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VOL. 122. NO. 12. :L »'/ xp*./V . ; ? W - >M v S K E O K U K , I O W A . FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1916 A; EIGHT PAGES






jp d Press Leased Wire Service.] [United Press Leased Wire Service]

« £W YORK, Jan. 14.—The lm- LONDON, Jan. 14,—'The National
<9 rial chancellor. Or. Von Bethmann- Rallwaymen's union, one of the
tollweg, today personally informed strongest labor organizations In Great
& the United Press that at no time dur. Britain, today defied the government
bandits. Anderson was a membf •. Infl his recent Indisposition has Kais­ to enact the conscription bill.
the relief party that went out to . er Wilhelm been confined to his bed. In the most drastic, resolution yet
Watchful Waiting is Too Slow and Unproduc­ cover the bodies. He nearly stumbled In response to an inquiry addressed adopted by any labor body, the execu­ Lucky Tip Revealed Conspiracy Which Was
across the mutilated form of his boy to him, regarding the kaiser's con­ tive committee of the railway men de­
tive Campaign for the People of Texas in the ghastly moonlight. dition, the imperial chancellor t<Vay clared their organization will resist
The body of C. R. Watson, who was sent the following wireless message: conscription to the uttermost. They
Almost Ready to be Put Into Effect
• " —• —• V •,:••./-t; . -i-i'v « .• •' .. -
hinted at an Immediate sftrlke of all
to Subscribe to. ' shot while attempting to ford the riv­ [Copyright 1916 by the United Press.]
er, was found on the bank. Over it, "The United Press:— railway workers of Great Britain if by Crooks.
his hair bristling and his eyes aglare, BERLIN, (via wireless) Jan. 14. the bill passes parliament.
stood guard, Watson's alredale tdvtger. —His majesty receives guesta "Unless the government Is prepared
No one recalled having seen the dog every evening. He receives in to confiscate the wealth of the priv­
aboard the train and bow he came to audience his ministers of state ileged classes for the more successful

HOSPITALS fILLED WITH THE INJURED be at the scene of the massacre is a

Will Give Carranza Time.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—No armed
and officers of high rank for dally
conferences. The kaiser takes
walks in the palace gardens when
weather permits. He has never
prosecution of the war/' read the reso­
lution, "the railway workers will re­
sist to the uttermost the confiscation
of men, whose only wealth is their la­
bor power."

been confined to his bed and will The executive committee declared
troops will be sent across the Mexi­ very, shortly resume his custom­
can border at this time, it was plainly ary activities. (Signed) Von Beth- the railways workers overwhelmingly
Outbreak of Fiery Oratory in Congress Over Indicated today, following a half hour mann-Hollweg." opposed to any form of conscription. Iowa Gang Determined to Get Their Pal Out
conference between President Wilson The chancellor's message was in from They have not receded, they said,
the Way Savage, Treacherous Mexi- and Chairman Stone of the senate for- reply to the following inquiry sent by the poaition they to'ok several
months ago when they warned the
of Jail Before He is Tried for
eign committee. wireless:
Thee senator called to get the presi­ government that an attempt to en­ Murder.
*' '-ty*' 1> cant Have Been Acting. ^; - r '
1 "America flooded with varying re­
dent's advice on action his committee port* of kaiser's illness. Will you force conscription would be followed
should take on the different resolu­ kindly favor us with authoritative by a general strike.
tions referred to it. He would give statement of nature and aeriousness The drastic action of the railway
mi K «*
no indication of what President Wil­ of Illness." men, coupled with the anti-conscrip­
„ tion resolutions adopted by repre­ [United Press Leased Wire Service] The prisoner said gunmen were to be
[United Press Leased Wire Service.] David Kramer was reported killed son desires done with Senator Lewis'
EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 14.—Under by Villistas bandits between Guerrora resolution to give the president the sentatives of the miners yesterday, un­ SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Jan. 14.—Full stationed so that Carlson could be
United States regular troops enforc­ and Mlnica. His son Bert was pre­ same authority to use the army in [By Carl W. Ackerman, United Press questionably has caused the govern­ details of a plot on the part of Charle3 shot down if he made trouble.
