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Table Soldiers

What you will need: 2-4 players, Tape-Measure, about 20 D6 Dice, some form of
TOKEN (Such as coins), an open surface to play on, 2’x4’ is recommended. And finally,
LOTS of 1:32 scale Army men. (Other scales can be used, but 1:32 is recommended)

ASSEMBLING ARMIES: Each player assembles multiple units to form their army
(See unit Composition). Each player should have an identical number of similar units. A
good place to start would be for each player have 5 Solider units, 1 Tank and 4 of the
Soldier units have a special weapon.

SET THE BATTLEFIELD: After deciding where to play, set up terrain. This can be
any household items like boxes or books, sticks and leaves from outside, or terrain from
army men play-sets (Really anything works). Some terrain can be declared “Cover
Terrain” (This must be declared before the game starts). A Soldier unit is in cover when
any Soldier from that unit is within 1” of a piece of cover terrain, and the piece of terrain
is between ALL soldiers in the target unit and the unit shooting at it. After setting terrain,
decide where Deployment Zones will be. Deployment Zones are where each player will
set their units on the battlefield. Some recommendations are within 6” from either table
edge, or anywhere in a quadrant of the battlefield.

PICKING DEPLOYMENT ZONES: Each player rolls One D6 (Ties are re-rolled).
The player with the highest result chooses which deployment zone they want. Then the
other player(s) choose zones in descending order based on their dice rolls.

DEPLOYING ARMIES: In the order of who chose their deployment zones, the players
alternate placing one unit in their deployment zone until all units from all players have
been placed

DECIDING TURN SEQUENCE: After deploying armies, Each player rolls One D6,
with the highest result going first (Ties are re-rolled). Players turn sequence will go in
descending order based on these dice rolls The game will take place over the course of 6
rounds. Place a D6 on the table with the “1” side up to mark it being the first round, this
is the Round-Counter. After the last player finishes their turn on round “6”, the game is
over and a victor is decided.

TURNS and PHASES: When it is a players turn, that player selects 1 unit to activate.
When a unit activates, it acts in 2 phases: MOVEMENT and COMBAT.
MOVEMENT PHASE: In the units movement phase, the unit may move up to 6” in
any direction. The unit may instead choose to perform an ADVANCE. To ADVANCE,
simply move the unit up to 12” in any direction. However, a unit that advances cannot
shoot in the combat phase. If a unit moves Vertically, deduct the height of the terrain
they are climbing from that units overall movement (both up and down). Terrain that is
1” tall or shorter is not deducted from a units movement. Vehicles cannot climb, or end a
movement on top of a 1” piece of terrain. If a unit ends it move in base contact with an
enemy unit, it is considered to have made a CHARGE.

COMBAT: Now is where the unit may either may either SHOOT or fight in MELEE.
-When Shooting, the Soldiers in the active unit fire their weapons at an enemy unit that
is in range of the active unit and has line of sight to.

To determine line of sight and range, Draw an imaginary straight line from the
base of any soldier in the active unit to the base of any soldier in the unit you have
chosen to shoot at. If one or more soldiers do not have bases, measure from the closest
point touching the table/ground. If the line does not pass over any terrain that is taller
than 1”, the Active unit has Line of sight to the enemy unit. If a vehicle is shooting or
being shot at, measure from any point of that vehicles hull. If one soldier in an active
unit can “see” and enemy unit, all soldiers in the same unit can see that unit.
Range is also measured from any soldier in the active unit. Range is unique to
each weapon being used, so check a weapons range before declaring a target. If a target
is father than the weapons range, that weapon cannot be used.
All soldiers in any given unit must shoot at the same target, unless that unit has a soldier
with a special Weapon. That soldier may shoot at a different target.

-When shooting, roll one D6 for each attack that is being made by the soldiers in
the active unit. This is called an “Attack Roll”. For an attack roll to succeed, the result
must be Equal to or greater than the targets defense value. For each successful Attack
Roll, one soldier in the target unit is wounded and removed from the battlefield. The
player who controls that unit decides which soldiers are removed. Subtract 1 from the
result of all attack rolls that target a unit in cover. Vehicles can’t be in cover. When
shooting at an enemy unit that is in base contact with a friendly unit, all failed shots are
re-rolled, targeting the friendly unit. If an active unit is in base contact with an enemy
unit, it must fight in melee instead of shooting.

-When in Melee, roll one D6 for each soldier in your unit that is fighting in
melee. If the unit fighting is a vehicle, it instead makes 4 attack rolls. If this is the same
turn that the active unit performed a CHARGE, without also making an ADVANCE,
add 1 to the results of all melee attack rolls made by that unit this turn. If a unit is
activated while it is in a melee, the unit must either
Fight-Back, or Fall-Back.
>Fight-Back: The unit skips its movement phase and makes 1 Attack-roll for each
soldier in the active unit, targeting the enemy unit they are in melee with. Vehicles
cannot Fight-back.
>Fall-Back: The unit may move up to 12” away from the enemy unit they were in
melee with. This move cannot be used to CHARGE another unit. A unit that performed a
“Fall-Back” is not allowed to shoot. Vehicles that Fall-Back can move as if it were the
movement phase and still shoot in the combat phase, or charge a different enemy unit.

