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Psychological Bulletin Copyright 1982 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1982, Vol. 91, No. 3, 482-497 0033-2909/82/9103-0482S00.75

Behavior in Organizations as a Function of

Employee's Locus of Control
Paul E. Spector
Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida

Locus of control is an important variable for the explanation of human behavior

in organizations. The nature of the concept, its measurement, and general evi-
dence for its validity are discussed. Several hypotheses are presented involving
the locus of control in an organizational context, and supporting evidence from
applied studies is reviewed. Specifically, it is suggested that locus of control is
related to motivation, effort, performance, satisfaction, perception of the job,
compliance with authority, and supervisory style. Furthermore, locus of control
may moderate the relation between incentives and motivation and between sat-
isfaction and turnover.

Little attention has been given to individ- ternal locus of control and are referred to
ual personality in research on job motivation as internals. People who attribute control to
and satisfaction. For the most part, the ma- outside forces are said to have an external
jor theories in organizational psychology as- locus of control and are termed externals.
sume that the same basic processes account Rotter (1966) and his colleagues devel-
for behavior across all individuals and that oped the concept of locus of control from
situational characteristics cause predictable Rotter's (1954) social learning theory. Ac-
behavior across people.1 This article at- cording to Phares (1976), the concept was
tempts to demonstrate the usefulness of per- developed to explain the seeming tendency
sonality in explaining human behavior in of some individuals to ignore reinforcement
organizations and focuses on locus of control contingencies. Their failure to respond as
as it relates to behavior in organizational predicted to rewards and punishments was
settings. attributed to a "generalized expectancy"
The general theory of locus of control that their own actions would not lead to at-
arose from observation and research in clin- tainment of rewards or avoidance of punish-
ical psychology. Both the measurement and ment. The tendency for internals to believe
theory have been refined so that the concept they can control events and externals to be-
is heuristically useful. Over two dozen stud- lieve they cannot leads to a number of pre-
ies of locus of control have been related spe- dictions about their behavior that are dis-
cifically to attitudinal, motivational, and be- cussed at length below.
havioral variables in organizational settings.
One major task of this article is to integrate Measurement of Locus of Control
the general theory with the organizational
findings. The most widely used instrument to mea-
sure locus of control is Rotter's (1966) In-
ternal-External (I-E) scale, which consists
The Concept of Locus of Control
of 23 locus of control and six filler items in
People attribute the cause or control of a forced-choice format. Scores are calcu-
events either to themselves or to the external lated by summing the total number of ex-
environment. Those who ascribe control of
events to themselves are said to have an in- 1
Some notable exceptions are Hulin and Blood's
(1968) suggestion that subscription to middle class val-
ues moderates the job satisfaction-enlargement relation
Requests for reprints should be sent to Paul E. Spec- and Hackman and Lawler's (1971) finding that higher
tor, Florida Mental Health Institute, 13301 North 30th order need strength moderates the relation between job
Street, Tampa, Florida 33612. characteristics and satisfaction.


ternally oriented responses for each pair. affect behavior, and the consequences of be-
Thus, scores range from 0-23 with low havior may in turn affect locus of control.
scores representing internality and high In a laboratory study, Krolick (1979) found
scores, externality. that internals tended to shift their I-E scores
in an external direction following an expe-
Validity of the Concept of rience of failure, but externals did not shift
Locus of Control toward internality following success. Be-
cause internals seem to be more sensitive to
The first basic question to address con- information that is relevant to them (Phares,
cerns the basic validity of the locus of control 1976), it would follow that they would be
concept itself, that is, whether internals per- more sensitive to reward contingencies in a
ceive more often than externals that events laboratory task situation, especially if the
are due to their own actions and whether task is ego involving.
they have more choices in situations. Roark An interesting longitudinal field study by
(1978) reported that among the employees Anderson (1977), however, demonstrated
she surveyed, internals were more inclined that shifts in locus of control can occur for
to attribute to their own'actions the obtain- externals as well as for internals. Anderson
ing of their present jobs. Hammer and Vardi administered Rotter's I-E scale to victims
(1981) found among manufacturing em- of Hurricane Agnes both 8 months and 42
ployees that internals were more likely than months after the disaster. Each victim was
externals to attribute past job changes to the owner of a small business that was ex-
their own initiative. Finally, Harvey, Barnes, tensively damaged by floods. Anderson also
Sperry, and Harris (1974) demonstrated in obtained a measure of business performance
a laboratory study that internals tended to from a local credit agency both before and
perceive more alternatives in a choice situ- 42 months after the hurricane. The 102 sub-
ation than did externals. jects of the study were divided into four
Not only do internals perceive greater groups based on whether they were internal
control, but they may actually seek situa- or external at the time of the initial 8-month
tions in which control is possible. Kabanoff assessment. The results showed a shift to-
and O'Brien (1980) described leisure time ward greater internality for internals whose
activities of internals and externals along performance improved and a shift toward
five dimensions, including skill utilization greater externality for externals whose per-
(the amount of skill necessary for success) formance deteriorated. The improved exter-
and influence (the amount of personal con- nals did not shift toward internality, and the
trol involved). They found a small but sta- poorer internals did not become external.
tistically significant tendency for internals Although both Krolick (1979) and An-
to engage in leisure activities that required derson (1977) showed locus of control shifts
greater skill and allowed more personal con- as a function of experience, their results are
trol. Julian and Katz (1968) conducted a somewhat conflicting. Krolick found a shift
laboratory study of competitive game be- only for internals in an external direction;
havior in which subjects were given the Anderson found an internal shift, but no ex-
choice of relying on either their own skill or ternal shift, for internals and an external
on a more competent opponent. Externals shift for externals. Andrisani and Nestel
were more likely to rely on the opponent, (1976) provided further evidence for an in-
and internals preferred to rely on themselves. ternality shift in their longitudinal study of
Kahle (1980) gave laboratory subjects the adult male career mobility. They found that
choice of a task requiring either luck or skill, career success led to greater internality for
As might be expected, externals were more their sample, although they did not look at
likely to choose luck, whereas internals initial differences in locus of control in the
tended to prefer skill. way that Anderson did. As a whole, these
It is interesting that there seems to be an three studies suggest that locus of control
interactive relation between locus of control may be sensitive to experience, although
and experience. That is, locus of control may they fail to define variables that lead to