ing martial law in the Mexican dis­ viously reported executed. Mexico that he has with the navy in ment concern. Premier Asqulth con­ Ford and other prisoners to kill Gus Involved in the plot are said to be
Staff Correspondent.] ferred informally today with the LeRoy Chase, Morning SRTe burglar r
trict of EI Paso, the city was quiet The death of Gen. Jose E. Rodri­ Nicaragua and Haiti. BERLIN, (via wireless) Jan. 14.— members of the cabinet.. It was ru­ Carlson, assistant Jailer and put over in whose home three drayloads of loot i if
early today, following last night's riot­ guez, a Villista chief detailed to burn He indicted strongly, however, the Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg's
ing which tilled hospitals with wound­ the 13,000,000 Pearson mining plant, conclusion reached, that no American wireless statement to the United ! to mored that efforts were being made a wholesale Jail delivery here, were was recently found, Walter Shank and
bm before the flna| vote unearthed by the county attorney's Arthur Pierce. Chase and Pierce
ed Mexicans. Rage over the massa­ at Madera, has been confirmed by troops should be sent across' the bor­ Press today regarding the ka ser's i , amend the
der now. 8 taken> to eliminate objections of the office today. A lucky tip resulted in were eliminated when taken to Ana-
cre of Americans was expected to Carranza authorities. condition was an official denial of canv^y men and miners.
again overrun all bounds. Mexicans With forty followers, Rodriguez, ap­ It is obviously the attitude of the alarming reports spread through for­ the expose. A prisoner told of the mosa before the arrival of diamond
were being deported by the wholesale proached the mills to burn them. He administration t(iat Carranza should eign countries. It has been stated plan and County Attorney Ntoglestad, point saws.
was surrounded' by American and be given opportunity to gather up the frequently in the German press that his assistant, J. W. Klndlg, and State The grand Jury today brought in ten
or thrown into Jail to escape mobs of Agent Oscar Rock went to the Jail. new indictments against Ford, three
angry American . cowboys, cattlemen Mexican residents of Madera and em­ loose endB of disorder still existing in the kaiser was suffering from a harm­
ployes of the company. Mexico before this government shall less carbuncle. They found saws concealed in Ford's of which charge attempted murder in
and miners. ~ * cell, some of the bars already partial­ connection with a previous plot. Ford,
The twenty thousand Mexicans in The bandits surrendered. hamper him. Thjp kaiser received the new Per­
Rodriguez and his chief of staff, "Carranza cannot be expected to do sian minister on Wednesday,, it was ly sawed through and a tube through already under indictment fo^ the mur­
their quarter kept Indoors while which acids had been passed in by der of Roy Morley and complicity In
kl>*Id-clad United .States troops with Colonel Atmada, were executed im­ this in a day," said btone. learned today. The Persian "diplomat confederates from the outside. Every the robbery of the Farmers and Mer­
•leaded and bayoneted guns stood mediately and their followers prob­ was accompanied to the palace by item in the prisoner's story was cor­ chants' bank, was Involved in three
.guard. • -• ably will meet the same fate, accord­ Carranza's Message r " Foreign Secretary Von Jagow. ^ ^
ing to Carranza reports. WASHINGTON, Jap. J*.—General roborated by what the attorneys previous Jail delivery plots, one pf
American citizen* were reported to wbick-the" police declare, involved the
, "secretly organising a^regimexit of To offset tfcto reported -Gai za in a niessjcge Fnseor&rre--1*-^ murder of John Brennan, the state's
vnlhhteers to invade Mexico it the victory, large armies opposed to tEj. dondo, ambassador here, today de­ VIENNA (via Berlin Wireless) Jan Carlson's eyes, was found In the cell. star witness against him.
