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Text 1

Raising Kids O.K. : Transactional Analysis in Human Growth & Development’

Babcock, Dorothy, RN and MS, Keepers, Terry, PhD,

This book applies Transactional Analysis (TA) principles to children, parents, and
families. In the book the authors describe excellent way for parents to learn about
themselves and how they can raise kids to feel “OK”.

The book is organized into 3 parts. The authors begin by making a point to
address the importance of the self-care awareness. They note the importance of
handling your own needs as a parent, then taking care of a child. The authors
then provide detailed information about Psychological Development, including
theories on attachment, trust, and symbiosis from gestation to infancy. The last
discuss ‘Troubleshooting’ section devoted to addressing behavioral issues, grief,
loss, and changes in the family structure.

Here is so much to love about “Raising Kids OK”. Babcock and Keepers did a
fantastic job of providing a comprehensive TA overview that is realistic and
applicable to parenting in all phases. It was written in a way that parents could
comprehend, and that people already familiar with TA would learn from as well.

As someone who is a parent of a young one, I continue to reference this book.

The criticisms to point out may be its age and accessibility. Updating examples,
format and content may help the reader. Supply is generally limited to purchasing
used online. My copy must have been from a library since it was stamped red
with “DISCARD” on the inside cover. Despite that, Raising Kids O.K. is not
leaving my collection any time soon.
(Adapted from Book Review- 'Raising Kids O.K. : Transactional Analysis in Human Growth &
development' (1976) - USATAA)

1. Which of the writer statements is fact?

A. The authors begin by making a point to address the importance of the self-
care awareness
B. Babcock and Keepers did a fantastic job of providing a comprehensive TA
C. It was written in a way that parents could comprehend
D. As someone who is a parent of a young one, I continue to reference this
E. The criticisms to point out may be its age and accessibility.
Text 2

Reading Mary Higgins Clark always reminds me of watching

"Murder She Wrote". The show usually had three plot lines — the standard "rule
of three" — and by the end of the hour it was wrapped neatly like a nice package
with Angela Lansbury tying up the loose ends by solving the case brilliantly.
Through we knew the formula, it never kept us from tuning in, usually for the
sheer pleasure of escape and watching the story unfold.

The three plots in All Through the Night concern a stolen chalice, a missing baby
and a will which seems to be fraudulent. To solve the mystery, she revives her
beloved characters Alvirah and Willy Meehan — the former cleaning woman and
plumber who won the lottery and left their life in Jackson Heights, Queens for
an apartment on Central Park. Like Angela Lansbury,
the two of them have fun along the way solving the puzzle.

The pace is swift and the story is a pure escape — totally fun Mary Higgins Clark.
I admit however, that I am still trying to conjure up what the melody of the song.
"All 'Through the Night" sounds like. This holiday season, put a side your chores
and curl up on the couch with "All Through the Night. When you close it you will
be relaxed and more ready to enjoy the festivities. And then you might just want
to tuck a copy into someone's stocking or gift bag, as well.

2. Who is the writer of the book "All Through the Night?"

A. Alvirah
B. Willy Meehan
C. Angel Lansbury
D. Jackson Heights
E. Mary Higgins Clark

3. By reading 'All Through The Night', you will feel ...

A. sad
B. happy
C. angry
D. deceitful
E. annoyed

4. "The pace is swift and the story is a pure escape ..." (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word means ...
A. struggle
B. imagination
C. easy story
D. suspense
E. way out

Text 3

A Beautiful Mind is a biographical movie about John Forbes Nash Junior,

mathematical genius with hard fate. At the beginning of his career he has made
enormous contribution in the field of Game Theory, which was a revolution in this
mathematical area and almost brought international fame to the author. The
movie was filmed in 2001 by Ron Howard and today it is called modern classics:
a true drama, making you think and evoking emotions.

Such movies, which tell us about the life of a famous person, are always difficult
to assess, because any such creations somehow pretend to be biographical
ones. But in fact they are just a glance of one particular producer on the life of
another individual. Of course, much depends on the actor who will perform the
role of the protagonist and after watching A beautiful Mind I will agree with this
once again.

5. The text is mainly about ….

A. a historical film of John Forbes Nash Junior
B. a biography of John Forbes Nash Junior
C. a review of A Beautiful Mind
D. a movie of A Beautiful Mind
E. a true drama

6. Why does A Beautiful Mind belong to modern classics?

A.It tells the fiction.
B.It tells someone’s real life.
C.It plays the protagonist role.
D.It makes us agree with the story.
E.It influences on our minds and feelings.