shifts. Internals, however, may engage in related to other "paper-and-pencil" mea-

activities that require greater skill and that sures, raising questions about the viability
allow more personal control (Julian & Katz, of the concept, at least as measured by Rot-
1968; Kahle, 1980), thereby increasing the ter's scale. Of particular interest to this dis-
probability that their experiences will be cussion are the reported findings concerning
consistent with an internal view of the world. anxiety, social desirability, and achievement
Phares (1976) summarized findings con- motivation.
cerning differential behavior by internals Locus of control is negatively related to
and externals. Specifically, he noted that in anxiety; that is, externals tend to be more
contrast to externals, internals exert greater anxious than internals. Joe (1971) and more
efforts to control their environment, exhibit recently Archer (1979a) found the existing
better learning, seek new information more studies quite consistent in demonstrating this
actively when that information has personal relation. Ray and Katahn (1968), in a factor
relevance, use information better, and seem analysis of the items of the I-E Scale, Man-
more concerned with information rather ifest Anxiety Scale, and Test Anxiety Scale,
than with social demands of situations. found no factors that crossed scales; they
Several studies linking locus of control to therefore concluded that anxiety was not a
learning and problem solving have demon- hidden factor in locus of control. Archer,
strated superior performance by internals Joe, and Ray and Katahn concluded that
(e.g., DuCette & Wolk, 1973; Ude & Vog- locus of control and anxiety were distinct but
ler, 1969; Wolk & DuCette, 1974). Phares related concepts. Organ (1976) reached the
(1968) found that internals were superior to same conclusion but pointed out that "there
externals in the use of memorized informa- remains the problem of specifying the nature
tion for problem solving even though there of the causal model incorporating these vari-
were no differences in acquisition. Appar- ables" (p. 1097). Archer argued for a com-
ently, internals made better use of infor- plex relation in which these two variables are
mation in a complex problem-solving situa- "potentially interactive and multideter-
tion. mined phenomena" (p. 619).
Because internals believe in and seek per- The interrelatedness of locus of control
sonal control, they should exhibit less con- and anxiety complicates the interpretation
formity than do externals. Crowne and Liv- of research findings. For example, anxiety
erant (1963) found more conformity for moderates the relation between task com-
externals in an Asch conformity situation, plexity and performance (Sarason, 1972)—
and Hjelle and Clouser (1970) found that the performance of high-anxiety individuals
internals exhibit less attitude change after is impeded on complex tasks and learning
exposure to a persuasive message. Biondo tasks but not on simple tasks. It may well
and MacDonald (1971) showed that inter- be that anxiety rather than locus of control
nals are not only resistant to influence but explains why internals seem to learn better
may demonstrate psychological reactance than externals. Obviously, additional re-
(Brehm, 1966) and shift their attitudes in search is needed to ascertain the joint role
an opposite direction to the influence at- of anxiety and locus of control in task per-
tempt. Internals, however, are not totally formance.
unaffected by social influence. Phares (1976) Future researchers might do well to in-
argued that internals may be even more sub- clude a measure of anxiety with the I-E
ject to social influence of an informational Scale in an attempt to uncover both their
variety than are externals. He cited as an joint and their interactive effects. A step in
example James, Woodruff, and Werner's that direction has been taken by Archer
(1965) finding that individuals who quit (1979b), who split internals and externals
smoking following the Surgeon General's by high and low trait anxiety. He found a
Report on its ill effects were more internal complex interaction involving anxiety, locus
than nonquitters. of control, and situational characteristics. It
Locus of control has been shown to be may well be that in many circumstances lo-