Washington .and Carranza govern­ defacto government were said to clared the bandits who killed Ameri­ .tinje, the capital .of Monte-
ments do not take immediate steps have defeated Carranza troops at two cans in Chihuahua are being pursued negvo, has been occupied by Austrian |'—
(H avenge the Santa Ysabel massa­ points. and will "meet condign punishment" troops, it was officially announced; ner> Ford's secretary, and others of there Is practically no government in
cre which cost the lives of eighteen Five thousand Oaxaca troops under The message read: r ^0"' , ,1Ford's intimates, knew nothing of his Mexico City to which the British agent
Americans. The reported massacre of General Benjamin Argumedo routed a "The murderous attack on the pas­ "Au.tro-Hunflarian troops, pursuing I plans They atepped from the hotel can appeal and Great Britain having
twelve more Atnericans threw the column of 3,600 Carranzistas near Es- senger train near Chihuahua was ^u ,le efeated u army ', ». 'j'i. inl ^!at Christiania while the quartette was recognized the Carranza government,
city into a frenzy last night. Four calon. made by the only remaining bands of which is unharmed, said the official smUggiing Ford into the automobile. hesitated in making an appeal to the
United States soldiers "cleaned out" Yaqui rebels under General Fran­ outlaws in that region. This band [United Press Leased Wire Service.] i statement. "The populace is calm." Several members of the Schwimmer United States. M
a saloon full of Mexicans wielding cesco Urbalejo defeated Gen. M. is being actively pursued in order to CONb. ANTINOPLE,^ via Amster- faction threw themselves at the auto­ Holder in his message said that Car-
j •fii
knives. That was the signal for tHeguez's Carranza comand in west­ ensure its capture, whereupon con­ ^ u i [The Vienna official statement, mobiles yelling:
mixed mobs of soldiers and civilians ern Mexico. dign punishment which their crime dam, Jan. 14.—Turkish troops nave I transmitted through Berlin, carried no "Murderers! Kidnappers!" actually ranza's foreign secretary who had
who surged through the streets {it- deserves will be meted out to every entered the important Persian city of | confirmation of Rome reports that the j believing that Ford was being kid­ been at Mexico City, had gone to Join <!J
tacking every Mexican they met. cry­ guilty participant. Kermanshah, according to unofficial | Austrian and Montenegrin troops have Carranza,-leaving Mexico City without
ing "avenge the murdered Americans"
In Pursuit of Bandits. "The constitutionalist government reports received here today. i arranged an armistice, preliminary to naped. Ford's chaiiffeur was no paci­ a responsible chief official. Confer­
CHIHUAHUA, Jan. 14 —General troops have been ordered to estab­ Kermanshah Is a Persian trading , Montenegro's surrender.] fist and besides he had his orders.
and "remember the Cusi." a he mobs Trevino, Carranza commander, Is at lish strong patrols from end to end center of about 30,000, situated scv-' He circled his firsts vigorously in the ences with Secretary Lansing are be*
soon were beyond control of the po­ chill Norwegian air and the Schwim- lng arranged.
lice. (Cusi is the name of the com­
the head of w* additional
— troops today
' Witi 71 I of Ul the
tuo railway
runway line oraer to for- enty miles west of Hamadan, where ; mtmih WOP IT BV
In order
nuts in mers retreated. Ford escaping to the
directing the pursuit orA mthe a Russian force is operating. jflWIB WORK BY
pany which employed the Santa m«1/mVllusta fen(j against similar outrages.
railway station. It is the general be­
Tsabel victims.)
•m . __
bandits. who *_
massacred American m m1 n .
min­ °
"You will make this declaration to I THE BARTENDER lief here that Mme. Schwimmer's
No Martial Law.
ing men west of Chihuahua Monday the press of the United States. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.—Martial
Bell boys in hotels even attacked afternoon. (Signed) "Venustiano Carranza." ANOTHER BIG—FIRE connection with the peace voyage was
. Shot Hold-up Man After He Had in the interest of German propaganda. law has not been declared at El Paso
Mexican guests.