7. The word ‘evoking’ in writing ‘… making you think and evoking emotions…’
in paragraph 1 has similar meaning with ….

8. What is the motive of the writer to present the passage?

A.To recommend to the readers to watch the movie
B.To persuade the readers that the movie is real
C.To evoke the readers’ mind and emotions
D.To describe what happens in the story
E.To give an appreciation on the movie

Text 4

Reality-shows are a very popular form of entertain of TV nowadays. There are

dozens of different types of programs such as singing contests, cooking
competitions or going to live in the jungle.

Firstly, I think that there is a lot of variety in reality TV. People at home can
choose which types of programs they want to watch depending on what they are
interested in. Some people like watching singing or cooking competitions while
others prefer watching programs about building houses or travelling around the
world. In addition, reality TV programs are a great opportunity to discover
talented singers, dancer or chefs.

On the other hand, some people think that reality TV is an easy way for them to
become famous. However, most successful singers, actors or chefs have worked
hard all their lives and are good at their job because of their hard work. Also,
sometimes the people on the shows have to do really difficult or dangerous
things. The competitions are very hard and there is only one winner. Another
disadvantage is that, some programs always follow the same format and this can
be boring to watch.

To sum up, I think that reality TV is good entertainment. There is lots of variety
which means there is something for everyone and they are interesting to watch.
9. Which evidence does the writer give to back up the statement about the
drawback of reality TV?
A. It creates new job fields
B. Reality TV shows normal people
C. A few programs continuously take after the same arrange
D. People on the shows really enjoy their jobs
E. Reality shows are always the same

10. According to the text, which program does not belong to reality TV shows?
A. Singing audition
B. Detective series
C. Travelling around the world
D. Car restoration and customization
E. Competition to survive in remote island

11. The purpose of the text is to ….

A. Present different opinions on reality TV show
B. Explain the way to develop reality TV show
C. Describe the progress of reality TV show
D. Show the need of change of reality TV show
E. Persuade readers to ban reality TV show

Text 5

In today’s world we find ourselves communicating more and more through online
channels such as messaging, social media and video calls, often at the expense
of face-to-face dialogue. There are certain situations where online
communication is unavoidable but others where we opt for virtual over real-life
conversation. So, we have to ask ourselves: is online communication preferable
in our modern society?

To begin with, one of the main arguments in favor of online communication is that
it opens up the possibility of communicating with people in different places
around the globe. This has considerable benefits in the workplace as meetings
can take place via videoconferencing between Stockholm, San Francisco and
Shanghai without the need for time-consuming, exhausting, long-haul business
trips. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for long-distance families and friends
to keep in touch on a daily basis. Another point is that written online
communication gives the option of responding either immediately or at a time that
suits as well as allowing us to edit and polish our message.

On the other hand, there are several significant drawbacks to over-reliance on

online communication. Some experts are concerned that a lack of face-to-face
interaction impedes the development of vital social skills such as empathizing
and reacting to situations in real time. Also, the very nature of conversation is
different in the virtual world. If short snippets of dialogue embellished with
emoticons replace longer stretches of direct conversation with emotions
expressed on real faces, we’re running the risk of losing the art of real

On balance, I believe that online communication brings an overall advantage in

today’s fast-paced, global society. However, we should take care not to overlook
the benefits of engaging in face-to-face dialogue
(Adapted from

12. Which evidence does the writer give to back up the statement about the
downside of online communication?
A.It makes people tend to be lack of empathy
B.It breaks the physical boundary
C.It is helpful in 24/7 working and availability
D.It facilitates long distance families to keep in touch daily
E.It provides real time respond

13. According to the text, which tool does not belong to online communication?
A.Chat room
C.Video conferencing
D.Voice over IP
E.Direct Meeting

14. The purpose of the text is to …

A. present the pros cons of online communication

B. explain the way to develop online communication
C. describe the progress of online communication
D. tell the need of change of online communication
E. persuade readers to prefer online communication

Text 6

Nowadays, online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. Many

traditional universities started to share their courses online for free. It represents
an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge in almost every field.
With basically an Internet connection, courses can be delivered by optimizing
visual, audio- or audio-visual aids. But what are the advantages and
disadvantages of online learning?

Online learning proves to be a great alternative to achieve knowledge. Students

have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It boosts the
level of self-motivation. Students can finish their homework quickly, and there is
more time left for hobbies or for finding a job. An access to all resources of a
traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the
freedom to choose the time for study. Among the advantages of online
learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.

Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn
how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to
compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students
will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.
Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with
thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be
difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of

classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the
personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a
group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.