cus of control has full meaning only if the their behavior, they should attempt to exert
effects of anxiety are simultaneously consid- more control than would externals, provided
ered. that control is perceived to lead to desired
The relation between locus of control and outcomes or rewards. If a situation cannot
social desirability appears to be equivocal. provide desired outcomes, the internal should
Rotter (1966) claimed that the I-E Scale not differ from the external in attempts at
was not subject to social desirability bias, control. For some individuals, however, con-
but Joe (1971) cited several studies that have trol itself might be rewarding, leading some
found correlations between the I-E Scale internals to attempt control for its own sake.
and both Marlowe and Crowne's and Ed- Giles (1977) provided interesting data
ward's social desirability scales. At the pres- from an organizational study that supports
ent time, it is unclear why some studies have the theoretical role of locus of control in in-
found the relation whereas others have not. dividual action. Female factory workers
Given the equivocal results relating locus of were administered a questionnaire including
control and social desirability, it is difficult a shortened version of the I-E Scale and a
to assess the possible confounding effects in measure of satisfaction with higher order
the studies to be reviewed here. It appears, needs. They were then asked to volunteer for
however, that most studies have failed to find a job enrichment program. Although locus
a relation between these variables. Further- of control did not predict who would vol-
more, one of the most well-established or- unteer, it did moderate the relation between
ganizational correlates of locus of control- need satisfaction and volunteering. That is,
job satisfaction—has been found to be un- internals with low satisfaction on the current
correlated with social desirability (Lewis, job were more likely to volunteer (r = —.44)
Note 1; Smith, Note 2). than were externals (r = —.20). Thus, al-
Finally, Yukl and Latham (1978) looked though internals were no more likely than
at the relation among goal setting, locus of externals to volunteer, they were more likely
control, and achievement motivation. They to take action when they were dissatisfied
found that internals set harder goals than with their current situation.
externals do, but in their sample of factory The attempt of internals to control the
workers I-E was correlated with need for work setting might be manifested in many
achievement (r = -.55), causing Yukl and ways. The internal would probably attempt
Latham to question whether locus of control control in the following areas: work flow,
or need for achievement was the crucial vari- task accomplishment, operating procedures,
able. Hartley (1976), however, in measuring work assignments, relationships with super-
I-E, achievement motivation, and job sat- visors and subordinates, working conditions,
isfaction, found that the combination of both goal setting, work scheduling, and organi-
personality variables was related to satisfac- zational policy. The factors on which control
tion, although achievement motivation alone attempts focused would be determined by
was not. These results suggest that locus of the potential rewards each carried and by
control and achievement motivation are in the constraints within the organizational set-
fact distinct concepts that may in some cases ting.
be related to the same variables. Internals, as previously mentioned, per-
form better in learning and problem-solving
Locus of Control in an situations, apparently because of their better
Organizational Context use of information (Phares, 1976). It would
certainly be expected that internals would
The basic distinguishing characteristic exert more effort toward collecting relevant
between internals and externals, belief in information in situations where they attempt
personal control, should have direct and control. This would lead one to predict better
powerful effects on organizations in several performance by internals in training and in
ways. First, because internals tend to believe performing tasks that necessitate the use of
that they can control the work setting through information. Internals, because of their gen-

eralized expectancies of environmental con- wards, especially when they actually do, and
trol, should be easier to motivate. Thus, one thus internals would tend to exhibit higher
should find internals more responsive than motivation. Therefore, it would seem that
externals if the appropriate performance-re- internals are best suited for highly technical
ward contingencies can be presented. or skilled jobs, professional jobs, and man-
As discussed above, externals are more agerial or supervisory jobs. Externals would
conforming and compliant than internals. be more suited to factory line jobs, unskilled
Internals look to themselves for direction; labor jobs, clerical jobs, and jobs of a routine
externals look to others. Thus, externals nature.
make more compliant followers or subordi- Unfortunately, the frequent organiza-
nates than do internals, who are likely to be tional demand for both compliance and com-
independent and resist control by superiors plex task performance leads to the obvious
and other individuals. This compliance by conflict that the two characteristics of com-
externals may seem reminiscent of the sub- pliance and complex task skill may be an-
missiveness of authoritarians (Adorno, Fren- tithetical. With the increasing complexity of
kel-Brunswik, Levinson, & Sanford, 1950), jobs because of automation, organizations
and in fact, Lefcourt (1966) cited two theses might well have to sacrifice compliance for
(Holden, 1958; Simmons, 1959) that report skill. This problem may be especially acute
a moderately high correlation (r = .51) be- in the military, where the internal's skill and
tween locus of control and the California F the external's compliance are necessary for
Scale. One further piece of data suggesting many complex jobs created by modern, so-
similarities between authoritarians and ex- phisticated equipment. Future organizations
ternals is provided by Goodstadt and Hjelle's must by necessity find ways of managing
(1973) finding that externals tend to use a people in complex jobs that allow them per-
coercive leadership style in dealing with sub- sonal control while achieving organizational
ordinates (see section on leadership). objectives.
Externals, because of their greater com-
pliance, would probably be easier to super- Relations Between Locus of Control and
vise as they would be more likely to follow Organizational Variables
directions. Externals, however, might be
compliant with the social demands of co- Before proceeding further it should be
workers as well as with the legitimate au- noted that the discussion in the previous sec-
thority of supervisors, and these co-worker tion was primarily theoretical, although data
demands might at times conflict with those exist to validate many of the hypotheses. The
of management. Thus, externals might com- next major section of the article reviews the
ply with one or the other depending on their research on the relation of locus of control
relative strength of influence. with several major behavioral variables stud-
The nature of a job within the context of ied in organizations. For the most part, these
organizational factors and demands would findings support the theoretical notions just
determine whether an internal or external presented, although they are limited in a
would be best suited. If a job requires com- number of ways.
plex information processing and frequent First, almost all of the studies presented
complex learning, internals would be ex- used Rotter's I-E Scale. There was little
pected to perform better; for simple tasks, attempt to establish convergent validity
however, the performance differential would through the use of alternative measures. Sec-
disappear. When tasks or organizational de- ond, most of the studies were cross-sectional
mands require initiative and independence and correlational. This makes it quite dif-
of action, the internal would be more suit- ficult to draw strong causal inferences from
able; when the requirement is for compli- the data. Furthermore, many of the relations
ance, however, the external would be more reported as statistically significant were based
appropriate. Finally, for jobs requiring high on large samples and small correlation coef-
motivation, internals would be more likely ficients. Third, most of the studies relied en-
to believe that their efforts will lead to re- tirely on paper-and-pencil, self-report mea-