Brig. Gen. John J. Pershing ordered Trevino declared he would not only I UP AT OTTUMWA. Robbed the Place of What by General Pershing, Secretary Gar­
out the Eighth United States infan­ round up the VilliBtas who took part 8eething In Washington. Money There Was. rison said today, the army officer not
in this wholesale murder, but would Enaland Wants Information. having authority to act without or­
try from Fort Bliss fcnd personally WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—Official Fifty Thousand Dollars Damage in
took command of the situation. Quiet direct an energetic campaign against Washington continued to seeth today j Blaze Which Threatened the [United Press Leased Wire Service] ishWASHINGTON. embassy is
Jan. 14.—The Brit­ ders and no such orders having been
preparing to request
Was quickly restored. Villa himself. over Mexican affairs. Measures to as- • Wholesale District. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 14—Walter. ^ t issued. Request from Governor Fer­
Nothing_ has been heard here of the ; sure _ punishment of murderers of the • Collins. 21, Peoria. 111., was shot and state department for information guson to the federal government
A meeting of nearly a thousand
Americans just outside of El Paso, surviving' members of the Kramer j Americans mastered at Santa Ysabe'l; [United Press Leased Wire Service.] | I'f^fbly fatally wounded here last, J™ ^ertment s^ mtemim would first be necessary before such
pledged themselves to avenge the family, since the report that Bert anij to prevent repetition of the whole-i OTTUMWA, Iowa, Jan. 14.—An-1 and Paul Johnson. 13,; * • emhag8V from Brit- orders would be issued, he indicated.
massacre with an invasion of Mexico, Kramer was killed by Mexicans on his . slaughter engrossed all offlrlniR other blaze of mysterious origin of either Kansas City, Kans., or Den- j Reports to the embassy rrom um In this connection, however, it was
if necessary. All were heavily armed father', ranch. Th© greatest fear is [ with the rapid ^!nd tra^c &.££' W&0 SLal. In the Graf. ! »» "•» •- ,<«• ™ h.?bee™ recalled that General Pershing several
and when a report reached them that weeks ago was given practically un­
the Mexicans were gathering in an­ S? JSL aV S * . > ° * ! r r
» " ' ! ^ f U 7 ^ t h ^ e i * " ^ ' o „ ? L * c l f y ™ i ^ ^ i U . e n t e r e d t h e s a . o e niinVed \ h e ^ e n t ' o u t b r e a k . I n limited authority in dealing with
lagt [broadside attack upon President Wil-,
other part of the city, a dash was rode westward from Chihuahua last ® I wholesale district I just befor e closing time and lined the |Chihuahua and that strikes in other trouble on the border. The war de­
Saturday and who have not beenispns Mexlcan Policy, the domestic domestic,, wholesale ...dist c- . Ij patrons and bartenders up along the'carts the! parts of the country were damaging partment at the time Secretary Gar­
made for the Mexican quarters. Sol­ .situation completely over-shadowed j The T; city is much wrought up. by i wajj ancl rjfie(j the cash register. As ! British property. rison explained the law concerning
diers from Fort Bliss had reached neara . . American problems in Europe. this.
lis, and the half minion ^holocaust tjjey started to leave. Bartender' Thrt
the spot first, however, and dispersed B^um the CMntr^est dances i A new and serious complication to-! of Tuesday, and Deputy Fire Mar- Frank Pietro grabbed a gun and fired, ficult, The *aHiiot1nn
'situation is made more dif- martial law, had had no reports from
the Mexicans. the embassy stated, because El Paso.
l* thi (^rran^ D..niUve ex «>e reported participation by I shal Zimmerman of Des Moines re- hitting Collins twice, bnoe in the
El Paso believes Villa and other for ambush, the Carranza.punitive ex (American
j employes of nmn
William t> :> mimed
R. sumed his investigation of incen- body and another shot in the leg.
peditlon is proceedings slowly
•Mexican bandit leaders plan a sys­ Hearst's ranch at Karbrecora, in the diarism in Ottumwa.
tematic and wholesale extermination
ttf Americans in Mexico.
Rolland Anderson, manager of the J
Chihuahua Foreign club, whose son, 'annihilation of Villa troops under te
rru"r;r r;f 'he"bandui' Generals Rodriguez and Almeida. The ®?
Ottumwa's flre loss for the four-
da>'8 th®
Maurice, was a rli victim or tne t oanaiis, j entire flre loss of last year. BEFORE FORD LEFT
• Reports of more Americans massa­
cred continue to filter in. I will Join
the Americans pursuing the state department was awaiting on- 1
'Urination of reports that Americans.
Exciting Times Among the Peace
led by Carranza officers, executed!
Almeida and killed forty of his men. i
THE WEATHER, Party When Mme. Schwimmer
"I am content to die. I wish to
HALF STARVED LITTLE LAND Officials feared the Hearst employes j For Keokuk and vicinity: Fair to­
may provoke Villistas to a general at-: night. Saturday Increasing cloudi­
was Found Lacking.
