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© Old School Role Playing 2023

What is Old School Role Playing about?

At Old School we are all about the classic version of role playing games that were
popular in the late 1970s to the early 1980s. You know the games. You played them as kids.
They were far better than many of the later versions that came along. At Old School we bring you
high quality adventures and adventure products for gaming at a reasonable price.

The adventures themselves are well thought out. They have a few puzzles, riddles and
other encounters as well as plenty of monster bashing action. Some have been thoroughly play
tested by other gamers. The goal is to provide you the game master adventures to use on the spur
of the moment when players want to play and you do not have the time to prepare something

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No map is included in this adventure.

Written by Joseph Mohr.

Artwork by various artists as follows:

Cover Page Alien Planet Public Domain

Back Cover Future City Public Domain

While in star port the travelers hear gunfire all around them. Machine gun fire rakes the walls
near them and people frantically begin running in every direction. Soon the sound of gunfire
fades and the sound of troops rushing in to quell the violence can be heard. When the dust settles
there are several dead bodies on the ground. Some are very close to where the travelers were
standing. On the ground near one of the dead star port travelers is a man wearing a black mask
over his head. Presumably this was one of the gunmen. He has a bloody piece of paper in his
hand. It appears to be a list of names. Many of the names have been scratched off. The names of
each of the travelers is also on that list.

Cepheus Engine and Samardan Press are the trademakrs of Jason “Flynn” Kemp and I am not
affiliated with Jason “Flynn” Kemp or Samardan Press.

There is no patron or offer in this scenario. It is strictly up to the travelers to decide if they want
to follow up on this list and find out why their names are on it. They could choose to just move
on to their next destination but they would always be wondering who was out to get them.
Perhaps no one is. But they would never know.

1. Star Port authorities immediate seize the note and the dead body of the gunmen. They are
not into sharing.

2. There are many star port guards in the area once the dust settles who will enforce this
decision and any other draconian measures that they see necessary to enforce the peace.

3. Local authorities will not appreciate hearing that the travelers are investigating this on
their own. They may decide to throw them in a cell until their own investigation is over.

4. All of the attackers are now dead. There are no survivors to speak to or question.

5. Most of the witnesses to the event are also dead or dying.

There are, of course, many possiblities. Who have the travelers angered recently? Have there
been any collateral casualties in previous missions? Are there other jealous travelers who have
been passed up for profitable missions that these travelers have taken? Perhaps the list is some
government list of people suspected of things and not some murder list as it suggests.
Let the dice decide who is behind this list and why:

1. The last patron that the travelers have worked for has decided to double cross them. They
have hired assassins to kill the travelers.

2. Relatives of collateral casualties from some prior mission have hired assassins to kill
anyone they think might be associated with that mission.

3. Some future patron hired these gunmen to test the travelers before hiring them. Since they
survived the attack he will consider them to be worthy of consideration for his mission.

4. The list is actually a list of suspects by the local secret police force. Some of the names on
it belong to the gunmen themselves who are travelers much like the player characters.

5. A rich local hired these assassins to kill the travelers because he believes that they were
involved in the recent death of his son. The travelers were actually not involved in that
mission but he does not believe that.

6. No one is actually trying to kill the travelers. The gunman at the star port was carrying an
invitation list to a party to be given by some important politician.

The local star port has guards and investigators of their own. They immediately grab all of the
people in the star port terminal for questioning about the attack. The lead investigator is a hard
boiled lady who does not take “we were not involved” easily for an answer.

Army Major Rachid Wen 888B65 Age 36

3 terms
Skills: Air/Raft-1, Foil-1, Helicopter-1, Rifle-2, SMG-1, Interrogation-2
Armed with an SMG. Cloth armor.

She will question the travelers about the following issues:

- Did they know any of the gunmen? Or recognize any of them?

- Who are the travelers and what is their business on this world?
- How do the travelers make their livings?
- Have the travelers ever committed any crimes on this world? Do they have a criminal
record on any world in this sector?
- When do the travelers intend to leave this world?
- Is there any reason that someone would want to kill the travelers?
Depending upon which option for who is behind the attack is rolled the GM may need to give
some clues leading to the patron who hired these assassins or to one of the surviving assassins
themselves so that the travelers have someone to follow up with. Some possible clues might

- One of the gunmen who died at the star port is wearing a naval tattoo on his left
arm. The tattoo is that of a screaming eagle with a laser rifle in it’s claws. This
tattoo indicates that this person was a member of the Rysnian Marines Special
Forces Unit Bravo.

- Seven other members of that unit are also present on this world. Computer records
of arrivals on this world will confirm this. Five of these are actually involved with
the assassination team.

- The person who hired these people was not as discreet about it as they thought
they were. Should the travelers make inquiries about people wanting to hire
killers, gunmen, assassins or whatever they might discover his identity on a 8+
(modified by interrogation skills).

- An examination of one of the bullet slugs at the airport will indicate that the bullet
has been modified. This is also a clue that the Rysnian Marines Special Forces
Unit Bravo troops were involved.

- The travelers see one of the star port soldiers remove a dog tag from one of the
bodies at the terminal. The dog tag looks like a marine special forces dog tag.

- At the office of the Lead Investigator the travelers may notice wanted posters on a
wall behind the reception desk. One of those posters resembles the dead gunman
in the terminal. It states that he was once a member of the Rysnian Marines
Special Forces Unit Bravo and is wanted for murder for hire.