sures. The problem of method variance related with this scale (r = -.43) in that in-
limits the confidence with which many con- ternals saw their jobs as more purposeful.
clusions can be stated. Fourth, as mentioned Lied and Pritchard (1976) collected data
above, locus of control seems to be related on both the I-E scale and Mirels and Gar-
to other personality variables, complicating rett's (1971) Protestant Ethic (PE) Scale.
interpretation of results. In many investi- The PE scale is designed to measure how
gations it is impossible to know whether re- closely individuals subscribe to a cluster of
sults can be better explained by reference to values reflected by the Protestant Ethic (i.e.,
variables that were not included, such as hard work is a virtue and leads ultimately
anxiety or social desirability. to rewards). In validating the scale, Merrens
and Garrett (Note 3) found that PE scores
Motivation were positively related to effort (time spent
working) on a repetitive task. Lied and Prit-
It might be expected that internals would chard found a correlation (r = -.41) be-
display greater job motivation than would tween the I-E and PE scales, suggesting that
externals because they perceive themselves internals are more motivated to work than
to have greater control over the environment, externals are.
It is not that externals are less oriented to- Finally, Reitz and Jewell (1979) con-
ward valued rewards or personal goals but ducted a survey of over 3,000 workers in six
rather that internals will exert greater efforts countries. Their results indicated that locus
toward acquiring rewards or achieving goals of control was significantly related to job
because they are more likely to believe their involvement (r = -.2—.35), with internals
efforts will be successful. In the specific job showing more involvement, again indicating
or organizational setting, the internal will greater motivation.
exhibit more task-oriented and goal-oriented
behavior, and for that reason will exhibit Expectancy Theory
more job motivation, although underlying
personal motivations may be the same. Job Most of the job motivation studies involv-
motivation that is operationalized in terms ing locus of control have been attempts to
of effort and task orientation will appear to validate expectancy theory hypotheses. The
be higher in internals. most popular expectancy theory application
Although internals will tend to exhibit to organizations has been developed by
greater job motivation than externals do, job Vroom (1964). This theory proposes two
settings in which rewards do not follow per- types of expectancies, namely, that effort
formance will not long show the internal- will lead to good job performance and that
external differences. As discussed above, in- good performance will lead to rewards. The
ternals are sensitive to reinforcement con- first is actually the belief in personal effec-
tingencies, and when effort on the job does tiveness; that is, the individual can perform
not lead to rewards, internals may adopt a well if he or she makes the effort. It is in
more external perspective. many ways similar to self-esteem, at least
There is research that relates to general in terms of self-perceived ability on the job.
job motivation, although often in an indirect The second is the belief that good perfor-
manner. Organ and Greene (1974a) studied mance will be rewarded; that is, good per-
the relation between locus of control and a formers get rewarded. This is similar to a
scale they developed to measure perceived belief in justice in the work world that is
purposefulness of behavior on the job. This much like the concept of equity—the person
purposefulness measure consisted of 10 items who provides more inputs (good perfor-
concerned with goal setting, task orientation, mance) receives more outcomes (rewards).
meaningfulness of work, and task-related Basically, if an individual holds both expec-
use of time. As such, purposefulness is quite tancies strongly, he or she will have high job
directly related to motivation in that high motivation and will (within limits of ability
scores reflect high job motivation. As ex- and organizational constraints) perform well.
pected, locus of control was negatively cor- Theoretically, internals should hold higher

expectancies of both varieties than externals externals, and Evans (1974) found that mo-
would. Internals are more likely to believe tivation (product of effort-performance
that their efforts will result in good perfor- and performance-reward expectancies) was
mance, and they exhibit stronger beliefs in higher for internals than for externals. Fi-
their own competence. Therefore, they should nally, Kimmons and Greenhaus (1976) re-
exhibit greater self-esteem, a hypothesis sup- ported that internals showed higher mean
ported by Lied and Pritchard (1976). Inter- performance-reward contingency scores than
nals should also hold greater expectancies did externals.
that good performance leads to rewards and Thus, these results are consistent in dem-
should tend to perceive the job situation as onstrating the hypothesized relation between
more equitable than externals do, a hypoth- locus of control and expectancy. That is, in-
esis for which no data exist. There are six ternals hold higher expectancies that effort
studies of expectancy theory that include the will lead to performance and that perfor-
locus of control variable. Before summariz- mance will lead to rewards. Lawler (1971,
ing their findings, which are supportive, it p. 177) argued that this tendency makes only
should be noted that methodological prob- internals suitable for pay-incentive systems.
lems in operationalizing the necessary con- That is, internals develop expectancies that
structs in the theory have prevented the will lead them to exert greater job effort for
completion of its crucial testing. Thus, monetary or other rewards. Externals do not
hypothesized relations between expectancies develop these expectancies and therefore
and performance have been small and some- seem oblivious or insensitive to pay incen-
times inconsistent (Campbell, 1976). tives. Lawler suggested using locus of control
Szilagyi and Sims (1975) attempted to to select internals for jobs with incentive sys-
test the hypothesis that there would be a tems.
relation between locus of control and both
types of expectancies. Personnel of a uni-
versity medical center served as subjects and Job Performance
were classified into one of five job categories
or levels. The results showed modest but con- For at least two reasons one would predict
sistent correlations between I-E scores and that internals would perform better on the
performance-reward expectancies across all job than externals. First, they hold greater
levels (r = —.2—.39). The correlations expectancies that effort will lead to good
with effort-performance expectancies were performance and good performance to re-
smaller and reached significance for only ward. Thus, they exert greater effort in sit-
three of the five levels (r = -.02-—.25). Lied uations where rewards are tied to perfor-
and Pritchard (1976) also studied the rela- mance, and ultimately, greater effort should
tion between locus of control and both ex- lead to better performance across individu-
pectancies. This time the correlation be- als. In fact, Lawler (1968) provided evidence
tween I-E and effort-performance was that expectancies of good performance lead-
higher than between I-E and performance- ing to rewards is a causal factor in high job
reward (r = -.40 and -.20, respectively). performance. Using cross-lagged and dy-
Broedling (1975) reported the relation namic correlations, Lawler found that self-
between I-E and Vroom's entire expectancy reported expectancies were related to both
theory composite score and between I-E and peer and supervisor ratings of performance
the various components. The correlation of in a manner that was consistent with the
I-E with effort-performance was r = —.28, notion that expectancies affect performance.
that of I-E with the product of performance Second, as discussed previously, internals
reward and valence (perceived value of re- seek more relevant information and perform
wards) was r = —.39, and that of I-E with better than externals in complex task situ-
the entire composite was r = -.38. Mitchell, ations. Again, this should lead to better per-
Smyser, and Weed (1975) found that inter- formance by internals for tasks involving
nals held greater effort-performance and complex information and learning, assuming
performance-reward expectancies than did the internals are motivated to perform.

