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Are music tribes a thing of the past?

1-like-minded- adjective( to share the same ideas, interests or opinions)

2- music – noun (a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, voices)

3-fans- noun (someone who admires and supports a person, synonyms- lover:,

-verb (to wave a fan)

-idiom (fan the flames)

-phrasal verb (fan out)

4- have been bounding – verb( present perfect continous)( walk or run with leaping
strides) synonyms- jump

5- together- adverb- with or in proximity to another person or people,,, synonyms- with

each other

Adjective- self-confident,,, synonyms- well balanced

6-half- noun: either of two equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be
divided…synonyms- fifty percent of

Adverb- to the extent of half.

7-century- noun: a period of hundred years: synonyms- age

8-way out-adjective: regarded as extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde…..

synonyms- exit, outlet

9- when-adverb: at what time

Conjuction-at or during the time thantrt,,, synonyms- as

10-average- noun-a number expressing the ceal or typical value in a set of data, in
particular the mode… synonyms- medium

-person- noun: human being… synonyms-individual, guy

-formed- verb: past tense of forme… to create


- opinions-noun; a view or judgement based on sth,,, synonyms- thought

-reaction-noun; an action performed experienced in response to a situation or event.


-many- adverb: a large number of,,,, synonyms-very

-young- adjective: junior

-people-noun: human beings…. Synonyms- humans

-who-pronoun: what or which person…. Synonyms-that

-followed- transitive verb, past tense of follow: go or come after… synonyms- attend

-different- adjective: not to be the same… synonyms-another

-very- adverb: in a high degree… synonym- highly

-impressions- noun: an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone


-clothes- noun in plural: the things that you wear… synonym- apparel

-behaviour-noun: the way that you behave.. synonyms- instinct

-General-adjective: not specific or detailed, antonym- special

-wore –transitive verb, past tense of wear: get dressed, synonym- put on


-style- noun: the individual way that someone behaves and does things

Synonym- behavior

-conscious- adjective: knowing about sth.. synonym-awake

-roam around- transitive/intransitive verb: to move or travel with no particular purpose…

synonym- explore

-scooters- noun in plural..a vehicle

-all day- adjective only before nouns: continuing the hole day

-getting off- phrasal verb: get off-getting off-got off-got off

-occasional- adjective only before nouns; happening sometimes, but
not frequently or regularly

- fight- noun: try to prevent sth

-powerful- adjective: physically strong.. synonyms- very strong,

antonym- weak

-grease- transitive verb; to put grease on something to make it work smoothly

-hair-noun; the mass of thin fibres that grows on your head..

-leather- noun: a strong material made of animal skin

-terrorise- transitive verb; to frighten people;; terrorise-terrorises-terrorising-terrorised-


-came across- phrasal verb; to meet someone by chance

- media-noun; means of communication

-new-adjective- new-newer-newest; recently made… synonym- latest

Antonym- old

-associated- transitive verb, past tense of associate

-particular- adjective only before nouns; especially great, synonym- specific

Antonym- ordinary

-always-adverb of frequency,, every time.. antonym-never

-tell-transitive/intransitive verb,, tell-tells-telling-told-told….to give information

-someone-pronoun; refers to a person synonym-somebody

-looking at-phrasal verb transitive:to direct your eyes at someone o sth


-seem- verb intransitive- to appear to be sth

-likely-adjective:probably going to happen

-hold on-phrasal verb of hold: grasp or support something with one's hands. Synonym-
retain……antonym- lose
-tight-adjective: tight; comparative adjective: tighter; superlative
adjective: tightest…..closed firmly; synonym- compact… antonym-loose

-cultural- adjective: cultural relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a

society.,,, synonym- ethnic

-identity-noun: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

- although-conjunction: in spite of the fact that; synonym-even though.

-tribe- noun: a social division in a traditional society… synonym- ethnic group

- looser-comparative adjective: looser not firmly or tightly fixed in place

Antonym- tight

-broader-comparative adjective: having a distance larger than usual from side to side

synonym-wide antonym – narrow

-before-adverb: during the period of time preceding a particular event or time. Synonym-

previous antonym- after

-due –adjective :expected at or planned for at a certain time. Synonym- expected


-probably-adverb: almost certainly;  synonym- likely

-Records-noun: a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, synonym- evidence

-remember- verb: INTRANSITIVE/TRANSITIVE….. to have an image in your mind of

a person, a place, or something that happened or was said in the past—remember-

-agree- transitive/intransitive verb; to have the same opinion as someone else


-believes- verb, TRANSITIVE ; to think that a fact is true.. synonym-trust

Antonym- disbelieve….believes; believing ;believed: believed;

- excitement –noun: a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness. Antonym- boredom,,,


- song- noun: a short poem

- save up- phrasal verb- transitive/intransitive

-openness-noun; lack of restriction; accessibility. Synonym- honesty

-Natural-adjective- not caused by people.. synonym- organic antonym- artificial

-writer-noun; a person who writes .. synonym- author

-observe- transitive verb: to notice synonym- see antonym- overlook

-participate- transitive verb; to take part in sth synonym- join

-pride- noun; a feeling of pleasure when you achieve sth

-statement-noun; announcement synonym- official

-connect- transitive/intransitive verb; to join things synonym-attach antonym- disconect

-Odd- adjective; unusual synonym- strange

- unpopular-adjective; not liked antonym-popular synonym-disliked

-Reject-transitive verb; to refuse synonym-refuse antonym- accept

-Rebellious-adjective: fighting synonym- disobedient antonym- compliant

-perhaps- adverb; express uncertainty synonym-maybe

-well-adverb; in good way

-gigs-noun- public performance synonym-concert

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