15. Which evidence does the writer give to back up the statement about the
negative sides of online learning?

A. It boosts the level of self-motivation

B. It fails to provide good human interaction.
C. It gives opportunity for students to have part time job
D. It makes the students possible to learn everywhere
E. It trains the student to manage their time

16. According to the text, which teaching aid does not match to online learning?
A. Digital flashcard
B. Video conferencing
C. Interactive whiteboard
D. Voice Message
E. Actual object

17. The purpose of the text is to …

A. present the different opinion on online learning
B. explain the way to develop online learning
C. describe the progress of online learning
D. tell the need of change of online learning
E. persuade readers to prefer online learning

Text 7

As you may already know blended learning or “hybrid learning” represents a

learning model that combines both formal (traditional classroom) and non-formal
(online courses) methodologies. But the reference that I prefer is that blended
learning represents a model that integrates technology to boost learning and
deliver business impact. First, let’s talk about benefits!

With blended learning, you can improve training costs and ROI. Forget about
missing courses, traveling costs or taking time off work for constant trainings.
You can easily combine classroom trainings with pre-registered courses. You
can also organize a live-training online so your learners will be up to date with

Everybody can be on the same page before even starting the in-class training.
Send them reading materials, videos and pre-course questionnaires so they can
come prepared.

The combination of multimedia and instructional designing makes the perfect

recipe for a rich learning experience. What’s most important? Learners can go
back to the courses whenever they want so they can deliver great results over
Your learners can be constantly connected to your content. They can even
download courses so they can access them without internet access if necessary.

It’s suggested to implement this blended learning or hybrid learning

in the teaching learning process in the pandemic era because it gives
great benefits for teachers and also students.


18. The topic of the text above is ….

A. The disadvantages of blended learning
B. The bad impacts of hybrid learning
C. The drawbacks of hybrid learning
D. The weakness of hybrid learning
E. The positives of hybrid learning

19. The synonym of the word ‘boost’ in the sentence ‘… integrates technology
to boost learning and deliver business impact.’ is ….
A. minimize
B. decrease
C. increase
D. reduce
E. limit

20. Why is it called hybrid learning?

A. It blends teaching learning process in the pandemic era.
B. It associates between formal and non-formal learning.
C. It uses technology and also traditional methods.
D. It is a combination of formal and informal.
E. It is mixture between two methodologies.

21. The writer’s purpose is ….

A. To explain what blended learning is
B. To describe how to do hybrid learning
C. To present point of view about blended learning
D. To tell why we should conduct the hybrid learning
E. To persuade the drawbacks of the both methodologies
Text 8

The Coronavirus disease spread like fire, and millions of cases have been

reported worldwide, and thousands have died. So, many countries around the
globe ordered lockdown to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, which caused
significant economic fallout. But in fact this pandemic has positive hidden

This pandemic enforced the cancellation or postponement of multiple events,

which leads to a reduction in travelling and subsequently there were fewer
vehicles on the road, which leads to a decrease in air and water pollution.

Road traffic accidents and crime rate had come down suddenly. Due to

lockdown, there was a reduction in transportation and industrial activity which
allowed Mother Nature to recharge and replenish.

Due to lockdown, people spent quality time with their family, fulfilled

their hobbies, learnt many new skills and understood the importance
of sanitation, hand hygiene and social distancing. 

This pandemic is a lesson for us to learn many new things. This crisis revealed
that there is a need to improve our healthcare system and clinical researches.

Although this pandemic gives some good impacts, we have to be careful on this
pandemic because this pandemic also has bad impacts on our life.


22. The text above is about ….

A. The negative effects of Coronavirus
B. The positive effects of Coronavirus
C. The negative effects of pandemic
D. The positive effects of pandemic
E. The effects of Coronavirus

23. The word ‘revealed’ in the sentence ‘This crisis revealed that there is a
need to improve our healthcare system and clinical researches.’ has similar
meaning with ….
A. showed
B. meant
C. stated
D. said
E. told

24. What does the writer warn?

A. The good impact
B. The hidden impact
C. The positive impact
D. The negative impact
E. The positive and negative impact

25. What is the writer’s intention?

A. To explain what the hidden impact of pandemic is
B. To describe how to overcome impact of pandemic
C. To present some positive impacts of pandemic
D. To tell why it is called the hidden impact of pandemic
E. To persuade the bad impacts of pandemic for our life

Text 9

Implementing Health Protocols in the midst of Pandemic People are starting to

abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the
pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the
health protocols? The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the
health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet.