Several studies support the notion that in- contention that internals exert greater effort
ternals exert greater effort on the job and and perform better than externals.
perform better. Some have investigated per- Majumder, MacDonald, and Greever
sonal career effectiveness across several jobs, (1977) studied the relations among locus of
and others were concerned with more im- control and several organizational variables
mediate job performance. including supervisors' rating of performance.
Career effectiveness is measured over time Their sample was composed of 90 rehabili-
by salary increases and promotions. Al- tation counselors working for a state voca-
though its relation to performance on spe- tional rehabilitation program. Locus of con-
cific jobs may not be strong, in a global sense, trol was correlated with performance (/• =
career effectiveness reflects job performance, .40), with internals receiving higher ratings.
and hence one would expect internals to be Broedling (1975) collected I-E scores and
more successful in their careers because they performance ratings for 207 naval personnel.
perform better. Ratings were made of both effort and per-
Three studies support this contention. formance by supervisors, peers, and the sub-
Heisler (1974) collected data on 196 gov- jects themselves. Although correlations be-
ernment employees of all levels. He com- tween I-E and performance were quite
puted an index of effectiveness based on five small, they supported the present hypothesis
variables: number of promotions, salary in- in that internals tended to score higher on
creases, awards received, current salary, and both effort and performance. Lied and Prit-
grade differential (current job grade level chard (1976) investigated locus of control
minus entry job grade level). The correlation and effort among 146 Air Force trainees.
between this effectiveness index and the I- They found significant correlations for both
E scale was found to be modest but signif- self- and trainer ratings of effort (r = —.39
icant (r = —.25). In addition, Heisler hy- and -.30, respectively). Finally, Hersch and
pothesized that specific beliefs in the skill Scheibe (1967) studied locus of control and
versus luck nature of the job would moderate effectiveness of students working for the
the relation between I-E and effectiveness. Connecticut Service Corps in state mental
This hypothesis was upheld in that employ- hospitals. For 2 of 3 years for which data
ees who believed agency rewards were con- were available, supervisors' ratings of per-
trolled by luck demonstrated a lower I-E formance were significantly correlated with
effectiveness correlation than did employees I-E (r = -.2 and -.37).
who believed rewards were related to skill The existing evidence suggests that inter-
(r = -.01 and -.34, respectively). nals do perform better than externals. In-
Valecha (1972) reported the results of a ternals seem to exhibit greater personal car-
5-year longitudinal study conducted on a eer effectiveness, exert greater effort, and
national sample of 4,330 men. His results perform better on the job. One should keep
showed that for white men, internals made in mind, however, that internals will only
better job progress (increase in job level) display better performance if they perceive
than did externals. Finally, Andrisani and that effort will lead to valued rewards. In
Nestel (1976) presented results of a 3-year many situations, internals may hold higher
longitudinal study of a national sample of performance-reward expectancies but not
men. Although the relations were rather value the rewards. Furthermore, if there are
small, their data showed that scores on I-E no rewards for performance (either imme-
were related to success at work, as indicated diate or long-term career), internals might
by occupational attainment and earnings. not differ from externals in their perfor-
Four studies have also investigated the mance-reward expectancies. In addition, the
relation between locus of control and im- advantage that internals have over externals
mediate job effort and performance. Unfor- in information seeking and utilization is only
tunately, the measures of effort and perfor- an advantage in situations involving complex
mance were self- or supervisor ratings, and information, so simple situations may yield
the strength of relations found were rather no internal-external differences. Future
modest. The results, however, support the studies that attempt to confirm the relation