- Questioning at local bars or hotels may result in discovery of the location of

members of the Rysnian Marines Special Forces Unit Bravo that are part of the
attack. Two members of the unit are also on the planet and were not involved.

The group is staying at a hotel a few miles from the star port. They will try to hit the travelers
again on a 8+. If they fail on that attempt they will try again on a 10+. If they are tracked they
will defend themselves. If their patron is discovered they will find out about it on a 6+ and then
make an attack on the travelers to protect themselves. They will leave this world in 1D6+2 days.
Star port investigators will discover their identities first and try to capture them on a 10+. This
capture attempt will end in a blood bath on a 8+.

Marine Force Comdr Haruto Weber 638788 Age 36

3 terms
Skills: ATV-2, Admin-1, Cutlass-1, Medical-1, Revolver-2, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1, SMG-3
Combat armor. SMG. Fragmentation grenade. Incendiary grenade.

Marine Captain Ananya Hernández 647678 Age 29

3 terms
Skills: Brawling-1, Cutlass-2, Gambling-1, Revolver-1, Survival-2, SMG-2
Armed with an SMG. Cloth armor. Two fragmentation grenades.

Marine Lieutenant Fang Yang 7A5B9A Age 27

2 terms
Skills: Cutlass-2, Revolver-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1, SMG-2
Armed with an SMG. Cloth armor. Fragmentation grenade. Smoke grenade.

Marine Hiroto García 796998 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Cutlass-1, Electronics-1, Vacc Suit-1, SMG-2
Armed with an SMG. Cloth armor.

Marine Yi Sato 82A947 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: SMG-4
Cloth armor. SMG.

All star port guards are armed with an SMG or rifle (if stated) and wear cloth armor. None have
grenades. All have nasty dispositions and will resent questioning by people not associated with
the star port.

4. Army Lt Colonel Feng Schmidt 89A768 Age 30

3 terms
Skills: Air/Raft-1, Broadsword-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Mechanical-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2, Tactics-1

5. Army Major Wei Kowalski 3A77A6 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Cutlass-1, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Tactics-2

6. Army Captain Omar Esposito B798AA Age 22

1 term
Skills: Electronics-1, Jet-Driven Aircraft-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2, Sword-1
7. Army Colonel Alice Moreau 538988 Age 34
4 terms
Skills: Air/Raft-1, Brawling-1, Electronics-2, Fwd Obsvr-2, Rifle-3, SMG-2
Second in command of the star port security services.

8. Army Captain Luke Cohen 39BA87 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Cudgel-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Leader-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2

9. Army Trooper Ben Khan 657543 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Rifle-2, SMG-1, Tactics-1
Armed with a rifle.

10. Army Trooper Mehmet Katz C648A6 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Rifle-2, Tactics-1
Armed with a rifle.

11. Army Trooper Philip Martin 895483 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Bayonet-1, Mechanical-1, Rifle-1
Armed with a rifle. He is a traitor and informer who will notify the assassin team that the
travelers have been asking questions on a 7+.

12. Army Lieutenant Bruno Evans 655A43 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Rifle-1, SMG-4

13. Army Lieutenant Emily Evans 4A4265 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Electronics-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2

14. Army Trooper Andrew Tamm 586995 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Air/Raft-1, Rifle-1, Tactics-1
Armed with a rifle.

15. Army Trooper Zhen Wagner A92787 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Admin-1, Rifle-2
Armed with a rifle.

16. Army Trooper Nina Chang 589669 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Electronics-2, Gambling-1, Rifle-1, SMG-1
Armed with a rifle.

17. Army Trooper Zoe Bautista 386C78 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Gambling-1, Rifle-1
Armed with a rifle.

18. Army Lieutenant Jack Ma 888656 Age 26

2 terms
Skills: Electronics-1, Mechanical-1, Rifle-2, SMG-2

19. Army Trooper Yan Tamm 799826 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Mechanical-1, Rifle-2
Armed with a rifle.

20. Army Trooper Shu Ivanov B86A83 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Computer-1, Rifle-2
Armed with rifle.

21. Army Trooper Xia Sullivan 679873 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Electronics-1, Rifle-1
Armed with a rifle.

22. Army Captain Victor Ma A38686 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Admin-1, Cudgel-1, Mechanical-1, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Tactics-1

23. Army Lieutenant Oliver Lee 2446C6 Age 22

1 term
Skills: Electronics-1, Rifle-1, SMG-2, Tactics-1

24. Army General Hugo Das 454A7A Age 46

7 terms
Skills: ATV-1, Electronics-1, Fwd Obsvr-1, Gambling-1, Jet-Driven Aircraft-2,
Mechanical-1, Rifle-3, SMG-4, Spear-2, Tactics-1
Commander of the star port security services.
There is no patron to satisfy. There is no payoff at the end but peace of mind. The goal is to find
out who is trying to kill the travelers, if anyone at all is trying to, and then stop them.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of
the Coast, Inc (‘Wizards’).

All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)’Contributors’ means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

High Guard System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Mercenary System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!,
Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy
Collins, and JD Wiker.Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave

T20 - The Traveller’s Handbook Copyright 2002, Quiklink Interactive, Inc. Traveller is a
trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under license.

Traveller System Reference Document Copyright © 2008, Mongoose Publishing.

Traveller is © 2008 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller and related logos, character, names, and
distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Far Future Enterprises unless otherwise noted.
All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.

Cepheus Engine System Reference Document, Copyright © 2016 Samardan Press; Author Jason
"Flynn" Kemp

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