In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health
protocols such as wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These
days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are tired of being restricted for
months in this pandemic.

However, this phenomenon cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health

protocols. It is because there is no cure yet which to combat the ferocity of the
coronavirus. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health protocols
so that we can break the chain of virus spread.

In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us

to wear mask since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus.

Therefore, we need to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus

for the good of ourselves and others. To overcome fatigue in the midst of a
pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people closest to us so that we
do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to
viruses, so it is important to always implement health protocols, especially when
we leave the house.


26. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The phenomenon in the pandemic
B. How to implement the health protocols
C. The reason of obeying the health protocols
D. The suggestion to obey the health protocols
E. Implementing the health protocols in the midst of pandemic

27. The meaning of the word ‘ferocity’ in the sentence ‘there is no cure yet
which to combat the ferocity of the coronavirus’ is ….
A. outbreak
B. epidemic
C. violence
D. strength
E. spread

28. Why we should implement the health protocols?

A. To break the chain of virus spread
B. To continue the outbreak of virus
C. To protect the coronavirus
D. To obey the instruction
E. To be fit
29. What is the purpose of the writer?
A. To explain what the health protocol is
B. To describe how to do health protocol
C. To present point of view about health protocols
D. To tell why we should implement health protocols
E. To persuade the importance of stopping the midst of pandemic

Text 10
An E-card is an electronic postcard or greeting card, with the primary difference
being that it is created using digital media instead of paper or other traditional
materials. E-cards are made available many different ways, usually on
various Internet sites. They can be sent to a recipient virtually, usually via e-
mail or an instant messaging service.
Since e-cards are digital ‘content’, the cards are highly editable, which is allowing
them to be extensively personalized by the sender. They are also capable of
presenting animated gifts or video.
Typically, an E-card sender chooses from an on-line catalog of E-cards made
available on a publisher's web site. After the sender selects a card, the sender
can personalize the card to various degrees by adding a message, photo, or
video. Finally, the sender specifies the recipient's e-mail address and the website
delivers an e-mail message to the recipient on behalf of the sender.

30. Why is it called E-card?

A. It makes from paper.
B. It uses digital media.
C. It is published in social media.
D. It can be found in Internet sites.
E. It is created from other materials.

31. The word ‘recipient’ in ‘They can be sent to a recipient virtually…’ has
similar meaning with ….
A. sender
B. receiver
C. presenter
D. dispatcher
E. correspondent

32. What is the benefit if we use E-card?

A. Senders are unable to present the animated videos.
B. Senders are incapable of editing the cards.
C. Senders are able to increase applications.
D. Senders are able to personalize the cards.
E. Senders are uneasy to edit the cards.

Text 11

Electronic money (e-money) is broadly defined as an electronic store of monetary

value on a technical device that may be widely used for making payments to
entities other than the e-money issuer. The device acts as a prepaid bearer
instrument which does not necessarily involve bank accounts in transactions.

E-money products can be hardware-based or software-based, depending on the

technology used to store the monetary value.

In the case of hardware-based products, the purchasing power resides in a

personal physical device, such as a chip card, with hardware-based security
features. Monetary values are typically transferred by means of device readers
that do not need real-time network connectivity to a remote server.

Software-based products employ specialized software that functions on common

personal devices such as personal computers or tablets. To enable the transfer
of monetary values, the personal device typically needs to establish an online
connection with a remote server that controls the use of the purchasing power.
Schemes mixing both hardware and software-based features also exist.


33. What don’t you need when you use e-money in transaction?
A. personal device
B. bank account
C. computers
D. chip card
E. tablets
34. The similar meaning of the word ‘establish’ in the sentence ‘… the personal
device typically needs to establish an online connection …’ is ….
A. switch on
B. make up
C. turn on
D. set up
E. in on

35. What do you need when you use hardware-based products and software-
based product in transaction?
A. Internet access
B. personal device
C. remote server
D. bank account
E. network

Text 12
An electric car or battery electric car is an automobile that is propelled by one or
more electric motors, using energy stored in batteries. Compared to internal
combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, electric cars are quieter, have no exhaust
emissions, and lower emissions overall. In the United States and the European
Union, as of 2020, the total cost of ownership of recent electric vehicles is
cheaper than that of equivalent ICE cars, due to lower fueling and maintenance
costs. Charging an electric car can be done at a variety of charging stations;
these charging stations can be installed in both houses and public areas.
Out of all cars sold in 2020, 4.6% were plug-in electric, and by the end of that
year there were more than 10 million plug-in electric cars on the world's roads,
according the International Energy Agency. Despite rapid growth, only about 1%
of cars on the world's roads were fully electric and plug-in hybrid cars by the end
of 2020. Many countries have established government incentives for plug-in
electric vehicles, tax credits, subsidies, and other non-monetary incentives while
several countries have legislated to phase-out sales of fossil fuel cars, to
reduce air pollution and limit climate change.