Blood Soaked Mexican Revo- forgive have
all my enemies and all who
done wrong toward me. I feel
[By Charles P. Stewart. United Press
5?, GIVES IN TO THE TEUTONS j tack of Americans. Aslstance of ness. Rising temperature.
j Mexican military forces by Americans j For Iowa: Fair tonight, Saturday in­ THE Staff HA-
JE, Jan. 14.—A wild
• lutionist Passed Away at peace with my God and men."
Captain Francis P. Joyce, chaplain
. is deplored by officials-because of the creasing cloudiness. Rising tempera- scene preceded Henry Ford's depar­ While Under Arrest. of the Fourth United States field ar­
strike her colors to the Austro-Ger-; effect upon Mexican popular opinion, j ture ture from the peace expedition at tillery, a Roman Catholic priest, at­
mans, will arrange tentative peace A general outbreak along the bord- j For Missourl. Fair tonight, Satur- Christiania, it was learned here to­ tended his last conscious moments.
[o&tengro Joins Belgium and terms before the end of the month. |6r of anti-American demonstrations j increasing cloudiness, probably day. Several Ford leaders exchanged Surrounding the bedside were
? • Serbia as Victim of the Italian military men, however, have j following rioting at El Paso last j f jj d by snow west portion. Ris- blows before Ford sped away in an [United Press Leased Wire Service.] Huerta's entire family except his
llttle doubt but that thousands of night, was also feared. General Funs- ] -n„ temDerature automobile to catch a train that was EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 14.—Gen. daughter, Senorlta Llena, who was
jt • Great Wax. Montenegrin soldiers will reject the;ton was under orders from the war, * p . and o.. to take him to Bergen when he look Victoriano Huerta lay dead in his enroute here from New York.
peace arrangements, take to the moun-idepartment to tane all possible pre-1 *or te,™ g enDerature
t passage for New *"ork. This infor­ apartments here today, the corpse His faithful wife, Senora Agulla De
in war on
tains and continue to war on the [ cautions against the o«i n «« mnowni nf
renewal of border h nr <i #r uraaj, Witn siowiy rising lemperaiure. mation was obtained from a trust­ virtually a prisoner of the United I Huerta, was the last person he recog­
£•" ' States government with which he nized before dropping off into uncon­
Austrians until they are exterminated, braids and depredations. Reported! CarHitinnn worthy source and with it the "in­
[United Press Leased Wire Service] The Montenegrin legation today, participation in the El Paso rioting I _ • side story" of events aboard the peace nearly went to war when, as Mexico's sciousness. Huerta kised his wife re­
had no confirmation of the reports of united States soldiers, displeased crest of the western field of ship Oscar II and in Christiania. last dictator, he refused to salute peatedly and called her nkme.
ROME, Jan. 14.—Austrian artillery The twenty relatives knelt at the
. **s trained on Cettinje and Austrian that the truce has been signed by Gen-1 fflclals The war department had hi®h pressure baa reached Uie Mis- Ford, it was learned for the first the American flag, following the his­ bedside for hours in prayer, alters
Winners were awaiting the Signal to time, investigated Mme. Rosika toric Tampico incident.
lay the Montenegrin capital ip rufns,
*hen King Nicholas signed the armis­ dined to It « m... 't.U;;
•sr.srs* Schwimmer's claims that she had
S^.Me',1^. the Ui S! dWrtc'-.^.Vd^m.wZt'w.m.r documents from warring and neutral indictment for plotting to invade bedside scene was lighted up dimly
His wish to die on native Mexican
soil was prevented by his arrest and
led by Chaplain Joyce and a
priest, Father Mayer. The
tice that virtually eliminates the little "so w""th0°' co° !.«<»«<>» .t n p«.o ^w. i S"SJ European rulers encouraging th'e
peace movement, after the quarrel Mexico to crush Carranza. by candles.