between locus of control and performance Three studies are reviewed comparing sat-
should take into account the moderating in- isfaction of internals and externals holding
fluence of situation complexity and real per- managerial, professional, and high-level jobs.
formance-reward contingencies as well as Gemmill and Heisler (1972) collected locus
the contribution of trait anxiety. of control and job satisfaction data as part
of a larger study of 133 production man-
Job Satisfaction agers. They found a significant correlation
of —.27 between these variables. This finding
Internals should demonstrate greater job is somewhat confounded by the fact that I-
satisfaction than externals do for at least E was correlated (r = —.26) with job level.
four reasons. First, because internals tend Organ and Greene (1974b) found a corre-
to take action more frequently than externals lation of —.36 between I-E and satisfaction
do, the dissatisfied internal is more likely to for senior scientists and engineers. Finally,
quit a dissatisfying job. Thus, there would Satmoko (1973) studied satisfaction with
be fewer dissatisfied internals than externals. Maslow's categories of needs among high-
Second, internals may perform better and level government employees in Indonesia.
receive the benefits of that performance. In Again, internals were found to be more sat-
situations where rewards follow perfor- isfied than externals.
mance, internals are likely to be more sat- Three studies sampled nonsupervisory em-
isfied. Third, internals tend to advance more ployees and found comparable results. Mu-
quickly and receive more raises than do ex- noz (1973) found that among New York
ternals. More frequent promotions and sal- City policemen, internals were more job sat-
ary increases should be expected to lead to isfied than externals. Lester and Genz (1978)
greater satisfaction. Organizational level has found similar results with their two police
been shown to be positively correlated with samples. Singh (1978) also reported greater
satisfaction, although direction of causality satisfaction among internal nurses.
has not been established (Porter & Lawler, Two studies mixed employees of different
1965). Finally, cognitive consistency theory job levels and found essentially the same re-
would predict that individuals who have per- sults. Andrisani and Nestel (1976) in their
ceived personal control to leave the situation national survey found a small, significant
and who choose to stay will tend to reeval- correlation between I-E and satisfaction
uate the situation favorably to retain con- (r = -.19). Mitchell et al. (1975) found in-
sistency between their attitudes and behavior ternals to be more satisfied than externals,
(Salancik & Pfeffer, 1978). Internals who although they found supervisors to be more
perceive greater control and ability to leave internal than nonsupervisors.
are more likely to leave in dissatisfying sit- Although the findings are quite consistent
uations. If they perceive the opportunity to for overall satisfaction, the findings for spe-
leave but do not, they will be under some cific job aspect satisfaction were somewhat
internal cognitive pressure to evaluate the different. Dailey (1978) reported that for a
job situation as favorable, thus justifying sample of scientists and engineers from 15
their behavior. Externals who perceive no organizations, internals were less satisfied
options are under only external constraints with co-workers than were externals. He ex-
to remain on the job and feel little pressure plained these results in terms of the greater
to change their job attitudes in a positive social orientation of externals. Mitchell et
direction. al. (1975) and Runyon (1973) investigated
The research supports the locus of con- satisfaction with supervision and found it to
trol-satisfaction hypothesis. Internals have be moderated by leadership style (see next
been found to be more satisfied generally section on leadership).
than externals, although there have been
some interesting interactions involving sat- Leadership
isfaction with supervision (see section on
leadership). One exception is Dailey's (1978) There are two sides to the leadership pro-
finding that internals were less satisfied with cess that have been studied—the subordi-
their co-workers. nate's reaction to his or her supervisor's be-

havior or style and the behavior of the was found that internals complied less with
supervisors themselves. It would be expected the coercive supervisor than did externals.
that locus of control affects both the super- There were no differences with the noncoer-
visor's behavior and the subordinate's reac- cive supervisor,
tion to it. These results suggest that the appropriate
Runyon (1973) studied the moderating supervisory style may differ depending on
effect of locus of control on the relation be- the subordinate's locus of control. It is rea-
tween supervisory style and satisfaction with sonably clear that the two types of individ-
supervision. He administered to 110 hourly uals prefer different styles and may react
manufacturing employees questionnaires differently to them. This fits consistently
containing the I-E scale, a single-item mea- with the aforementioned findings that locus
sure of satisfaction with supervision, and a of control correlates with authoritarianism
measure of supervisory style of the subject's (Holden, 1958; Simmons, 1959).
supervisor. As expected, internals were more Two laboratory studies provide data con-
satisfied with supervision than were exter- cerning the different behavior of internal and
nals under a participative style, and they external leaders. Anderson and Schneier
were more satisfied with a participative than (1978) extensively studied the behavior of
with a directive style. Externals were more college students who had been assigned class
satisfied than internals under a directive projects in groups. Among their findings
style, and they were more satisfied with a were the following: (a) Internals were more
directive than with a participative style. likely to emerge as group leaders, (b) inter-
Mitchell et al. (1975) were partially able to nal leaders performed better in class than
replicate these findings. In their sample of external leaders, (c) groups led by internals
900 public utility employees of varying lev- performed better than those led by externals,
els, internals were more satisfied than ex- and (d) internal leaders were more task
ternals with supervision regardless of style, oriented, and external leaders were more so-
although internals were more satisfied with cially oriented. These results are quite con-
participation and externals with direction. sistent with the profile of internals as being
Abdel-Halim (1981) administered the action oriented and better performers and
Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire externals as being more socially oriented.
(Stogdill, 1963), the I-E scale, and a mea- Goodstadt and Hjelle (1973) conducted
sure of intrinsic job satisfaction to lower and a laboratory simulation of a factory setting
middle managers. Internals' satisfaction was to study the relation between locus of control
unrelated to their supervisors' consideration, and use of power by supervisors. They as-
but externals reported less satisfaction with signed college students as supervisors over
low-consideration than with high-consider- work groups assigned to one of two repetitive
ation supervisors. Evans (1974), however, tasks. The work groups were composed of
studied a group of young managers and confederates, one of whom created difficul-
found a small but significant relation be- ties for the supervisor. Data were collected
tween I-E and the Leader Behavior Descrip- on the types of supervisory practices used as
tion Questionnaire scales of initiation (/• = a function of I-E scores. It was found that
-.26) and consideration (r = -.24). Appar- internals attempted to use personal persua-
ently, internals and externals either perceive sion to a greater extent than did externals,
supervisors somewhat differently, or super- whereas externals used coercion more than
visors tend to treat their internal and exter- internals did.
nal subordinates differently. Thus, it may be These results again fit with the locus of
difficult to draw firm conclusions from stud- control-authoritarianism parallels in that
ies relying on perceptions of supervisory be- externals, who tend to be more authoritar-
havior by subordinates. ian, rely more on coercive means of super-
Cravens and Worchel (1977) conducted vision. Whether authoritarianism alone ac-
a laboratory simulation of a repetitive job. counts for these results is an empirical
Subjects worked on a manual task under a question. The research summarized in this
supervisor who used either a coercive or a section, however, suggests that internals and
noncoercive style to increase productivity. It externals differ in their personal supervisory