36. The advantage of the electric car is ….

A. high emission
B. inexpensive
C. more sound
D. portable
E. precious

37. The word ‘phase-out’ in ‘…while several countries have legislated to phase-
out sales of fossil fuel cars…’ means ….
A. continue
B. carry on
C. keep
D. stop
E. last
38. What is the bad impact of the fossil fuel cars?
A. It cuts some problems of pollution.
B. It makes climate change worst.
C. It minimizes climate change.
D. It stabilizes climate change.
E. It decreases air pollution.

Text 13

A drone is an unmanned aircraft. Drones are more formally known as

unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems. Essentially, a
drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly autonomously using
software-controlled flight plans in its embedded systems, that work in conjunction
with onboard sensors and a global positioning system (GPS).
UAVs were most often associated with the military. They were initially used
for anti-aircraft target practice, intelligence gathering and, more controversially,
as weapons platforms. Drones are now also used in a range of civilian roles,
including search and rescue, surveillance, traffic monitoring, weather monitoring,
firefighting , personal use , drone-based photography, videography, agriculture,
and delivery services
Drones have two basic functions: flight mode and navigation. To fly, drones
must have a power source, such as battery or fuel. They also have rotors,
propellers and a frame. The frame of a drone is typically made of a lightweight,
composite material to reduce weight and increase manoeuvrability. Drones
require a controller, which lets the operator use remote controls to launch,
navigate and land the aircraft. Controllers communicate with the drone using
radio waves, such as Wi-Fi.
Drones have a large number of components, including electronic speed
controllers, which control a motor's speed and direction; flight controller; GPS
module; battery; antenna; receiver; cameras; sensors, including ultrasonic
sensors and collision avoidance sensors; accelerometer, which measures speed;
and altimeter, which measures altitude.

39. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain how to make a drone.
B. To tell the readers about kinds of drones.
C. To present information about drones.
D. To describe drones components.
E. To present the advantages in having drones.

40. What is the topic of the last paragraph?

A. Drones definition
B. The function of drones
C. How to operate drones
D. Drones components.
E. Drones advantages

41. According to the text, what is the main thing to have to fly drones?
A. Frame
B. Rotors
C. Remote control
D. Battery
E. Cameras

42. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by …

A. describing drones components.
B. explaining how to fly drones
C. describing drones usage
D. presenting drones requirements
E. stating what drones are.

Text 14
William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon Avon, in England. His
father, John, was a glove-maker. His mother, Mary, was a farmer’s daughter. He
had two older sisters, two younger sisters and three younger brothers.

William probably studied Latin, Greek and history, and left school when he was
14 or 15. Three years later he married Anne Hathaway. They had a daughter
called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet. Sometime before 1590 he
left Stratford and went to London, the capital city of England.

Shakespeare worked in London as an actor and then started writing plays too. In
1593 the plague, a terrible disease, killed thousands of people and theatres were
closed. During this time William started to write poems instead of plays. His short
poems are called sonnets.

Shakespeare wrote comedies with happy endings, like A Midsummer Night’s

Dream. He wrote tragedies which had sad endings, like Romeo and Juliet. His
history plays are about kings and queens, like Henry V. Shakespeare wrote 38
plays, maybe more. He loved language and invented new words and expressions
that we still use today.

William died when he was 52 on 23 April 1616. His plays and poetry were very
popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today. People all over the world
love his work because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people.

43. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Shakespeare came from artist family.
B. Shakespeare was an actor, writer and also a poet.
C. Shakespeare was the only son that his parents had.
D. Shakespeare’s collection plays were called sonnets.
E. Shakespeare wrote comedies and tragedies with no ending.

44. What happened in Shakespeare’s life before 1593?

A. He began to be a writer.
B. He got a terrible illness.
C. He finished his study.
D. His family was rich.
E. He was as a poet.

45. The paragraph 3 tells about ….

A. Shakespeare’s childhood
B. Shakespeare’s artworks
C. Shakespeare’s family
D. Shakespeare’s study
E. Shakespeare’s jobs

46. The stories that he wrote are wonderful _____ people around the world
love his works.
A. therefore
B. because
C. although
D. and
E. so

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