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Mobile Phones

A mobile phone is a small portable device which is used to communicate all over

the world without wires. The first mobile phone was invented by Martin Copper in 1973.

Advantages of Mobile Phones

You are always connected to your family and friends with the help of mobile.
Today’s children are very fond of cartoons, games and other entertaining
materials. Wants to go office early in the morning but you are always late, Alarm is the
best solution for this problem. There are a lot of learning applications for students on
mobile phone.

Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

Time is money and money is time. Don’t waste your time because of mobile
phones, don’t use it much, save your time and spent it on good ways. Use of mobile every
time is kept far from your friends, family and other relatives. Other biggest disadvantages
for students have very high loss of their studies because of using the mobile phones. It
may cause of your death, some peoples use it during driving, which may cause of

If we use mobile phone wisely it is very beneficial for us. It can be very harmful if
anyone uses mobile phone for entertainment and wastage of time.

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