styles and in their reactions to the supervi- tendency was insignificant for internals, who
sory styles of their superiors. Externals seem seemed less affected by task ambiguity.
to prefer supervisors who are directive, and On the other hand, Batlis (1980) found
they themselves rely more on coercion with no evidence for a moderating effect of locus
their subordinates. In addition, they seem of control on the relation between role am-
more concerned with the social rather than biguity or role conflict and job satisfaction.
the task aspects of the job. Internals, on the There were small but significant correlations
other hand, prefer participative approaches between both role variables and locus of con-
from their supervisors, rely more on personal trol. There was, however, a nonsignificant
persuasion with their own subordinates, and relation between locus of control and job
seem more task oriented and less socially satisfaction, making one question the com-
oriented. parability of these data with other reported
Perceived Job Characteristics and Role Sims and Szilagyi (1976) hypothesized
Strain that locus of control would moderate the
relation between perceived job characteris-
From their generalized expectancies, one tics and job satisfaction. They focused their
might assume that internals and externals investigation on job aspects measured by the
would differ in their perceptions of job char- Job Characteristics Inventory, which in-
acteristics as well as in their reactions to cludes the following dimensions: variety, au-
those characteristics. It would be predicted tonomy, task identity, feedback, interactions
that because internals perceive more per- with others, and friendship opportunities.
sonal control over their environment, they They calculated correlations between each
would tend to perceive the job as offering of these dimensions and job satisfaction sep-
more autonomy; also, because internals are arately for internals and externals. Only for
more sensitive to information in the eviron- autonomy was there a significant difference
ment, they should report more feedback on in the correlations with work satisfaction
the job. Kimmons and Greenhaus (1976) (r = .39 and .16 for externals and internals,
provided support for both of these conten- respectively) and with supervisor satisfaction
tions. In their sample of 193 managers, in- (r = .49 and .15 for externals and internals,
ternals reported having more autonomy and respectively). Kimmons and Greenhaus
receiving more feedback than did externals. (1976) replicated part of this study with dif-
Role strain and role ambiguity are two ferent instruments and found that locus of
other variables that have been investigated. control did not significantly moderate the
Here the results with locus of control are relation between satisfaction and autonomy
inconsistent. Gemmill and Heisler (1972) or feedback, although internals had a some-
found a correlation of .31 between their what higher correlation between autonomy
measure of job strain (uncertainty of pro- and satisfaction than did externals, a trend
motion, ambiguity of supervisor's evalua- that is opposite to that in Sims and Szilagyi's
tions, too heavy workload, too little author- study.
ity, etc.) and locus of control, with internals The literature on the relation between per-
perceiving less strain than do externals. Or- ceived job characteristics and locus of con-
gan and Greene (1974b) found a correlation trol is inconsistent and inconclusive. The
(r = .42) between I-E and a similar measure, studies included here that reported a relation
role ambiguity. Evans (1974), however, found between I-E and job characteristics were
a negative correlation between I-E and the consistent in showing that there may be dif-
same role ambiguity measure that Organ ferences in perceptions, but they were in-
and Greene used, consistent in demonstrating a direction of
Abdel-Halim (1980) found that locus of relation. Likewise, the moderating role of
control moderated the relation between role locus of control in the relation between per-
ambiguity and job satisfaction. Specifically, ceptions of and affective responses to the job
externals were considerably more satisfied is unclear. It would seem potentially fruitful
under low than under high ambiguity. This for future research to investigate the.relation