®onntaln country from the war. The widow plans to seek permis­ A short time before he died, Huerta
The aged Montenegrin ruler wept as No criticism was expected here of admitf''tSTta^e .« aDoara
aboard ship over President eut Wilson's
the action of the Montenegrin king.. f r om 20 ^to 30 ?®sTef8 be,'° w zero n preparedness program. He discovered sion for Huerta's interment near Co- was visited by several of his former
agreed to the truce tnat probably T Z« ™ . r TI J
r>n «verv hand there was commenda-;militia and Texas rangers are im " j the northern districts, with snow in that they were politely ... . phrased
. army
dec­ lotlan. Mexico, his birth place. Wheth­ his administration. generals and other associates of
means Montenegro's surrender, ac­ Gen. Ygacio
cording to dispatches received here tlon for the the hnr. brave stand ofanH made made ly Ivipotent.
• potent, which is considered improb-1 Montana. Montana. larations of nothing. They were er the Carranza government will per­ Bravo,
the mountaineer army, lacking proper j able. . There are heavy rains this morn­ worthless. mit it, was doubtful, Huerta being for sixty-three years in active
wlay. He called his military com- .
™*nd«rs about - him fff&t and ex- provisions and munitions against nu- indignation over the American mur- ing on the California coast where a Greatly disappointed. Ford retired held responsible by Carranza for as­ service general in the Mexican army and a
Pressed a willingness to* take to the mercially superior forces from Aus-jders continued at white heat today in marked depression has formed. to his cabin in mortification under sassination of President Madero and division over Huerta when he
was a colonel of cavalry, was among
mountains and fight the Austrian ita- trla. The Montenegrins, who tor cen- j congress. Another avalanche of res- the pretense of being sick. He was Vice President Suarez. the group. General Bravo tried re­
Jsders to the end. They persuaded turies have been unconquerable m ;olutions and fiery speches was in pros- Local Observations. practically incommunicado the re­ Huerta was sixty-one years old last,
him that continuation of the struggle their mountain retreats, apparently j pect. The administration was prepar- Jan. Bar. Ther. Wind Wth'r mainder of the voyage. month. His death occurred last night; peatedly to obtain the dying man's
without outside help meant greater succumbed to modern artillery to head off action on any of the 13 7 p. m. 30.74 -7 NW Clear At the same time he hoped an en­ since Wednesday he had been uncon­ recognition and falling, knelt beside
®lsery to his people than was suf- ods of warfare. 'many resolutions proposing interven- 14 7 a. m. 30.74 -10 N Clear thusiastic reception by the Scandina­ scious. Four operations for gall stones the bed and wept.
After Huerta was pronounced dead,
rered by the Serbians or Belgians. It Is believed probable that KlnBjtion or other drastic remedies. The River stage 7 a. m.^ 4 feet. vians would give the expedition some and complications were performed on
Formal negotiations for the surren- Nicholas will seek refuge in «ora° .^ouse foreign relations committee Change in 24 hours, fall .3. hopes of success. When the Norwe­ him in the last two weeks. Arrange­ his private secretary, J. Eliseo Robles,
of the half starved, poorly with Quefcn Helena, his daughter. The t to^ay( but planned to sidetrack, Mean tetn perature, -10.r gians took the enterprise with ridi­ ments for the funeral were to be ed States"Huerta cruelty."
was killed b> Unit­
"Wipped little'Montenegrin army are crown prince and crown pri^neess o 'temporarily, at least, consideration of Highest, -4. cule and contempt, Ford determined made late today.
Montenegro already have "I am prepared for the other world' Reciting Huerta's consideration for
expected to begin at once. No defl- t],e resolutions of Representatives Lowest, -17. to leave and had Dean Marquis of
nite period has been set for the con­ here. MOTtenegrin officials said ^eir Missouri, and Moss of Westj Lowest last night, -12. Detroit, a chauffeur and two other were among Iluerta's last words, Americans when he was president.
Robles said: "He was thrown into
tinuation of the armistice, but it is Mnff -would never consent to remain j^cl j FREL) Z-^OSEWISCH, men arrange the details of his flight. spoken Just before he dropped into 4Jail like a common criminal."
relieved possible that Montenegro, ap-
wnantly the first
in his country under the Austrian i
of the allies to yoke.|r;• £•;f': $&%.*• . *
tCoattooad on page 2.) * •»« Observer. Mme. Schwimmer, Louis P. Loch- his last sleep. ft
Si-. • " sik
s - • „ ~ \ J i * ,M *. ,


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