When a unit finishes it’s MOVEMENT and COMBAT Phases, place a token next
to that unit to mark that it has been activated this round. The other/next player then picks
one unit to activate. Player turns occur in the same sequence even between rounds.
When both/all players have activated all units in their armies, the current round is now
over and the next round begins (Adjust the Round Counter accordingly). Remove all
tokens from all activated units from both armies, so those units may be activated again
in the following round
Soldiers: Defense: 4+
Soldier units are made of 5 Soldiers armed with Rifles. One Soldier from each unit may
be equipped with a Special Weapon instead of a rifle. After a unit of soldiers has been
formed, it may be combined with another unit of soldiers to form a single larger unit.
The maximum size for a unit of Soldiers is 10. All soldiers in the same unit must always
remain within 2” of another soldier in the same unit.

Weapons: If a soldier has 2 weapons, they may only use one per activation, if a weapon
has “_” for its Attacks value, do not make any attack rolls. Instead, carry its Ability. All
weapons besides the RIFLE and PISTOL are considered “Special weapons”

-RIFLE: Range: 24”, Attacks: 1.

Abilities: If the target is within 12” of this unit, make 2 attacks with this weapon

-Pistol: Range: 12”, Attacks: 2

-MACHINE-GUN: Range: 24”, Attacks: 2.

Abilities: If the target is within 12” of this unit, make 4 attack rolls with this weapon.

-ROCKET-LAUNCHER: Range: 36”. Attacks: 1.

Abilities: Each time this unit shoots, Choose 1 profile for this weapon to shoot with
-HE: Make 2 additional attack rolls
-AT: Add 2 to the result of this weapons attack roll

-FLAME-THROWER: Range: 18” Attacks: 4

-SNIPER-RIFLE: Range: 48” Attacks: 1 (This soldier also has a PISTOL)

Abilities: Add 1 to the result of the attack roll. You can re-roll this weapons’ attack roll
against an enemy Soldier unit once per activation. (you cannot stack re-rolls)

-Grenade: Range: 6”. Attacks 6. (This Soldier also has a Rifle)

Abilities: If this Soldier is in melee with a vehicle, this soldier makes 6 attack rolls.

-MORTAR: Range: Min: >12”, Max: ∞, Attacks: 1 (This Soldier also has a PISTOL)
Abilities: This soldier can target an enemy unit even if it cannot see it. Subtract 1 from
all attack rolls made by this weapon if the target unit cannot be seen by this unit.
Each time this unit shoots, choose one profile for this weapon to shoot with
HE: make 1 additional attack roll
AT: Add 1 to the result of this weapons attack roll
-Binoculars: Range:_ Attacks:_ (This Soldier also has a Pistol)
Abilities: This soldier may use it’s Binoculars to MARK a target that it has line of sight
to. Place a “marked” token next to the marked unit. While a unit is marked, add 1 to the
result of attacks made by the next friendly unit to shoot at that marked enemy target
(This can be the same unit that marked it). Remove the “marked” token after that unit
has been shot at. Vehicles can be marked, however only a weapon which already adds to
the result of its attack roll can benefit from it. (AT profiles and Sniper Rifle)

-Radio: Range:_ Attacks:_ (This Soldier also has a Rifle)

Ability: If this soldier uses its radio, Add 1 to the result of attack rolls made by a friendly
soldier with a mortar against enemy units that this soldier can see, for the rest of the
Vehicle Units
Vehicle units are made of 1 vehicle (cannot be combined). When a vehicle is destroyed,
it is not removed from the battlefield. Instead leave it where it was destroyed and leave a
token next to it as if has been activated (do not remove it between rounds). That vehicle
is now a piece of COVER TERRAIN. You may notice that some units (like tanks) have
a defense value above 6. This means they can only be wounded by weapons that can add
to the result of an attack roll (such as a weapons AT profile, a Sniper Rifle or fighting in
melee after a CHARGE).

Light Tank: Defense: 7+

Abilities: This vehicle needs to be wounded 3 times to be destroyed. Each weapon this
unit is equipped with may select a different target (but does not have to).
-RIFLE: Range: 24 Attacks: 1
Abilities: If the target is within 12” of this unit, make 2 attacks with this weapon
-ROCKET LAUNCHER: Range: 36”, Attacks: 1
Abilities: Each time this unit shoots, choose one profile to shoot with
HE: Make 2 additional attacks with this weapon
AT: Add 2 to the result of this weapons attack

Medium/Standard Tank: Defense: 7+

Abilities: This vehicle needs to be wounded 4 times in order to be destroyed. Each
weapon this unit is equipped with may select a different target.
-MACHINE-GUN: Range 24”, Attacks: 2.
Abilities: If the target is within 12” of this unit, make 4 attack rolls with this weapon.
-BATTLE CANNON: Range: 36”, Attacks 1.
Abilities: Each time this unit shoots, choose one profile to shoot with
HE: Make 3 additional attack rolls
AT: Add 3 to the result of your attack roll

Heavy Tank: Defense: 7+

Abilities: This vehicle needs to be wounded 6 times to be destroyed. Each weapon this
unit is equipped with may select a different target.
-MACHINE-GUN: Range 24”, Attacks: 2.
Abilities: If the target is within 12” of this unit, make 4 attack rolls with this weapon.
-BATTLE CANNON: Range: 36”, Attacks 1.
Abilities: Each time this unit shoots, choose one profile to shoot with
HE: Make 3 additional attack rolls
AT: Add 3 to the result of your attack roll

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