between locus of control and perceptions of Summary and Conclusions

the job in an attempt to clarify these incon-
sistencies. The results of the research summarized
in this article suggest that locus of control
may be an important personality variable in
Turnover organizational research and theory. It may
be useful as a moderator in tests of expec-
The relation between locus of control and tancy theory and predictions of turnover,
turnover is complex, and a consistent cor- and it may help to explain behavior in a
relation between locus of control and quit- number of organizational situations. Fur-
ting would not be expected. On the one hand, thermore, on a practical level, locus of con-
internals tend to take action and thus might trol may be useful as a selection device for
be expected to quit jobs more readily. On many specific jobs and settings.
the other hand, they tend to be more suc- Both laboratory and field studies have es-
cessful on the job and more satisfied, factors tablished that the behavior of internals and
associated with less individual turnover. externals can differ across situations. In gen-
Job satisfaction has consistently been eral, internals tend to believe that they have
found to be somewhat predictive of turnover personal control over rewards and events.
(Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, & Meglino, 1979; This generalized belief or expectancy leads
Porter & Steers, 1973). The relations found, the internal to take action when action is
however, have been modest, suggesting that perceived to lead to rewards that are valued
dissatisfaction alone does not account for or desired. Thus, the internal is potentially
turnover. Locus of control might well mod- more motivated than the external, who may
erate the relation between satisfaction and seem to ignore the reinforcement contingen-
turnover in the following way: Externals cies in a situation.
tend not to take action, and therefore even Organizational settings in which rewards
if they are dissatisfied they may stay on the are tied to performance, such as piece-rate
job, at least until environmental factors force systems or incentive systems, would be ex-
them to leave. Internals, on the other hand, pected to work well with internals and poorly
tend to take action and would be expected with externals. Hence, locus of control could
to quit a dissatisfying job. Therefore, the be used to select employees who will work
correlation between satisfaction and turn- under incentive systems. In order to motivate
over should be higher for internals than for or at least to control the performance of ex-
externals. ternals, directive supervision would probably
If dissatisfied internals tend to leave jobs, be far more effective than incentives. As
it would follow that conditions leading to shown above, externals tend to be more sat-
satisfaction would moderate the locus of con- isfied with directive supervision (Mitchell et
trol-turnover relation. For highly satisfying al., 1975; Runyon, 1973), to comply more
jobs, internals would exhibit the same rate with demands of coercive supervisors (Crav-
of turnover as do externals; for highly dis- ens & Worchel, 1977), and to be more com-
satisfying jobs, internals would exhibit more pliant with social demands than internals are
turnover than do externals. (Phares, 1976).
No data exist to validate these hypotheses, The style of supervision preferred by in-
but data are available on the relation be- ternals and externals seems to be quite
tween job tenure and locus of control. Harvey opposite. Internals who tend to be self-
(1971) found among chief government ad- motivated prefer participative approaches,
ministrators in Canada that locus of control whereas the more outward-directed exter-
was negatively related to tenure; that is, in- nals prefer directive approaches. Thus, ex-
ternals held longer tenure on the job. Similar ternals would seem more appropriate for
results were found by Andrisani and Nestel directive supervisors or situations that de-
(1976) in a general male population and by mand directive supervision. Internals would
Organ and Greene (1974a) with senior sci- be more appropriate for participative super-
entists and engineers. visors or situations requiring participative

approaches. This difference in preferred haps it is motivation that accounts for the
style seems to carry over into the style used performance differential. Internals would
by internals and externals with their own seem better suited for tasks requiring com-
subordinates. That is, internals tend to be plex information collection or processing.
participative supervisors, whereas externals Thus, not only the compliance and initiative
tend to be directive supervisors. demands of a task but also its information
Task or organizational demands often dic- complexity should be considered in selecting
tate the style of supervision that should be the optimal person for a given job. Again,
used. Tasks that require close coordination there may be inconsistencies in the demands
of many people generally require quite di- made by a particular job. Jobs requiring
rective styles. Thus, assembly line work complex information processing and high
where individual worker's tasks are highly compliance might demand qualities that are
interdependent, and battlefield operations incompatible. Tasks that are complex in in-
where precise carrying out of orders is es- formation-processing demands are obviously
sential, would be most appropriate for ex- best handled by internals. Where the com-
ternals who are more suited for directive su- plexity demands conflict with the need for
pervision. Tasks that require initiative and compliance, one must decide which demand
independent action are more suited for in- is the most cogent and select internals or
ternals, who are in turn best supervised by externals on that basis. If complexity de-
participative supervisors. Situations in which mands are more important, one should select
initiative is needed but a directive supervi- internals, although this may cause problems
sory style is adopted may create demands with compliance. If compliance is more im-
that both internals and externals find incom- portant, externals would be more appropri-
patible. That is, the internal's initiative and ate, although they will probably perform
the external's compliance are necessary, but more poorly than internals. Where compli-
these may be qualities that are not often ance is essential it might be best to simplify
found in the same individual. To summarize, individual jobs, and where complexity must
low initiative-high compliance and high in- occur, participative supervisory practices
itiative-low compliance call for externals should be implemented.
and internals, respectively. High compli- Of course, as discussed previously, there
ance-high initiative situations create con- are considerable methodological limitations
flicting demands. Externals in such situa- to the research summarized here, and these
tions comply but perform poorly where conclusions are tentative. This research is
independent action is essential. Internals, on primarily cross-sectional and correlational
the other hand, are able to perform inde- and suffers from method variance and too
pendently but become frustrated and un- narrow a scope; that is, it ignores other im-
comfortable with compliance demands. portant variables, specifically anxiety. In ad-
These contentions are consistent with re- dition, most of this research has not at-
search in education and psychotherapy. tempted to delineate complex relations
There is evidence, although it is somewhat among forms of behavior, locus of control,
equivocal, that internals prefer and often and other variables, both situational and in-
perform better with participative approaches dividual. Some exceptions were the studies
and externals with directive approaches in that used locus of control as a moderator of
both the classroom (Harpin & Sandier, supervisory style and job satisfaction.
1979; McMillan, 1980) and psychotherapy On the bivariate level, many of the rela-
(Messer & Meinster, 1980; Rostow, 1980). tions described in this article have been well
Another difference between internals and established. What is needed for future re-
externals is their ability to handle complex search are more complex studies that will
information. Internals seem better at col- contribute to a more thorough understand-
lecting and processing information and would ing of these relations. Researchers might do
be better at performing complex tasks. This well to include anxiety in their studies to
tendency is totally independent of intelli- determine its interactive effects, as at-
gence (Phares, 1976), suggesting that per- tempted by Archer (1979b). Furthermore,

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