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Throughout the years humanity has known numerous changes in terms of how children are taken care

of, which nowadays has become a hotly debated subject. Although professional institutions might
appear to be the solution to the problem, I hold the opinion that parents are the only ones who can look
after of their youngsters properly.
Firstly, besides financial support, children need moral support in order to thrive. Actually, without
parents’ congratulations and compliments, a youngster will never fully develop. Even though these
factors may come from the exterior as well, they will never have the same impact as when they are said
by parents. Therefore, a healthy upbringing would only be provided by patents.

Moreover, special treatment undertaken by children when growing up with parents is of vital
importance. In other words, a child matters the most in the eyes of his parents. Namely, should a
youngster tell a teacher that he wants something, the teacher might take the demand into consideration
or not. On the other side, the parent would instantly react and do whatever it takes to please the

In contrast, some people may be under the misapprehension that a pre-school will help the child to be
more independent. However, it is important we understood that before being individualistic, one should
receive the right amount of love and affection, which would only happen with the help of parents.

In conclusion, due to the ethical support, the real care and the true love, I believe that parents should be
the only ones to look after their offsprings.

Part 2

Report On The Biology Course

1. Introduction

As commissioned by The College Principal, the main purpose of this report is to provide an insight

into the Biology Course organized by our college. The following information, collected from

interviews with parents, students and teachers, offers an account of what is available and also

makes recommendations for further improvement.

2. Positive Aspects

Firstly, the biology course is based on hands on learning, as it provides students with cutting-edge

technology and a well-equipped lab, in which experiments happen. Moreover, teachers are truly

experienced and know exactly how to introduce new concepts to learners. That is why this course is

considered so professional.

3. Drawbacks

In contrast, one of the flaws the course has is the remote location where it takes place. As many

students complained, Iosif Cocea Street is considered too far from the center of the city and is quite

hard to be reached. Also, some learners hold the opinion that the timing is bad, due to the fact that

students are usually too tired after school to take one more class.

4. Suggestions
Moreover, I believe that the afore mentioned issues require us to rapidly intervene as they

continue bothering students which is why I suggest that choosing another location and

reconsidering the time at which the course begins should be done in order to to suit everyone’s


5. Conclusions

The conclusion to be drawn from these facts is that the biology course is often taken by numerous

people and given the inconveniences caused by location and time, we need to act fast in order to

solve these problems. Should my recommendations be taken into consideration, I am positive that

the situation will definitely improve in the forthcoming months.

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