimmed. It happens when the humidity is high. Growing on NFT already reduces the
problem a lot because of the air movement all around the plant. Chemical control can be
done by spraying with fungicides like: Topsin, Benlate, Nativo or Cabrio.

Left: healthy / right: Pythium Downey mildew Leaf spots = Cercospora

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Leaf miner adults are 2 – 3 mm small flies that like to sit on top of the leaf. They feed by
sucking leaf saps, leaving small white spots. Later they lay eggs inside the leaf. The larva
eats itself thru the leaf. The product looks not nice and is more difficult to sell. It helps to
harvest relatively young, before the second generation can develop. Chemical treatment
can be done by spraying with Trigard, Abamectine, Endure, etc.

Leaf miner adult Leaf-miner damage

Thrips is a tiny insect (2 – 3 mm) that likes to hide under the leaves. The larvae are usually
brownish and the adults black. It sucks from the leaves, leaving a “silvery” damage.
Some geneses of Thrips can spread the TSWV virus. Chemical treatment on Thrips includes
spraying with insecticides like: Tracer, Endure, Abamectine, etc.

Thrips larvae Thrips damage Aphid Nasonovia

Aphids are insects of about 3 – 4 mm. They usually sit beneath the leaves, often inside the
crop. This makes them more difficult to control. The first few fly into the greenhouse. Their
young have no wings until their population becomes too big; then they produce young with
wings that spread again. There are different several types and colours.
Rijk Zwaan has a range of lettuces that is resistant against 1 kind of aphid: Nasonovia.
Pesticides that can control aphids include: Pirimor, Chess, Applaud, and Confidor.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Disorders are problems that are not caused by a pest or disease.

Tip burn:
Tip burn can be a major problem in Lettuce. There is a difference between tip burn on the
outer leaves and inner leaves. External tip burn often occurs on the tip of exposed leaves,
under hot, dry and windy conditions, especially after a period of humid weather. It happens
more often with a relatively high EC or low K level.
Internal tip burn is the result of poor Ca distribution to the growing point. It often happens
when there is wind at night, so the evaporation continues. As a result the root pressure is
not enough to push the Ca to the youngest leaves.
Heading types (like Romaine and Iceberg) are much more sensitive. There are big
differences between varieties for the sensitivity to tip burn.

Bolting is the process when a lettuce starts flowering: the stem becomes longer.
The taste of the lettuce becomes bitter. This is normal when the lettuce plant is at age.
But sometimes bolting is induced in a young stage; by any kind of stress. Stress can happen
because of things like: planting too old, planting when it is too hot, too dry plants in the
nursery, EC shocks, etc. We should try to avoid stress at all times.
An important variety trait is how slow it will bolt; there are big differences between

Tip-burn Bolting Twisting

Twisting is another form of stressed plants: the plants don’t make a nice head but the leaves
are twisting around the centre. Iceberg and mainly romaine lettuce tends to have more
problems. Try to avoid stress at all times. And again, choose the right variety.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
In blind plants in lettuce the growing point has been damaged; usually in a young
stage. As a result the plants stop growing, or produces more than one head.
It is more often found in Lollo and Oak types. It can have several reasons:
• Insect damage (like Aphids or Thrips)
• Wrong application of a pesticide
• Mo deficiency
• Bo deficiency
• Drift of a herbicide that has been sprayed nearby.
• Mistakes in the fertilizer formula.
• Too high EC during hot days.
• Transplanting during the hottest hours
There are differences between varieties for the sensitivity for blindness.

