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Where are you now in relation to your academic journey towards a

professional life?
Right now, I am currently enrolled as a fourth-year student in BS Psychology. After three years of
studying, we will now take one step further towards professional life as we prepare for our
upcoming internship. We will finally be able to apply the theories and concepts that we have
learned for the past three years. Hopefully, this experience will help us become competent
mental health professionals in the future and help the community for the better good.
2. What do you consider as your greatest fear? Why?
My greatest fear would be the loss of a loved one. This is my greatest fear because I haven’t said
all the things I needed to tell them. Especially during this pandemic, I haven’t spent much time
with most of my friends. This is my greatest fear because I don’t want to regret anything before
it’s too late. It is scary for me to think that there will be things and feelings left unsaid.

3. What does the Bible say about your present situation/fears?

 In Matthew 8:23-27, the scripture talks about relying on God's power. The Disciples believed
and saw some incredible events, but somehow what they had observed and participated in
firsthand did not create in them an ability to trust. We will see this theme tested within
ourselves when the storms of life buffet against us. In our present day, the Covid-19 pandemic is
also like a storm that sweeps us off our feet. But we can sail through the storm with Jesus. Let us
remember: Even when you are following Jesus, you may go through the storms of life. When in a
storm, the best thing to do is to cry out to Jesus. Before Jesus calms the storm in the seas, He
wants to calm the storm in your heart. The storms obey when Jesus says, "Peace, be still. "Storm
travels are faith-building expeditions. 

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