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Name: Garcia, Lyneth M.

Program: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 4

Date of Involvement: March 8, 2023
Date of Submission: March 13, 2023


I: Learnings
International Women’s Day was celebrated last Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at Rev. Fr.
Tonus Gymnasium. The guest speakers tackled (1) Personality Development, reminding us
how one woman is unique from others, (2) Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights by Mrs.
Elvira Tongson, who taught us how rampant a teenage pregnancy issue is at Region 2, (3)
Mental Health Awareness, pointing that sometimes, it is okay not to be okay, (4) Basic Self-
Defense, and (5) a law regarding RA 9262, teaching us how to defend and protect ourselves
from any danger or violence we may encounter.

II. Personal Reflections, Realizations, and Resolutions

It took us a thousand years to find our place in a patriarchal society because they see us as
weak, a display that needs to be taken care of, low-class people, and not capable of
anything, but here we are, standing firm, being brave and bold to fight for our rights and
place in society that doubted and belittled us. Hence, I thank all the women and men who
have stood with us throughout the years; rest assured that we will continue to fight
because I know deep in my heart that we women should not be caged in a bubble dictated
by the “should” and “should not” of the society. We can be Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers,
Politicians, etc.; a woman can be anything she wants.

III. Documentation


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