“blind” plants next to normal developed plants

Harvesting & storage:

The harvest should be done preferably in the early morning, when the plants are well filled
with water. Temperature is the main factor if we talk about shelf life: the faster the lettuce
is cooled back to 1C the better. That is why harvesting at midday is not suitable: the product
will start at a too high temperature already and it will take too long to cool down.
After the pre-cooling, storage can be done below 4C and 95 – 100% RH.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Seed types:
Rijk Zwaan supplies different seed products. Below I will describe the advantages and dis-
• NS = Normal Seed: These are non-graded seeds. These are the cheapest seeds but
Germination is usually about 85%
• PR = Precision Seed: These are seeds that have been graded. The small and empty
Seeds have been taken out. Germination is usually between 90
and 95%. Shelf life of these seeds is good.
• SP = Split Pill: Seeds that have a coating made of soil. We have two types:
o Normal: These are precision seeds that were not primed. These
are easy to sow, have a longer shelf –life but will have
more problems with germinating under higher
o Thermo-Easy: The seeds are “Primed” (treated) first: the germination
process has been started but before the roots get out the
process is stopped, the seeds are dried a bit and then put
into a pill. The advantage is that the germination will be
very high and uniform, even under high temperatures.
Disadvantage is that the shelf-life is limited to about 9

seeds Pills

The best storage for seeds as well as pills is air-tight in a refrigerator. Best temperature is
between 2C and 5C, but everything below 15 is fine. Be aware never to put seeds in a hot
place (like a dashboard of a car) since this can greatly affect the germination rate.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Lettuce types:
Green Batavian This is the most common
lettuce in many countries.
Rijk Zwaan has many different
• more or less compact
• curly or smooth
• darker or light green

Red Batavian In red Batavian Rijk Zwaan

has varieties that are:
• curly or smooth
• double red or triple
(full) red

Green butterhead Butterhead is the most

important lettuce type in
northern Europe. There are
more compact varieties and
varieties that can grow big.
Butterhead is also used to
make “butterhead slurry” a
refreshing and healthy drink.
Red Butterhead Red butterhead used to be
large sized but recently Rijk
Zwaan also has introduced a
compact variety.

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Green Oak leaf Green Oak leaf is very popular
on NFT because it gives a bit
of everything: The structure is
smooth with a nice curly
shape. The growth is fast and
so has a good productivity.

Red Oak leaf Red oak leaf is nice in a twin

pack together with a green
oak, or in a lettuce mix.

Lollo Bionda Lollo bionda is the green

sister of the more famous
lollo rosso. It is sometimes
confused with a Batavian, but
it is much more curled.

Lollo Rosso Lollo rosso is often used as a

garnish. Rijk Zwaan has two
different types: double red is
faster but has more green
parts. Triple red is almost
completely, and more intense

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Gem (mini) Gem romaine can be
Romaine (COS) harvested as a whole plant or
as hearts only. It is sweet and
crunchy in a salad. In some
Asian countries it is mostly
used for cooking.

Red Romaine In red romaine Rijk Zwaan is

(COS) introducing several different
types. It looks very nice in
mixed lettuces or in a twin-

Midi Romaine This size is increasingly

(COS) popular because it can be
cooked as well. Rijk Zwaan
has some very strong varieties
against bolting and tip burn.

Large Romaine Used in the famous Caesar

(COS) salad, the market for large
romaine is increasing. It is
used as a fast grower on NFT.
In soil it can grow over 1 kg /

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."
Iceberg Produced in big volumes on
(head lettuce) NFT in countries like Australia,
Malaysia and South Africa:
here it is cool enough to make
nice heads.
In other countries it is mainly
grown on soil.
Iceberg is popular everywhere
because it is crispy and not
Fine frissee Fine frissee endive is actually
Endive not a lettuce, but it is often
used like one.
Special are the white stems
that make a nice contrast in
salads. It can grow very well
on NFT.

One good source of information and recepies for salads is our consumer website:

Jos van der Knaap, May 2017

"Descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and any other information, for example on expiry, sowing, planting and the harvesting dates, of Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. or
its affiliates in whatever form are based as precisely as possible on experiences in trials and in practice. However, Rijk Zwaan Distribution B.V. and its affiliates cannot
accept in any case liability on the basis of such descriptions, illustrations, growing advices and information for damages or deviating results in the grown product. The buyer
itself is responsible for proper storage of the seeds and will be deemed to determine whether the products and growing advices are suitable to be used for the intended
cultivations and under the local conditions."

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